>Beg to be called "them", like you haven't been identified and no one knows what you are
Why to trannies play themselves like this?
It's literally nothing but watch Yea Forums get mad as fuck.
All I ask is that the 500th person to post replies to me. Please.
Why the fuck did you bump this dying thread then you fucking faggot
Thank god I never bought this game.
I don't get the body type shit. I thought trannies wanted to pass and look feminine so why would they pick a male body in a game and call it a woman.
Guess i'm buying this game now, love it when these Alt shitters seethe.
It looks like you gotta go to a sub-menu in order to make the swap. That's not in your face, which I appreciate. That's a good and tasteful implementation.
Same here.
Shovel Knight has overstayed it's welcome. The devs are so pretentious they think he should have a cameo in every single new game
>wow that’s really woke and hip!
its like manlets
manlets wish they were 6' but they'll get furious if anyone pokes fun at midgets
because the people who want this stuff aren't actually trannies
this isn't real right?
There's no way such a stupid fucking thing would be worth adding this late.
If it's real, then it's 100% a pathetic attempt to cash in on LGBT retards now that the game doesn't sell anymore
Ikr?! It triggers the fuck out of me! This is gonna be the downfall of the white race!
>body types
Well is shovel girl at least cute?
eh who gives a fuck
it's more options
doesn't take anything away
Good for them?
Who really cares so long as it doesnt change gameplay.
Why not "IT"?
oh god not freedom, anything but that
>Why not Pennywise?
The one benefit to this entire thing is that you can make everyone a woman and Shovel Knight a man so that it becomes a harem anime.
I'm actually going to refuse to buy it now. I really liked the game when it came out, so I guess I'll have to pirate.
>they /them
how's your schizophrenia going?
>single being
>plural pronouns
Literal madness. Even if it is common slang, using they or them for a single object is not accepted as proper English, and reads poorly.
So is this to needlessly pick a fight for marketing reasons? Or what's the deal here, because we all know this is silly and stupid. So it's mostly to pick a fight isn't it or to "virtue signal" and get new sales I imagine.
The thing with crap like this is, no one thinks of shit like this unless they think it makes them money somehow.
trannies are disgusting and validating their religion is bad but it's still a good game.
>2 body types
really makes one ponder
More proof that once again, right wingers have contributed nothing of value to video games, while leftists actually make all the games
you have that right as a consumer, but i still think it's completely retarded. like how can you legitimately live like this, getting mad at everything
that's such an odd thing to put in a game, especially one that's been out for so long
more importantly though, when will they be fucking done with shovel knight? they're still updating the game, making expansions, a new mobile tier game with nitrome of all people and a brawler? what the fuck?
The real question is why devote even a modicum of time to it. Just seems like a waste when they still haven't fulfilled all their kickstarter promises.
I don't care if a game claims to be inclusive. I care if the game claims to make it self comfortable for everyone. That is something I will not ever stand for.
It's a fucking gender swap mode who gives a shit. You know, that thing they said was going to in the game on the Kickstarter page? Why should I give a fuck about this?
>make shield knight a she but enchantress a he
>at the end of the game the enchanter is purified from his evil transgenderism and turns back into your waifu
based and, dare i say it, redpilled?
>Thank god I never bought this game.
>They think he should have a cameo in every single new game
Have the devs themselves talked about it or intentionally pushed for anything like that? All I can think of is his appearances with Nicalis, which is because they're a fucking scam company who want to cash in on a popular game.
Why stop at LGBTQDULHSMHWTIHOH? All sexual pleasures should be represented! Furries, pedophiles, necrophiles, foot fetishers, adult babies, shit eaters, animal crushers, the list goes on! Like the LGBTQUDSNNDSIOPDDCH, our only defining trait is what we want to fuck, and the concept of identifying with a character that, *gasp* ISN'T A FAGGOT is unfathomable. Yeah, they've had rights for years now, and the only places that don't are 3rd world terrorist ridden shitholes. Yeah, their whole movement's purpose is "equality". But fuck that (no pun intended). The heteros are inferior, they must bow to the faggots. They must worship the troons. By the 2070s, hoping that we aren't dead from global warming by then, every government should be run like Orwell's 1984, but with fags.
Life isn't enjoyable anymore.
