Night in the Woods devs cancelled new project because of Zoe's bullshit

Night in the Woods devs cancelled new project because of Zoe's bullshit.

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Honestly if you're ever in a room with Zoe Quinn the only thing that makes sense to do is beat and rape her because she's going to accuse you of it anyway

lol good

Damn... the incels were actually right? Women DO ruin everything??

yeah she's going to make it up regardless so you may as well actually rape her.

>fired only because of allegations

This world is great, a woman can literally ruin your life with a single word

It makes sense to do more than that. Dead men tell no tales.

This is mildly funny by the fact the creator of the game is a huge SJW.

Has ZQ spent the last four years sucking every cock she could get her fat mitts on? How the fuck does she have any credibility with anyone ever?

Just do a 180 and leave the room, as I literally wouldn't do a five-dozenhand cooch. Some of us have standards, you know.

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fuck cucks

Listen and believe

Seriously why does anyone believe her?
Even her own mother called her a fucking liar.
She’s a scammer, whore and a false accuser
Burn in Hell slut

Thank god more games won't come out of these devs, that game was fucking awful

The OST was good everything else was shit tier

It's always funny when they cannibalize their own.

Wouldn’t say “funny” so much as “predictable.” SJWs routinely eat their own, and now that Zoe is rapidly losing relevancy she’s going to throw anyone she can under the bus to make ends meet. She probably has had flings with literally hundreds of guys that she can blackmail whenever needed.

Women don't belong in the workforce

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>UGH I'm Trash: the Sequel - the Movie - the Game cancelled
is anyone upset though?

Since when is Zoe Quinn still relevant? I haven’t heard anything about that fugly bitch since she sucked off 5 guys and through the worlds biggest hissy fit about it

That's a LMAO from me.
If you want a business that works, employ Conservative/Centrist/Libertarian women.
If you want a business to die, employ far-left, feminist, woke women.

I thought September was the worse mouth, why is August full of false rape and shit.

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>We're going to destroy a work out of spite for one guy.
What awful people.

the mere allegation is enough

This assault also happened in 2011. 8 years ago man. She's been outspoken before so why now does she bring this up on the anniversary of Gamergate?

Does that guy have any legal foot to stand on? Allegations are not proof of guilt in anyway at all and I'd imagine there can be repercussions for firing a person based solely on an allegation or accusation, especially if they then turn out to be unable to be proven or false entirely.

i like it when bad things happen to terrible people

Is this even a business?

americans are so retarded

>That part where he calls out other Youtubers
Absolutely BASED ProJared, even though his content has been shit since fucking Mystic Quest.

>Implying Quinn was ever in the workforce

Or just avoid women period
Thats way better
Even if the woman is decent the men will do stupid shit when she is present, this always happens

i dont usually get into the SJW bullshit but firing a dev for proof free accusations is unacceptable

Sucking dick's still a job user

>Shoot your own game in the foot at the finale because you realize you're about to point out the flaws in your own life and suggest making a change.
>Shoot game in back of the head over childish moral grandstanding.
I feel like the people in charge are terrified of leaving their state of quasi-child.

He could sue the company but then would have to prove, in court, that the allegations are wrong and that's tricky to do without a police report; you need to come up with some rock solid evidence to prove that Zoe was nowhere near him at that moment 8 years ago.

Isn't that like 90% work? Sounds like he could just pull in a graphics guy and start where he left off, make a not!NitW2

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Did he call out anyone specifically or just people in general that made clickbaity videos?

>immediately fired because a woman said something
What fucking clown world do we live in where this is even remotely possible?

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Zoe Quinn is a habitual liar who fabricates histrionic drama every time her Patreon revenue starts to sag because she can't make money from game development when she doesn't actually develop games, but don’t let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.

The fun thing about the American legal system is that citizens suing companies end up in a worse place than if they didn't most of the time.

From what I remember:
>Matt from Supermega
>Keem and the usual drama channels

Girding up for the court room, hopefully?

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>cancelling a game and cutting ties with a co-creator all because of allegations
What the fuck?

Man critikal really became a huge faggot.

Is it literally Zoe Quinn making these allegations?

>zoe ruined someone's career just to stay relevant

Only if betas give them the power to do it. I remember a time where you were innocent until proven guilty even with the worst accusations, only to be fired and whatnot after being proven guilty. Now men grovel in front of woman and throw their brothers to the wolves.

And game grumps

>>Matt from Supermega
The hell did they do?

He showed a fee channels as examples. Don't think he actually dropped to many names. Game Grumps for sure.

never underestimate how castrated some people are.

He did most of the work, yes.

>NITW? stupid tumblr furry shit youre not allowed to talk about it on Yea Forums
>now everyone is posting about it
sometimes i really hate you fags

Reminds me of when Phil Fish cancelled Fez II.

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He was loved when he was the funny guy of monotone voice but he he got up his own ass and though he had weight outisde how he said things.
This is a recurrent theme I see with a lot of youtubers/influencers/ecelebs/whatever, that they jump on the politics/drama boat like it's nothing when the vast majority doesn't have the mindset to properly approach the topics.

And it specially shows the moment the drama splashes them how little they know about the situations and how to deal with them.

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I'm guessing Matt couldn't miss the opportunity to goof on him. Not sure though.

Seeing Mick foley fight the medics off, gettinf up from the stretcher, and climbing back up that cage with a maniac smile on his face after falling 16 feet was the greatest moment in wrestling history

They both made fun of him and didn't bother researching facts, just used him as a punching bag.

You should watch the video. First half is pointless bullshit but the really rails on people after he's done with the two main detestable zoomer suspects.

ah well if she was raped years ago and only just talking about it, i'm sure the poor dear will be pressing the matter in the justice system any time now

As said earlier, the game serves from it's natural conclusion since it would mean taking some initiative and responsibility is w good thing.

As long as you spend a minute alone with a woman in a room that can be enough. Hell, in the UK a dude had to go on trial because he alleged raped a GoT actress on a train station with cctv showing that the only contact they had were running past each other. Yet he had to fucking fight that shit in court to get his name cleared.

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Zoe made her career based on making these accusations.
That should tell you enough.

Everyone was shitting on ProJared at the time, it was a completely open and shut case of a scumbag cheater and the pedo allegations didn't help. People didn't question Heidi's narrative at all until Jared revealed that it was an open marriage a week later which Heidi conveniently omitted from her victim Tweets which is important since the main reason news broke out was because of Jared's infidelity.

>ugly shebeast says something so it must be true
>let's virtue signal and punish the guy lmao

It's happened so many times I pretty much interpret
>we take these allegations seriously
as legalese for
>we are too scared to fight and would prefer to save our own asses

>She's been outspoken before so why now does she bring this up on the anniversary of Gamergate?
Needs more patreon bux?

It COULD be true, the guy's a turbo-male feminist and they're often really fucked up sociopaths that only virtue signal so they blend in to their prey.

I don’t care about NITW I just hate retards are pegging this bitch with rotten tomatoes

artificial wombs can't come fast enough

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Female rights are going to take a nosedive in the coming decade or two.

More and more men will start to decide that they cannot trust women with power and responsibility.

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Good, shit like Night In The Woods is pure cultural poison aimed at whites.
>DUDE just be a self-obsessed, lazy, depressed degenerate LMAO
Fuck everyone involved in making this filth

Let us not forget Yea Forums as a whole as well.
No one believed him.

the fuck? link?

