Why did they have swimming pools in the camps?
Why did they have swimming pools in the camps?
...and ice cream...
...and brothels...
...and theatrical plays...
it's almost like they were prison/labour camps and not extermination camps
That was the pihrana pool, not funny man my grandma died there have some respect.
Why were all of the deathcamps the ones the Soviets found?
sorry to hear that man, my grandpa died when the nazis launched him to the sun with a cannon
Is CoD 1/UO any good?
Anyone still play online
To give the people some dignity before they killed them? Just because Germans were civilized, doesn't mean they weren't murderers.
Or maybe they just dug the pool to use it as a mass grave later.
I'm playing through it now and it's kind of shit. droning shit, boring and predictable shit.
I played the demo on the 360 and liked it because it was more tactical than any of the games that followed.
I don't see it. I just go from area to area, shooting the guys on the horizon, running forward and that's it.
Or hell, maybe, just maybe, the facilities were for guard use and not prisoner use.
no, it's just pool of water for prisoners to use. Concentration camps had no running water in "residential" area, same goes for makeshift POW camps. If you were lucky to get into one with showers and shit, it was usually because it used to be resort or something like that before the war.
>Nazi Germany shipped jews, homosexuals, gypsies, blacks, and political dissidents to remote camps in conquered regions of eastern europe just to keep them in jail forever
pretty naive, user
I played it on the hardest difficulty.
There was no regenerating health, which added to the tension for me.
CoD 2 and onwards has little tension because your health will regenerate in a few moments.
1,2,3,UO, and to an extent modern warfare 1 and world at war are all great single player campaigns. The series didn't explode into popularity for no reason, even if it isn't too good nowadays
don't question it
>They took the ladder out
They were just playing the Sims irl.
my grandpa died at a concentration camp too
poor guy fell out of his guard tower
free labour for munitions sounds pretty useful
It was obviously not supposed to be forever.
they had factories
Ever notice how high-profile holocaust skeptics and deniers are ALWAYS anti-semites?
>PC gamers need button prompts for basic movement like jumping
Maybe because Auschwitz was like a miniature city with prison and extermination camps inside it,instead of just a huge lmao Disneyland killer theme park.
The guards,and their families lived there.
Y-you honestly don't think the holocaust was fake,do you?
I mean,I know it's a popular meme,but damn user,have some respect for yourself.
which they could put the prisoners to work in
What about when they're jewish?
Ever notice how high-profile holocaust supporters are ALWAYS semites who make extremely skeptical claims about things while also complaining that if you don't believe their stories you're a dirty anti-semite, now hand over the shekels?
inside desolate camps built for mass extermination of humans. With the rollercoaster how could they spend time doing that?
That applies to Jews. Politicals, homos were usually serving a time-limited sentences. Believe it or not, but people were released from concentration camps. Gypsies were supposed to be relocated east after the war, so moving them east is logical.
>The guards,and their families lived there.
They didn't. Portion of the staff lived in the barracks just outside of camp and smaller part lived outside of location.
>every single "death camp" just happened to be in Eastern Europe, where the Soviets didn't allow western investigators until years after they fabricated enough evidence of their being "death camps"
didnt the US did the same to the Japs?
Yes, every single Japanese-American locked up in the internment camps during the early days of WW2 are still there to this day. Fucking retard
They put them in internment camps (mainly west coast japs) till they sifted through who was a citizen and who was sketchy,
>60,000 Jews expatriated to Palestine in 1933
>plan to send 4,000,000 Jews to Madagascar made in 1940, despite Polish findings that the island would only be able to support 1/50th that number
>Jewish Madagascar would be an SS police state anyway, leading to a predictable outcome for the penniless captives who would've been shipped there
it sounds like a handful of officials made a half-assed effort towards a non-genocidal solution but were really just kicking the can down the road.
There are documented Jewish anti-semites, one famous example being Bobby Fischer. Being Jewish doesn't mean you can't be antisemitic.
>proving my point
thats the point retard, the camps arent expected to last forever and just till the War ends.
Except maybe the Jap camps on China, those are until they run out of chinese.
>thats the point retard, the camps arent expected to last forever and just till the War ends.
At which point, all the jews are released peacefully into New Germany?
nope, hitler relocates them to madagascar
>Except maybe the Jap camps on China
What camps?
Yeah, Madagascar Plan was a concept. Contrary to popular belief, Jews were NOT the main interest of the Third Reich government, (upcoming) war was. Madagascar plan was concept that could have fly in coexistence with other similar plans, yet it ended up being interrupted by war and British. Haavara Agreement was a done deal, which was regrettably ruined by again British and Jewish inability to fully organize toward such goal.
