Yuria has arrived.
Who's ready to roll!
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Finally rolled a brave hero so I can now look at other banners. Won't have enough orbs to get anything good on this one though. I'll save up for when F.Tiki is on a b8%
~250 orbs
Only got a Mist and icemommy who pity-broke me when there were no blues to choose
This game is suffering
I need to roll on a Yuria banner without Tiki. Won't be until next year though.
I quit back in like april or so, have they fixed the summoning pool yet
What the fuck is that roster user
At any rate, Tiki is very good and has great fodder if you don't want to merge her up. With dual Nagas you can rank up in the AR arena seasons if that's what you're into as well.
breathe on em
That's ashame...
But now at least you ready for Arena and AR.
>1327 orbs for Julia
I'm happy with chubby dragon, but as a Julia fag I'm surprised she loves me so much. What's her best boon? I've got them all.
user.... your wallet....
Has anyone cleared Julia's LHB yet?
IMO Attack is better unless you're going to give her special fighter. She has Bold Fighter in her base kit. You could give her the Darting Stance seal if you want, so she doubles in both phases.
+SPD with Special Fighter is what everyone mostly goes for.
Potato Tiki best tiki
I'm leaning towards +atk with a bold/galeforce build, but both look pretty good.
>get two julias, one +atk, onr -atk
>don't know if I want Mirror Impact on anyone else
Does she have cute feet? That's the only rolls worth my time.
Keep the +ATK. Fodder the other to a unit who makes best use of Mirror Impact. The one who intiate on mages and dragons with middling resistance stats.
Which plus ten units do you guys rely on the most to clear your content? For me it's Adult Tiki.
+10 Catria
Someone in my friend list has one as well and it just works.
Yeah, it was pretty easy.
Cordelia, Cordelia and Cordelia, also Selena.
it should have been someone else from fe4. why did it have to be the retarded incest baby
Who'd you have in mind? Surely not another fucking hero with a red sword.
add wallace and ashera and maybe i'll reinstall the game
Green Julia. Near launch unit but build her up and she'll nuke more than just dragons. Uses blazing special/heavy blade well and can wall dragons without killing them in arena.
Nah, still need another Brave Camilla to make her +10
personally i would have loved to see gen 2 arvis
>did infernal with kronya memes
>she literally just doesnt have enough attack to do anything on abyssal
>too much of a brainlet to figure it out using a different team
simply epic
Now that I could get behind.
I rolled 260 orbs and only got one cute Tiki
How many orbs have you spent so far Camilla bro?
I still haven't decided which CYL3 unit I should get.
Like 1300+ F2P orbs I think, been saving since the CYL results came in.
>not waiting for the hero fest
Didn't care for any of the units in the hero fest, fuck that shit
The one with best fodder.
im talking about the inevitable cyl3 one in a few months
No, never.
I used dancers to get through Abyssal Julia and it still took me over an hour and a half to complete it. AMA.
The Wood. He's an excellent anti beast unit.
It was a bit difficult but I got it.
Good. Can't go around spreading false hope.
>Lunatic or Infernal difficulty
>requirement: all four units must survive
So how the fuck is this shit supposed to be possible again?
Through hard work and effort.
Watch some F2P guides, they have some pretty crazy strats.
When's the next OP unit
Is the game challenging and worth playing?
Most likely when they anounce rheCYL runner ups. I forgot what the banner was called.
AR is the most competitive mode the game has to offer.
Half a year minimum and no guarantee they'll do that again.
Can someone explain the Spur Atk skill to me? So if an ally is next to another ally, and it attacks, the buff applies? Am I getting this right?
why is there so much art of camilla and lyn
Yes you are correct.
Spur buffs are invisible.
So it is best to run the numbers before intiating combat.
>just over 500 orbs(most I've ever had)
>still fucking nothing to roll on
Yeah it's pretty fun.
I love Fae!
It's a combat buff, it only applies during combat, unlike blue buffs from Hone/Fortify.
They make Intelligent Systems lots of easy money.
Brave Camilla is right there, son
yeah, not that i'm complaining
I got her for free why would I need another?
What's wrong with a low cooldown skill with lightning and steady breath...s?
Vanilla Camilla and New Years Camilla! I also use Summer Camilla (+4) and Spring Camilla (+2)
I got Brave to +10 by hoarding orbs for half a year, next month Hot Spring Camilla will be +10, and Adrift Camilla is only at +1
Can't wait for them to add Punished Dimitri
Yeah what SHOULD I put? Aether takes forever. I've got it tho.
Don't you mean cyl3h? Because we all know it's going to be dominated 3H reps, although I am curious as fuck as to how they're going to handle brave versions of them.
>Steady Breath
>Quick Riposte
>31 speed
Aether should be popping off every single engagement, provided she gets doubled and the enemy survives her first hit
>what should I put
Basically any damage special that doesn't rely on Fae's mediocre Atk stat
>enemy phase fae vs player phase bruiser, doubles
>get hit, glimmer is on one cooldown
>attack, glimmer is ready
>get hit again, wasting charge
>do slightly more damage, likely not killing anyways and now youve taken two hits with no way to recover the health lost
With Aether
>get hit, aether is on four cooldown
>attack, two cooldown
>get hit again, aether is ready
>get most of your health back, and likely killed them with the luna effect
Turns out the pic is actually outdated cause she does have Aether now.
