Remnant: From the Ashes

Is this game worth buying?

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Not for full price, nah.

Just wait for Code Vein and Borderlands 3. Worth maybe $20 on sale.

Maybe when it drops in price. Shilled super hard for the week leading to and of it's release.

just another dark souls clone

I sure do wonder why every thread for this game uses the same image and same post.

I've been having a lot of fun with it.
Solo for your first run is fun to get a hang of the mechanics. Coop is where the most fun is had though.
Story is lackluster, I didn't really pay any attention to it.
People kept telling me it was a "Dark souls" game or whatever, but all I can really take away from that is the bonfire meme and the fogwalls. But the gunplay is good, and the enviroments are pretty. So I recommend

Attached: Remnant From the Ashes Screenshot 2019.08.28 - (1920x1080, 3.13M)

>resident evil with randomly generated maps, bosses that change each playhtrough and elements from dark souls like limited heals and checkpoints/bonfires
If you arent interested then dont buy it, wait for a sale and to see where they go with it. The biggest and most damaging issue with the game is there simply isnt enough content, they have said they will be adding more, they said the new gamemmode will be free, but this doesnt mean all the other content will also be free, and the idea of having to pay for more maps and gear in a dungeon crawler is fucking stupid given how little there is in the base game.

As much as I liked the game I cant recommend it, wait for it to come down in price a bit and when it has a few updates that add more stuff to the game.

If you're a Soulsborne fan? No.

If you're a normal person, it depends on how much you like third person shooters with RPG elements and randomly generated dungeons .
I'm only a few hours on it and I'm enjoying it a lot.
If you don't like co-op you can play solo; I like solo better but co-op is fun too.

30 hours in and I'm still having fun.

I just wish there was more armours and builds to try.
>everyone is using the armour that increases the first shot after a reload with sniper rifles and crossbows
Its fucking lame when things like this happens, Ive found more fun making a crit build with ex cultist set that keeps recharing my mod power so I can spam those flying skulls all day, its really boring when you stick to the meta because the single fire weapons and abilities that support them are just boring
>one is a damage buff
>the other is increased increase crit chance
>or the person is using the crossbow thats mod is a single massive attack and just spamming it
Theyre all just passives, they need more shit like the blink ability and the armour that lets you spec around the flamethrower, things that are actually fun to play.

I was running crit/summoner for a while and it was fun. I managed to bag the tommy gun and now I use that with the bandit set and the fireball mod, and a revolver with the turret summon for unlimited DAKKA

You can tell the devs that if you want. They're surprisingly active on their Discord. I mentioned in the lore channel that the world-hopping hunt for Ford reminded me of Atrus and Myst and one of them responded within like an hour.

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Did you have any trouble with the save file on steam? That's what is holding me from purchasing it.

I've had no issues whatsoever since launch.
I heard people say there were corruption problems, but thats easily solved by letting your saves be uploaded to the cloud, or making a copy of the folder onto your desktop.

got it yesterday, downloaded while i was at work, and spent the entire evening playing it. I like it a lot. On second area and am currently debating with myself whether to take out the doggoes or shoot the master or leave them alone.

Loadout is sniper, starting hammer and the flame uzi(revolver when against specific assholes in area 2)

I have had two CTD's about 5 hours in, but I'm now up to 40 and have had no problems.

Playing through this a second time made me realize that the entire structure of the game is based on how the Chalice Dungeons work in Bloodborne.

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Not for the full price but by the time price drops online would be dead

Are the devs going to keep updating the game based on player feedback or are we stuck with the game how it is? Considering buying it if they improve some things

Meh it is fairly good. Not amazing and the mechanics can be bullshit instead of truly challenging. Also if you like Fashionsouls this is not for you since there is not a lot of armor skins.

can i have a rundown of what chalice dungeons are buddy? I dont have a ps4 so i havnt played Bloodborne

Yeah its fun, def got my 40 worth. Its got some souls similarities but they are more like homages really. Best played co op with 1 other person. I play with my gf, she wouldnt touch a souls game ever but she really likes remnant.