"Hey are you and they hungry?"
"How can they and you come with me for a second?"
Find a grammatically correct word, you do this and I'll finally accept you.
ban wojack faggots
It takes virtually no effort to reprogram the pronouns to include one more
I'm unironically "not mad, just disappointed."
I think it's retarded how you can live like this, assuming that everyone who disagrees with you is angry.
Probably because it's done with the sole purpose of making people angry, that people get angry.
seems simple enough. they already have the script stuff formatted for interchangeable names, they just added a third variable and gave it a button.
>this isn't real right?
>There's no way such a stupid fucking thing would be worth adding this late.
>If it's real, then it's 100% a pathetic attempt to cash in on LGBT retards now that the game doesn't sell anymore
Man, Shovel Knight fans are quite the lefties aren't they? Who woulda thought?
Shovel Knight? More like Shovelin' SHIT!
Wouldn't it be easier to say "you"? I mean, these people want me to refer to them (2nd person) as "they" when the correct way is "you" if I use 3rd person "they" aren't usually part of the conversation so why should anyone care about extra pronouns?
i thought trannies wanted to be the other gender but they’re for some reason going for a mysterious third
How much you wanna bet someone in that company us gonna get MeToo'd in the near future?
“Bash the fash by forcing normality of extreme mental illness!”
you don't even know what pretentious means
The right can't make games.
Well yeah, it's easy just to have a short array of strings that hold the pronouns and an int value that's used as an index when it's called. That's why I said "even a modicum," since it is the smallest amount of effort. It's just that, on principle, they took the time to whip it up and put it on a pedestal when they have much more important things to be busy with.
This is going to be such a fucking weird era of human history to look back on
I seen some tranny online the other day with "it/it's"
>>single being
>>plural pronouns
>Literal madness. Even if it is common slang, using they or them for a single object is not accepted as proper English, and reads poorly.
This is just kinda stupid. Why put in the small effort it took to implement this irrelevant shit? Is it just for good boy points from Twitter trannies and their friends?
I can't know for sure but there's a big chance that was a parody/false flag account
>I thought trannies wanted to pass and look feminine
Those rare few who can, do. Quietly. The rest just want as much fucking attention as possible.
Regardless, they should all be gassed.
shit redditbot, there are better edits
go dilate
let's get this shit thread to bump limit
More like US history. This is US thing that affect entire media.
>reach american dream age
>so boring
>start creating problems, genders and other shit out of boredom
Is this the same autist who makes those anti wow classic threads?
fair point, i didn't know what modicum meant, lol, though didn't they already say that the update stuff is finished, and that they're just waiting for the physical stuff to be ready before they put it out?
I need this gendershit to wrap up soon but most anti-trans people online have no fucking clue how to meaningfully combat their ideology and just lob the same tired jokes and insults at them over and over
It's become a much more complicated issue than just "you must be a mentally ill faggot"
The gender swap mode was a feature promised in the kickstarter 5 years ago. The actual news right now the the pronoun. Just informing you so you don't look stupid the next time you post. The gender swap mode was always coming and everyone who followed the game knew this
Group of them.
Teaching young people from other countries to speak wrong English.
That sounds like the logic of a mentally ill faggot to me
You can use They in a singular way
>>The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay.
>all those options
All this does is show exactly how silly it all is. Like imagine having to fill all this out when doing any paperwork.
I mean it is a retarded inclusion but this in no way stops the game from being good.
>options are bad!
that's because they'll be the first to kill themselves
It's a stupid retro platform game, how is that important ?
Calm down pus puss.
>Teaching young people from other countries to speak wrong English.
It's a social phenomenon by this point. It's a signal of sorts. Consider the fact that you can find numerous examples of FtM or MtF transgenders across the entire political spectrum yet "nonbinary" people are SOLELY progressive leftists with varying degrees of radical sympathies. Mental illness can't explain the absolutely dumbfounding spike in nonbinary self-identification over the past five or six years, particularly among affluent adolescent girls
>dwarf fortress has gender pronoun options
>shovel knight has gender pronoun options
>VTMB2 has gender pronoun options
>cyberpunk has gender pronoun options
>Battletech has gender pronoun options
>early Ultima had a gender/sex slider
>Saints Row had gender slider
>Silent Storm had gender slider
Where were you when right wingers lost?