I propose we flood the ballot with votes for Kronya or Nemesis just so IS has to somehow asspull a Brave version for the two.
Good shit!
Camillas anons have much more dedication than normal. I particularly dislike the fact IS only gave her a Gravity effect.
When are the cowards at IS going to give vanilla Marth the Exalted Falchion?
They didn't waste any time giving Hector and Ephraim their special boy weapons.
cyl3 was this year retard
My wife.
She needs an alt.
okie dokie
She also got Swift Sparrow 1.5, r-right? The rest of my orbs are going into the Summer banner for more merges until its gone, but so far I've gotten pity cucked by Quan and Thea. After that banner is over, I'll be saving for Spring, where hopefully I'll get more Camilla than Chrom.
Is that Cipher card her as a Harrier from SoV?
i summoned until i got 2 eliwoods and then picked micaiah
This thing and a +10 DC+Vantage Ares
That's pretty damn good.
Best support unit in green.
I'd like that a lot. Marth needs more love considering he's the guy who introduced a fair amount of people to the series back in the day (Smash Bros Melee, anyone?). Maybe I'm just being silly thinking Kanto style pandering happens anywhere else.
shit she has fury 4 now but I forgot to update her skill set, just add 1 to all stats if it really matters
This is my standard Tharja build I use for most abyssal clears, but sometimes I switch out the seal for double Brazen Atk/Spd and use Dragon Fang for the special
>Swift Sparrow 1.5
Yeah it is.. Which is just sub par (in my opinion for CYL unit). They should of went all out people have been waiting for her for a half a year. As for the Cipher card I am not sure to be honest. Good luck. I hope multiples come home sooner rather than later
They are the best girls from their respective Fire Emblem games. Which means more representation, user.
Why is there absolutely zero consensus on what the best game(s) in this franchise are? Most other fanbases can agree on good games. Why can't you fags?
Because aside from the DS/3DS games they're all good.
Nowi and Fae PRF WHEN?!
11 and 12 are good.
The originals are better unless you like enemies having forged silver weapons in the fucking prologue.
Only after Ephraimdev gives Myrrh a refine.
What do you need in your roster? A flying healer with a huge offensive presence? A cavalry and armor counter? A beast and dragon counter? Another fucking red sword?
Because some really like the design choices some games, but hate those of others. Like stacking countless skills on your characters vs keeping them simple. Or how maps are designed, though comparative discussion about that is rare.
Personally I like 6-10. Only played 5 a little, but it has some neat mechanics. Dislike Fates and Awakening. Three houses has some interesting design choices, but lacks in difficulty and some map design.
Finish rolling on CYL 3 then pick your freebie later.
All of the Lucinas.
Only got a Roderick and Odin, Blue is a really good color to roll but I ain't risking losing orbs with October so close.
Just get an Ophelia or Galeforce and sum dancers.
So will their weapon upgrades make them relavent again?
Now where is the Lyn clear?
Lucina might be because buff bots always get some use, assuming her refine is built around that.
Pelleas or Reptor who gets in feh first?
Because the FE fanbase is an absolute disgrace where everyone hates everything except their favorite game. There's a good reason why FEH threads are always civil and full of helpful people while regular FE ones are complete clusterfucks of autists shitflinging at each other.
Do you see her A skill, not to mention before her swift sparrow 1.5, she already has the best offensive stats of any healer, plus flier movement? What did you want them to add on top of it? Imo, she's by far the strongest CYL unit this time around.
>Most other fanbases can agree on good games.
Not really.
>+atk-def tibarn
fodder or use?
if you have an l!alm, especially a +spd one, fodder to him
Subhumans are for fodder.
Hey, you can't say that!
This guy, in 99% of content I can just put him in range of the enemies and they will eat shit. It pretty much takes surtr to kill him.
I got her in 60 orbs!
Too bad I only had 60 orbs.
500 still too low to +10 someone locked in 5*
So how hard is camilla gonna destroy hinoka in the next voting gauntlet?
So I was blessed with a +Res Deirdre during her daily banner which helped the shitty IV one to leave the fodder barracks, so I'm pretty happy. How should I build her? From what I see she works better as a player phase unit with her refinery, right?
I kinda want to build him but I already have and TT units just take so many fucking grails. I have a +7 w!cecilia that Ive pretty much given up on +10ing, even after giving her premium fodder just because I can get a +6-7 ghb unit for the same cost it would be to get those last few copies of her.
and i missed his original tt so it would be even MORE grails than usual
gj luckshitting user
When is Sigrun gonna be purchasable with grails?
Early October.
Merging TT units is a pain. I'm now saving for sonic beach loli but grails come way too slowly. Also I wish I had Sturdy Impact fodder for her, with Sturdy Blow SS she'd be a monster of a bruiser.
>Lucina might be because buff bots always get some use, assuming her refine is built around that.
She'll be crazy buff bot if hers is on par with Kaden's
Yeah, the slow roll of grails is fucking absurd, and you can basically only get them with any kind of efficiency by proving you don't need them by being top tier at AR. It is fucking absurd. Not to mention the scaling on this shit means the difference between a +8 and a +10 is fucking months.
Depends on if you want to chase the +3 conditional from her prf, which if you do +res is great. Her weapon is duel phase so there's nothing forcing her to be player phase, in fact her low atk and spd make it difficult. You still can with make her player phase with an impact or special spiral or something, but that's expensive.
watch her be worse just because ISIS knows everybody has already gotten one at some point.