No matter what I say the updates that add new gear are most likely not going to be free, Im not paying more in increments to make the game good. I liked it but Im not about to start buying DLC packs to keep playing it, its not THAT good. Like imagine the effect it will have on multiplayer, playing with people who dont have the DLC wont be able to join players who have it, splitting the playerbase of an already small playerbase that will only get smaller if it isnt free.

Itd be great if it was some constantly updated game like Warframe or Destiny, but I just dont see it.

>People kept telling me it was a "Dark souls" game or whatever, but all I can really take away from that is the bonfire meme and the fogwalls.
I mean, there's a LOT of similarities other than that
>melee system is identical but without parries/blocking/backstabs
>backstep/roll dodging with iframes feels almost identical, different weight classes turn it into fatrolling
>Every boss gives a unique drop that you can either turn into currency or make into a piece of gear/spell, and there's a unique upgrade material to upgrade that category
>Limited healing item that replenishes upon respawning the area and can be upgraded over the course of the game from a mysterious woman hanging out in your hub world
>lore is told through item descriptions

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Maybe they add dungeon dlc that non owners can join but cant receive any of the loot from(the ones unique to the dlc) and if they complete an area they earn a bonus from the base game?

Okay sure, there are a few. I wasn't really paying too much attention to it as I was having fun. I see no issue with it though, as I guess it's a familiar style people are used to, maybe makes it a bit easier for retards to follow
>melee system is identical
I don't think this is true though, is it? I haven't done much melee in game desu

They've confirmed the new game mode that goes for pure dungeon crawling is going to be free, and there will be more balance changes.
They talk about new items/bosses/quests/locations all together, so I'd expect paid DLC is going to be like Dark Souls. It all comes as classic expansion packs to the game.

It's okay. If you're a soulsborne fan it's gonna be really lacking in things that you love in it. However the base experience still has the spine of a soulsborne, so if you get some mates and play coop together I'm sure it would actually be way better than how I played.

Wasn't meant as a criticism. I like the Souls series. I just think the similarities ARE there.
>I don't think this is true though, is it? I haven't done much melee in game desu
It certainly feels like it. There's unique attacks for attacking right out of sprints and backsteps, the hitboxes are really tight, all the melee weapons have unique movesets, the combo timing is similar, and you can hold down for unique attacks with effects like AoE or multi-hit strikes.

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Melee not having stamina is a huge point against your "being the same" thing.

Chalice Dungeons in BB were generated extra content, and they'd be structures like:

>pre-dungeon side area
>main area
>pre-boss side area
>find level in main area that opens door to boss
>kill boss, proceed to next layer

Some dungeons would not have the pre-boss or pre-dungeons side area, and the main area would always have side rooms without the lever to explore, usually with materials and consumables, sometimes with good loot (like Gems for weapons which was the purpose of the dungeons)

This game seems to be structured similarly, though with said "dungeons" not being so similar and repetitive.
You do get semi-randomly generated area, but you'd always have the main area that leads up to a boss, which will have a side dungeons or side area somewhere to explore, with either mats for upgrades or a good amulet/ring

Hope that makes sense.

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How do I beat him?

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True; hadn't considered that. That is a major difference in the melee combat.

Just him in the head, destroy orbs, dodge past him.

Theyre just randomly generated dungeons, the difference here is that the "dungeons" in this are large open areas with different biomes and not just narrow corridors and small rooms, the random generation here generates an actual open map and mini dungeons within it.

The game Deep Down was going to be exactly like this in that its randomly generated and you dungeon crawl for loot, but with obvious gameplay differences.

What did Capcom end up doing with that game?

go check out the general. Youll get better information there

Thats kindof the problem, the base game has nothing to work towards once you have all the equipment, and it really wasnt hard to get said equipment, I appreciate a game like this without grinding, but it also means that I now have nothing to work towards. What kind of stuff could they give that wouldnt make players want to just quit out when they are in someones long ass crawl because the reward isnt worth it.