>get his name cleared.
nice joke. His name is tainted forever and no one will give a shit if the man is proved innocent

Wtf did he do? TL;DR
How is it funny? just because you share a cancerous political movement doesn't mean you're not completely appalled by Alec

What fags
There is no way he did it

Great. Now lets fabricate some more nonsense allegations and pin it on the remaining two devs

>that time Mankind was slammed to the floor onto a pile of fucking thumbtacks
I don’t give a fuck if you call me a pussy, that shit was horrible to watch. I don’t get how people actually cheered for that

Wasn't that one a case of cascading animosity due to failing to ignore bantz? All I know of that guy was his infamous breakdown online.

The comic never lies.

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>Has literally only made a VN and did minor work on shitty clique indies like Fez
>Wrote a memoir and spoke at the UN about nothing
This world is silly

>open and shut case of a scumbag cheater
Why anyone cared about this part is beyond me. It wasn't a physically abusive realtionship and yes relationships can go south. The minor photo thing was a major accusation but so many people focused on his stupid fucking wife.

Too bad that (((politicians))) will decide that YOU cannot be trusted with power and responsibility.

>didn't bother researching facts


>We take allegations seriously so basically we're gonna suicide the company to make sure this guy cant work here
lmao ok

>female says you did something
>your career is destroyed
A lot of dudes are going to get blackpilled by this shit, this gon get good

Good old "guilty until proven innocent" approach

>Wasn't that one a case of cascading animosity due to failing to ignore bantz?
Yes but the general sense of nobody caring what game was lost is what is similar between the two.

Unironically this. These claims will just keep piling up until they become absolutely meaningless. It's like how "Nazi" has become completely meaningless in the past few years because of how much bastardized a word and overused it. The only people this hurts are those who actually were raped, because absolutely nobody is going to believe them.

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Why aren't we doing that to Quinn? Hell I guarantee we wouldn't have to fabricate shit if we did a little digging. This bitch has definitely sexually assaulted someone in the past. Male or female. Just gotta find the one brave enough to speak out.

surprised it took the thread this long to go full incel

So nobody is going to mention about how people effectively lost work with the game cancellation?

This kinda reminds me about that episode of Bojack where there was a running gag of executives being so useless a makeshift sex robot got the job of a television executive, but then at some point some chick thought the robot was harassing her and tells everyone. It ended with the tv show get canceled and everyone losing their jobs, but another executive hires the sex robot almost immediately because he points out nobody isn't going to remember or care after a couple of months and the only people that got fucked over was everyone else who wasn't involved.

remember: it's unacceptable to call attention to zoe quinn's infidelity (so much so that the entire media starts frothing about it) but perfectly fine to hype the absolute shit out of projared's supposed infidelity

Quick rundown? Link? Sauce?

>Women says that she wants comfortable with your kink while fully connecting to it

I welcome our muslim wife beater overlords
They know whats up

Apparently he apologized to Zoe Quinn about their relationship problems after taking therapy and Zoe said she forgave him.
Then she came out with these allegations.

>it's an "loud mouth male feminist gets found out a sexual abuser" episode
>it's a fucking rerun marathon
I swear this timeline is manufactured by god as a joke

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>their own
Not that this bitch isn't full of shit, but there's no teams here. People would be hypocrites if they defended somebody who did shit like this just because they share political views

Because then she'd bitch to the media about
>muh ebil alt-right sexist trolls are threatening me and harassing me!

>Hey folks
>Some difficult tweets coming up

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2:30 on the first video my friend.

Maybe if the world wasn't pushing people towards going full incel then you wouldn't see it so much. I'm a sex-having incel sympathiser. I totally have lots of sex.

>we are cancelling our project over unverified claims made by a known liar


The only good Conservative Shmorky comic.
That and the one about feet.

>we had to fire the guy who did most of the work

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Doesn't seem like a very agonizing decision if you make it in a single work day.

I should accuse someone and get mad dosh if its that easy. Question is, who?

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So? That would end extremely quick if the allegations are horrendous. Especially if the vic were female. Her empire would crumble.


I think the more fucked up thing is everyone instantly believes he actually did it. It's like a fucking flip switches.

Does no one remember statuses of limitations?
It’s not like he killed her he’d deserve a medal if he did that.


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It's a couple plus the guy let go. Nobody's actually losing significant work except him.

I bet he was one of these believe wamen types
He deserves everything, even i he havent done anything

Randy Pitchford.
He's so controversial that most people would believe it immediately.

The problem with that is all those made up false allegations, especially trough twitter, made it harder then ever for anyone to come forward and be taken serious. And if someone who lied about shit like this before does it again, do you really think anyone except the super gullible will fall for it?

lmao so they fired the guy who did all the work on the """game"""? Who's left? The ideas guy?

Sorry user, but a new video game was taken away.

I'm an electionfag and missed the whole GG shitstorm, but I'm familiar with it. Is there an impartial source showing Zoe banged 5 guys in the industry?
Not saying I don't think she's a whore, but I want credible proofs.

Its hard to make allegations against a female.

That's because there's literally no way to defend yourself once your hit with these allegations online.

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>firing a person based solely on an allegation or accusation
they can fire you for what ever reason just so long as that reason isn't protect (being a woman, black, old or vet)
They could fire you because you smell, this is america, not china
we have the right to running our business they way we see fit (within reason)

being gay sounds pretty fucking good right about now

>one year for four parts
>will now never be finished
Fucks sake man

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He was a dumb cunt for getting involved with zoe but why is no one calling out the fact that Zoe is literally constantly trying to get into flirtatious or sexual situations with industry dudes just so she can use them for her own projects or "expose" them when she needs some more funding or fame? No one actually believes that this 3/10 whale is actually getting these guys who are way out of her league to "harass" her without her throwing herself at them, right??

The worst part about it is there is literally nothing he can do to fully clear his name. The only way anyone who got quinn'd gets a clean name is somehow someone somewhere just walks out with indisputable evidence that quinn makes up these stories for profit. Who knows if it will happen. I only hope the people she ruins can recover.

He should sue her. Who is the VA for Dragon ball that got accused and he just sued everyone.

Good thing she's ruining people I don't like, so she gets a pass from me

The absolute irony in this is that the accused is the same faggot that supports the #metoo bullshit

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An incredible display of power. Quinn accusing some guy (who is extremely important at his company) of misconduct gets said guy fired in less than 48 hours.

To these fuckheads the accusation is the evidence. It's out and now his career is over

Has he denied the allegations? If not then why defend him?

I thought the bitch was contained in Yea Forums now? Why couldn't she accuse Neil Gaiman of fingerblasting her at a party or Grant Morrison of getting a coerced blumpkin at a convention?

One day, quinn's going to piss off the wrong dude and actually get raped and possibly killed.
Maybe this is the dude.

Literally yes, the co-writer/financier and artist. He actually write most of it, as covered in "design".

This is another word they've taken way the hell out of context.
Gaslighting is saying someone is delusional. This guy isn't saying his accusers are crazy; he's counter-accusing them of lying.

Good. I don't buy games from people that abuse women. Or furries.

>if it's that easy
This is Quinn's career, not some side hustle she does when she's bored.

Vegeta actually had proofs though, and a hollywood-tier law firm helping him.