Yeah, I noticed her being a good mixed phase unit but I already got a neutral Julia fully build who is amazingly good as an EP unit. I might try with Mirror Strike.
>watch her be worse just because ISIS knows everybody has already gotten one at some point.
I can see her get Kaden's effect but only applies towards melee units
>Banner looks good with a few units I'd accept (mainly bottom row)
>Pull Bruno, Elise and three fucking Grimas instead
At least I have a +3 mommy dragon now I guess.
This game fucking sucks now.
That said, is it just me or is Saizo insane with his refine?
He debuffs every stat by 6 in a 2 tile radius after attacking and gets the enemy debuff as a buff on himself during battle. Thats effectively +12 to all stats if uninterrupted.
Wish I could get more merges, dude really needs more res.
>can't roll green or colorless because Gunnthra and Grima spook me every fucking time
I finally just started merging them, their fodder isn't even that good.
he's good now, but still worse than Matthew/Sothe/Kagero/Kronya
Free pull for 4 more for 15 orbs. Gunthra and Legendary Tiki. Not bad for a full summon. Too bad I didn't have that luck going for the new set of brave units.
Oops, that screenshot is a bit older than I thought
I usually do full pulls with legendary banners, if I do any that is. Get some pity percentage and hope for multiple in one full pull. The ones I got there were from only 100 orbs, so I can't complain too much.
I just like placing her near the bonus units for buffs. She's getting a refine which I hope is broken.
Personally, building Res on Saizo is like putting a bandaid on a severed arm, but whatever floats your boat.
Works pretty well for the most part. Just gotta keep everyone else out of range and maybe kill key targets.
Worked pretty well so far for me. Granted no unit is without weakness
plus it combos well with the brazen atk/res, he's supposed to oneshot mages at low health
I only have one, and I rarely use her because frankly I have no idea what to use her for. My Rein does a better job 99% of the time. But she deserves that +10 and special border, damnit.
Holy shit no wonder you never use her. Try something like this and watch your opinion of her skyrocket.
Dragons can't inherit galeforce
gacha threads should not be nearly this common. Yea Forums is truly in one of its worst states of all time
Thanks, luckily unit builder told me that too. Never actually built a dragon before.
I used to use that build, but fuck all the panic bullshit recently and having to bring someone that can negate it. Aversa, especially, can suck a cock. Oneshotting greens was pretty fun, though.
Generally you want build dragons to tank hits much as possible.
Shit like steady breath/stance or fortress 4 make them nearly impossible to oneshot.
Adult Tiki is shit
Loli Tiki is best
about 130 for tiki , julia and elise
i had worse
hoping for reptor
jumped the ship around December, is reindhardt still the best bro unit?
Isn't Kagero's PRF shit for her?
small hands still does his job
I ended up getting this dumb bitch when I wanted to summon on Corrin's banner and didn't realize it was the b8%. Of course I always get a character I don't care about really quickly. There goes 5 orbs.
Barely managed infernal, don't think I can do abyssal.
And his regular sized hands twin does a pretty good job too, the both of them make a great team.
>another fucking dragon
Give us something fun you shits!
Define fun.
Well, I guess since it's still a gacha maybe fun is out of the question, but at least give me some more units with interesting mechanics that I can't just slap on my same old usual suspects. I love building new units, but most of them are just so straightforward. Like Kronya, she's fun, but she took all of ten minutes to get a great build for. At least Death Knight is keeping me entertained trying to see when and where he's useful.
>complaining about the cheapest high tier fodder you could possibly get
The problem is that the more fun units to build are usually 5 star exclusives while f2p gets stuck with prf-less units such as Sigrun or Death Knight who has a really underwhelming prf.
coming up with decent builds is somewhat entertaining.
getting proper fodder though
As it turns out, gacha games can have gameplay, and sometimes rather complex gameplay. Fuck off.
Are Julia and Delthea, cute and funny?
No, but they are funny and cute.
delthea? sure
julia? not as funny as sara
When is Rutger getting a rerun?
I want to complete my boy but he is one merge away
I need friends for Rival Domains, Grand Conquests and general voting gauntlets, post your FC
Best farm those grails then, boy.
is fell vessel takumi worth building
have 3000+ grails but always hesitant to spend them. takes so long to get
Bro glimmer been good every since tbey bought thw cool down now.
DS Hard modes are not for the weak of heart. However, they offer some of the best difficulty the series has to offer
Couldn't give less of a fuck. All the legendaries with pair up have been lame.
I don't care about Alm, Roy, Eliwood or Julia. All boring characters just loaded up with powercreep to sell. I hate the game forces you to use legendaries/mythics to score worth a damn in any of the modes, too.
The only place where I can se Death Knight being useful is AR defense as a WoM beacon, and maybe AA. His prf is really too wonky to work anywhere else.
post yours, fucker
i guess? him and jamke are pretty interchangeable, just that takumi has a lot more speed and less defense/atk
>spend 80 orbs
>get Elise and Aiku
Prettty based banner.
Why do you still play this game Yea Forums?
>Because you can't quit?
>Because there's a mode you genuinely find appealing?
>Because Aether resort is good?
>Because you think it's fun to build up 3-4* shitters?
>Imo, she's by far the strongest CYL unit this time around.
