Elder Scrolls 6

If it really was Skyrim 2.0 with a smaller landmass, no skills, little dialogue and no quests, then where the fuck is it? What is taking them so long with a team 4x the size of Skyrim at twice the development time.

Zenimax can't be a greedy studio and also pay their employees to do nothing for a decade.

Admit it. It will be amazing and when it comes out it will blow everyone away in scope and gameplay.

Todd always has the last laugh

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Elder Scrolls 6 is designed "for people to play for a decade at least" lies Todd Howard

The technology isn't ready yet apparently, by the time we get TES VI it will have been 2 generations since Skyrim and should be a big leap


Fallout 4 looked like shit, just shinier

After playing KCD, my expectations for a medieval style combat game, with or without combat, has been raised significantly.

Considering bethesdicks history with combat systems, I’m not sure if this game is gonna be worth the storage space

>Skyrim 2.0
you mean skyrim 76
youre very dumb if you dont think theyre gonna try to squeeze the "games as a service" shit in here
expect a sprawling, cooperative, live online multiplayer experience for the next generation
with INFINITE content™

He means they're pre-planning all the TES6 ports for the next decade after release.

>Elder Scrolls will be a worse game than Skyrim so modders can deal with our bullshit for a decade trying to make it playable

I can't wait for the new water shaders

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies

The reason he says that is because that's how long we will be waiting for TES7.

I cant believe anyone still entertains this bastard that killed TES only because he has 100 charisma

>Elder Scrolls 6 is designed "for people to BUY for a decade at least" says Todd Howard
Sounds accurate.

>4x the size of Skyrim
Yeah maybe in terms of file size with half the substance.

How much further do you think they'll bastardize your armor/items? I'm thinking Chest/Pants/Helm/Weapons/Neck/Rings, that's all.

what he means is that it's full of tedious repetitive quests with no unique story or rewards

He's not wrong if the next one have the same moddability or more and they don't fucking launch another Elder Scrolls in the next 15 years

just a reminder that Fallout New Vegas has been played for over a decade at least and is talked about to this day

arigatou Todd-sama you are not a liar and uphold your promises!

It's not that hard to believe, People still play New Vegas ~10 years out.

Exactly why TES skipped this gen it wouldn't be impressive

What if the whole thing is settlement building?

>rings and necklaces
One of each though

Ah yes, a ten year long journey, just like Anthem, eh?

Or is he all but announcing that they'll milk and re-release TES6 ad nauseam, just like Skyrim?

I'd be hard pressed to decide which one's more pathetic.

They're bound to use F76's engine, especially considering the effort it took to be updated by the team in Texas.
I agree and hope people listen to your good sense, Goodman.

Aren't they working on that scifi game first?

You did play Skyrim for a decade

Wow, they are going to use an updated gamebryo!? Big if true desu

It's was updated for online. And you know they'll never use anything else.

>If it really was Skyrim 2.0

Then Todd and his gnomes are fucked, because bankrupt is calling.

I can't wait for this game to come out, I am putting off my computer upgrades until after the PS5 comes out so I know i will have a computer that can run it!

anthem only actually had like a year of solid development time.
they literally had no idea what game they were making until like a week before that e3 where gameplay was shown.

plebs would eat it up

>Or is he all but announcing that they'll milk and re-release TES6 ad nauseam, just like Skyrim?

i don't understand this meme. dark souls had the same amount of re-releases and a shit ton of other games as well.
compared to something like resident evil 4 and how many times that was re-released, the joke doesn't really make sense.

I don't care anymore t b h.

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DkS delivers
TES hasn't delivered after Morrowind

that's really bad, game developers should be aiming for 100 years, look at minecraft

ES6 is like 4-5 years away. Stop talking about it, retards.

but they literally released skyrim 2.0 in the form of the special edition and it still sold millions of copies.
todd can't lose. it is impossible.

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I only liked morrowind and nothing else. everything after seems so meh

yeah bullshit
when todd walks on stage at E3 2023 to discuss elder scrolls 6 you will cream your pants just like fallout 4's e3 and just like fallout 76 e3. todd has max charisma and he will make you care just with his charm.

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>Elder Scrolls 6 is designed "for people to play for a decade at least" says Todd Howard

They're going to monetise mods and make the game with DLC in mind like what Evolve tried, aren't they?

