Play FGO
Play FGO
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I want to cream the banana
Give me 1 (ONE) good reason to play a gacha of a series I'm not interested in that isn't MUH WAIFUS.
I already am
fuck off back to /vg/, retard
But it looks like a shitty hentai game made in flash
Ibaraki is the superior onihole
More like Feet Grand Order
My wife
Why would anyone actually "play" a "game" that exists just for porn?
Kill yourself
Fuck off liam you nigger
you'll kill yourself before him though, tranny
Who's liam?
I legitimately don't see the point in playing a series that's only good for porn
I've got a friend who constantly sends me messages about FGO and at this point I just don't have the heart to tell him that I really don't fucking care
As long as limpdicks in japan keep feeding the franchise and I get my lewds, I'm happy.
That's like asking for a good reason to watch porn that isn't jerking off
fuck off, dipshit
you have an entire board for your lootbox simulators, go back to it
I do play it.
just post banana
Games are made to be played, they need good gameplay for this purpose. Porn is only for jacking off.
The gacha sub-genre is all about "MUH WAIFUS", removing them from the equation is the same as removing jerking off from watching porn.
Also >Games are made to be played, they need good gameplay for this purpose.
Is an incredibly incorrect statement.
>The gacha sub-genre is all about "MUH WAIFUS"
There isn't a single gacha that's a good game?
>an incredibly incorrect statement.
It's really not, the only other thing a game might have is story and with just that, you may as well watch it online.
>There isn't a single gacha that's a good game?
No. Nearly every one is just "log in, auto-battle this stage, auto-battle that stage, collect daily rewards". F/GO is a bit unique in not allowing you to auto-battle, but that isn't exactly high praise. At least you can speed up NP animations now.
Some gacha games start off fairly good, with a fun gameplay loop and/or interesting story to get you interested. However, every single one inevitably ends up returning to the daily grind loop precisely because it's the only content which can be extended indefinitely, and every single one of these games require you to be playing every day.
>the only other thing a game might have is story
Not quite. There is interactivity which plays a unique role in digital entertainment. You simply can't have a movie where dialogue changes or early decisions impact character interactions later, due to the linear method of the movie. You can't easily do it in a Let's Play either, at least not easily.
I'd also mention that there are games where the gameplay itself is rather simple or easy, but applying it in the game provides a challenge and makes the game enjoyable. Most puzzle games are like this, even ones where the gameplay is just dragging lines or clicking on pictures, but the challenge the game provides is the enjoyment.
holy shit
how mad can you get at wordfilters?
I just quit playing it. You're not going to trick me again.
>No. Nearly every one is just "log in, auto-battle this stage, auto-battle that stage, collect daily rewards".
>there are games where the gameplay itself is rather simple or easy...
Wouldn't that make one a good game then?
>You simply can't have a movie where dialogue changes or early decisions impact character interactions later, due to the linear method of the movie.
I honestly haven't seen very many games do this to begin with.
>play game
>try to get one servant
>blow all my quartz
>get nothing
>stop playing entirely
>come to dislike the game as a whole
>character getting a re-run
>fine, hell, why not
>get NP2
>now compelled to play again just to max them out and finish grailing projects
I'm not sure if I would've been happier with not getting them the second time or not.
>Wouldn't that make one a good game then?
Um, no? A game with simple, easy gameplay doesn't automatically make it good. A game can have simple, easy gameplay and still be good, but that's not what makes the game good.
If you meant to quote a different part of my message (perhaps the bit about F/GO not having auto-battle) then no, that would not make the game good. The problem is that the game asks (practically requires, really) that you log in daily and complete mundane, repetitive, time-consuming tasks. Removing auto-battle just means you need to do these tasks manually, not that you aren't still doing them. So it's still time consuming and boring, it's just now a time consuming boring activity which you need to directly participate in, rather than hit one button and let your phone do it for you.
>I honestly haven't seen very many games do this to begin with.