>Implying it's wrong if native speakers are doing it
>all those options
Its called customization my guy
How is Shovel Knight still relevant? What took them years to fulfill their kickstarter goals anyway?
>all these unironic discord trannies ITT
I knew Yea Forums was a lost cause but damn...
I'm infinitely more angry at the fact this body change mode only works for Shovel Knight's campaign for whatever fucking asinine reason.
Why couldn't they make it work for all 4 campaigns? This is so fucking stupid.
imagine being this retarded
Shovel Knight 2 just got confirmed user
>wrong english
They has literally always been applicable to a single person, you absolute clown.
And artist's. Like 70% of artists are nonbinary now. Like what the fuck.
It also got just confirmed that I'm not buying it.
>caring about indieshit
Because "it" makes them sounds less than human. Personally, I use "it" any chance I get for that exact reason but if there is more than one person, it's still grammatically correct to use "they".
“Yay we put mindfuckgender options in games, attacked innocent people in the street, murdered the unborn, but lost the 2020 election. Fuck.”
never cared about this reddit game desu, played the entirety of it in one sitting because my friend wanted to co-op it, absolute garbage
As long as "default" is an option, then I'm fine with them wasting time implementing this nonsense.
cant wait for the same pic with an epic bait OP to be posted over and over again for weeks to come
nuke this fucking board
kill all whites
This is such a fucking non-issue, imagine getting mad at somthing optional you can completely ignore.
Trannies are mentally ill. That's all you need to know.
Optional now. This shit will be mandatory in the future if you don't fight back.
Reminder that you'll NEVER be a cute girl, all the biological processes that make you a girl are completed in the womb and on a genetic level and no matter how many pharmaceutical corporation poisons you shove down you adams apple gullet you will never know or feel like a girl and you will most likely end up killing yourself in pursuit of a false promise sold to you by drug corps and plastic surgeons looking to cash in on your low IQ mental illness
>Retarded mentally ill trannies trying so hard to act like Yea Forums is going to be butthurt about some dumb optional virtue signaling woke shit
>No one gives a shit
stfu incel go jerk off to an hitler video on bitchute loser
>getting mad about things that haven't happened yet
Tone down the paranoia pal, straight cis people won't stop existing any time soon.
This guy gets it
If everyone just shrugged, said "alright," and let these people have their fun, this entire gender moment would quickly run out of steam. This is all an extension of the Harry Potter-fueled "RESISTANCE" psychology that has arrested America's densest cities in recent years. We're fueling their idea that they're fearless, persecuted martyrs facing an omnipresent empire of tyranny. They're moving words around like toys and a sandbox and we've been rewarding them with the outcry they seek to capitalize on. Leave them alone and they'll quickly get tired and leave the toys where they found them
>that pic
>drink tap water bro, it's safe trust us!
That is colloquial and generally not accepted on an academic level. May as well claim "y'all" is proper.
Take it easy now and you will pay later. The only way to prevent that futjre from happening is doing yohr part and showing those monsters their place.
OP? Are you having a stroke or something?
>why would they pick a male body in a game and call it a woman.
they wouldn't. Literally every tranny I've talked to always chooses the most feminine character they can
Ahhh, Australopithecus Americanus… note the pallid, swollen complexion and graceless, hulking bodies... you know, I was on the team that originally sequenced their genome. very interesting work
I thought it was confirmed shovel knight is a guy? So is he a non-character, like Frisk?
Scums, pandering to a destructive communist cult.
What I see right now:
A simple change that adds nothing to the game except people that will share it, like here, and be happy they added an option likee this and will buy it. It's something miniscule and non important to rave about. It didn't censor anything, it didn't change anything ir anything like that.
He's/She's/They're Gender-fluid.
>third variable
If there are only two genders, why there is a third variable? Checkmate.
I don't care if it's an option, just don't force that shit
>but they’re for some reason going for a mysterious third
They are no longer the first one and will never pass as the second one, so naturally there is only one option.
It's all so tiresome.
There are plenty of Female to Male transsexuals who make the average Yea Forumstard look emasculated
>Literally pump yourself full of pure, concentrated testosterone
Yeah, no fucking wonder. They have no choice BUT to look like that.
