Game makes you attack enemies

>Game makes you attack enemies

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>enemy was just minding his damn business eating some damn fruit
"Villains who did nothing wrong" thread?


is president Bush there?

>I am not a killer
>Kills Carlton
Its a "villain is a hypocrite" thread

>I wouldn't know, I've only killed CARLTON

But is he a big boy?

user, from an objective point of view, WHOHWHOHWHOHWHO

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I'm sorry I can't hear you very well

>game makes you kill you but the evil version

When I was a baby, I was scared of babies

Look at those funny little markings beneath the pictures. We call them words.

Who's in charge here?

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>all that destruction and death he caused
His grandchildren are gunna need grandchildren lawyers

Attached: Fesh Pince May Cry comp.png (1440x3764, 2.6M)

That's B - E - A - E - N - E - K - E -S - E
No E!

The Minivilization?

Correct; erect.

I can't read.

Oh my god
He's God!

Really it's the little things that made Fesh Prince so good. Like when he just adds multiple laugh tracks on one bit to the point that it drowns out Carlton.

>Game makes you fuck enemies

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What can you say about Carlton?

Game lets you plot a course


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Every time one of these threads pops up I rewatch the video.

>Boss forces you to SIT DOWN

>attack is so powerful that enemies' grandchildren will need grandchildren lawyers
Best kind of feeling.

And who are you?

He was Carlton

He was Carlton.

Zoomer humor thread?

This is a black thing, isn't it?

I'm the Dude.

this, about to watch it for the 40th time now

>Protagonist is a killer


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Mr. Howard has arrived.

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How come He-Man don’t want me man?

>Boss wants you to make him a sandwich

>Main villain wants to empty the banks, fill our streets with banks, and run a bank making operation out of his banks


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>I'll upsell you ALL

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>game wants to know who is the question