Game lets you use common household items as ammo

>game lets you use common household items as ammo

Attached: bug-a-salt-salt-gun-9361.jpg (750x544, 66K)

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So, bullets

It's neat but nobody really needs this shit to kill bugs, and cleaning up the salt sounds like a pain. Why do people just assume fly swatters don't work? They do

because its fun to shoot guns and really you just need to vacuum it up or sweep it, you have to get the dead fly anyway
why do you think nerf is still a lasting business

>Game has a gun that fires junk items from your inventory

It's designed for when a fly lands on your food though I guess a bug vacuum achieves the same result

Sounds disgusting. It's already gross enough that a fly got on my food in the first place, the last thing I want to do is smoosh its defecating corpse further into my food by blasting it with shards of salt crystals.
Should just shoo it away and swat it when it's on something that's not my food

>go on vacation for 2 weeks
>after coming back find a roach nest
>like 10 roaches sitting on a corner
>know if I kill one they will scramble
>use my deodorant spray as a flamethrower
>it starts smelling fucking awful
>it's unbearable
>the stench lasts for days

Never kill roaches with fire.

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I once worked at a shitty, roach infested pawn shop. One day i sucked a gigantic roach into the vaccum cleaner and it reeked like a rotting animal for days.

the electrified swatters are the best. I wanna see that little mother fucker sizzle for coming in my house.
god I hate flies so fucking much

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A nerf gun works pretty well for this, harder to aim though.

Stack modus

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What’s Yea Forums‘s policy on spiders? I squish most small insects, but I usually put spiders outside or throw them out the window. I go out of my way to genocide wasps though if they’re near my house.

I only kill flies, mosquitos and roaches

Spiders get to stay in their corners and keep all the flying nigger insects at bay.

electric fly swatters > everything. they don't make a mess and it's satisfying as fuck how it goes "pop" the monment a fly touches it.

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How do they hold up against wasps and yellowjackets?

I leave spiders in their corners, but if I see you fucks start walking around my desk or under some blanket that fell on the floor? Either I'm gonna squish you violently or in other rarer cases, scoop you up and throw you outside.

>putting salt on food
this is why youre fat

Best Modus???

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Poke646 had two nail guns as weapons.

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usually don't muck with them, unless they're putting webs directly in my way

It's fun.
it's not particularly practical (and is right, blasting your food with salt to kill bugs is kinda shit), but look at how fun just shooting the damn fucker looks

is a much better idea.

>game lets you use household objects as weapons
why are there any serial killer games bros?

I'm pretty sure it's for agriculture.

Having to catch them mid-flight is a pain in the ass for an uncoordinated sperg like me, though. Are there any of those that also work as well as a normal swatter for nailing them while they’re resting on a hard surface?

After years of owning my Bug-A-Salt, I don't recall I single time that I've ever had to go out of my way to clean up the salt. It shoots such a small amount per shot that you'd have to be bump firing that shit if you wanted to make a mess.

Also the flies see it and warn their boys so you get a decrease in flies just from the deterrent factor of owning the gun.

I like this in theory but in practice it's not that great. I wish the physics had clever things to do or placing an item at a distance was useful in unique situations but really it's just a boring gun

are there any pirate games that let you load a blunderbuss or a cannon with random silverware or other stuff?

Your genetics determine your body's need for salt. There is a huge variety in how much salt different people can take before its unhealthy. Usually you don't even want lots of it if you're the type who's body doesn't need much of it. It's bullshit to say everyone should eat x low amount of sodium daily though. Most food tastes so much worse without it


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The first one I had worked like a dream, but every one after that just makes a huge spark that doesn't really kill the bug.
I've just gone back to normal swatters.

>salt is why you're fat
Holy shit how is it possible to be so retarded
Salt has zero calories you fucking baitlord, it's an electrolyte

But my common household item is ammo

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are there any games besides guilty gear where I can use a character that fights with a pool cue?

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i vacuum up .22 shells on a monthly basis

Not CrossTag battle thats for sure.

Just Hi-res the sprites already Arcsys works FUCK