Clear his ads first, he spends most of the time doing literally nothing.
One of the easiest bosses for me personally.
When he comes to chop you up just don't dodge backwards like a fag.

No games are worth buying

No games are worth playing

I pirated it. It is pretty fun, I've enjoyed most of the boss fights I've come across so far.

As someone who was extremely underleveled and took like 50 tries before mastering it, here was my strategy.
>Hunting Pistol with Mantle of Thorns
>Hunting Rifle with Fire Ammo
Oh wow, you've almost got exactly that setup in your pic. Nice.
>begin by staying on the stairs and killing each Vyr guard with the pistol. One headshot should kill them, or 2 bodyshots if you're upgraded enough.
>right as they go down, King should bring out his first turrets. Kill both of them with the pistol while moving laterally to them. They shoot right at your current location, so even if you're aiming, moving side to side will keep you safe.
>from here, let loose on King's head with the Rifle, switching to Pistol to eliminate any turrets or guards he brings out.
>when he draws the swords, activate Mantle
>you can get massive DPS on him if he advances on your with the swords before jumping. I could typically put a whole Rifle magazine on his head in this time. Use fire shot to augment the damage here
>when he goes to regen, rifle all the monkeys first, refill on ammo, then pistol his head; super easy shots
Beyond that it's just practice, learning to keep moving when the turrets are up, and managing RNG on adds

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if it is your first playthrough you need to understand that as a world boss he is auto scaled to +10 values. If all else fails use a crutch like rattleweed or double summons if you got lucky enough for that

You can't be under leveled in this game.
the game's enemies scales with equipment levels.
In other words you were just bad at the game.

You can be.
World bosses have a minimum level, which is the reason you would level your gear, since if you just keep going with +0 gear the entire game you'll get slaughtered by the main bosses

>You can't be under leveled in this game. the game's enemies scales with equipment levels.
Only non-bosses. King has a minimum level he can't go under.
The game explicitly told me I was undergeared for it even with my highest gear.

If you like 3rd person shooters,yes.

If not, wait until its on sale for less than $30.

Shelved it, it was going to be F2P but the overwhelmingly positive response it got from the jap players of the beta made them reconsider and withdraw it to make it an actual game and not just a squatted out tech demo, it could actually make them money. There was the problem, they were restructuring the game so it was more like a retail game, and ran out of money mid development, they renew the IP every time it runs out, but noone is actually working on it.

The sad thing is the game was playable and in beta phase in its F2P build. For all we know the changes the made couldve been for the worse too, well never know.

According the jap presentations and players it sounds something like Let it Die or Warframe, where you pick a "suit" that is you abilities, your weapons, modifications, gear to take and you pick a map, then when you start in you are generated a random instance based on the biome you chose in which there is a boss and you have to defeat the boss to leave with all you have acquired. In the videos the apartment looking first person parts is the hub, something akin to Warframes personal ship or Let it Dies central station, or Remnants Ward 13, where you upgrade gear and select what you want to do etc.

so the game is only like 10 hours long?

How did you all do with Singe the first time?

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The game is okay. I wanted an actual skill tree to use your talent points in rather than your baseball cards. Shooting is solid but they could've added more animations (like taking cover and blind shooting) I only use sliding to open crates quickly. Plus spamming to pickup currency is tedious

If you want to see credits, yea, something close to that. The ideas it to run dungeons and find gear though, the bosses are randomly generated and give different rewards, not just finish it like its narrative driven. As others have said, this is all well and good but the game desperately needs more maps and gear to find.

cheesed him with the turret mod with my buddy, we had about 6 turrets after the first 5 minutes and sustained them

But I had Ent, and I destroyed him.

Terribly, till I started using the assault rifle. I love the flamethrower it rewards you with and I wish there was some armour that capitalized on its use.