>fake lies and accusations
>I Believe Her
>throw him under the bus

how do these retards keep falling for the same trick, lefty cucks are truly gullible

>commie furries vs. fameseeking whore

>if you say that you didn't do it you're guilty because that's what a guilty person would do
>if you say nothing you're guilty because you're not denying it

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guilty until proven innocent in the court of whore

Just run away before she sees your face, and hope no one else in the room recognized you.

mass report these threads for off topic, mod will nuke them

it's resetera trying to push this narrative

Uroborous effect. Consume itself in a circle forever

Because you shouldn't have to defend against random public outrage. If this was real, she should go to the police, the actual people who can deal with this kind of situation.
Instead, Zoe posted online hoping to garner a mob and cancel this indie dev through with no due process.

Based Zoe dabbing on indieniggers SJW

Grumps including Suzy

Thank you Home Office wanting to crack down on rape; they literally ignored hundreds of thousands of actual rape cases and sabotaged the defence (witholding evidence that clearly shows that the acused was innocent) for dozens, maybe hundreds or even thousands of trials.

>Game no one cared about is now cared about because the dev is a victim of WOMAN TWEETS

Zoe has been an obvious venus flytrap for fucking 6 years now. He shouldve known that responding to her flirtations would lead to this. I dont believe for a second that zoe didnt try to seduce him and encouraged his behaviour

What man in the world is dumb enough to touch Zoe Quinn with a ten foot pole? Much less have sex with her? Much less forcibly lock in an apartment as a sex slave for a month?

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Catch-22 and Kafka rolled into one.

Because we're HARDCORE.

>Due to unconfirmed allegations we are firing the man who did all the work in our last game and now we can't make a new one because we only have writers now
Music and art design were literally the only selling points of NITW. What the fuck are they thinking?

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>he's counter-accusing them of lying
That's also the wrong move to these people.

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Kotaku has an article themselves detailing each person. The hilarity comes from the fact that they are the ones that solidified the narrative that she can't be trusted but published it under the guise of "she had sex with people in the industry and that's ok!"

what if happened to a juggalo? surely then you can enjoy it

Why do people still believe that an ugly piece of shit like zoe gets harassed by all these men who can get infinitely better than her? Does she have a toptier pussy or something?

>wow why arent u just accepting the allegation against you???
>you gulity or something??????? HUH???

holy shit

What the fuck is left, the story? The worst part of this game?
This is almost like this Subnautica composer shit all over again
god, I hate this cunt so much

wow I haven't heard that name since the first incident

what happened this time?

Buddy the only thing Yea Forums cared about were rule34 and this guy's insane liberal tweets.

Shes such a bottomtier female she will probably let you do everything.

No, the problem is being straight. For real, all of you dumb breeders need to realize that women are absolute garbage. I'm sure most of you acknowledge that men are superior and less of a threat, the logical thing is to become gay and avoid women like the plague. It's that simple, do that and you'll avoid allegations like these.

>SJWs canceling each others projects.
Get fucked! Serves them right!

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She has the pussy of the gods that can bend mens souls to do unspeakable acts, such as sleeping with the fugly monster that is Zoe Quinn.

Ah, yeah. I guess it's about time for another victimhood tsunami to ride on for the next few years.

>"I didn't do it" is EXACTLY the type of thing someone who did it would say!

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Unless he is the stupidest man alive he owns a stake in the business.

Her patreon funding went down so she spun the wheel of male gamedevs and threw a dart

good their games suck.

That was a big case, the man's name is Mark Pearson, the accuser is Souad Faress. This case was absolutely insane, the footage of the alleged rape showed Pearson just walking past the woman, but it was taken to trial anyway because of this feminist "believe the woman" crap. The prosecution had nothing, absolute fuckall to show, but the guy lost his job anyway and was rendered unemployable. The craziest part is that in the UK you can get arrested for even mentioning Faress' name in relation to this case, because of some retarded feminist laws about rape, the government forbids you from revealing the identity of a rape accuser, Faress was even kept behind a curtain during the trial, it's some fucking clown world shit.

these "people" are insane
what the fuck

I totally would take that bpd pussy to town Just saying

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The funny part she didn’t go to the cops
Just Twitter
She just wants a witch hunt

Oh look, another indie dev to ignore in the future.

>Retarded children who believe a habitual liar don't know how to run a company
who would have thought

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Are they all eating each other because of Ion Fury?

WTF Shmorky had redemption arc ?

I think he has a case if he lives in canada. The librarian guy who lived in canada absolutely destroyed Team Harpy a few years ago when they tried the same.

She claims that one of the devs emotionally abused her and vaguely implies that he sexually abused her. Most likely because he didn't

Keep in mind this is probably the 4th guy she's claimed to have been sexually assaulted by

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me too. I have so much goddamn sex

I'm gonna stop you right there

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What business? its a 3-man project not a fully staffed studio.

Thee just is no winning with them.

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I would laughing, if that wasn't an extremely fucking psychotic way of thinking.

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underrated post

Why is that?

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And nothing of value was lost.


>wow I was mugged and they took all this important stuff but luckily not one of the most expensive things I was carrying

Are you some kind of fagcel or just a loony anti-natalist?

It only takes women in general to turn good men incel.

The only way to win is to not play, because these people run the judicial system now. Learn to spend most of your free time alone or with family, don't do any extra curricular activities with coworkers, and only go out in public when you need to

He should sue, I don't care if he even did it. Just ruin her fucking life because she's already killed his.

Shut up woman

probably just some user shitposting, why are you responding?

commies btfo

Kill these people.

>make accusation
>instead of waiting for evidence or anything like that just outright ruin a person's name, job, and everything else as you wait and gather brownie points
>9 times out of 10 the accused is innocent but they've already had their lives ruined.
>"sorry bro"
This world is so far past being salvageable that it's a fucking joke.

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a few reasons

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It's just August, slow time for news and open-bar parties so they throw around some allegations to stay relevant on social media.

maybe men should get off their asses and do more than just cry about it.

I'm a fag through and through who has been enlightened, but be my guest if you want to be the next one to be falsely accused of rape.

Yeah because he could totally raise more cash than her for a lawsuit

Broly. Not Vegeta.

Chelsay is a serial fantasist with a personality disorder. I wouldn't believe her if she told me she was alive.

Didn't this guy made that ice cream animation or something? someone post it

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Why would you do this over an accusation? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Why not wait until it's taken to court? Why ruin a man's life over the words of someone who is a known crook and liar and shit-stirrer?

Would love to lick her butt desu

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Posting in an incel thread

>inb4 butthurt replies

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When did people forget that a conspiracy requires at least two people to be in on it?
One person making a false claim, is not a fucking conspiracy.

men are also garbage in the same %
The only real answer is 3D is PD

remember when that ruined Lena Dunam who wrote about raping her kid sister?

or Bette Midler who wrote about and bragged on Colbert how she use to make musicians auditioning for her tour drop their pants and show her how big their dick was as part of the interview process (she even included pics in her book)

nothing happened to this people, they even became #metoo heros

Her ex made a blog post accusing her of having affairs with 5 other guys. He posted facebook chatlogs of her admitting to it and then posted videos of him browsing facebook to prove the chatlogs are real

The journalist she slept with later admitted to it.

The journalist in question also gave her a ton of positive coverage and exclusive interviews. Some people like to use the red herring of "but he didn't REVIEW her game!" even though nobody said he did.