>taking regular testosterone boosters
>of average female height, making it much easier to appear ripped
>Scums, pandering to a destructive communist cult.
they also bald twice as faster, if that's of any consolation
Can't wait for this to get 404'd since the average Yea Forumseddit user is too much of a pussy to handle or debate politics.
>That is colloquial
No, its very much not.
When used to reference someone that is not in the current conversation when all parties in the conversation are aware of the referenced person, They is grammatically correct.
>This is the same as "y'all"
In your case, people will use it to say "They are an absolute retard".
>Spend time adding pronouns to the game
>Instead of literally anything else
yeah because they get legally prescribed steroids you fucking tranny freak
Please put a bullet through your own skull as soon as possible. The world would be better off without you.
they can't say what they actually want, or they'll lose it
Even if you're serious, the game is already half a decade old so it wouldn't mean anything.
Being sane is a political view?
debate this you freak
Thinking your character's Easter egg cameo will virtually improve every game on the market is pretty pretentious, user.
>put specter knight on female for no other reason than personal preference
>continue to enjoy game normally
its really not that hard
This entire thread:
>Nooo! How could someone care about something that I don't care about?!?
Me: *sips coffee*
Woah, brave
>Being sane is a political view?
>shovel knight devs prove theres only 2 genders
And that's perfectly fucking natural you piece of shit.
*its a hologram*
Who are you quoting?
With soi milk I bet
For some, it actually did.
Is this why King Knight's been taking so long?
It is impossible for normies to see this and not to be disgusted. The cause of "new furries" is completely lost. They will never be able to normalize their mental illness and any advance will provoke a stronger backlash.
It’s over, bros. We’ve lost. We never stood a chance. If you can’t beat them join them.
I’ve already scheduled my SRS for next month, and thanks to the HRT treatment my nipples are more sensitive.
I’ll see you all in resetera after Yea Forums is shut down. We had a good run, but everything comes to an end.
I really have a hard time with these pronouns in english.
To me they/them was always plural and asexual.
I am curious, in your native language user, is there a "movement" towards the changing of words too? I mean, is there "correct" pronouns in your language?
Welcome to the 40% club bro.
The whole King thing was harder to tinkle with.
No them or they, it will be Queen.
>To me they/them was always plural and asexual.
They are. But a tiny minority of a tiny minority, feels like it's not special enough and they want even more attention. So it's not good enough.
I think you mean sister, xir. I’ll let this pass, but you better not fuck up again, or I’ll have you banned.
Nobody is actually getting mad. At tops people are going to think it's dumb and a good opportunity to shitpost.
They shovel the enemy.
Them jump over the fence.
I really dont know how to feel about trans people.
Medicine/technology is one hundred to hundreds of years away from being able to swap genders perfectly. So now we just have men posing as 3/10 woman with 5oclock shadow wearing grandma clothes who legit look like clowns. They see the 1% passable trans and think they can reach the same pinnacle.
I see the genital mutiliation and fake penis stuff as Frankenstein shit that any layperson will see as insane so what can they do? Without heavy medical advancements these people are apparently stuck in bodies they dont feel are theirs and commit suicide or get depression.
Oh, the who is the most special and oppressed faggot of they/them all arms race has just started.
Who cares? Doesn’t this game let you swap the genders of any of the bosses already? It’s just rule 63 in action.
Fuck off OP with your low-tier attempt to get autists to lose their shit over nothing and fuck off to anons who get their panties in a bunch over nothing.
Who gives a shit, options are a good thing
Why is this board so
with trannies? literally every other thread I read devolves to the same shit where incels and tards keep reeeing at one thing or another or larping and spouting cringy /pol/ buzzwords.
No, because the finnish hän can apply to both genders.
While I think its unnecessary I dont see anything inherently wrong with this either. Why would anyone who isnt actively anti-trans have a problem with it? Its not censoring or replacing anything. Its like getting mad because male characters can crossdress in Animal Crossing.
This drive me nuts.
In portuguese there is a difference in sex in everything, these people are fucked here.
you dodged a real bullet, almost played a fun game
Yea Forums is so womish these days. Always looking for another outrage and gossip shit. What a pathetic place.
true and truthpilled
because tranies keep trying to shove their shit down everyones throats
no one is obsessed about them,
we're just fucking tired of mental illness being forced on us.