Honestly, got him on my first try. Him and Claviger are the only two so far that's happened on. Both great bosses. The gimmick was clear from the beginning and I was well-equipped for it.
Fought Singe at extreme range with the Sniper Rifle so his fire stream was never an issue, and the balls are easy to dodge. He'd probably be much harder for shotgun users.

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If you play on Normal, only do the minimum content, yeah. But you can only get about half the bosses/mods/weapons per run if you're lucky. So it's hardly experiencing everything the game has.

Where the fuck is Barbus? Fucker won't spawn on Earth.

It looks super generic with boring gameplay. I don't understand all the positive steam reviews.

Don't knock it till you try it user, pirate it if you have to. But consider giving money to just this game if you like it.

Easy. His pattern is basic shit and all he really has are adds and oil pools in a large arena.

I thought this about Dragons Dogma till I actually played it, some games just dont play well for viewers, they are better actually in hand. Pirate it or something if you dont want to buy it, its an example of taking the Souls formula and doing something different with it, where something like Lords of the Fallen is taking it and just doing the exact same thing as Souls games but doing it badly.

It's really satisfying to play, doesn't really translate while simply watching

It has a strong core gameplay loop. shootan/rollan is fun.
Like a cross between Gears of War and Dead Space.

It really is. Don't listen to marketer speak that keeps nudging you to spend money while pretending to care. Levels go on for too long and are repetitive because of procedural generation. It's idea of difficulty and for the most part the only unique thing about it is spawning adds behind you.

It looks fun. I might pirate. What is the online exactly? Is it like invasions?

12 hours in, normal mode, no invasion so far but good co-op content. Don't like the random public rooms though, I got spoiled with a boss thanks to that, I wasn't even there storywise.

You can drop into other players' games and play with them. You share all loot, I think but make no story progression if you're not the host. Certain perks/spells/gear works for others and the game is clearly designed around Co-Op.
Friendly fire is on for everyone; players and enemies.

The entire game was designed and balanced around co-op, fight and dungeon crawling is generally more fun in co-op, though some encounters can get a bit frustrating solo but easily doable.
No invasion, you just get locked into someone else's campaign and progress theirs, or have someone join you and progress yours

Kite around like Leon and kill adds and shoot the boss in the face. Every single fucking boss encounter in this game is exactly the same.

There's also the, you know, countless nods to the Souls genre throughout the game.

Such as?

is playing on hard solo not recommended or something? im at the start of the game in a sewer with the hunter and my fucking rifle isnt strong enough to kill the epic naruto blade man or pew pew turtle even though its upgraded to +5

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>It's idea of difficulty and for the most part the only unique thing about it is spawning adds behind you.
this retard wants bosses without any minions. that simply doesn't work when there's guns and movement involved moron

All non-boss sections should spawn in relation to your average highest gear level. Either you've got higher gear than +5 that's scaling it higher. How many times are you shooting them? Those two should take at least 12 body shots with the HR around those stats.
I'm on solo hard and it's been fine for me. Only thing that really had me was Undying King, but I was severely underleveled.

>borderlands 3
>Buying randy Child molester pitchfords epic store exclusive.

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nothing else i have is upgraded. the turtle especially is impossible to kill it melts me in seconds and my rifle only tickles it

what happens if i reroll the world? do enemies start from level 1 or are they scaled to my level right from the start?

You will always generate levels based on your highest average gear level+1
So if your highest piece of gear in each slot is, for example
Then your average gear level is +3, so the level will generate accomodating for +4 gear.
If you have a +5 Rifle and +0 everything else, I guess the level of the dungeon is +2?
So you're overgeared in terms of Primary offense and undergeared for everything else.
The devs explained it on the subreddit -
Basically I guess you should just take the difficulty down. At the very least you're wearing upgraded light armor; you shouldn't be trading damage with special enemies. Kill the turtle when he's reloading; he's a tankyboi.