Prior to that Zoe accused Wizarchan of conspiring against her greenlight game. Claiming that anons were calling her house got her project greenlit and caused her patreon to skyrocket

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Incel means nothing to me
I got called an Incel when I said I hated censorship meanwhile I’m still in a 3 year old long term relationship

>deprive men of their job, career, friends, family, money, status, all based on a lie that any woman can make.
>be surprised when men become defensive and calculating 'monsters' that don't give a fuck about female feelings and are solely interested in protecting themselves and getting back what's theirs.

Oh he's a male feminists?
he's guilty

>make just enough of a game to generate interest
>rake in crowfunding shekels
>cancel the project due to ambiguous "accusations"
>no refunds


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I remember a retail job I had where a disgruntled ex-employee decided to accuse me of molesting them on the way out the door (this was a closing shift.) Even though she stupidly claimed other incidents with like 9 other fuckers and they were all proven false, and my manager checked security footage and outright told me that if anything I wasn't doing a good enough job checking for stolen property on their person I still had to sign a statement and get a talking to from regional about respect in the workplace.

So yeah excuse me if I don't "listen and believe."

You don't need to be an incel to recognize shitty behavior and bogus rape accusations. Look at how many people called bullshit during the Kavanaugh trainwreck, including some women.

Dios mio...el hombre de paja...

>wahhh women are special and can do whatever they want!


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Cool, I love having sex, sex is the best.

The real joke is that men don't give a shit and will continue giving money and power to whores.

I can't believe you don't think they established a legal entity for commerce.

I swear god must be a hack Sitcom writiter

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You're right, the feet one is great.

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Wasn't neogaf full of sjw before ?

Can someone TLDR me on this Zoe Quinn person? All I see are people on here hating her and people on other sites feeling sorry for her.

What did she do?

The "boy who cried wolf" needs to be rewritten as "the girl who cried rape"

>you are ugly and have a small dick
Literally the only """argument""" holes can make.

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>Believe women about abusers?
>Well no, we have to be skeptic, we can't be sure they're telling the truth! There's no hard proof!

>In fact, without proof, I'm 100% sure she's lying!

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this is called kafkatrapping

wrong use of "gaslighting" too

>Sully your reputation forever and be branded as in iredeemable monster in the eyes of some in order to not make a shitty flash tier game

Truely the work of a Machiavellian genius.

>every instance of men complaining about women on a board that is overwhelmingly male is an incel thread
Please stop.

You left the room so you obviously raped her.

Because highly rigorous glamour selfies are not accurate representations. Also because she's fat again

Zoe is a category 5 drama hurricane that destroys literally everything she touches, Don't date people with BPD, seriously

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It was until EvilLore failed the SJW purity tests and the SJW all left to make resetEra. That's where all this shit comes from and is being supported now,

She fucked a bunch of game journos for favors and now shes accusing some guy of raping her even though shes fat, ugly and has shitty tits.

What ever happened to a firm “Fuck no”

Play shitty games, win shitty prices. Don't associate with psychopaths

>Saitama pfp
>honey if someone claims they're innocent it's all lies and they should be hanged, the only trustworthy person in this situation is the pathological liar who is now on her fourth accusation of sexual assault

Everyone on that fucking site has a legitimate brain defect

it's not like this is first time Zoe is lyiing about her relationship

they all left after some drama and went to resetera and here.

Guys we need to remember he's a male feminist. He might've actually harassed her. Its just that after so many false accusations it conditioned people to not believe women.

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Nah, they went to resetera. Now its full of gamergate retards.

how new can you be? Her used up pussy literally ruined this site.

We should use the Handmaid’s Tale as an instruction manual since leftie gooks love to use 1984 as one

Burden of proof is on the person making the accusation. If I said you raped me it would be on me to prove it, not on you.

>shitcanning someone on mere allegations

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Why is it so easy to bully western devs into submission?

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Wow, it turns out that ignoring them actually works. They'll just turn on each other and implode

>In fact, without proof, I'm 100% sure she's lying!
Almost. Without proof, whoever you're accusing is 100% innocent. It doesn't mean you're a liar. This is a basic human right.

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thing is, I don't care if he did. If you are in relationship and your partner is harassing you, that is on you 100%

>it's Zoe again

HOW THE hell did I guess?

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she looks like she smells like STD's

>studio lets go the actual talent behind their only notable release based on an old allegation
Dumbasses. The guy will find himself another job in no time if he doesn't try to run solo.

That's what you get for raping women daily.

Ayo hol up
Why is that when this cunt accuses someone without any facts to back that up then it's the truth and the guy is losing everything over what may not be even close to truth and when she is being accused herself it's forgotten and not important?

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holy shit she's ugly. why would any man interact with this 5/10

neogaf has been purified since resetera’s creation

>tfw I met Zoe Quinn once, many years agoo
I could have stopped this

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That would be hot

Sociopathic people exist. Some are women. They will us ANYTHING to get what they want.

i'm not denying that rapist men exist, but there's also some really evil manipulative women. Evidence is everything.

wtf I love Neofag now

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>make a shitty text adventure "game" about depression
>fuck several men who work in game journalism
>"game" gets amazing reviews and high critical praise
>her cuck boyfriend snaps and exposes all of this
>drama happens, game journalists circle the wagons and go into full denial mode
>game "journalism" continues to fall apart over time
>Quinn and others like her continue bitching about feminism, collect betabux, and ruin every game studio that is retarded enough to listen to her
And at some point actual mental health experts reviewed the game and concluded that it gives entirely the wrong advice for people with depression, as well.

I like the one where people assumed to be Mexican border hoppers are told to leave, but when they reveal they're Californian citizens crossing states they get shot on the spot.

Libel suits are hard to win, you need irrefutable proof that the allegations are false. The burden of proof is on you, you will lose if the only evidence is he-said-she-said.

Every single time

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I know a dude who got beat up by a group of men because his ex accused him of diddling their daughter.

She got full child custody even though she was on harddrugs

Women might not commit violent crimes as much as men but they can be just as fucking evil in their actions.

Yeah but this event she's #metoo'ing him over literally happened over 8 years ago tbf

Women really hate it when men act like them.

What's wrong with this tweet? It's pretty common to repeat yourself when your unconscious and not realizing it.

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>No one believed him.
Are you kidding? Everyone here sided with him because Yea Forums always sides with the guy over a woman. Mods were deleting all threads critical of him to.

Alexis Kennedy is being accused now too. Not for rape or assault, but for....consensual relationships with coworkers?

She gives it up really easily, shes fucked a lot of nerds.

I hope you get violently murdered.

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user, you might be next.

>nobody ever mentions that the filename is called wizardchan my picture
THat's the most damning part of all, if you wanted to complain about somebody on a mongolian carpet-weaving board you wouldn't calll it 4channel my picture

>Basically made the entire game

So uh what's stopping that guy from finishing it all by himself?

Night in the woods is their game though, they killed one of the most SJW games on the market.

For the sake of my sanity, I choose to believe they're 95% kiwi farms tier trolls egging the actual psychos on to escalate even further

I bet you he could of he talked to right people.

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Maybe he did touch the daughter though, who else besides pedo's would date a druggie?

You don't have to be 100% certain that she's lying to believe it isn't worth throwing the guy's life away over. In fact these cases rely entirely on the absence of any certainty at all. You're not going to lock a dude up for murder on account of a complete lack of evidence.

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Men dont give women unconditional power over them.