Just fyi, Americans took away hundreds of thousand German POWs to the United States as well and interned them to concentration camps. Tremendous numbers of them later died, usually either worked to death or fell to some sickness. It's one of the unknown and unpunished things of the aftermath of WWII.
>swimming pool for death camp guards
More comical than the contraptions inside the death camps
Most of the staff lived outside of the camp itself and usually used civilian faculties in surrounding cities/villages.
>"but the task force sent to evaluate the island's potential determined that only 5,000 to 7,000 families could be accommodated, or even as few as 500 families by some estimates"
>"a memorandum on 15 August 1940 calling for the resettlement of a million Jews per year for four years, with the island being governed as a police state under the SS."
Yes, Hitler "relocates" all European Jews to Madagascar, under the benevolent supervision of the SS and with plenty of food, where they all would've lived happily ever after.
>ay Tone...
>Americans took away hundreds of thousand German POWs to the United States
Who fucking cares, they were the enemy, they lost, big deal. Should we have handled every infantryman/german with baby-gloves because they might not have been a "real" nazi ?
Fuck you.
For the guards and their families, you retard.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind Fritz
Didn't the Nazis kill like 5 million Soviets? Why would they cover up shit?
das rite
That was actually one of the plans for possible solution. It is viable to believe that if war wouldn't happened, final solution would be somewhere along the lines of Palestine and Madagascar and maybe other locations. The mere fact that there are two large plans and existing agreement with actual world Zionist organization regarding peaceful solution, would imply that some genocidal thought was not on the table. Why would Germans invested great deal of manpower and resources on stuff like that, when they could just shoot/hang/gas the fuckers as many claim?
>who fucking cares about killing people in concentration camps, they were the enemy!
>but nooo poor Jews in concentration camps killed by Germans!
That's right goyim, the Germans were all Nazis, and Nazis are literally demons in human flesh.
Forced labor is still wrong, even if the holocaust didn't happen as a few think, they still took really shitty care of the prisoners.
it's actually pretty simple:
>bring in workers
>cut costs of food, clothing, housing, etc to bar minimum required for them to work
>most start falling apart after few months
>but mortality doesn't matter, because they are to be exterminated anyway
>and attrition doesn't affect productivity, because fresh batches just keep coming
Initially prisoners were killed on arrival, either because they couldn't work, or because more arrived than camp could house. Sending batches purposely to kill them off wasn't norm until pretty late in war. Auschwitz was built with 1 crematory, by time it was liberated, it had 5th under construction.
I went to Germany and most of them were the rudest people I've met, they're a warmongering race.
>>who fucking cares about killing people in concentration camps, they were the enemy!
>>but nooo poor Jews in concentration camps killed by Germans!
they were rounded up and imprisoned because they were the enemy of our ongoing WAR that the NAZI'S started
we didn't hop up and go "gee I fucking really hate germans lets jam them all 10 high into a camp ? cool" you absolute fucking faggot cocksucker why are you still breathing
One group of people waged war against Europe and the US and were responsible for the deaths of millions. The other were just civilians who were just trying to live their lives.
The Nazis believed in the philosophy of "survival of the fittest", and they ultimately proved themselves right by getting utterly BTFO and their leader killing himself like a bitch in a Berlin shelter.
I believe the holocaust happened but they weren't gassed en masse, they were worked to death under awful conditions.
ever notice how anyone who ever questions anything about Israel, the Holocaust, infant genital mutilation, or Jewish privilege and influence in places of power, is immediately branded an "anti semite" despite saying nothing bad about the Jewish faith or Jewish people?
almost like there's a special group of people who you're not allowed to criticize like everyone else
>Tremendous numbers of them later died
wasn't mortality like 2 or 3% of imprisoned? That would be pretty standard for Western Front POW camp. On Ostfront it was 40-60%
>kvetches over Germans alleged racism
>is unironically racist himself
none of them worked on anything
they did nothing, just stayed there
I don't like jews much either, but I prefer them over germans unironically.
To cool down after the lightspeed fast holocauster.
Allied bombing runs conveniently targeting camp supply routes does tend to make it a little bit hard to get food or good clothing for prisoners.
Jews are okay depending on the person, but their religion is just islam with far better PR. It's just as sick of a religion.
The gas chambers were, ironically, used to delouse their clothes to STOP them from dying of Typhus.
Millions of Jews died but they wanted the death toll figures to be higher. Much higher so they looked at what they had to inflate the numbers and arrived at the conclusion they could point to all these gas chambers the camps had. How convenient.
The problem is they got a little ambitious and claimed they gassed and cremated thousands a day. Something even the most high tech modern tech couldn't do today. Whoops. Don't question it though.
Goddamn i sure do love me some motherfucking video games
>they still took really shitty care of the prisoners
That started when war turned sour for Germany. They took shitty care of their own, let alone prisoners. Also mind you, camp population was not only Jews and political prisoners, it was regular criminals too.
