You will play Japan PSO2?

You will play Japan PSO2?

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But the West one is coming out? I think I'd prefer to be able to communicate and understand my teammates.

Ill stick with the first one, thanks

You will play?

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Yes you will play Japan PSO2?

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You play Japanese?

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You like cute girl? So you will play?

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You will play?

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You like cute girl? You not homo man? Then you will play?

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Is it getting censored?

Thought this was the Marie Rose thread. Carry on.


Are those?...

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I play Jap PSO2 whenever I can. Even when I backpacked around Japan at the start of this year, I would stay in netcafes and play PSO2.

I really like PSO2. Here is my character. She is called Copper Iron on Ship 2. Let's be friends.

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>ship 2

I played when it first came out and was among one of the first to sign up. I played like 2-3 years and eventually stopped. Is there any chance of getting back to it now? I remember my ID but forgot my PW.

Will admit, I wish I stayed on ship 4. I solo too much, but it works for me because I can't play regularly.

I might play NA PSO2, if the Win10-only requirement isn't accurate.

I regularly shit on Dead or Alive faggots because they get excited for a game with cute girls that has PS3 graphics but PSO2 seems to be even worse. Some of my OG Xbox games looked better than this.

If your game doesn't look better than an Illusion game, it has no erotic value.

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I played Jap PSO2 a long time ago. Left after my community in it died off. It hasn't been the same since.

I had enough of PSO2 five years ago.

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