Dark Cloud 3 will be as disapointing as Kingdom Hearts 3 was, most revivals end up sucking.
Just look at 2019 Level-5 and tell me they can do a good DC game again.
Let's be honest Dark Cloud bros, it will suck when it eventually happens
but Yokai Watch 4 looks great
The only thing Yokai Watch 4 would benefit to Dark Cloud 3 is that Level-5 is now better at monster collecting games.
And i guarantee you that there will be at least one Yokai Watch cameo, Either Jibanyan/Nate recruitable characters for georama, a yokai monster or a weapon based on YW.
Monica makes my dick the big dick.
I'd love a new Dark Cloud game.
not really. i love the dark cloud games, but they are very simple. a product of their time.
Best outfit.
A new dark cloud game wont have Monica through?
Also do white straight males only buy games to fap? what a waste of money, it really shows how women are smarter with caring about the plot gameplay.
Is there any concept art of the rumoured outfit based on that one character from DC1 Monica was meant to have?
Ruby's oufit?
Going all out with that b8 m8.
>caring for plot in a jrpg
you must enjoy the average anime of the season
i played dark cloud 2 for the weapon build up system and spheda and i loved the ridepod.
I trought the plot of DC2 was very lacking, but still better than DC1.
A DC3 really need to focus on story a bit more.
> Slingshots, Magic Brassards, Wrenches.
I think we'll get a Shovel user in DC3 as the next "wtf weapon"
Doesn't Sony own the publishing rights?
Level-5 already said they were interested in making Dark Cloud 3 in 2017, but sony has to greenlight the proyect, so i suposse it will happen when sony greenlights it.
Hope those fuckers don't returns they are so fustrating.
Oh and remove the Island King and LEYEND horrible looking weapons.
It's been a while since I played this, can't you just safely block their non-piercing projectiles until they decided to clap on you, block said clap and bash them right away?
>average Level-5 boomers only want Dark Cloud 3
>only a few other than me who want Rogue Galaxy 2 and a global re-release of Jeanne d'Arc
Sony can't even handle the IPs that were produced by their own studios properly.
Well, we're fucked. Sony clearly doesn't care about their own japanese IPs anymore, so we might as well stop hoping.
>Barely any porn
>95% of the little porn she has is shit