3 skills: Combat, Magic and Stealth. Your character is "fluid" and can change races, birthsigns and skill allocation at any time. Look forward to epic outpost settlement and paid mods.

5 years away

Stop talking about it.

>it is taking forever therefore it is going to be good
yeah, because that worked for skyrim, fallout, and especially 76, right?
> it will blow everyone away in scope and gameplay.
bethesda games have done so less and less each installment, and now there are quite a few other studios that have all shown up bethesda as the hacks they have been for the better part of 2 decades depsite their superior funding, time to gather experience and develop the tools to make their games.

it's probably gonna be the last elder scrolls mainline game right? it won't be out for a few more years at least so TES7 wouldn't be out until after 2030

we dont really need it anyways
Ill just keep modding skyrim till the day I die

Based Todd. Hope it has a high skill ceiling.

After all their talk of player retention and regrets that they couldn't milk Skyrim players I don't have a single bit of trust for ES6. Shit's going to be monetized to hell and back.

All I'm gonna say is that the porn mods are going to be incredible. Fallout 4 may not have a lot of smut content, but Advanced Animation Framework makes SexLab look like a joke in comparison. Lighter, faster, supports as many animations as you can install, tagging systems, live actor selection, fade to black between animations so you miss the jank. Imagine all this with the popularity of TES.

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Why do people post shit like this? Do they forget how the armor was in. FO4

It merely means they don't plan to do TES VII in the foreseeable future if ever at all.

Maybe they're going to pull a c0da and then everyone can make their own Kalpa in the Creation Kit™ exclusively supported by the Creation Club™ and hope money comes in through paid mod shares.

The armor system in Fallout 4 was terrible.

>Like ten outfits that could be used with the layered armor system
>The other dozens upon dozens of outfits weren't compatible and had shit armor ratings which made them worthless

why does fallout 4 do differently that allows for something like aaf

16x the detail

Not much, but people learned hard from Skyrim's barely finished yet really great oSex mod. AAF is based on that mod as a foundation and goes from there. Which is why it's far more advanced than SexLab.

It went far beyond what any Fallout game ever had. It wasn't perfect but as concept it will be applied to future TES games.
So yes, a Leather armor in Tes VI will logically have at the very least left arm, right arm, torso, right lef, left led, helmet, maybe boots and gloves as separate sloth. At least some clothes will be visible underneath, light, medium and heavy variants will exist just like the FO4 sets, and you even have shadowed version with a stealth bonus.

Todd Howard has never uttered a single outright lie. What he does is overpromise. The difference between the two lies in intent. A lie is intentional, often malicious deception. When you overpromise something, you genuinely believe that you can deliver what you promise.

And not only that, Todd has also went back on his exaggerations and promises before the release of the game EVERY SINGLE TIME, so no one has an excuse to call him a liar if a feature they thought would be in is not when the game ships. Should have paid attention to pre-release interviews and articles.

If you want to hate someone at BGS, direct your hate towards this guy. He is responsible for the sharp decline in narrative quality in their games. Another one to curse is of course Robert Altman, the CEO of Zenimax Media, which owns BGS.

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I suppose, let's just hope Bethesda learned from that concept and doesn't just remove it.

It's going to go something like this.
>Sometimes your game doesn't always have 16x the detail.
>*crowd awws*
>Well, we're pleased to announce that the scope of the ES6 will be our BIGGEST EVER.
>*crowd cheers* *claps* *hollering*

Yeah, well, they shouldn't intend to have me pay for 10 years worth of mods.

>What is taking them so long with a team 4x the size of Skyrim at twice the development time.

The fact that they are not even really working on it yet. Starfield is their main project at the moment, this was confirmed by the legend himself.

G-guys... I want to believe him

While you are right for 99% of the shit Todd gets crap for the Radiant AI demonstration for Oblivion was a flat out lie and they knew it and never disclosed that before release, only after. The funny thing is there's a lot of test and demo shit left in the Oblivion data files and one of those things left is the E3 gameplay demo but the radiant AI demo from the same E3 is completely stripped from the data files and I think that's because it would have exposed the whole thing to be a fake.

Remember Fallout 76? Yea, we'll see if it's good or not when it releases.

He will sell you one game for the next 10 years.
And you will buy it over and over again.