I'll be honest, not many do. They probably should, though. Part of the problem is when a game that's 25+ hours long, having something you do in the first hour matter in the last hour feels more like a gotcha than anything. Shorter games that have more impact on the story would be better than exceptionally long, boring ones.
I'd say Suikoden 5 had this to some extend, as I remember that some stuff you do during the game influences how bits of the end play out.
Fgo took my friends for like 2 years. Fuck your gay video"game"
>If you meant to quote a different part of my message
I meant the part about challenging application.
>The problem is that the game asks (practically requires, really) that you log in daily and complete mundane, repetitive, time-consuming tasks.
In my experience, they require less and less time as you play more to the point that you can easily afford not to log in daily, although I admit I haven't played very many gachas.
>I'll be honest, not many do. They probably should, though.
I feel like there's a lot more you can do if you're going to look at games as interactive media and if normal games have a hard time executing this, then it isn't necessarily fair to hold a gacha to such a high standard.
>then it isn't necessarily fair to hold a gacha to such a high standard
I was more pointing out that you can do more with a video game than just gameplay quality and a straight linear story. You could easily do a branching story (and many games do) which is very hard with a gacha, given how they are designed to work.
>you can easily afford not to log in daily
The problem here is that, unless you have nearly everything and/or just don't care about getting new stuff, you still want to be logging in daily to get the premium currency to keep trying to acquire new things. Premium currency slows down quite a bit as you get further into the game, since most of these games give "free" currency by clearing the story, or even with making an account, and that free early currently doesn't come back. So the first large roll will be early and with a lot of currency, but it takes time doing dailies to get that back.
And it takes exponentially longer if you aren't doing it daily.
I'll agree that gachas are inherently flawed by design, but I still feel like the game behind all the grinding bullshit is important to judge toward whether one is good or bad.
I'm not of the opinion that "good for a gacha" makes a game necessarily good. A good game needs to be good on its own, not just a good pile of shit next to a lot worse piles of shit. If your goal is just to waste time then there are vastly better options out there even than gacha.
When the king of the trash heap is still worse than any other option, it's time to just leave the genre alone.
No. Cute banana though.
You facecucks don't get it. Your game is fucking awful and I'm not even interested in the franchise to even justify putting up with it. Your reasons for playing the game are fan content I can easily access to without investing my time on it. In fact, there are several good Fate doujins which is why I still appreciate you retards are keeping that boat afloat.
>I'm not of the opinion that "good for a gacha" makes a game necessarily good.
I meant that the underlying game may good enough to make it worth going through the bullshit aspects. I would've stopped playing a long time ago if the only fun part was summoning.
You are not getting it dude. Playing the gatcha or whatever enhance the fan content/hentai/doujins and so on.
Fatecucks, I mean.
To add on the previous post, you guys have several great girl designs trapped in an absolute trashpile of a "game" but thanks to fan art, I can appreciate them without having to bother with it.
I you don't like the thread, just use filters holy shit
Feet Grand Odour
I don't need to play the game to fap to the fanart though.
If you don't like having your threads pruned, just go back to your board holy shit
Not a video game. Remove gacha shit from the board.
It is a videogame just a rally shitty one
Murder yourself you fucking waste of space normalfag.
Gacha roaches are lower than normalfags.
I can't fathom the appeal to gacha other then loli porn which I can just get from the panda instead of wasting my life rolling what is essentially slots
5% is a hook and 95% is a compulsion once you're in. But surely, you already have ALL these waifus. Don't you want to level them all up and at least try them out before you quit for good?
F/GO managed to attach itself to the lore side of the Fate franchise, so a lot of us are fucked in that regard. It's either get your favorites and play for the story bits, or be forever left in the dark about parts of some favorite characters personality. And you don't really know if they actually have meaningful character development or just fluff until you actually get the character and do those interludes/events.
Can't you just youtube all that shit though?