>today Germans
Kek, I live next to them and they are most mild people I know.
Jews had central organizations back then. World Zionist Council and such. They had authority to speak for the whole Jewry. They too, long before, officially declared war on Germany as soon as 1933, some even before. Pic related. Besides, all previous bolshevik revolutions in Weimar Germany were too lead by Jewish politicians. So by your own logic, same thing. You also for some reason sound extremely buttblasted.
There is an widely used term for those losses:
>"Missing Million".
I like the idea of attaching literal cartoons to the cartoonishly ridiculous claims of Jews
You should get the one where the person said for fun the Nazis removed a Jews hands and sewed them back on the wrong way around for the lols and attach a image of Mr. McGreg, the man with a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg!
>NAZI'S started
Better check that one again
>Why would Germans invested great deal of manpower and resources on stuff like that, when they could just shoot/hang/gas the fuckers as many claim?
For the same reason that there were fascist parties in the United States - there is always a dissent of opinion in politics. It would be naive to think that every German politician felt the same way as the members of high command, and it would also be naive to think that even the architects of the holocaust didn't initially want to seek a less grotesque solution.
But the Madagascar plan made no sense at all, EXCEPT in the context of extraditing Jews to a more remote region for execution. I think the holocaust that most people are familiar with was the practical compromise for a war-strained Germany with bizarre idealists at its helm.
>jewish bolshevism
>Caring about swimming pool
>Not that everything was built out of wood with like 30 guards for thousands of people
>widely used term
how about historical one? You know, backed with some documents and research.
>they were the enemy of our ongoing WAR that the NAZI'S started
the american education system at work, folks
>It would be naive to think that every German politician felt the same way as the members of high command
Germany was a totalitarian state, they could have feelings whatever they wanted, but they did what they were told. And they were told to adhere to first Haavara Agreement and later Madagascar Plan. If anything can be said about Germans is that they are not prone to disobeying orders.
>But the Madagascar plan made no sense at all
It did, you can read the reasoning.
From the horse's mouth.
It is.
Reminder that more non jews were killed than filthy rat kikes but everyone goes MUH SHOAH! MUH 6 GORILLION!
There are some people playing UO, but not on latest patch for some reason.
They got a community or some such?
Forums or Discord or whatnot?
I guess he did not see where he was going
Why were gas chambers needed
No idea, I just boot up the game every now and then. I know there's Discord for MoHAA, but it's pretty alive even without it (despite the fact that online was literally killed with GameSpy and need to download server browser fix)
Thanks mate.
What the fuck, is this /pol/?
They weren’t, starving them while working them to death killed most of them, not to mention all the nasty diseases infecting prisoners with weakened immune systems.
Without delousing and other means how to prevent typhus outbreaks, the camps infrastructure would crumble years before the war ended, with many many more victims.
According to Hogan's Heroes, that was against the Geneva Convention
One thing i don’t understand is why the armenian genocide doesn’t get the same attention despite being just as awful. Also unless you just hate jews, isn’t 500k being murdered pretty much as bad as 6m? It’s still murder. Why do numbers even matter?
Yeah I don't get why numbers matter either, a murder is a murder regardless of how large or small.
/pol/ is Yea Forums in every way, just worse and not as funny.
>cartoon autist
as expected from stormfags
Yea Forums isn’t funny anymore though
Because it's used by decades as a political capital for various gains. So much and so hard that even some Jewish writers criticize it. Without the mainstream image of holocaust, there would quite possibly be no Israel, let alone whole infrastructure mostly paid by Germany, military largely paid by United States and international society still ignoring their very present and current breaches of war conventions.
>calling an anti semetic jew anti semetic
I meant back before /pol/ was the new Yea Forums, you retard.
The nazis really did do some pretty nasty medical experimentation though like with the cold water experiments and giving roma salt water. Also I’m sure some of the “doctors” were just sickos who wanted to play god.
Because victory in Europe is America's (and the Allies') ultimate cultural trophy, and the foundation for all postmodern Western culture.
WW2 was the final showdown, the proof that capitalist democracy is better than nationalism / state socialism, and the holocaust is one part of this historical account. America already won the cultural victory and for the past 80 years we've been in "One More Turn!" mode.
I’d be less opposed to jews if israel wasn’t a straight up thuggish state. It’s so ironic how they treat the palestinians how they were treated.