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Emil takes over for Todd when he retires.

How the fuck do normies fall for his shit everytime? Is their memory that much shit or what?

God save us all, knock on wood.

Personally I'm not a fan of "layered armor" because it can cause horrible clipping, clothing mods would become even more difficult to make and vanilla clothing sets would have to be skintight and look would awful. This worked well in Daggerfall and Morrowind because the models were much simpler, it looks silly in FO4.
I'm all for modular armors with more slots, pouches, various attachments and different variants for factions or even for each character.

Friendly reminder that Morrowind was the last game during which Todd was lead designer, before being made the poster boy for the studio and moved to the position of executive producer.

Clothing mods
And nothing of value was lost.

Oh fuck it's a live service isn't it?

ken rolston was the designer of morrowind, not todd howard

Sorry Todd, I refuse to buy anymore games from a company that knowingly employed a child rapist composer

I'm about to play Oblivion, wish me luck!

Todd was the HMFIC .
Rolston was a cog.

I have heard others say the same.

he is still involved in the design of the games. everything has to pass his approval. he just isn't the only one coming up with the game design anymore.
>But I try to spend as much time as I can looking at the game with whoever's doing that part of the game, and that's us having a conversation about it. "So what's working, what's not working, what are we trying to do?" And it's a lot of people... so it's definitely changed from me sitting down and designing something on my own to working with a lot of people, but that makes it much better.

subscription based live service pay-to-win gambling simulation with 4x the re-releases at 16x the price

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You're right. Project lead is the title I was looking for.

Probably not. Todd has said he hasn't ruled out some sort of online component but the game will primarily be an offline singleplayer game. He specifically refuted it was going to be anything along the lines of Fallout 76, for example.


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who are you referring to?

Oh well, if Todd said so

yeah, cause Todd Howard has such an impeccable track record of telling the people that play his games the truth, right?

Protected by Denuvo, because why not.

>All this time the problem hasn't been too much Todd, but too little

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People still buy and play Skyrim to this very day. That's probably the most truthful statement he's made in years.

TES VI will be destroyed by its cash shop and paid mods

Jeremy Soule. Some girl accused him of rape or sumfin

You know fine well Todd.

Ten years ago. Because she now feels like it was rape and not consensual (enough).

that game wasnt developed by bethesda you absolute twat

>caring about tes 6 when bannerlord's releases in march 2020

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>16 times the detail
>you see that mountain there
>fully modeled, non-scripted daily AI routines

I can see you too are a gentleman of refined tastes and higher learning.

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>16 times the detail
This one was clearly PR jargon and anyone who actually bought it deserves every bit of disappointment they experienced

>you see that mountain there
It is possible to scale any mountain in Skyrim (with the exception of those that are out of the bounds of the playable area). There was no mention of actual climbing mechanics in the claim that was made.

>fully modeled, non-scripted daily AI routines
This one is the only legit one, and even then, proving that it was an intentional lie instead of wishful thinking in regards of what they can deliver is nigh impossible.

Can barely keep a general on /vg/
The announce didn't warrant a sticky.
Tens of fans are rejoicing.
Nobody cares about a Knight sim with shitty combat.

God, you can see the exact point at which he was YOINKED out of the design team and given a suit.

Because they've been working on a bunch of Fallout games and this

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What we expecting besides this being announced next year as a console launch game?

Skyrim in space

You will have a space station instead of a spaceship.
Space combat will be a more in depth version of Mothership Zeta .

>yfw they recycled reload animations from Fallout 4
>the really bad ones too

Fallout in space. And it's not gonna be a console launch game due to when development started.

Development started right after Nuka World was completed didn't it? So that would mean it started development in late 2016. There's no way they're going to announce it for current gen consoles at the rate they're going.

>bad games

it's a medieval sim. not a knight one. bigger scale.
perhaps you think skyrim's combat is better?

Very wrong, it'll likely be out first half of next year.

Todd himself said he likes to keep from showing it until it's very close to release. So as soon as you see it it's gonna be around 4 months out or so according to him and what he said he likes to do.

we're comin up for a decade on 6

What, is there meant to be some announcement at the TGS? That doesn't sound like Todd.

>TES 6 will be games-as-a-service shit with them pushing paid-mods, microtransactions and shitty online features

>people will get forced to play Skyrim for all eternity as the result

Is this Todds true endgame?