>NeroFest tomorrow
Can't wait for Apple to fuck up releasing the patch again so we get a day's worth of free quartz like last year
For me, it's Nobukatsu.
desu this is scarily convincing
however I'm already emotionally invested in the meguca gacha
Abby is going to be censored anyways and she doesn't have a swimsuit in-game, so you're safe.
Maybe, but it's hard to tell which events involve which characters and how relevant they are without being in the game, or I guess without just watching every video of every event. Which would get fairly tedious. Also, you get to poke your waifu in Your Room and hear voice lines.
Don't judge me.
Who's the artist?
No. I'm done. I quit being a footfag
is it wrong to fall in love with a oni and want to marry that oni?
Nah, I will play Granblue instead.
>spark hoping for Anthuria or Alex
>instead get the summer characters I already sparked
Fuck off
If it is Ibaraki, then yes.
At least she's decent in the game.
Oni girls are best girls.
>We literally just got an interlude about Chloe molesting a group of lolis with dialogue options encouraging her to do it
>Jack has been in the game for years and was never censored
>the game is literally full of lewd lolis, none of which have been censored
>t-they're gonna censor Abby though!
Did you seriously spark before looking what characters were available to pick?
LOL thats on you motherfucker.
I'm waiting for a better banner for brown dragon waifu.
So apparently Abby's shit meta wise, but is she still popular character wise? Or does noone care about the eldritch Loli anymore?
There's nothing wrong with it. Shuten's great, but Ibaraki's the better choice. Just waiting for her summer version.
>Don't judge me.
You really shouldn't care about that, Yea Forums already considers gacha players fit to be catalogued in the 'mentally disabled' category.
I already play Azur Lane thanks. I can spend money on lewd skins instead of pulls because my game doesn't have gambler abuse in it :)
can i play it on pc?
I prefer Shuten but both oni are pretty great
technically but I wouldnt trust any of the android emulators
Technically yes, but they regularly put out updates with break emulators so it depends on if you're fine with randomly being unable to participate for weeks at a time.
i only play fgo for mommy
what's the game like
what's the cunny like
who is that supposed to be? Nobukatsu?
Yeah, the flaming ponytail gives it away. Otherwise he just looks like his sister.
Do you like eldritch ghost cunny?
Do you like demon cunny?
Do you like witch cunny?
Do you like physical manifestation of a concept cunny?
Do you like lumberjack cunny?
You seem knowledgeable on the subject. Tell me, why does she wear the banana?
The story......Yes I’m fucking serious.
Man, I fucking love Nobbu
>what's the game like
Select team of five characters + guest from other players. Three fight at a time. Each character has five "cards" and these together make a fifteen card "deck". You draw five cards and select three to use each turn. The cards chosen determine which characters attack with which attacks.
You can use skills before selecting the attacks, giving buffs or defense options and so on. Skills are on a cooldown. Then the enemy gets three attacks to use, although using skills for them counts as one "attack".
Overall, you're going to be getting EXP cards to level up servants. Then materials to upgrade them, then leveling them up more, repeat to max level. You're also gathering materials to upgrade skills. Gacha gives you extra copies of the characters, merge multiple characters to increase their Noble Phantasm damage. (only point of merging characters)
>what's the cunny like
Nursery Rhyme, Jack, Abigail, Chloe, Wu, Shuten, Ibaraki, (arguably) Helena, probably some others I'm forgetting. Go ahead and look them up.
uh mommy cunny?
does anyone have a full compilation of these pictures?
artist is Naturalton, just search for him
Dokkan has the better waifus anyway. FGO sucks my wiener.
banoni hahaha
Only when they remove the gacha and gameplay and retranslate the earlier parts
I need a whole bunch of gems, so Umu Fest is coming at a good time.
>remove the gacha and gameplay
so just a mobile vn with no real choices that's poorly written 70% of the time?