Wtf Zoe Quinn is based now?

>The same guy who made GIF related gets acussed of rape


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>Bad thing happens to asshole
I'm okay with this.
Every SJW dev should have their life ruined by the politics that they preach.
Listen and believe fellas.


Bullshit, tons of anons were attacking him. I think it was more put of eceleb jealousy than sympathy for bitches tho.

Not like it's the first time.
Remember those sounds from that game that make your skin crawl? Yeah, well the guy that made them is a racist nazi scum, so you know

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Not owning sole rights to the IP.

>I can say whatever I whatever I want and everyone has to believe it because I'm a woman
when the fuck is she gonna stop being so sly and get jail time for a false accusation?

exactly. They don't give a fuck, they just want an all-out war. They ran out of enemies, so they start cannibalizing themselves

It's literally like how the human body works. Once the nutrients are gone and nothing is fed, the body starts consuming itself. From fat to muscles. Once you're nothing but bones, then its complete shutdown, and then blackout to death

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Everyone was (and still are) very conveniently avoiding all the dick pics he sent to underage girls.

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Why are mods keeping this shit up but Jared shit ain't allowed?? Something's not adding up here. Does Jared know one of them or something?

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You niggers know the moment gamergate gets involved in this that dude is gonna be dead in the water right?

>The guy
It was a woman. Get your facts straight.

Some jannies are better at doing their job than others.

because a actual game got cancelled you fucker, jared is a youtuber, not a dev.

This is news. Jared being a faggot isn't news

Because they want to make games so badly that they'll never stop. Which means they can be controlled. Same with artists and academics. They're so dedicated to that field that they'll accept any bullshit demands that are placed on them in order to keep working there. Radicals know this, and focus mainly on those kinds of people, the kind that couldn't give a single shit about anything that's outside their domain, because they will ignore the takeover until it's too late.

what the fuck is this now

>pretentious hipster game dev is also a sexual predator

Imagine my shock.

Fuck him nigga

I swear you could replace rape with sneeze/ sneezed and it would make more sense

Personally I think he was trashy for even soliciting nudes from fans. Like damn there was only one way that shit was going to end.

Oh please, mods keep up youtuber threads if they approve of it and/or are in on them being promotoed here you little rat cunt.

SJWs are self-destructive when it comes to this shit, when Louis CK got cancelled his crime was cheating. The media called it sexual abuse and he just took it and apologized lmao, what a cuck

The proper action is to kill the women that accuse you. If every guy does this, women will have to just simply accept our dominance.

Fuck you gaslighting incel cunt. Fuck you and your kind.

wait so if i develop some game right now, i may have sexually some whore and might get called out for it even without me knowing it?

Jared was friends with a mod.


Of course they do, because they want to be Chad. Chad fucks pussy all the time. You want to be like Chad, don't you? Then you better start spending your money on roasties. Otherwise you're just a sad little incel.

You left the room so you obviously sneezed her.

Couldn't he sue the girl for defamation?

I believe this, this guy always seemed like a creep to me

RockThrow isn't Shmorky.

>implying you have to even be in the same room

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I didnt read any of this "metoo" drama but it was Zoe the one who was supossedly raped? Who would want to have sex with that thing?

Mae is a bitch

Wait, I just realised. This is Sargons master plan to bring back gamergate 2.0! Oh shit boys.

Is the ending really about trump? I don’t play faggot indie shit.

you wot

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None of them were underaged. They all claimed to be +18.
>"B-But they could be lying!"
Tough luck faggot, he's in the clear in my eyes.

I'm not really sure I understand what this gif is trying to say

There were no games involved when etika died but they pinned it anyway

Even Hitler would disapprove

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This. Even if you win you'll probably be worse off unless you get enough money to live comfortably the rest of your life with no worries (which you almost certainly won't if they didn't outright directly cripple you or kill your whole family).

You fuckers think twitter whores can ruin your life? How about a multibillion dollar corporation? If you sue a business like McDonalds or Amazon or some shit they can and will use their network of shills to spin a false narrative about your "frivolous" lawsuit and make you out to be the villain of every hard working man out there with their bullshit. Ever heard of that "frivolous" lawsuit against McDonald's where some lady sued them after spilling coffee on her lap while driving and "got millions of dollars" for it? The real story is that McDonalds served her scalding hot coffee (190 degrees Farenheit) which was their standard practice, in spite of them having at the time already been in several lawsuits where the court ordered them to lower the temperature of their coffee. The woman was the passenger in her car and only had the coffee held in her lap while her driver pulled out of the parking lot. Someone else almost ran into them and he had to hit the breaks, and she ended up with 190 degree coffee in her lap and second degree burns across 40% of her skin and tens of thousands of dollars in hospital fees from her emergency surgery. She sued McDonalds over it and eventualy, after a long and arduous battle, only won about $50,000 after legal fees and deductions to her settlement that the court ordered because she was 20% "at fault". McDonald's and their crack team of shills went to work (successfully) spinning the story about some old woman who spilled some "warm" coffee in her lap because she was driving while drinking it and sued them over it, and turned the entire public against her and in favor of their giant megacorporation, just so they woudln't lose some PR over it

Pretty sure the animator is the fat one.

As much as I try to distance myself from MRAs and MGTOW for being con men who sell shitty books to betas for shekels, I'm strangely comfortable with this.

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>None of them were underaged. They all claimed to be +18.
lol the absolute state of Jared dicksuckers

They can't stand anyone with actual talent. Salieri syndrome.

It's not reasonable to fire someone based on unproven allegations from a known serial accuser.

Just dont fuck any women working for you or with you even if they proposition you.

Nah, that's only in red states (IE states where workers are basically slaves).

Gamergate inadvertedly caused these people to gain far more credability than they deserve due to the media spin doctors and /pol/tards. It's why someone like Brianna Wu can be running for fucking Senate and people aren't questioning her actual capacity to perform the job.

Is there a good Youtube video about Zoe Quinn?

>raising his finger


Not just that but you're going to be majorly responsible for another few years of Zoe Quinn's income. You're putting food on her table, nigga.

>leave a reply stating that I don't believe it
>100+ replies and likes
>get spammed with messages to kill myself
>get accused of being a nayzi, gooberg8r, proud boy, abuser etc.
I expected some idiots to go ape but not that many people to go that ape.
No regrets though.

But so many people immediately believed her ex when he wrote that rant about her years ago
And I'm pretty sure it turned out he lied/exaggerated greatly in there.
Right now, Zoe's story is stronger than his was, because there are other women corroborating that this guy's an abuser. I don't remember many people corroborating the ex's story.

I just want people to be consistent and not throw ANYONE under the bus until the story evolves a bit

You don't need a reasonable impetus to fire someone in a republican state, because that would be harmful to giant corporations. In red states you can be fired for any reason at any time.

internet aristocrats stuff

>They ran out of enemies
Nah, it's more like they can't accuse somebody who doesn't give a shit about their accusation. They can only cancel the people who already are a part of the cancel culture. It's pretty neat, the whole thing is built to destroy itself.

No it wasn't idiot. It was their sound designer who was fired for identifying as an attack helicopter and saying he didn't like out of control illegal immigration.

Lipo and fake titties don't make the STDs go away you know.

Should’ve killed her and dumped her body in a garbage can.
You could’ve prevented this user

Allegedly she was terrified of trying to pin something on an "industry legend" like whatever the fuck the name of the guy she's after is.