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Would any computers even be able to run the game a decade later?

he says people can climb a mountain which they can.
he doesn't say a game will be single player then when it comes out it is entirely multiplayer

You can only attack from 4 directions in M&B. In Warband the AI was atrocious.
So yes Skyrim is light years ahead.

Fuck off, Todd.

>CTRL + F "lie"
>first post
Turns out it was best post

but he also likes to do a big e3 demo and their games always release in the fall.
nothing will be shown for a year anyway because it is a next gen game. and next gen games can't be shown before the actual consoles are announced.

Gotta ask how in the fuck does this game sell so much when the series has always played like ass? I understand if you're invested in the world but even with the most up to date version of the Elder Scrolls series the gameplay is dogshit.

fo4's armor system was more complex then fallout 3's though.
I expect tes6 to have a simpler armor system than tes5. One slot for armor, a helmet and a ring and a necklace.

Not sure why anyone here gives a shit. You are going to call it trash regardless.

Why? They could keep and expand on the underlay/overlay system FO4 had.

user NetImmerse will always look like shit no matter how many generations you skip

Why do people like things you don't?
Straight up fucking mystery Sherlock.

New engine?

What, an online version of skyrim?

>Why do people like things you don't?

I'm asking what's the appeal because I don't see it, I'm not telling others to stop liking things that I don't.

I NEED to be a khajiit!

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so you recognize they increased the complexity of armor in fallout 4 but then say they will reduce it for elder scrolls? how does that make sense? it is pretty clear they are heavily investing in the whole modification and customization aspect. i fully expect that to be expanded upon even more in elder scrolls 6.

can't wait to fuck dogs in it

they are developing new tech for the current one. including photogrammetry and new tech to render massive landmasses. physics and animation have also been confirmed to be completely overhauled.

Plays like ass

Your shitty taste in games is a you problem.
I am going to guess most of the studios that make games you like are out of business.

>Zenimax can't be a greedy studio and also pay their employees to do nothing for a decade.
>It will be amazing and when it comes out it will blow everyone away in scope and gameplay.
Or its an even bigger pile of buggy shit than Fallout 76, and they are desperately tried to fix it by throwing more manpower at it instead of just admitting the engine is done and it's time to give up on it.

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Todd is a faggot.
if TES VI has even more plotholes and even less skills than Skyrim and if it doesn't reimplement mysticism, spears, acrobatics, athletics, birthsigns and classes I hope it gets less than 30% on metacritic.

also, if Jeremy Soule doesn't compose its music, it's gonna change everything about TES as well.

What plotholes are there in Skyrim?

>One slot for armor

not even Todd likes normie simpleton bullshit that much. then again, Todd likes EA and clearly hates RPGs (since every TES release was less and less about stats and skills and more about "BUTTON = AWESOME bullshit), so..

do you remember the Brand-Shei quest in Riften?

>what a good quest, that guy really seems to be the last heir of House Telvanni from Morrowind who are now completely wiped out!
>meet that dunmer girl from Winterhold College who talks about the Telvanni
>meet Neloth from the Dragonborn DLC
>both be like "House Telvanni? oh yeah, these guys are all alive and well back in Morrowind, I assure you... blah blah blah.."


watch this one too.

Well then that explains the delay.

Todd is a furfag.

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And that's a good thing...

That qualifies as a plot hole to you?
You are a dumbass.

that's not really proof.
I like Khajiit too but only for fun factor and cuteness factor.

>inb4 M'aiq the Liar is a Todd self-insert.

How much do you want to bet TES6 is being delayed until Todd can have his dev team make a real-time fur shader?

it is a total inconsistency. what's your point anyway, you pathetic idiot fucktard?

He actually hates Khajit and uses one for testing because torturing Khajit is a victimless crime.

But Skyrim is already that.

Daily reminder that tes6 is taking place in hammerfell and fantasy black people will be the subject of the game and there is absolutely nothing that pol fags can do about.


Daily reminder that I will play as a Khajiit anyway and you can't stop me.

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>The technology isn't ready yet apparently
That's fucking BS.

Are you really mad someone who was a baby when he escaped Morrowind doesn't have total recall of the event ?

I have it on very good authority that TES:VI will take place in Akavir. Screenshot this.