Not him, but I'd disagree, and I'm a Camillafag too. She's actually pretty bad, in a relative sense. Since her staff is just Gravity with a few extra stats, her only niche is being a healer with good offensive stats. A healer's staff effect and supportive contribution is usually the most important thing, and Gravity isn't nearly as useful as like Veronica/Loki/Fjorm's staves are. Those 3 have to get their staff effects eclipsed to be powercrept, meanwhile it won't be hard to powercreep Camilla sooner or later as the stat creep keeps going since stats is all she has over other healers. No unique staff effect really fucking blows for her.
I don't like Micaiah but she's easily the best of the banner because she's got the most unique and powerful traits. Camilla's second best just because Eliwood and Alm are good but are mostly lost in the sea of sword infantry/cav lances.
For a new player Veronica would still be the better free CYL healer to pick due to her staff, and then Micaiah to go along with her.
>its fun
>i like fire emblem
>powercreep units are perfectly in grasp of f2p players, just dont spend on every banner
>as frustrating as it can be the gacha can pretty often be very generous in free pulls making those periods between good banners to pull on easier
>making a bullshit defense team and waking up every day to see 2-3 new successes strokes off my ego
just dont spend any money
He's good, but too bad about his res which hurts his tanking. And he still doesn't beat Kagero or some of the other options for Vantage memes, really.
Post dancerless Abyssal clears
Because it's fun to clear content with the units like provided there's actually any content to begin with.
He's okay if you really like him. Just a pretty basic archer unit, since his weapon effect doesn't contribute much in most cases. You can kinda meme with him in AR using it I guess. Jamke does Vantage/archer tank memes a bit better and of course Alm shits all over every other infantry archer for offensive use, so it's hard to say. Still not bad if you really like him enough though. Always use your favorites, this game's competitive meta is shit.
I like collecting and building my favorite characters. I admit half the modes are auto battle shit and the rest are whale-bait competitive autism that's ruined by the existence of legendary/mythics, so honestly most of the modes suck. At least grand hero battles and stuff like that are fun, though. Gameplay is unironically better than the snoozefest of Three Houses, sadly.
Regardless of what might happen in the future for flier healers offensive capabilities, Camilla right now, is extremely powerful, especially in Aether Defense, because she's a powerful magical damage dealer that can't be counterattacked. Veronica is strong, but even with push, she's behind offensively by 4 in both offensive stats, not to mention superior flier flexibility especially with restore traps + gray waves and such. Camilla is perfect for my purposes, and she probably kills more shit way more easily than Micaiah any day. I find Micaiah's middling performance against fliers and infantry a huge turn off, meanwhile Camilla does well agains everything except Eirs, null-c, and magical sponges.
But i hate Aether raids and i want to start building sleepy man already
don't forget the guaranteed demote that is Mercedes. Because the 3-4* colorless pool wasn't already absolute dogshit.
Just auto battle AR and after you get to a tier you're fine with just start a match and then quit after.
Pretty much the main reason I still stick around is because I still have many units I want to +10, including a couple seasonals like H!Nowi and W!Fae and some older units like Cordelia and Lilina. Unfortunately it gets harder to care about the different modes because they're repetitive or play unfun.
>Aether Raids is the most unfun cancer incarnate I've ever played and IS refuses to believe is a massively flawed mode because that would invalidate all the retards who rolled for L!Azura, the most centralizing and cancerous unit in the whole game
>Allegiance Battles is nothing but trial and error and requires a post-Roy legendary to max points
>Rokkr Sieges' novelty died fast even if getting rewards is very easy
>Grand Conquest is autobattle shit
>Voting Gauntlet and Tempest Trials are the best events simply because they give the best rewards in the highest amounts
>Lost Lore is nothing but passive grinding for even more crystals and badges nobody gives a fuck about anymore
>Tap Battle should have become its own full mode with full songs to play a long time ago
Unironically sunk cost fallacy. I've maybe missed a dozen days since the game launched, at this point it's just a routine.
Also hoping they refine rokkr seiges, because it's damn close to the boss battle mode I've been asking for, hopefully they can put shit like Fomortiis in there some day.
>Why do you still play this game Yea Forums?
Because i have fun with it, i like FE and is not time consuming like any other gacha
Why would i quit?
Simply put, the offensive prowess of a healer just doesn't matter as much as their other attributes, to which Camilla has nothing unique, sadly. Veronica is still better for AR defense use since she has both cav range and her staff can fuck over the enemy more than Gravity. As far as not counter attacking, it's not like that's unique for her. I do think she's pretty good right now, just she's almost certainly going to age like shit and can be more easily replaced by other units of her type because of no unique staff effect. She's mainly just good for PvE, which isn't a big deal.
If I could, I'd replace her stats/kit with Fjorm's in a heartbeat, since she has a niche that's powerful for the most challenging mode and can't be duplicated. Colorless mage nuke is sadly not as good as it could be. No ability to use regular specials or assist skills hurts her use for that too.
just to play with characters i like
in the end. everything gets powercreeped anyway
I feel like GHB type content is the best. All the competitive stuff sucks and takes too much effort for a gacha game (t. tier 26/27 grail slave) and most of the modes like Tempest Trials are as you said only played because we want the rewards, not because they're actually fun.
I enjoy getting my favorites and making them work to do content with, doing the monthly GHBs and the rare AR match that I get a satisfying win out of.
Thank you for using her proper name.
There was recently a Celice x Yuria doujin posted on Sadpanda. Is anyone capable of translating it?
Literally who?