Not sure if you're trolling, but the implication is that she's a whore because she didn't become a nun after an unwanted pregnancy.

What are they gonna do if it turns out he was innocent?
>Hey Alec wanna be hired again?
He's gonna tell them to fuck off for sure.

you like sex too? do you like money? I like money. I like money and sex

>I just want completely different individuals to be consistent with statements other people made!

The first time I met him, I was the opinion editor at The Daily Mississippian, and I turned to see this creepy fuck standing behind me. I shook his hand, and he pulled it away, saying “oowwww.” He then explained that he’d broken his wrist in a bicycle accident that had almost killed him and had given him amnesia. He explained that he wanted to be a columnist and that he had previously worked for George W. Bush in the white house but that he had since realized how exceptional and evil all conservatives were. About this time my phone started ringing, and I politely ignored it while I talked to this guy. Then it rang again, and again until I answered. It was the managing editor, who had ducked behind the front desk and was whispering, “stay calm, and don’t react to this, but this guy isn’t supposed to be here. He has a restraining order. Get rid of him.”

By this point, I was concerned the guy might knife me at any moment; so I told him to write me three columns and that I’d evaluate them and get back to him on whether he could write for me. (I’m still proud of my ability to remain poised and convincingly pretend that the Daily Mississippian had any fucking standards.)

Turns out, a year prior, he’d come in wanting the Daily Mississippian to run a comic strip that he was doing. When he was told they weren’t interested, he flipped out. He called one of the workers a fat dyke, and when Dr. Husni came to her defense, he called him a “raghead” and a “sand nigger.” They got a restraining order to keep him away from Farley, but when they moved to Bishop, it no longer applied, and he was actually able to weasel back in to working for the SMC."

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This. NEVER side with the corporation. They are NEVER your friend. And yet you have people here who unironically think that console exclusives are good.

Again if the allegations can be proven indefinetly false. Also depends on where the court is located, ie if you live in the Shia state of England they have laws that virtually make it impossible for defamation lawsuits against certain victims, including those of sexual assault crimes.

>Make a text adventure using a fucking CYOA program.
>Literally only takes a few hours to write out.
>Can now ruin the lives of people with actual talent.
I fucking hate Quinn, but I fucking hate beta males even more. Unrepentant scum.

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Watch his latest video and realize you're wrong. He provides evidence. I'm sure he's ready to go to court with it if needed

Imagine being Zoe, imagine having to live your day to day life being raped by any and every man you come across...

it's because of media reaction sighting with Zoe that his story sounded way more credible than it would have otherwise and from what I gather he was 100% correct in accusing Zoe in being a slut.

If she doesn't know his name he should be safe.
But if she does, then maybe user can claim to be gay as a defense. If he has no evidence to back it up, he can claim to have been afraid of coming out of the closet. He'd get even more points in the oppression olympics.

likes to build clocks
Chad Stevens is actually Dick Smalley who writes code and is married to his pillow

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sex-haver plus money-haver here, feels good.

What other women?

Lost it at the corn part.

hopefully the case is dropped and he sues them for wrongful termination

>Types like a woman
>Has a woman as a profile pic
>Turns out it's a guy
Well shit.

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Mmm, tasty tasty FES

No wonder they had to cancel their next project

No. Nothing good exists about her.
She is like a cloud of misfortune that was emitted from a sadness factory in NY state.

There's no police report, no evidence, no official record at all. And if he tries to sue for defamation, it's on him to prove it's false and unfounded. This keeps happening because there are absolutely zero repercussions for making false allegations on social media.

#BelieveAllWomen #UnlessTheyAccuseBillClinton

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Where's the proofs?

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I can enjoy it from the outside perspective of knowing mick foley fucking LOVES wrestling. He grew up wrestling in his backyard and truly tries to give it his everything, every time. He worships one of my favorite parts of wrestling, which is playing the guy who takes the fucking hit and he does it better than just about anybody.

However that jake the snake documentary where you see mick foleys family screaming and crying in the background, unsure if he would actually live after this one, shows that like all dedicated artists, he's a fucking selfish prick as well.

There are no corporations involved. The studio is literally 3 guys, the publisher barely has any control or stake. Zoe runs a patreon not a business.

Who cares
The should also kill themselves because Alec was human and they are also human, so they still have ties with him due to being the same species.

Reminder that this is all GamerGate's fault. You huge imbeciles and /pol/tards gave SJWs huge leverage to pull off shit like this.

well i sincerely hope every man who ever fucked her enjoyed it at least
but i doubt it

This is why I'm glad whites are losing power.
No offense, but when it comes to allowing women to behave like pieces of shit, white guys are the WORST offenders.
A nigger will at least beat the fuck out of any woman that steps to him and Asians are largely pretty Patriarchal (I don't even need to mention Muslims), but white guys (and to a lesser extent spics) ALWAYS let women walk all over them and throw tantrums like children.

>the accused is the same faggot that supports the #metoo bullshit
Once they run out of victims to go after, they turn on and start attacking themselves. This shit always fucking happens with these people.

Who cares? Night in the Woods was legit garbage.

you're actually retarded. gamergate is irrelevant. shit was going here no matter what.

Going to need you to provide dental x-rays from every naked chick you've seen online.

Nope. I genuinely don't care how much of what she's saying is true, she deserves nothing more than to bleed out in a gutter.

>you have to be consistent tho!
Why? It's not like they'll ever take a moment to hear this guy's side of the story, why should we give them that courtesy? Why should we abide by rules they tell us we need to obey, when they break those same rules regularly?

Literally in his video, he shows literal screencaps. Stop being uninformed, retard.

What did GG really do though? Most of what I read was staged like the whole WU shit.

I know that in Texas it's on defamers to proof themselves right, is commiefornia really that backwards?

Thank you

I'm surprised after all of her lies and scams there are people that actually would still believe her.

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I'm asking for him to show proof they were underaged and Jared knew you fucking retard.

no one allows women to get out of line more than jews, so good luck with that.

Bro I really wish it was that simple. Flip a switch and I'm gay. I'd totally be down. Life seems a lot more straight forward as a fag, easier to fuck dudes than women and can't get pregnant. More intelligent on average and therefor a better job. You fuckers are so God damn lucky.

There is no shortage of rubes in the west.

>he had to hit the breaks
Hey big brain, it's 'brakes.' Breaks are what loan sharks give you when you're late.

What the fuck I thought NitW was the most successful SJW game these past few years?

Why do these people keep cannibalizing each other?

Idk if this guy did it or not but lets say there's 100% proof he didn't do it. Like to the point where he and Zoe never even met or were in the same proof. What the fuck is gonna happen? Is his old job just gonna act like nothing happened and offer to hire him back? Is this Listen and Believe thing a U.S only thing?

So just to be clear, she's accused the Night in the Woods dev of sexual assault. In the same post she also accused some guy in Canada of sexual assault

In her book she claimed Eron raped her

And she claims that 2-3 OTHER dudes sexually assaulted her prior to becoming a game developer, back when she was a stripper

According to Zoe she's been sexually assaulted by 6 different people over the years

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Best part is all you have to do is have been in a place somewhere near them at some point in time and it's all over for you. Especially since the accusations can come from literal decades ago.