Hammerfal blacks are the good guys. In fact you can make cute light brown girls with them.

Don't forget the arbitrary removal of a weapon type, probably maces because every weapon hits with a dull thud anyhow

the house as a great house doesn't exist anymore but that doesn't mean every single person related to it has been killed.
and neloth is a crazy person i don't know why you believe anything he says.
not a plot hole.

>tfw no jeremy soule
Won't be the same, probably won't even buy it twice this time....

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none of these are plot holes.
god damn youtubers are so fucking stupid.

Hammerfell is a bunch of blacks larping as ottomans and people like that

The ottomans were black, user.

>he says people can climb a mountain which they can.
I can climb a mountain in Breath of the Wild, you mean. You have to glitch a shittilly programmed horse up a mountain in Skyrim.

When are we getting a black marsh game?

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Allow me to prove your point:

They already have ESO for all that.

what he means is that the radiant quest system will be better than ever

2hand axes and maces my guess.

After 76 my hopes are even lower than they were, but I still believe in miracles.
Fallout 4 armor system was alright. I hope they will manage to translate it to TES6 and not fuck it up.
Also, watched most recent Skyblivion Q&A and they replaced shout button with quick cast, which is good idea and hope beth will do something like that in 6.

Is there really any difference?

A mainline game cannot take place in Black Marsh proper, because the place is fatally toxic to anyone who is not argonian or part of the local fauna. That would mean that you could only play an argonian, and that isn't going to fly in a mainline TES game which has traditionally let you play as any of the races.

I feel the opposite. I never liked how fo4 went and knew 76 was going to be a disaster. But the overwhelming negative feedback to 76 leads me to believe they're going to actually take their quality control seriously.

So the answer is... I must find argonian qt 3.14's another way...

OH man.. If they dont make starfield (or what ever it was) a fucking masterpiece. My last hope for Todd is gone. They need a redemption right the fucking now

Come to think of it you could climb shit in Daggerfall too.

Play fallout 3 then come tell me that

The optimist in me wants to believe that 76 taught them a lesson they really needed.

At least 76 brought spears back so it's guaranteed to be in TES 6

>Skyrim came out eight years ago

Only because of mods, though.
What if the mod community decides that "fuck you, we'll just continue making Skyrim mods, instead". How fucked will ES6 be, then?

Skyblivion aint shit

Skywind is where its at

>because the place is fatally toxic to anyone who is not argonian or part of the local fauna.

no it fucking isn't. there isn't one piece of lore that says this.
the only thing that the lore says is that it is an inhospitable swamp that sucks to travel through and there is no recorded instance of a non-argonian ever reaching the very center of the province. that's it.

they won't because everyone will have moved on to the next game. it is the same reason why none of the whole tamriel projects get completed. because a new game comes out before anything actually gets done and everyone moves on to the next game because they allow for better modding.

And Cyrodil is a jungle. If they want it to change it changes.

Next to no impact.
Around 10% of players mod the game and of those it is unknown if that is a deal breaker.

>Medieval style combat game, with or without combat

Perhaps "fatally toxic" was a poor way of describing the place. What I mean is that it's basically Catachan, with incredibly poisonous/dangerous fauna and flora that only the natives are equipped to handle and avoid. Any player character that isn't a native argonian wouldn't last very long.

They can easilly retcon that.

>actually due to massive interest in trading, the black marsh has begun terraforming
>player starts out in a hub area landing zone
>everything outside is extrodinarily hostile and toxic
>have to brave the landscape with clunky breathing apparatuses
>you set down magic beacons that semi the haze
>once you set them to a town you chart a coarse using the becons
>improve trading resources and let's you build and buy better gear
>once a path is made you can pay to ride the caravans between towns
>edge of the world is way too dense for anything to pass

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I meant with or without magic, sorry I’m retarded

Todd Howard, more like Fraud Coward

Then imagine pairing this with hunger systems, anti poison systems, general inventory management etc
Imagine having to pack each expedition,

Then the "final boss" is actually the cause of the haze. And once you clear the haze you're only half way through the game.

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When the RPG Codex sends it's posters ,They are not sending their best. They are sending posters that have lot's of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing shitposting. They are bringing nostalgia. They're old and cranky. And some I assume are good posters.