Agree that the GHBs are fun, I only wish Abyssal wasn't so stat bloated, I just can't force myself to try it legit, I rather just use a guide to get the e-peen accessory.
I wish I had the same amount of fun I had when I beat Infernal Legion and Takumi for the first time.
Fuck off FE13 scum.
Because I like building up low rarity shitters, fortunately, all of my favorite characters are available at low rarities.
Shame the game still doesn't feel like giving them to me. This much time fucking later I still only have legault up to +4.
I want to kiss Nowi's tummy and then replace her with L!Tiki!!
>No ghb and TT refines since forever even though they're old and could use them.
We're comparing apples to oranges. Fjorm and Camilla fullfil completely different roles. Camilla is good because is an absurdly powerful nuker. You want utility. Camilla doesn't fulfill that role as well, but she's unparalleled as a dazzling nuker. The gravity is just the icing on the cake. I don't think I need my healers to support when they are more than capable of murdering the oppenents team when caught off guard by a first turn restore+ into dance combo that is more consistent because of aerobatics, which means tactics rooms don't touch her, and hones can be run on her because the dance nullifies it.
you won't get old welfare unit refines ever, because it is too easy to have enough of them sitting around that you won't have to buy AR units to merge them up to +10.
Still waiting for Finn to get a unique brave lance refine
> pulled L!ike
What the fuck do I do with him?
>with that dog shit art
I fucking hate whales.
I buy ever monthly orb packets with only the aim to have a complete roster. But you fuckers have dozens of 5 stars.
Not me. I uninstalled months ago because I wanted them to improve Ver.1 unit availability and then they made it even fucking worse like a joke and had the gall to have Feh celebrate it on their stupid channel. I had finally lost any optimism I could've possibly had left for this game by that point.
Finn is second year, he's not getting one in a very long time. All the refines so far have been units released before and during Ayra's release, if I'm correct the most recent unit who has gotten a refine has been Tailtiu.
What I'm hoping is for healer prfs, there's no reason to keep them so weak anymore. Make my sheep even stronger.
Throw warding breath around like candy, no one needs that shit anymore.
How is your defense going so far?
Between Masked Marth and Fir, who's the better user of Distant Counter?
yeah. gonna take so bloody long for refines to catch up
F2p here, how do you not have dozens of five stars? Are you new? Be patient, and spend orbs smartly. Stop spending money too, you can get five stars with feathers, and they're more easily mergable anyway.
>1327 Orbs
What is that in real money?
>have Titania on my horse team
>she's fucking shit
>decide to replace her with Walmart
>give him vantage and DC
>he fucking tanks everything
Is this fucker one of the more underrated GHB units? I never see him talked about.
>this pants on head retarded mentality is why we'll never see CC/DC seals
There's so much null-counter and null-null-counter bullshit now that CC/DC are basically just to make life easier for autobattling. I can't believe I still have to waste an A slot on this.
I use him but his prf is just dumb as hell and super disappointing.
Anti dancer skill when
I fucking refuse to play aether cancer anymore
I have a huge problem with cavs, is just not possible to make a fun team. I've been trying for months to make something centered around Fallen Berkut but I just can't think of anything that could work fine along him other than Ares. My cav team is so outdated is not even funny, I still use Blarblade Ursula for fuck's sake.
I'm still salty his weapon didn't have innate DC, since he was perfect to round out Xander and Camus. I'm hoping he gets a good refine some day, but until then he's warming the bench.
Just roll for bride Fjorm bro. No, seriously, when are they adding a Dancer limit in AR? Is fucking infurating and ridiculous.
>1327 orbs
I don't like them either and am completely F2P. That was just good old fashioned saving.
How long did you save for holy shit
I'm sure that's around 4-5 months of orb saving.
Honestly I might not even have a cav team if my waifu wasn't a cav and I didn't have insane luck with Sigurd and got like 4 of him for free. They're really fucking limited because isis still thinks they're OP and gives them no fucking skills. But Walhart was certainly a nice surprise.
>tfw I've been using base Elise since year fucking 1 and she's still +0 because she never/can't fucking show up
No lift lost. 4 wins, one loss with 4 foes defeated.
Something like $750.
Hard to say, but I've been saving lightly since February. Around 200 a month, but I'd still roll on some stuff.
Free rolled blue and bailed, I already have base Julia and Legend Julia is pretty much just her but with 3 more attack and 4 more res.
And I don't really care about anyone else on the banner at this point either.
Fuck Kaden in particular.
>tfw I've been using base Elise since year fucking 1 and she's still +0 because she never/can't fucking show up
Same, I lucked out and rolled an Elise a long time ago, even sacked a sheep to give her Wrathful Staff. She's still in my cav team but they all feel so underwhelming now compared to my fully online flier team. And I don't feel like replacing her for Veronica because she works way better in mixed teams.
I also refuse using tinyhands simply because he's just too boring, when my team is already boring as it is.
but it's an easy to beat team
>we will never get inheritable brave tomes because Reinhardt once broke the game
Come on, ISIS. You're fine with the rest of this cancer recently, just give us the tomes.
So what's CYL going to look like this time?
>No, seriously, when are they adding a Dancer limit in AR? Is fucking infurating and ridiculous.
It's really weird that only GC has that exact limit.
Deleting units is fun, user. It's like you just don't want to use good units.
>had a cav team of Rein, BLyn, Sigurd, and Gun
>stop using it because fliers are so much more fun
>Ares DC vantage meme comes out.