>money pit spinoff of a spinoff of a spinoff of a spinoff of a spinoff of a porn VN
How the hell are Fatefags so easily addicted to it? I refuse to play gacha in any form.
tfw pulled illya months ago
feels good
wanted swimsuit helena or swimsuit nero really fucking bad and didn't get either though
did get swimsuit saber (archer) though, so I'm happy
>spending money
don't do this
really, no gacha even comes close to having prices that I can even rationalize to myself as being worth paying
I don't recall the earlier parts being that poorly translated. I mean, Septum isn't going to be good regardless of how you handle the translation.
I wouldn't mind playing the game if it removed the gacha completely and had an actual progression curve to it. That might be a bit much to ask for, but it could be nice starting off with just Mash/Cu Caster/random and slowly building up your characters and army, as opposed to the current "just roll orbs for everyone and hope you got Merlin this time".
considering their track record, I really don't think they're going to censor Abby
does both na and jp have this problem?
Nobu(s) are hot
She's a Foreigner, so she'll always have a niche, at least. Telling Berserkers to fuck off, is always a useful option to have, and an Arts deck also lets her mesh with lots of teams just fine.
Characterwise, she's decently popular, but the fanart has trickled down a bit, cause of people jumping onto the newest hot waifu.
>really, no gacha even comes close to having prices that I can even rationalize to myself as being worth paying
This, holy shit. I mean, apparently their current pricing scheme works, cause they're making BONKERS money, but 80 bucks, for a measly 5 10 spins? What the actual fuck? I swear it would be way easier to get people to be willing to toss in 20 or 30 bucks for their waifu, if the prices were halfway reasonable.
i want to be her candy
Nobbu is gorgeous and deserves more love.
I wish a cute anime girl would put her smelly bare feet on me like that!
Better than saberface tuberculosis
>try to play it
>refuses to start up
>look at the error
>it's apparently because my tablet is a rooted chink phone
>would have to go through the whole process of un-rooting and re-rooting it to get past it
Yeah, fuck them. If they don't want my money they can keep it that way.
Okita is love too. Dont be a cunt.
I've seen some events and parts that interest me but I'm not gonna waste my time with gacha elements if I can just get my fix from the other stuff attached to Fate (namely Extra/Extella, Apocrypha, and Case Files). It's not like they couldn't rewrite the game to fit better as a visual novel, or just a kinetic novel.
Shut up, Okita. Aren't you happy enough that you got a swimsuit?
That outfit is gaudy, Banana yellow bikini Nightingale is mega cum material in comparison.
>playing anything from the Extra series
You silly fuck.
>rooting your phone
stop being a edgy hacker kid
thanks doc, but i think 3 doses might be too much
I'd take Hakunon and Nero over Shirou and Saber any day
Thats because you clearly suffer from servere brain damage.
Yes. To be fair it doesn't happen all that regularly, but you'll probably be out for awhile when it does. They seem to really prefer poking the eyes of emulator players with F/GO, moreso than other mobile games.
You called?
Her banana bikini is better.
Who'll be genderbent next in the next lostbelts?
I'll admit i do like it too and I wish it was also drawn by redrop.
Oops forgot.
Hitler or Genghis Khan
What's the best android emulator for fgo specifically
>Genghis Khan
Ushiwakamaru is already in the game and gender bent, you're a little late
>Banana bright bikini
>Big bursting chest
I want to fuck this lifeguard, post more.
Nah I'd rather fap to the porn
>Hassan of the Cursed Arm
Gets me every time.
Japs can't draw hands.
Look at most anime hands, all of them put the two middle fingers apart so the four fingers come in pairs.
Whoa what the fuck
Takeuchi cant draw way more than just hands
I feel like Hitler getting summonable as a loli isn't too far off
He can't keep getting away with it
Literally OBSESSED
don't be fooled guys, there is 0 gameplay in FGO. gacha elsewhere.
Oh god my maid alter has it too. She's infected.
It's a lot better than most Gacha. At least there is decision making, not just jackhammering skills till they come off cooldown, and/or waiting for the autobattle.