We are going to build a firewall and Dork Underlord is going to pay for it.

> Survival.
Go fuck yourself with a wire brush.
I am glad 76 flopping will kill that shit.

All previous tes games that matter (morr obl sky) has been major hits despite being clones, the only thing that could ruin it is the fatigue, and seeing that tes games are unique niche this wont happen with 6

Don’t know if I’d really consider it a plot hole but dawngaurd is pretty fucking retarded
>find girl locked in a tomb
>she reveals herself to be a vampire pretty fucking quickly
>instead of beheading her on the spot or bringing her back to the dawnguard for questioning you bring her back to her home for no reason
>she has an elder scroll to boot

you do realize that there are entire cities populated by non-argonians in black marsh right? there is even an imperial prison there. and the land isn't toxic. it is just a disgusting swamp. it is even said there have been attempts to farm and shit but the swamp just grows back too fast.

the only city and surrounding area truly dangerous and not explored by non-argonians is helstrom.

Attached: LO-map-Black_Marsh_(Oblivion_Codex).jpg (400x489, 70K)

If Todd will concentrate on AI and making NPC's feel alive, it might be true and we will have years of gameplay.

Well then just say there's a toxic haze that came down and isolated all those cities.

You just haven't played a good survival game if you think survival is bad.

i don't know why i expected some taste from someone who unironically likes vanilla skyrim

Helstrom is the location of the secret Dwemer ruin where Numidium was built.
It is also where the Hist are trying to rebuild Dagoth's mecha in TES 6 Redfall.

The only people who like the 4 direction thing are the MP nerds . If they add diagonal attacks they can't chamber block with any consistency any more. I don't see why the game should suffer to cater to a niche.

I don't think I will ever enjoy tedium.

It's not eating every few seconds to keep a hunger meter up. In fact the food would be more for healing you. You'd just have to choose between healing items, exploratory items, or heavy armor and varied weaponry.

I know that's not everyones cup of tea, but limitations imo are more interesting than freedom.

We have very different taste in games.
That's ok different strokes and all that.
I am just hoping 76 killed Bethesda's enthusiasm for it.

>argonian """freedom fighters""" occasionally wreck your shit

Retard, we've known ES6 has been single player for over a year.

>Pete Hines, who's the VP of marketing at Bethesda revealed in an interview that The Elder Scrolls 6 is just a single player game

And more, they could set the game in the borders of Cyrodiil and Black Marsh, having the player going to the swamp as the "challenging environment" on high lvl quests or shit, kinda end level. And the general objectives could be about a racial and political dispute between the Argonians and everyone else.
and a Morrowind DLC, which we all know will sell

>. If they add diagonal attacks they can't chamber block with any consistency any more
they could actually. there was an early access title called of kings and men that had 9 attack directions and people chambered just fine.
also, the discussion was about warband vs skyrim combat.

I want to believe this but fallout 4 was a mess in terms of modding. If you go to fallout 4 nexus right now the majority of mods are shitty guns imported from other games, outfits that are also shitty... and that's it! Barely any major gameplay changes or modding marvels like Skyrim has.
Very likely TES6 will be even more difficult to mod for, that is unless they stopped being retards and got the SKSE people in to build it into the system along with other modding stuff we use already built in. But that's severely unlikely.
Todd never learns his lesson.

Can you shield bash in M&B?

This, technology cant yet into fun

can you kick in skyrim?

>If it really was Skyrim 2.0 with a smaller landmass, no skills, little dialogue and no quests, then where the fuck is it? What is taking them so long with a team 4x the size of Skyrim at twice the development time.
People literally said the same thing about Skyrim and Oblivion user.

You can only attack from one direction in Skyrim and the AI was even worse, what's your point?

Kick for 0 damage
Kick for 0 damage
Kick for 5 damage
Kick for 0 damage

Nope. At least shield bashing was useful.

you kick to create an opening in his defence/shield holding not to do directly do damage.

Live service garbage I'm calling it now.

ES6 won't be a trash can live service, r-right lads?

In Skyrim the AI would try to flank you.

meanwhile in M&B
The AI cavalry would get stuck on the edge of the map like flypaper. Not just one or two you could end up with 30+ horses stuck in a perfect line.
The worst (best?) example is sieges. The AI could handle exactly one entry point. They would then conga line up the ladder to the point the best tactic is to stand there and boink them on the head one at a time.
Yes your hand gets tired in large sieges as you will do this hundreds and hundreds of times.