>Oh yeah user lived in the same city as me when we were in high school, and one day he went to my house and raped me but I didn't tell anyone for 20 years because I was scared but now I feel brave enough to stand up for myself!
>Well it's true he lived in the same area so it MUST be true!
>Better ruin his life just in case

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They'd rather be broke than not be woke.

Hes fucked no matter what

Sooner or later, something was going to explode.
If not gamergate, something else would replace it.

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>im not a jared dicksucker
>just watch his latest video!

Thank you for making me laugh.

>and to a lesser extent spics
Lol. Spics venerate women to insane degrees.

The word incel won't save you from your revocation of rights. Rights are earned with blood payment.

Fun to see these terrible people eat each other alive with the idiotic culture they created.

ever heard of #metoo retard? all gg did was prove controversy is only effective when it's politically convenient

>Adding AIDS to injury

She literally ran a 80k scam on that chuck tingle game that is never coming out

>You huge imbeciles and /pol/tards gave SJWs huge leverage to pull off shit like this

Pull off what? Them eating each other?

Why would they?

They are the ones carrying the future voters wether you like it or not. They'll just get their men elsewhere.
Violently celibate men are the ones that have no future. Literally gone in one generation.

its getting to the point where people with the smallest of relevance online will have to start to leave doors open when a woman enters the room, or have more than two people in the room, or have a recorder or camera, so their life isn't ruined over an accusation. crazy.

Welcome to American labor laws!

>people said mean things to her so you deserve to have everything burn
No, fuck off.
There is still no proof of any kind of serious harassment coming from GG, only the crocodile tears of blue checkmarks.
And even if there was: so what? They will think that people like you and I are inhuman scum regardless, so why the fuck should we give one single shit about if they think we played by the rules or not? Even when we win fair and square, they will accuse us of cheating, so why not cheat?


>woman-like intuition detected

The "within reason" at the end of my post was talking about shit like slavery
when it comes to firing people, you don't need a reasonable reason to fire someone, just so long as that person isn't part of a protected class
and no part of this persons class is protected under US law

I'm not even sure how it became this way, white men used to be pretty tough on bitches and then they started letting them vote and run their mouths.

Yeah haha all these rapes are fake news just like the videos of the tiki torch marching WWII German propaganda chanting nazis
fake haha

It is literally against the law to not believe her.

>things that were already happening without GG

I can confirm that this user told me years ago about when they were in high school and was raped by the accused. I also never told anyone, while the accused generated millions of dollars in revenue from his gay cat game.

False equivalency

I have a feeling SJWs are gonna form yet another group just to stray away from all the other SJWs since they're killing each other these days. Kind of like what happened with conservatism and alt-right

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Question to Americans. Why aren't false rape claiming people punished severely?

you know, rape is only illegal because we say so, as soon as women "decide" to find men elsewhere, that rule is no longer applicable.

GamerGate is irrelevant now, but when it was relevant all it did was to validate the SJW and feminist perspective. You guys provided the proof they needed to assert that gamers are toxic towards women and minorities. Now accept responsibility and fix it or suck it up.

Well the (((answer))) has been infront of you the entire time. Who financed the original woman that began the movement? Who gave them a voice? What was his (((blood))) ties? You are in the puddle, it is time to dive.

just say you're gay idiot, nobody's gonna ask you to prove you're gay

>Everyone else immediately does damage control on social media, apologizes if they ever made anyone uncomfortable and disappears after allegations comes out.
>Career and reputation ruined
>floe lawyers up, doesn't bring up the issue after the initial statement and goes back to streaming video games shortly after
>Doing just fine

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They are, but nobody has the balls to call out a woman a faker

many years ago she matched up with me on OKCupid. before GG and anyone knew this bitch. THANK GOD for my prudish no tattoos policy. really dodged a bullet.

btw bitch lives in Quincy if I recall

they're right you fucking retard. the argument is that there's nothing wrong with being toxic towards women and minorities, within reason.

Nevermind, I had a hazy memory from reading her story yesterday.
She says she told friends at the time, and when she vaguely mentioned it in 2016 other women DMed her asking if she was talking about Alec, the implication being he treated them shitty as well.
And that she's now getting again DMs from other women saying it happened to them too

So technically she could just be lying about all of that because she hasn't named anyone. But it is 100% reasonable that those women would want to stay anonymous to protect their jobs/reputation in the industry

You're assuming proof of innocence will prevent their life from being ruined. Just look at the case earlier in the thread about a guy who was destroyed after being accused by a woman he simply passed by in a train station, which was recorded on CCTV.

Based Quinn stopping nitw devs from making more “games”

So many people immediately sided against her because there was more to it than that. The kotaku articles, the game jam, the alleged cliques she was using to shut people out of game dev, the shady shit with that girl's charity. There's more than enough evidence that she's a shitty person.

White men were and have always been huge sissies and pansies.

If I were a gambling man I'd bet money on her lying but that's just me.

Don't be silly user, how can someone hurt you with false accusations? If they are false, that means you have nothing to worry about!

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> validate the SJW and feminist perspective
How? By pointing out obvious lies and flaws?

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and over a fucking twitter word document with no proof but hearsay , just look at the projared incident how people are fucking retarded and believe whatever is put in their face, twitter needs to fucking die already

Because they love by a flawed philosophy that values emotional conclusions over fact-based argumentation.

Thanks for typing this out. Honestly one of the best redpills out there. Its genuinely eerie how well McDonalds executed this coverup and slander. The poor woman didn't even ask for damages beyond just paying her medical fees even though she deserved a LOT lot more.

apparently her labia was fused to her thigh.

>you know, rape is only illegal because we say so
And you wonder why no one is showing you any sympathy.

Anyone feeling like that all devs should just never have physical contact with the press? Everything needs to be done solely towards email and text. That way this shit can't happen.

Hush Tyrone or you'll get your reparations check revoked.

So then logic dictates the men are the ones too unstable for the workplace, right?

Not true at all, they conquered most of the world and supposedly oppressed everyone. Also apparently white supremacy is still oppressing people to this day according to progressives.

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Shitty person, but still a biological female. And for this studio that makes all the difference.

Its a really clown thing that the people that call others toxic end up being multiple times more the most toxic people.


>all these people calling out rapists is just like like all the people calling out nazis, it's bullshit
>no wait you can't point out that the nazis are real and not fake news, you're not allowed
>that's a false equivalency on your part even though it's the direct comparison I just made

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I'm a wizard. Don't let the faggots dissuade you from the path of truth.

Get aids

he did crytikal and some others, but he's too busy with fart fetish shit on twitter right now so i doubt that manlet faggot would ever apologize

I know you're just fucking around but seriously. When you get falsely accused and it hits the big media aren't you pretty much eternally fucked? Unless you move to a non English dominated country with a new name or something.

Not him but it's in the fucking video. He even provides links to the conversations of his accusers stating they were of age.

Stop pretending you care about the facts if you can't be bothered to look at them when presented.

Responsibility for what? Gamergate banned and denounced anyone trying to coordinate or encourage harassment and threats. What else should they have done?

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i'm prob the only guy here who is fucking angry because I really enjoyed night in the woods and was expecting a sequel (or new title in the same style) to be announced soon

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>implication is that she's a whore

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It's often projection to cover up their true attitudes. Like those anti-LGBT lawmakers who get caught in gay bars

who's Chloe? What is this referencing? the NITW's wife?

If I were him I’d make a whole new game that literally just airing their dirty laundry Eminem style.
Hit them where it hurts

This is why people work for EA and Zenimax.