Whats so bad about throwing trannies a bone other than christian moral outrage? Stop acting like this makes them Antifa or something like that
didn't know you were forced to pick the other gender option
>tranny tranny tranny!!!1111
>I act like a 12 y.o. girl
Because no normal person likes trannies. They’re an extreme minority and demand special attention/consideration in every group they’re apart of. People are tired of their mental illness fueled bullshit. You see them more on Yea Forums because most of them are pathetic shut in losers who’s only joy in life is from video game escapism. If they weren’t so annoying they’d fit right in with the rest of the socially stunted NEET losers here.
How is this forced? Its a non-canon option you can just chose not to use...
>because tranies keep trying to shove their shit down everyones throats
>no one is obsessed about them,
>we're just fucking tired of mental illness being forced on us.
Face it, majority of trannies don't give a shit about forced diversity in vidya. Only ones to blame are the political nutjobs who are on the walls for every little thing and the corporate greed that thinks it can profit off the back of minorities
>Pixel shit indie garbage with reddit tier humor
>Now supports trannies
Wow, what a shock
Just because he didn't BUY it doesn't mean he didn't play it...
>Murrikan indie developers are massive fag hags and super pro-lgbt shit
Never saw that coming
if you think its bad now just wait until trump wins again
I like it how the tranny symbol is just a circle, and they'll still get triggered over getting their symbol wrong and how it's not enough to please them.
>I thought trannies wanted to pass and look feminine
Could have fooled me
Okay, sure, if you want to say you're the opposite gender. Fine.
Non-binary shit? That's fucking retarded. Unironically off yourself because your mind is clearly so fucked up that it'll never any use to anyone.
It’s just a fun little What-If option. It isn’t canon and it’s just for people to have fun customizing the game
>People actually saying they're having this 'forced' on them
>It's hidden away in an options menu
Fuck you all. You just want something to bitch about
So its extremely non-intrusive and you guys are still mad? You're as bad as resetera.
I was right in all those years to never give money to anything or anyone in this industry after 2004.
Even the ones you deemed to be safe suddenly do a 180° and turn out to be part of the growing numbers of the mentally insane.
Nothing is save anymore. So the savest way is to just pirate everything 100%.
>only 3 pronouns
Fucking bigots. There are 56 genders. I demand my pronouns be in the game.
slippery slope you deranged tranny
so glad I refunded tranny knight years ago when I first saw the tranny bullshit
have sex you coping incel. It doesn't affect you at all.
>Yacht Club makes it so Shovel Knight can entirely feature cute girl knights
>People take this as a bad thing because 'muh political culture war'
>Daddy why does this game let me change what they call me
>You see apache attack helicopter that's so you feel comfortable playing the game
>But isn't shovel knight a he?
>*cops siren blares*
>Attack helicopter what have you done
>Dad I didn't know
>Great now were gonna get locked up for retribution
>Yea Forums is actually getting mad about this
Oh my fucking God I'm sharing a board with newfag children with the memories of goldfish.
>>Yacht Club makes it so Shovel Knight can embrace genderfluidity (dev's words) and coddle trannies
this game is for faggots and retarded gay children
>I was right in all those years to never give money to anything or anyone in this industry after 2004.
>Even the ones you deemed to be safe suddenly do a 180° and turn out to be part of the growing numbers of the mentally insane.
>Nothing is save anymore. So the savest way is to just pirate everything 100%.
>Almost all of this shit is over two years old at this point
>Everyone up in arms about it now
Glad to know all you retards came here within the last two years
Nice self portrait user-dono
>normalizing mental illness doesn't effect the society we live in
I mean I guess if you're a pedophile you're okay with having trannies walking around sucking dildos in front of children at pride parades
not an argument
I assume they're tired of Ion Fury shitposting and are looking for the next outrage hit.
>western games
Call a tranny a man
>i'm a woman you biggot
Call a tranny a woman
>i'm a trans you biggot
Call a tranny a trans
>Why the fuck are you insulting me you bigot
I don't even know anymore
Have heterosexuality
they just added the "third gender" you fucking retard
and I was getting faggots like you butthurt when I refunded the game back then too, that was funny.