There has never been a worse example of AI in a game than M&B. Yes it is hyperbole but not far off.

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the vast majority of skyrim mods are anime waifu fapbait followers. fallout games have never been modded to the level of elder scrolls. and it also doesn't really need gameplay changes like skyrim does.
and fallout 4 isn't more difficult to mod for than skyrim. people just don't care as much.

>In Skyrim the AI would try to flank you.

>10 year Road map

Bethesda's development cycle is more about optimizing the amount of purchases they can get on already released games. They've not been working on TESVI for the last 8 years, at all. Maybe the last 2-3, whenever FO4 came out and the dlc all dropped.
Notice that Skyrim has been re-released 3-4 times in that timeframe.

TESVI will be actual hot garbage if they don't entirely gut the Gamebryo engine, and there's no guarantee it won't be a badly designed wreck even if they do that. FO4 has already proven they no longer give a shit about pretending their games are RPGs.

Was he implying next gen consoles? Because technically they dont exist yet

>Thanks for the mazte. Such generosity should be repaid. You know the Nord once ruled this land, don't you? Back when these Dark Elves were squatting around campfires in nix skins? Back in the First Age when the sons of Harald Hand-Free ruled the northern coasts of Tamriel, during the Skyrim Conquests? Well, I bet you didn't know Olmgerd the Outlaw, Harald's bastard, was buried as befits a Nord lord's son, in his ship, in a tomb deep in the mother rock.

>And of course they buried Stormkiss with him. Stormkiss was Olmgerd's enchanted battle-axe. And you see this old key? See what it says on it? 'Stormkiss.' Here. Take it. Healer says the mazte is killing me. I'm going home to Skyrim to die. You, you got your life ahead of you. Go ahead. Take it.

How can a race be as based as nords?

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>slightly updated low-overhead PC parts don't exist yet
What do you think consoles are?

I couldn't help but notice you chose to not attempt to defend M&Bs piss poor AI.
Wise decision.

Yay! That means levitation, spellmaking and spears! Woohoooo!
What do mean, "Bethesda is incompetent?" This time they'll get it right!

despite Skyrim being eight years old, released on multiple platforms and STILL NOT A FINISHED GAME


You're just outright lying. Fallout 4 has tons of quest mods. There's new zones, hell, they added that crazy ass running train settlement you can do battle on too.

People have been playing Skyrim for nearly a decade now just because Bethesda won't fucking make TES 6.

Attached: heavy breathing.gif (640x360, 404K)

Todd lives in your head rent free.

where's skyrim for the vita and the smartphone brodd coward

I still play Skyrim and that's nearly 8 years old. I don't see why not to trust him.

Come to think about it Starfield should be out late next year / early year after. Please don't suck

>new zones
>anywhere close to a full animation physics system designed from scratch
>completely reworking entire sections of the game such as spell casting or learning spells
>complete combat overhauls including ai changes and improvements
>FNIS literally developed for Skyrim
>billions of quest mods far more intricate and interesting than anything produced for shitout4
If you think a fucking rolling train simulator is anywhere close to the code breaking modding done for Skyrim you're a fucking moron. Also in the time Fallout 4 has been out, Skyrim had the majority of these mods and they were being refined. Get bent you fucking disgusting little fallout steam punk nigger.

To be fair once consoles got mods they became less special.
The good thing is the "Mods will fix it "meme died.

It's going to be so stuffed to the brim with microtransactions and lootboxes that the actual quest and game will be like a carcass picked dry

You come off like a dumb AND ignorant monkey, damn.

name literally one good survival game

Fallout 4 has the same stuff lol

if starfield is not a c0da inspired tes40k e.y.e-lite then bethesda is literally retarded

They are creating live service model

They literally started development last year, what the fuck makes you think it would be out by now.

Cam confirm. Recently did a run and man is it still fun. Might go play it now that you mention it.

>In Warband the AI was atrocious.

Ah you're on of those actual autists that played singleplayer. I have 740 hours and never even touched singleplayer.

Of course not, because it's pretty shit. Still, it's better than Skyrim's reused Morrowind AI that just tries to find the shortest route to the player and follows that.