>start getting Ares at 4 * and then 3* on his demote
>kill a LA Hector for his DC
>ISIS still to this day absolutely loads maps with awkward positioning for cavs, trees, anti-cav tiles, and anti-cav weapons
Holy shit, let it go already, cav emblem is like unplayable because of how much hate there is.
i regularly spend but have at least 700 + lots of leftover story etc. orbs
gotta save a decent amount
only elise i have is the one i just rolled in this banner. some characters are a pain to get
Doing that with units you like is more fun, even if it requires 10x the work sometimes.
I don't use units I don't care about. I'd rather use F!Berkut as my blue cav because I like him way more that memehardt. I also haven't rolled a +Atk Reinhardt since starting the game, so I don't care anymore.
Had this Elise since year 1 but I don't use her much now so forgive the build since I don't use horse units and I mostly use dragon lolis and flyers
>version 4.0 will be coming so
Will it be good bros will it be better then the 3rd anniversary
Jesus! Porque!!!!
They'd need to do massive changes, but after the disgrace that were both the 3.0 update and the second anniversary, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Naga is hotter than Julia desu
expect nothing as usual
still not a single naga
Fuck again
They're gonna have to try to get worse than last anniversary
>You'll get a random hero with under 50% chance of getting a good one with the selection
>Isn't it exciting?
No, you fucking owl shit, getting stupid Summer Leo when I wanted Tharja for CC fodder isn't exciting. Getting handed a -atk Legend Lyn that fucking somehow won that stupid minigame when Legend Lyn is straight garbage isn't exciting, especially when I could have gotten an actually good unit like Legend Azura.
Jesus Christ I'm still seething.
>you could get all the Ikes but valentines for free
>fuck up the anniversary
>Fuck up 3.0
>Fuck up the voting for the free hero.
>Fuck up hero a rises 2
>Fuck up the year 1/2 free seasonal by making your orbs random.
I miss when Reinhardt was king
At least Nowi is still good
mage eirika just given away
never bothered for her
>ended up getting lyn which I wanted
I dont know if I should feel joy or regret for contributing to all the pain
So why the fuck did they pick Mage Eirika of all the units to give away
>this all could've been avoided if they just kept the same thing they did a year before
Canas and titania are ass f2p red mages
Also swift sparrow fodder
She always comes to me but i never wanted her as well
Can't wait to get legendary Ike again.
>have two Lyn
>nobody wants Spd Tactic
She's outright garbage.
To remind of us how she was almost a CYL and how she stole someone tome.
Who knows, but she's decent fodder, or I can merge her, so I'm happy either way.
I won 11 out of 14 last season. As long as the attacker doesn't have Bride Fjorm or a really good galeforce team, this set-up almost always works.
I forgot all about that dumb shit.
Not the exact same thing, dummy. Obviously they'd take him out. Even then a +1 legendary Ike guaranteed is better than the shitshow they did this year.
because it's nothing big for them to lose
myrrh outshined her on her debut banner even
>have 3 Lyn
>still nobody who wants spd tactic
>avoid every banner with her on it forever
Fuck this garbage unit. I'm still salty.
>two dancers
The amount of salt Legendary Lyn produced when she was first revealed was pretty great.
I'm surprised they gave us two cav mages with their cav hateboner.
ewan there despite not being in Feh
just so he can look at panties again
>Being a cuckold is wro-
>Shut up, Knoll, I'm gonna fuck your tome now
Why aren't you using high HP infantry pulse dancers? replace them with ninian and silvia
>Laws of sacae wants her to be attacks despite her shit defense band her average res.
If I wanted to be attack I would just ran Guard bow with double DD.
>refine literally never ever either
ended up with 2 l lyn too
what to even do?
Tactic skills will get a tier 4 eventually, just turn your spares into books and let the remaining one warm the bench.
B!lyn refine is just her Lendary weapon
Don't forget:
>fuck up christmas twice
Probably because she is so trash that if she released today and wasn't eirika, she would be demoted.
Took a bit of trail and error because of those damn trees but done.
She really is, I have no fucking idea what they were thinking of when it comes to LLyn
Her build is set up to be some kind of weird mixed phase unit, but can't have close defense without fucking giving up what makes that possible. Her design is so fucking schizophrenic.
>Get her on my free pull
I love all Tikis equally, user
L!Azura is essential to the setup because of the movement buff she provides. As for Elincia, I'm mainly using her for her color+weapon, since Nowi is a common enemy. Also, her dagger negates vantage and has caught a lot of close counter bladetome teams off guard. I have infantry pulse on Athena and Cordelia, so both Kagero and Elincia get their specials charged.
>Got absolutely nothing first year and was the start of armor cancer.
Yes I loved armor Christmas bikini tharja
Halloween was garbage as well, it doesn't help on year 2 Christmas they were shilling Sacred Shits super hard leading up to it either.
It was more because we got fucking nothing than the banner being garbage.
I don't know how I forgot about that when I was on /feg/ the first time.
Can we NOT have threads about gacha waifu mobile bullshit on Yea Forums?
>we will never have a salt factory as good as H!Nowi or B!Snacki ever again
The Bridal Snacki salt was fucking unreal. Like jesus people got so mad about her being in a dress. I fucking loved every second of it.
Link me user.
kinda surprised hot spring elise didn't trigger the same response
>Legendary Yuria
>No Legendary Zigludo
>lol here's the incest twins for another alt.