Not that it's /good/ still, but.
Cute oni.
>posting all these same images in every thread
Takeuchi LITERALLY lives rent free in your head.
Takeuchi literally lives in your head rent free
>approaching an oni in heat
do you have a death wish?
I'll die happily knowing that my seed's in her.
So Geronimo is the worst Servant, right?
user these are just super common /fgog/ images.
Jesus christ, how do people defend this?
Holy shit you have bad taste.
Ligma balls
supposedly, it makes more sense for them to jack the prices up and target people who will regularly blow hundreds and hundreds to get the characters they want
but seriously, literally none of these F2P mobile games have anything approaching normal person pricing
Every artist is incredibly lazy with FGO mostly due to Takeuchi being an art director who never actually does his job.
Is it true that the artist wanted to redraw her but got denied?
Yeah, I get that, but still every time I look at the prices, I just can't shake that feeling of "These prices are fucking bonkers, it would make way more sense if you like halved them", even though I know it gets them the fat Whale bucks, which is where the money is.
Which servant has the cutest feet?
Loli Hitler needs to happen, and won't.
It was never confirmed but it seems likely. On his twitter he posted that he wanted to get it fixed, but he never followed up on it, so either he just didn't bother or he got denied.
Since the only good thing about FGO is the mountains of porn it's created, which Fate character have you fapped to the most? For me it's definitely Jeanne.
where's her massive dick?
Shuten. More specifically, the doujin where she becomes a milf and raikou becomies a loli.
Eyebrows are sexy
>We aren't allowed to discuss Fornite, a actual video game with actual gameplay but now FGO and waifu cellphone gatcha shit is acceptable by modern Yea Forums standards
Fuck this fucking bird, just fap to the PNGs and the doujins for fucking free
Scheherazade, Nightingale, and Abby
artoria armpits
when’s her next banner? 2022?
I wanna cum to stupid sexy gatcha girls, maybe if I do I enough I'll become stupid enough to play one
January 2021 I think
By not being a secondary and knowing Takeuchi has his templates which he has barely ever deviated from.
Nah man
Just gotta nut at the lewds in SadPanda
Been fapping to Artoria since 2006 mate. FGO has given me some excellent new Artoria stuff, as well as copious amounts of Artoria Alter and a new twist in MHXX who I have probably spilled it to most in recent times.
In terms of just FGO stuff though, anything with Gudako getting railed is nice and Mordred stuff is also great
barefoot_sandals is the best tag
Collar bones > Armpits
Are most of the FGP characters FGO exclusive of do they come from VNs like Stay/Night?
I love booty!
G-go on
they are almost all exclusives
especially after they went full nipwank
damn,thats even better!
Made for Raikou cock
I'm saving for Jack! Her next big rate up is in November! I'll only try a handful of tickets on the Assassin class-based rate up, since that actually has a lower chance of getting Jack specifically, then after that I'll wait!
I love Jack!
that's not real booty
post the unedited one loser.
>raikou cock
That would be illegal.
I might need a couple more...
If you haven't grailed and 10/10/10'd your banana can you really even call yourself a true master.
Now you got me going, its starting to leak
Perfectly built for sturdy dragon cock
Alright user you win I'm at my limit
fuuuck,thick booty really is the best
tonight, bro. tonight. then, we'll wring nero for all of her prizes.
I just cant get enough though im getting real close now
This is your Assassin for the night.
I want to Wu her Zetian.
Take your time.
Post more MOMMY!
I see cunny
its getting real hard to hold it in right now
>She wouldn't come home
I'm in tears.
desu i wanna cum inside da vinci
I'm going to head pat her
>tried to get her
>feels awful that i'm stuck with just carmilla for another 2 years
>get Jack via random ticket
i'll take it, but i really wanted to get wu and jack.
jesus i just want to blast all over these bootys
Serious question: what do Ibaraki's feet smell/taste like?
mmmm ass
Is there any better source for cunny than the Fate franchise?
she walks around barefoot so probably dirt.