>Hitler makes HUGE plan to exterminate all jews
>takes a decade to kill "muh 6 million" despite that literally meaning all jews in Europe being theoretically dead
>doesnt kill them all immediately and instead spends 10 years wasting resources, feeding them, and posting guards in camps to watch them, taking men away from the war front
>no guillotine, "muh gas chambers" sealed with a wooden door, no evidence of cremated burnt alive jews
>imports zyklon b to reduce typhus and disease spreading in camps, despite there being no reason to if goal was to kill them all
>get supply lines bombed as you fight a war on two fronts so resources and rations are incredibly low
>soviets and americans show up to free jews and discover starving but living jews
First, because no one cared for them, later because Turks were NATO allies during Cold War. Similarly #NotAllGermans rhetoric was result of both USA and Soviet Union wanting to rebuild German military to use it in expected clash.
Is it true that jews are just imps that wear meatsuits and when the jew “dies”, the imp bursts out like a chestburster?
on top of that, most """death camps""" were liberated by the Soviets, true pillars of factual information and totally not propaganda
>whole world had to gang up against the Germany and few of her allies
>bulk of the fighting done by totalitarian communism, not capitalist democracy
>it still took them years and years and the victory was very very hard won
>"ultimate proof that capitalist democracy is better"
>bulk of the fighting was done by totalitarian communism
Against Germany. It was primarily the US and China that fought Japan
>dude the holocaust didn't happen, /pol/ told me
>people on the internet wouldn't try to mislead me you fucking cuck
If not for Soviet Union, Germany would not be defeated. Certainly not by the US or any other western Allies. Don't be ridiculous.
There were hardly any Jews in the 100,000s in Germany during 1933.
However, there were 3,000,000 jews in Poland and 2,500,000
Yes, that's the point behind my post. The account of WW2 has been changed into one that portrays the West as ideological victors. Russia tried to do the same thing, but they sucked at it.
History is just the state-approved narrative, etc.
They absolutely didn't sew a persons hands the wrong way around
This was debunked long ago, the excavated gas chambers did not have nearly enough cyanide traces for them to be delousing chambers.
>They weren't for delousing, bro
>They just literally gassed them with a delousing agent
>bulk of the fighting done by Soviets
while not completely incorrect, you can only say that because the soviets just threw every warm body they had at the meat grinder because all they had was numbers and inferior tech and weapons
were it not for the west(mostly the US) getting involved in the war, Germany would have eventually taken Russia and Europe
Basically, Hitler was dumb for fighting a two front war, and Japan was dumb for attacking pearl harbor(granted they weren't left much choice after the US set up a naval blockade blocking what little resources Japan could get)
I'm saying that claim that victory over the Japan was somehow proof of "victory of capitalist democracy" is nonsense.
So they couldn't be used to gas people neither.
>If not for Soviet Union, Germany would not be defeated.
patently incorrect. Germany needed to defeat the Soviet Union AND win in Africa to have the resources necessary to challenge America at strategic warfare; remember that even at the peak of their power, they were unable to shove against England.
they can't even keep the story straight
Wikipedia says jews died to CO2 emissions in the chambers, but that begs the question, how do you get Co2 from Zyklon B?
>props don't block AoE attacks
>they were unable to shove against England
Hitler went too easy on the UK, trying to be buddy buddy with them
He was bombing civilian cities, let the bulk of the British get away at Dunkirk, and quit after he made a peace offer that the Brits obviously rejected
The compound used in Zyklon-B was originally insecticide used for delousing, but it was altered in a few ways to be used as a mass-murder agent, such as removing the warning odorant.
You need much, much higher concentrations of cyanide to kill lice than you need to kill humans, lice are tough fuckers. Something like 30 times the concentration, and you need to expose them to it for longer. A delousing chamber would have the characteristic Prussian Blue stains due to the much higher concentration and duration of cyanide gassing, an human extermination chamber would not.
Can you explain how the managed to cremate thousands a day despite it being literally technically impossible even with today's technology? Thanks.
>to challenge America at strategic warfare
There was no need for that, nor any plans. If Germany would have defeated Soviets, one could expect Cold War happening, but just between German Reich and United States. Hitler repeatedly claimed, both publicly and in privacy, that continental position is wanted. This "nazis wanted whole world" is complete meme. But then again, they didn't and if not for Soviets, they would claim rest of the continent just fine, England would fall soon as well. Soviets were primary and sole reason Germany lost. Not United States and certainly not Brits. I really don't get this "American education" (without it's memetic meaning) which puts America in center of all happening.
>Germany would have eventually taken Russia and Europe
I don't think that is particularly true. War was getting around for Soviets even without Allied help. The difference would be in different aspect - Germans would be possibly hold Soviets somewhere in Europe - if not for Allied incursion and support. Which, again, does not take away bulk of fighting from Soviets.
>gets btfo
>immediately tries to move onto another one of his /pol/ talking points
Also it wasn't impossible.
>You need much, much higher concentrations of cyanide to kill lice than you need to kill humans
I would like some reading about that.