It doesn't help that they looked so lazy.
>tfw option paralysis
and yes I am a casual shitter
Can't beat Camilla winning against Lyn in the voting gauntlet.
I was too, not sure what exactly the difference was there. I guess she isn't showing the same kind of skin nowi was, but Sanaki's explosion was so over done I was surprised Elise got as little attention as she did.
>both got legendary alts
>Shitrika got that pony alt
>Ephraim got cyl2
>both got Christmas alts
Wow thanks.
To be honest the entire banner caused plenty of salt and rightly so no one wanted that shit seasonal banner
Whats some good 3-4 green unit to invest into a +10?
I have Cherche, Beruka and Libra as options right now?
Too much attention was put on the 6th Camilla that also is currently running for one of the worst art in the game.
Death knight seems actually pretty strong, is he actually though?
Sheena is good too.
It depends on what role you need filled.
Cherche deletes almost everything in her path.
He's fun in the arena at least.
Seconding sheena, she is a fucking wall who can fit your needs as being a decent AR omnitank as well as somebody you can stick on your arena team to boost your score.
Elisa is 18
Since we're getting a seasonal next month, predict how shitty it will be.
And nowi is 1000, but people still whined about that even if you do accept the "technically an adult" bs they gave us with elise.
>Whats some good 3-4 green unit to invest into a +10?
> Libra
S!Yogurt is the new budget axe now user.
alt edelgard and a three other 3houses shitters who they thought would be popular but ended up not being popular.
'Armor' heros with high atk, spd and def
Don't have DC nor 10 Sheenas so she is kinda out of the question for now
Was thinking on a flier to run Tactics team and shit
Here are my +10s so far
>last anniversary
It happened months ago get over it bro.
Just be glad you got free shit.
Can I have your Corrin?
gotta love how they did this just so that everybody wouldn't get a free lazura
I feel bad for people who got LLYN'd
I'd post the "you dirty sacean" pasta but I don't have it.
>Got Lyn'd
>Got -Atk Lyn'd
Can't wait to see how they fuck up Christmas and the anniversary again.
I mean, christmas is just gonna be an inbox with 1 orb and 100 feathers again. Same as usual.
I don't know what fresh horseshit they will come up with for the anniversary, but it is pretty much guaranteed misery for everybody again.
>gotta love how they did this just so that everybody wouldn't get a free lazura
Yet i got her on my free roll on that banner.
They'll do nothing again for Christmas, and as bad as this anniversary was they'd have to try to make it as bad next year.
Jokes on you
Would have taken Spd Tactic over useless bad ivs loli
I don't play armors so her inherance is useless to me
The difference is is that they know people come up with f2p guides for their game, giving everybody a free lazura would mean that they could basically never put out a piece of content ever again that wouldn't be fucking trivial for these people to figure out with a lazura in the f2p pool
Anybody got good comedic feh images?
I'd post those retarded Lukas harem images but I'm not home right now.
Surtr, Reinhardt, and Cordelia are my top three for PvE content. Surtr is actually +9 because I have a +Res one that I keep flip flopping on using over my +Def one.
I'm not really familiar with Fatesshitters so what's the joke here
like this
I don't think there is much of a joke there besides desire to touch fluffy tail
I wish people would just get together and meme wrys or reinhardt into the top 2 males
Takumi used to be the bane of everybody's existence when the game first came out.
Fae, Nowi, Katarina, and more recently Ophelia and Tibarn
Bros he lost
Dang, I'm impressed by the +10 Tibarn. I'd be way too tempted to fodder off sturdy impact.
Bro he fucking kills it as +0 just slap heavy blade seal and galeforce on him
Oh, the topic was about the +10s you have that have been doing work for you. Yeah he's probably pretty beastly even as +1 (I dislike running anything at +0 just because of banes). Hero Fest this year was very good.
>first TT
jesus don't make me remember that I almost got ptsd
Couldn't even get to the 5* marth in time
I've got a few
Hard TTs were actually really fun. Keeping the 50k max rewards but making it exceedingly difficult to get through the highest difficulty without losing a team would be a perfect balance.
Can Reinhardt beat Nino?
I got the crop of that
>No new refines for the characters in this image
Maybe next month.
Est is S tier
Simple times.
I really like her theme. It's really barebones, but still feels.
Post the Lilina one.
>actually wanted to get Lyn'd, didn't want a secnd Azura
>got a second Azura
>tfw no refine for Narcian and Ursula.
hot spring elise was too tame i guess
Hard to believe it's already been over a year since the second one.
I'll post some of them
Sorry, I don't have that one saved.
Her titties arent big enough.
Has anyone noticed that that the new damaged art is slowly becoming more tame?
The most erotic thing these artist have put out in recent memory is Julia's fucking ankles ffs
Fucking cute!
I think IS is done with armors shilling. We got 2 last cyl and 0 this time.
>inb4 the next Legendary is Seliph with Righteous Tyrfing.
yeah. for the most part at least
They know
they can wait till armors can go 185
I kinda miss that week 1 meta now.
That's Julia you retard, can't you even read?
>so what's the joke here
Kaden's tail is irresistibly soft.
Azura wants to stroke it but wishes to maintain a lady like composure.
>it's just seliph but slightly increased stats
We still get some good ones every once in a while
Oh great another infantry sword.
>The sword is Refine regular tyrfing and divine tyrfing rolled into one weapon.
I like where this is going.