Either you acknowledge that they were oppressive or that they are pansies. It seems you choose to acknowledge that they're oppressive, by the looks of it.

I don't really want to play a game made by a rapist.

>nazis are real
It's not the 1930s, they're all gone.

>Its genuinely eerie how well McDonalds executed this coverup and slander.
It's even more eerie when you consider that this kind of shit probably happens all the time and that you just don't hear about it because nobody ever digs too far into the story to see past the bullshit.

Whether nazis exist or not has nothing to do with this woman's claim of rape lol.

Is this the one that self-immolated in a park?

Can you mouthbreathers even read?
Holy shit you fucking niggers are so rabid you can't even discern when someone is agreeing with you.

Dont tell her your name and you should be good

Say you're this guy, what do you do?
What's the best way to get out of this hell when you have neither power nor money?

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>gotta make sure to put censorship in quotations since I agree with this case of censorship so I want the viewer to believe that it isn't really censorship

It must be depressing for game devs to know that their friends and coworkers, who they've spent years with, poured the same sweat and tears into their project, will throw them under the bus the moment an accusation shows up. How can they look each other in the eyes knowing the utter lack of loyalty?

He basically called out Kyle Bosman, since he was the dude that Pamela misremembered as him.

Starting to hope nazis are real so faggots like you get thrown in furnaces.

I'd crash through the closest piece of furniture and accuse her of assault.

Why are all/pol/tards so fucking ugly holy shit

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>get aids

This user raped me

Clearly cry about Alimony Mindset online all day like everyone else. But most importantly stop complaining about bloggers doing favors for their friends.

This is shit. Alec Holowka wrote some good fucking music.

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>In her book she claimed Eron raped her

FYI, her mother actually made an Amazon review where she expressed disappointment in how much Zoe had overexaggerated her life story, to put it mildly. She (Zoe) was presumably quick to erase that review from existance. Take that as you will.

Mostly because people are wising up to their tricks man.
No one wants to be around these radical cunts
Even other woman completely fucking hate them.

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Reminds me of this. If the guy hadn't had his phone recording he would 100% have gone to jail for sexual assault. There's almost no downside for accusers to pull this shit because even if they're caught the punishment is hardly a deterrent compared to the lifetime of victim bucks they can collect if it works.

lmao, PedoGAF does it again.

But it's not. The presence of real racists doesn't validate all of the other false accusations

Also it's become lazy shorthand for racists. Nazism is a specific political platform, but all racists just now get promoted to nazis because the 'racist' label just isn't scary enough

New thread

So the dudes in Charlottesville chanting "jews will not replace us" weren't nazis? And eveyone on Stormfront are just pretending?
That's a relief

Everything you know about GG was manufactured by the media.

They should go back to being oppressive, especially towards women.

>fastest thread on Yea Forums is about a lying cunt and a basedboi
Why do i keep coming back to this place...

He also said he understands why they did it and he forgives everyone, which he should, since he was a part of the cancel culture before this incident

She should be, she fucked up so hard raising her.

Shit like this is why I'm beginning to warm up to pisslamic rule in Europe. At least in their system, a woman must have 4 male witnesses to prove a rape.

There's no escape. Your mistake was fraternizing with a snake.

Not defending Quinn (because she's a lying whore) but I'm delighted it's happened to an SJW now. Let them hoist themselves by their own petard.

>local communists get devoured by SJW

Oh God the irony.

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>born gay in the age where woman have power over men sexually

Y'all goofed

there is no one on stormfront, what is this, 2001?

New thread

Gamer gate can suck my right nut nigga


You dont have to be a nazi to hate Jews.

Well then, look at the Muslims for reference. As much as you like to shit on them at least they got that right.

Ironically thanks to Trump, jews have now replaced "us" and control literally everything.

>Berwick had invented the story for "some unaccountable reason", he added.

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Goddamn once again toby BASED fox survives another day, the only indie dev to do so, how does he do it

>And if someone who lied about shit like this before does it again, do you really think anyone except the super gullible will fall for it?
Zoe's lied 5 times already and was believed.

>He could sue the company but then would have to prove, in court, that the allegations are wrong

That's retarded. She's the one accusing him. The burden of proof surely would be on her to use truth as a defence?

Short of drowning her there isn't much she could have done. Her daughter was a serial fuck up that left home and spread misery everywhere she went.

New thread

>do nothing, keep going about my business
>if people keep pressuring me for answers just say "I take false accusations seriously, so I'm in the process of getting a lawyer."
Whether you're actually getting a lawyer or not, the idea that you're confident enough to lawyer up is a slightly more convincing argument than simply just denying it.

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Unironically, your best option at this point would be to kill her then an hero.

I fully agree, I dont shit on them though I admire them. I would love to see whotes embrace islam.

Do kids not read to kill a mockingbird in school anymore?

>Inb4 reading in 2019

>contact your friends and coworkers asap
>they ask "is that true?"
>say "dude, you've known me for how many year, of course not, what the fuck?"
>"why would she say that if it's not true?"
>"sorry, bro, but it's bad PR to even speaking to you right now"

Fucking rancid, all that make up and still visible herpes looking shit on her face, and an armpit like a badly shaved scrotum

This shouldn’t be as funny as it actually is

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The author was racist so it's cancelled.

New thread

Get a Lawyer and don't speak a word on Twitter, Facebook, anywhere. And especially not the press.

Retain a lawyer, follow his advice, close twitter, avoid sympathetic indie circles, and find another gig.

The funny thing is that's a good picture of her, shes actually much nastier looking than that.

What is this sterile art style called? Neo-Bauhaus?

she looks like a prostitute. the cheap kind.

The official mainline argument is that it would discourage women from coming forward to report rape, in fear of being accused of lying. It's all ultimately a form of circular logic where women are infantilized and any injustice can inevitably be blamed on patriarchy.

haha yeah just because I use an iron cross avatar and decorate myself with nazi iconography and quote nazi propaganda all the time and march through the streets chanting nazi slogans and post on /pol/ about how we should gas the kikes race war now 1488
Just because I do all that doesn't mean you can call me a nazi haha I'm not literally part of the historical german nazi party so you can't call me or anybody in the current year a nazi
It's the CURRENT YEAR guys there are no Nazis anymore it's not 1939 haha

It has everything to do with the argument of the post I'm replying to though

You ass hole gave them our country
inb4 white try again smart ass

everytime I swear

No idea but it's so common these days, especially as headers for articles

Same I also got flamed to death.
Do these people really take everything they read online as fact?

>read heidi's tweets + accusers
>listen to Jared's vid
>get greater POV
Seems alright
They do this to themselves all the time, don't they?

Please, Trump is hardly to blame. The jews have had complete control of the US since 1965.

New thread

Could potentially sue Quinn for tortious interference. It's what Vic Mignogna is doing with the SJWs who lied about him to get him fired.

>I'm not literally part of the historical german nazi party so you can't call me or anybody in the current year a nazi
That's true you delusional tard. They're LARPers with no actual political power.

uhhh about that

There already is, it's called the "dirtbag left". It's basically "SJW" politics while being able to say shit like Quinn is a retarded cunt.

>it has everything to do with the argument of the post I'm replying to though

Yeah my mistake man, I didnt read the post you were responding to before I replied.

Have you not taken a look at the world we've been living in for the past decade? Of course they fucking do, it's all they know.