I will never buy Shovel Knight but not because of this shit.
Them pushing this dumb character so hard whenever they get the opportunity is annoying as fuck and it makes me dislike the whole thing.
>Hurr Shovel Knight in SMASH
>Hurr Shovel Knight Kickstarter goal in your favorite game projects
>Hurr Shovel Knight i guest appearence in your favorite fighter
>Hurr Shovel Knight highjack in yet another random indie game
Just how well are the Shovel shills connected to other indie devs? Or do they literally spam every other project and ask them to include Shovel Knight?
it affects society as a whole. also ironic how trannies always encourage people to have sex, while they themselves literally can not perform the act of sexual intercourse themselves.
once you go tranny mode you are biologically unable to have sex, kek.
Who are these strawman people you're making up user?
Please don't fucking tell me you took shitposting bait here on Yea Forums as serious and that has defined your thoughts on the matter
lol faggots are retarded
this is why I'm glad I have a massive backlog of old ass games and niche indies not made by flaming faggots and tranny enablers
Gay shit.
Incels are going to reviewbomb it aren't they
>when I refunded the game back then too
user, the chances that you bought Shovel Knight within two weeks of the randomly timed announcement of the gender swap stuff to even allow a refund is incredibly low. Nobody should believe you
Based, thank God there are still so many unique games on SNES/PS1 to discover.
>western game
>western indie game
You retards never learn.
this is why you should NEVER EVER buy western dev trash, even if it's a $0.99 deal.
even years after release they can still sneak in and patch mental illness into it.
back to where you came from dammed retarded tourist
Why does gender matter when you can't even see your characters dingus or have in game relationships?
>Ion Fury shitposting whinging about SJWs has died down
>Now the faggots here need a new thing to get outraged over
Do you people ever get tired of this dumb shit?
>That 30 year old boomer who gets convinced by the kids to start taking dangerous hormone therapy so he can look like a 50 year old woman instead
>back to where you came from dammed retarded tourist
>Not Antifa
Pick one and only one you pig disgusting sympathizer
[SPOILER] I don't care either user, it seems too trivial to give a fuck about it [/SPOILER]
Is that a serious question?
Same here user. So many games I missed out on that I only recently started playing.
Delete this failure of a post
Do you not think the devs think too highly of themselves for merely releasing a single indie game that is nothing more than a copy paste of decade old technology/game design?
Because that is the definition of pretentious.
Jokes on them I can never remember names of people so I just call everyone you.
I'm not sure when it came out but I did buy it and refund when I found the tranny shit in it
well then he's a fag for trying to justify his piracy
All I know is Treasure Knight and Mole Knight are better as female. The rest of the cast can stay the same.
Propeller Knight as a chick would be awesome. Imagine the bouncing tits.
I don't get it
Why "they"?
Are "they" stuck in transition or what?
It's still fucking hilarious you had a shitfit over something that was always a crowdfunding stretch goal
Like anyone needs to justify avoiding the guaranteed regret from supporting western indies.
trannies obviously went back in time to change the stretch goals.
How the fuck would this work with regular words? Your sentences are fucked.
>"Hey are you and they hungry?"
"Hey are you two hungry?"
>"How can they and you come with me for a second?"
First off, this isn't even a fucking legible sentence.
"HEY can you two come with me for a second?"
Substitute "you two" with any relevant regional phrase you wish (e.g. y'all, y'inz), or other things like "the two of you", or god forbid the gender charged "you guys" (even though I use it neutrally to be honest).
This. I don’t like the genital mutilation but we aren’t at the point where we could say Teleport or Swap Genders perfectly. So as ugly as it is, we have to accept that this is how they will be helped until technology and medicine advance and get better.
>everyone is supposed to follow a kikestarter and pay attention to its promises
I bought it how many years after the game itself came out? yeah no. Still glad I refunded that shit
>haha, you didn't look for stupid shit on kikescammer before buying it
Seriously, nigger?
>I'm not a newfag, I've been here all summer
Start the clock, Shovel Knight devs #metoo moment incoming
>or god forbid the gender charged "you guys" (even though I use it neutrally to be honest).
Literally everyone accepts 'you guys' as gender neutral unless they're ESL
We're comin for you, white bois.