Shame there probably is no lewd doujins with this pairing.
Elincia has the best footpussy
I've stuck with these three since the very beginning. Haven't played in a bit, might start again. Hanas prf still makes me mad.
I use +10 THE REINHARDT +10 Soliel and +10 Olivia (normal)
Tiki and Myrrh, but mostly because they're my only +10 units. Tiki especially is the star of my team.
I'm giving Myrrh Ground Orders in a few days for maximum movement memery.
>waste all of my orbs every single time any tiki is on a banner
>all I have to show for it is a single -atk Legendary from her initial release
The game just seems to always deny me of dragon lolis
Why can't I have legendary Camilla?
>releasing banners with multiple different versions of tiki all at once for 3 months straight
They know what they're doing.
>effective against mages
Prepare to get dabbed on faggot.
When are they going to release a new anti-mage weapon? Or a new anti-infantry weapon? We don't even have any anti-sword/axe/lance weapons yet.
But you can.
The Queen of Nohr is available for free.
They don't like it
Assassin bow and Poison dagger was ignored
We need those a lot more than the millionth anti-dragon weapon
Holy shit!
I forgot that even existed.
I got two blue orbs across 50 orbs worth of summoning sessions. But I guess that offsets the fact I didn't use many orbs on the last legendary banner to finish my pet project meme build.
I have her. I mean Legendary Camilla. Every character I don't give a shit about seems to have one except for Camilla.
Assbow is ironically the best weapon to fight against Eirs in AR with.
The summoning system in this game blows
We should get some anti-flier weapons that aren't bows. I mean just Excalibur fits that bill but Aircalibur as Cecilia's prf with that would be nice.
>empty slot
I think a Pain or Gravity healer would look nicely there, but you could also run with a dagger to spread debuffs
Anti-flier dagger that nullifies movement cancer skills and built-in vantage against fliers when?
>lilina that does only 25 damage to a red
These were the days before refine
Don't be so impatient it will happen eventually.
Lyn and Camilla are inevitable.
>You still can't summon the full circle all at once or skip summon dialogue from heroes you've already summoned.
>You also can't skip level-up text.
Don't forget the anti-dragon skill on Naga to boot
The funny thing about the assassin's bow is that you can't even refine it, only evolve it to the Guard Bow+
>>You also can't skip level-up text.
That one drives me up the wall. Thankfully I have 999999 crystals
>add this shit
>still have no shield skill for dragons, and only 2 red dragons that even have something remotely like that locked as prfs
I've been waiting ever since legendary heroes became a thing.
a.tiki and nowi, sometimes reinhardt
want to build a nino or soren next, whatever +spd drops first
Remember when you couldn't turn off enemy phase music? Good times.
>Effective against flying foes. This unit cannot be attacked by foes that moved into range via a skill such as Wings of Mercy, Flier Formation, etc. If a flying foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack before foe’s first attack regardless of foe's range. [Dagger 7]
RIP flierball cancer
>Get 3 Naga.
>no DC for her.
Well fuck.
>Have 3 Hectors
>No idea who to give dc to.
Myrrh's probably a safe choice but I have no clue other than that.
Sure was nice listening to a FE song I liked to get interrupted by the enemy phase over and over again.
I hope they put Shambhala into FEH for a GHB
Naga statline is fucking weird.
She can do the usual desp shennenigans but it's miles better under buffs, also low HP unlike most dragons.
t. 80 IQ literal mouthbreather
the whole thread is waifu posting you fucking mongoloid, jesus christ.
Wait for DireThunder to follow this trend
so are you guys ready for Halloween Surtr, Hel, Eir, and goo girl?
Plus HP, Minus Attack Naga and two Kadens with the same problem. I went fuck it and merged the two Kadens and I'm sure I can get mileage out of Naga by herself.
Nino, her refine is pretty gud and overall a very nice unit. My +10 deletes pretty much everything.
Real legendary hero coming through.
>those stats at +10
I'm so sorry, user. Liking shit units must truly be suffering.
Is DC even the most optimal choice? Just give her fury 3 or death blow 3 and call it a day user.
I'm surprised there's very little fanart of Naga. Guess nips don't like her much.
Not many appear to like Awakening Naga.
It's a shame.
I want to fuck a dragon.
Is anyone else having technical issues with the game right now? Just when the reset happened I was having trouble collecting the daily orbs since they literally weren't showing up in the owl bank and now it keeps asking me which character I want to support in the voting gauntlet despite already having chosen one several times before.
You obviously didn't choose Hector.
Already off to a good start.
Hinoka is never going to not lose against Camilla.
Looks good.
Absolute mad lad
Dumb cuck.
Based Dumb Cuck
All that wasted skill inheritance...
good to know the b8 banner is completely shit. thanks for rolling user I'll be sure not to waste more than 40 orbs in rolling. I'm gonna save up for halloween banner.
I only have one +10 unit and I'm still to scared to invest in skills on them. Who are some of the best f2p budget units to +10?
>tfw hinokafag
>tfw shes up against, literally, the most popular character in the entire frachise first in the Voting Gauntlet
Shes already dead, just stop, dont make her suffering any worse.
I'd give him a free win.
A lot of units are now viable to +10 nowadays thanks to refineries or simply being very good such as Ares or Reinhardt. It completely depends on what kind of weapon, color and move type you need.
I'm rooting for you. At least Honkers isn't a psychopath and also has the better design.
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