Would you ever get a videogame tattoo?

Would you ever get a videogame tattoo?

Attached: pokeballs )))).jpg (352x800, 119K)

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Those bumps are because of an accident or disease, or a shop, right? Right?

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Silicone implants

Subdermal implants.

lmao you sheltered pearl clutching faggot


they're implants retard. unironically go outside or better, lurk more.
I'd never do it, vidya tattoos are for braindead niggers who want to be recognized for the shit they consume, because they probably have nothing else

hoOo. hoo My gawd Yea Forumsros are you seeing this? OhhOoo man this isn't real is it? bwuhh Dood brooo wohh that's like Soooo messed up ahhhh ahhhh wohhhhhh this is so messed up agghh im scared. le nightmares wont be able to sleep tonight Yea Forumsros

Not everyone live in shitholefornia with these """"people""""

what the fuck are those lumps? cancer

.... this.... is ... fucking... stupid.

it doesn't matter where you live bitchboy you're a sheltered cuck that can't cope, can't handle and you're also gay

wonder what his six are

If I had to, but it would just be something really generic that you can barely tell is from a game.

>Those bumps are because of an accident or disease
No, but soon will be an infection .

Imagine the work pushing those things all the way to the wrist

>wow that self mutilation is gross
Try meeting new people

just look at this fucking faggot, he can't even write properly.
are you okay, bitchboy?

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>didn't even get the pokeballs in the right orientation

Post your tattoo


This is only the second most retarded type of body modifications out there, with self scaring and branding fighting for the first spot.

Already did

I miss when having a tattoo was enough for these degenerates. God can't come soon enough to purge this world in holy Armageddon

I'm not saying it's not gross, faggot, I'm saying that not knowing what it is and acting like you're shaking in your boots and pissing yourself makes you a little cocksucking queer. sit bitch.

I don't see these kinds of fucking freaks when I go outside. If you live in an area where you do, I wouldn't blame user for not stepping out of the house. I wouldn't either.

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Im saying its gross, you fucking freak.

That would make it third most retarded dumbass.

WHY. This pic is so fucking old and I still cringe every time I see it.

You're a dumb nigger that shifted goalposts when you got called out on your sheltered not-knowing. what a pathetic faggot you are, kill yourself.

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>just infect my shit up senpai.

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All nidoran(male)

Its not common knowledge that you people mutilate yourselves, if it wasnt for this thread your garbage bodies would never be acknowledged.

We have such sights to show you

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hahahah what why

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yuck, what a shitty design, at least be based and have the sharigans like danzo

>that JUST hair

It is called a heathen, and they will all burn in hell.

get wrecked bitch

Attached: gamer_tattoo.jpg (3024x4032, 943K)

Hey smoothskin

>"Why, yes, i did this to myself willingly and i do think its looks great i won't regret this at all ever becouse pokemon is my favorite videogame of all time and i will never change my mind about it"

If he is such a fan why doesn't he just carry 6 actual pokeballs at all times instead of mutilating his body by inserting fake pokeballs? Checkmate.

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my nose feels dry just looking at this guy

>it's upside down

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>in the future this will be the norm
just fuck my shit up senpai good thread

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That is your average "Zelda fan" bro

oh nonono

Thinking about getting this

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Wrong way

He can spin it around under his skin, no prob

What is that, Chernobyl Diaries?

Don't do it user, you will regret it later in life

How many levels of 50Y and(or) gamer girl faking do you think they are on to believe THAT was a good idea

These people have been around for fucking ever, do you unironically live under a rock?

>his body modification artist can't even triforce


I live in the world of Skyrim half the time and CRPGs the rest of the time. I is a good rock to live under.

netflix chernobyl lad, its pretty RAD

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Wow that guy really needs to start some cardio his leg pores are all clogged and his skin probably can't breathe well

I'd only get a tattoo if I was in a prison gang. Never by choice. You PUSSIES should show how young wild and free you are by paying a subhuman to brand you with a hot iron while your tatted gf gets BLACKED. Ugly fuckers.

Most people living in first world countries do. Where do you live? Moldova?

>when it was HBO
im retarted pardon me

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They’re implants you retard.


>gamer girl

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KEK it's been so long but this still makes me laugh

Hell doesn't exist.

This, get a real tattoo like mine

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The Brand of Sacrifice...

>gamer tat

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Hole in the middle should have been where the nipple is

God Zeldas hand in that picture is so sexy having a hand fetish is suffering there's so many ugly hands in this world

Tattoos are for degenerate retards. If you want a tattoo print off a picture of your idea and hang it up in your house. Look at it every day. If you don't get sick of looking at it after a few months then it isn't worth it

That's what my boomer teachers used to tell me

My Japanese girlfriend says tattoos are for criminals

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I want to commit a crime

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>Yeah I'm a gamer, how could you tell?

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Because in Japan tattoos are for criminals, if I see a tattooed Japanese guy I know I should stay away from him

>Wanted a Jet Set Radio Tattoo once
>Now when I think about the idea I find it lame
Time defeats all impulse purchases.

Another upside down triforce.

>Why, yes. I was molested as a child. How could you tell?

Tattooed and/or pierced women aren't human.

You're more autistic than him

This. Why the fuck do so many roasties have tons of terrible tattoos and God awful piercings?

I got a subtle tattoo

Attached: Hylian-shield-tattoo.jpg (640x640, 30K)


i already have a manga tattoo
it's a panel from yu yu hakusho, but you wouldn't be able to tell even if you've read the entire series, because it's just yusukes fucked up hand after he blasts toguro through the wall at the dark tournament

or just general daddy issues

Post it

haha t-that sounds horrible d-do you want to talk about it

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>Why yes, I have played all the Harry Potter games and think the ones beyond Year 3 are shit, how could you tell?

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because they're uninteresting whores looking for validation
kill yourself my dude


Apparently for this "scarrification" shit there's treatments applied over a long period to prevent infection as well as have it scar in the desired shape, stuff like coating it in salt and shit like that. Of course the people more inclined to do this sort of thing to their body may not be the best at following directions

I only know about this crap because I stay home all day looking up freaks

What's the point of a tattoo you can't see?

i would, but Yea Forums hates tattoos and im not interested in hearing the shit opinions of a bunch of biased incels
i would but it's more satisfying to know that my existence frustrates your retarded mind

Yeah it does it's called reality

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Right exactly, it's already easy for people to get infection from a tattoo due to poor after care, but the amount you'd have to do for a massive open sore for scarification has to be a huge to-do list because you're really on the razors edge of getting an infection.

The disease of being retard

you brought it up, now show it faggot, or are you afraid we'll laugh at your shitty tattoo? it probably looks like shit

Basic bitch of body mods is always
>butterfly tatts
>nipple piercings
They really need to be more unique if they're gonna look like trash.

sup faggot

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Alright user, assume you have to pick a vidya tattoo, what do you pick ? You also need to be completely honest with people who ask you about where it's from.

I recognize that gay bulge

hell yeah that just makes it better

>large breasts
>small nipples

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