>you're a newfag for not keeping track of western indie hacks and their shitty bootlegs
Dumb Yea Forumsermin.
>y-you're a newfag haha!
>non canon
You're do naive user
seething redditors
With all the times I've seen this picture I'd figure you'd at least have a few more to imply some kind of trend instead of isolated incidents
I fear the day this stuff spreads to japan
many such cases. it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. fuck than, it's just hilarious lmaooooooo
Schitzos believe their gender fluctuates. Somedays they are he, others her, so preferably these freaks want they. Mental fucking illness.
Actual trannies who are pushing this shit are unbelievably detested universally.
Youre a newfag because you are new, fag.
A right winger unironically made The Sims franchise and SimCity.
You'd be surprised. I once got called out on that shit.
Went on a date with some chick to the aquarium, was talking to one of the employees about fish and shit "so what do you guys feed them?"
Chick I was with unironically got offended that I said you guys.
I didn't date her after that, I wasn't going to walk on eggshells when having a normal conversation.
You niggers are a fucking joke for getting upset at this shit. We've known about this for years now.
>Like 70% of artists
Stop going to DeviantArt, it's already dead.
You dodged a bullet.
>pushing this tranny shit
lolno. Its tranny PR and community managers who force their ideas on autisitc subservient code monkeys.
When it's irrelevant they/them pandering yes it is. It adds unnecessary content. The time they took to code that pos would be spent on new cosmetic items or some shit.
Fine not 'literally' everyone, but it's exceedingly common in society today for guys to be a universal term
Why did you just post a satire video?
>Silent Storm had gender slider
Why lie and retarded at the same time?
>enabling mental illness
>it's literally nothing
Real people that i knew at uni, a friend had the misfortune of running into them
Its so simple yet the media brainwashing is do potent
>>enabling mental illness
It's an option hiding amount the game options. I swear I fucking remember when people used to bitch here years ago that the issue with these kinds of things was that it was 'forced' on them, and now that it's an option hidden away now the issue is really that it exists at all
No kidding. Shame though because she was pretty cute.
She was seriously was getting worked up because I called a fish "a little guy". In between flirting and shit. Mixed signals all the way. Fucking theatre girls, Jesus.
I realize that. That's kind of what I'm getting at. I dunno if it was obvious or not, but I was being sarcastic about it being "gender charged".
They're still 0.0001% of the population and still managed to clog up suicide statistics. Yea Forums shitting on them is statistically irrelevant.
Because art has no rules, so why would the artist?
hiding among the game options*
>Fucking theatre girls
You should've known what you were getting into the moment you knew that
trannies never have any argument
lol cry more faggot tranny
Legit question. How do you have so many disgusting tranny pictures on your computer without vomiting?
It should be bad enough that you're talking about them every single day.
Seriously. How do you stand thinking about trannies all the time?
I was much happier before Yea Forums taught me about dilation and showed me truly nightmarish pictures of open wounds and whatnot.
You claim that you hate these people, but I almost suspect that you don't. Or you wouldn't stomach acting like this.
But the actual argument in support of this is that it's not actually forced on the user, so people shouldn't give a shit about its existence since it can be avoided easily
Imagine for a moment I’m a prick.
Now imagine I’m angry at the world for some reason so I think of a way to hurt others. I see this kid, 14, maybe 15, and notice he’s lonely and confused at the peak of puberty when such things happen.
Now imagine I start whispering in his ear about how nobody loves him and he doesn’t fit in anywhere because he’s a dirtbag loser. Then picture me stepping around to his other ear and pretending to like him but push this idea that he was always meant to be a girl. Then I cherry pick cases under extremely controlled situations of happy and living trannies and show them to him telling him that it’s the norm and he’s wasting time every second he waits.
Following this watch the reaction of pure joy on my face as this boy of 15 tortures himself as publicly as possible in a desperate attempt to win social points that you can’t cash in and you can’t spend anywhere but everyone around you insists they’re the most important thing since breathing and water.
Watch how after he, now she in his own mind, seals the deal with an intrusive surgery to remove a vital organ. Look at how I and the others that played the puppet master for this horror show suddenly disappear into the shadows leaving this kid deranged, socially unstable, mutilated, and still hated by all who used to hate him, and now the ones who were indifferent hate him too.