It makes the porn more nejoyable when you kinda knew more about the one being raped, and since rates are shit, you kinda get atached to the few good waifus you have
I'm in a similar boat except I have NP3 Jack.
>last character I want doesn't come out until next year
>just slowly building up QP until then
Life is a gag.
life is a clown and we're its joke
Imagine if Abby, Jack and Kirk were your daighters
touhou is considerable
i love mommy!
Reminder you should openly laugh at people who play NA for being the actual unironic cucks of the English server location
>2 years behind the main server, JP
>deliberately giving away less rewards in order to cash in more from ironic weebs
>deliberately halting giveaways campaigns because of "licensing issues"
>deliberately slowing down events schedule to be able to leech off a burger anime convention and have the game shilled there
>anniversary 'cake'
>mediocre if not straight up terrible mismanagement
>meme and incorrect translation in order to appeal to ironic weebs
>SJWs literally managing the game
>the director for the NA server is a LITERAL SEAnigger
Just play the JP version. Don't let yourself be blinded by these threads and their NA players patting themselves on the back and cieclejerking each other to reassure their choice by being validated by others.
JP is the way to go, bros.
>actual care for the community
>quartz giveaways 24/7 just for playing the game
>new actual content
>game is being updated for older servants
>updated rates, meaning you are less likely to be "spooked" (getting an off-rate character from the summon)
And that's it. No other issue or anything or the sorts.
Just your gacha waifu-collecting game, plain and simple.
So, why aren't YOU playing on JP, user?
I play both.
>wanting a gangraped used goods whore
fuck off
get your own board
You know why
haha yea u said it dude
I just left NA, and planing to left JP, anyone wants my jp account? i just can't stand the grinding
who doesn't?
Wait for EoD, the thinking man's Fate.
no you dont understand, i REALLY love mommy!
really really? how much?
>shuten thread
Whoah, hey guys.
mommy makes me feel so good down there that i would do anything for her!
Is that another Saberface I see?
I just want to give her all the grails, bro... She deserved better.
>girls getting excited when you accidentally call them mom
I fucking wish
No amount of grails is going to repair her prolapsed hymen
AP recharging and Nerofest is in a few hours.
I will say this, fuck Nerofest for basically banning Double Merlin
anything? what if she told you not to summon for any girls but her?
as long as i get rewarded i wouldnt mind summoning only her!
What the shit is this lameass account?
eat cheese bitch
Do i need the fox shit to play art? Got tired of unga boga
cute and devoted, you should just save alll of your sq for momma only
I wish I at least got the CE Miyu. 90 SQ as well.
Go away.
>those fucking load times
I've played since day one but I barely do anything but log in nowadays. If I want to spend my AP just quickly doing some doors or hands, it's gonna take twenty goddamn minutes with all the loading.
>tfw have >130 gold apples
I'm tempted to just uninstall at this point.
120 billion yen for this summer
Imagine being angry enough to take actual TIME and ENERGY to make this
you can have it all mommy, just dont stop making me feel so good!
I thought it was only me, this fucking game takes forever to load I might as well play fucking epic7 since that shit is almost instantaneous
Punished Saber, Empire of Dirt is a fangame btw.
And yet it seriously makes TM look lazy.
As someone who only has the fox and failed every attempt to get waver or merlin, you WILL get tired of arts super fast
She's still a good character regardless, bro, and deserves those grails.
Once they add horse mechanics I will
Do you live in Africa or something? Shit take only 2 seconds in Oz
I respect your dedication to your flawed waifu.
what platforms? where can i download it?
Apparently the loading is almost instant on apple products.
I play both
you mean Red Hare? he's already in the Jap servers
It is still in development.
PC only obviously, release sites are up to debate.
Where is AL and girl flopline?
>want abby cunny
Just give chen fucking gong already so it'll make my life easier