A few years down the line watch me post on Facebook about how sad it is that he killed himself by carving a line from his wrist to his elbow so deep you can see the bone. Then I say it was bullying and bigotry that caused this all the while knowing I may as well have had my hand on the knife. After a few weeks watch me find the next victim and start all over again.
>Shovel Shit devs cater to trannies for good boy points
>There are retards that still support them
You'd think so, but she was perfectly normal on the phone.
Besides, it's always a gamble with them. Sometimes you get lucky and get some kinky chick, other times you end up with what I ended up with.
It's always a tossup, but at least it ain't boring.
I'm noticing the trend where companies make a normal product that panders to normal people and the next game, movie or season goes full woke mode.
first product is always just a vehicle to get the wokeness, to blow up like any other product, but instead of aiming for the majority of the audience, it does a 180 now that it has enough fame and reach thanks to the first dummy product, in order to shove as much woke shit as they can.
they're also doing it with already established old franchises
>getting worked up because I called a fish "a little guy
What the hell.
Islam is the answer.
It's enabling mental illness, retard.
>Hey I speak to jesus and he told me I must kill you stay still
A normal person:
>Let me call the police
Libcuck degenerates:
>You're valid and your experience is real but maybe the killing part...
>it's not actually forced on the user
No, the argument is that ANY tranny shit is retarded since it is not scientifically sound, is a mental illness, can cause diseases and any kind of pandering to it is not in any way a good thing since they can literally use all of that time and resource to create neat cosmetic effects instead of this shit.
>Now imagine I start whispering in his ear about how nobody loves him and he doesn’t fit in anywhere because he’s a dirtbag loser. Then picture me stepping around to his other ear and pretending to like him but push this idea that he was always meant to be a girl. Then I cherry pick cases under extremely controlled situations of happy and living trannies and show them to him telling him that it’s the norm and he’s wasting time every second he waits.
This is peak paranoia right here
>can cause diseases
U fookin w0t? What kinda retarded shit are you spewing right now?
t. Nurse
Do jannies even care there's porn in the thread
Liberals were winning because they controlled the narrative. Instead of their points versus our points they’d force conservatives into defending points that they didn’t even support.
Liberals said conservatives hated trannies when in reality they didn’t care that much. Conservatives were shoehorned into taking up a stance of hostility against trannies.
This type of behavior has led to the bare knuckle fist fight that is American politics today. It’s led to intelligence agencies having political opinions and the demonization of an entire race in order to secure votes so rich greedy people could stay rich and greedy.
All of this encompasses why liberals are the worst people on documented history.
If a white person says that the libcuck still calls the police
Uh, so what? This changes literally nothing.
Not if she claim's she's trans or otherkin
"Don't say that, you don't know if it's a guy or not"
It's not. It's a little fish.
She got super excited when one of the people said that a certain species of shark could reproduce aesexually
"Well no, I didn't say that... genetic diversity is important."
Red flags all around my dude. She asked if we were going to do this again
>we'll see
>pls buy muh game!
No it’s an accurate depiction of what transgender activists do. People in secluded civilizations shut off from society don’t become trannies ever. At worst you get homosexuals because that ship has been sailing across the world since forever. It’s outside influence that creates trannies.
Dilate and shill your game elsewhere
Meant to say that being trans can lead to health risk and all kind of sick shit.
>"This is an off-label, untested, experimental use. It hasn't been through any FDA approval process" for this indication, Laidlaw said.
>Such treatments lead to infertility, disrupt brain development and bone development, which increases the risk of osteoporosis later in life, he said. Lupron's side effects also include "neuropsychological" effects such as delusions, anxiety, and nervousness. Users are urged to "monitor for worsening of psychiatric symptoms," he said.
>Laidlaw also warned that cross-sex "wrong-sex" hormones, as he called them, increase the risk of myocardial infarction in both sexes, and that females who receive cross-sex hormones may experience liver dysfunction, hypertension, and cancer.
Don't let your children get the gay and tranny.
Isn't THEM referring to multiple people as a group?
It is pronoun
pronoun: them
used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
What fucking morons.
>being so out of ammunition against right wingers you perpetuate a widely debunked myth that white people have small dicks and run with that as your platform.
Good luck in 2020.