No comfy driving at night in the middle of nowhere game

>no comfy driving at night in the middle of nowhere game
what went so wrong bros

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Other urls found in this thread:

thats the opposite of comfy

Final Fantasy XV

that scene from Mouth of Madness will always fuck me up

>no comfy driving at night in the middle of nowhere game
That's a terrible situation considering 5 times out of 10 it ends with you being murdered by feral niggers

someone post the webm

spooky stuff is comfy in its own way

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maybe truck simulators have something like that? if they don't, then devs are beyond retarded

>driving at night in the middle of nowhere game
>occasionally lights in the sky/ufos
>occasionally something moves in the side of the road, can't tell if real or not
>car can break and you have to go out and repair it to keep going

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American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Sim 2 my nigga

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Did u considered driving in Finnish forests with

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>when you've been driving too long and you see shadows walking on the road

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I used to think driving at night on two lane roads was fun until I almost hit an animal, my headlights suck.

All 4 forza horizon games

Truck Simulator, nigger

You forgot
>something may seem to be in the seat behind you
Glad i drive a 2 seater

This, my aunt once hit a fucking horse and her car rolled over like six times. Fortunately nothing happened to her.

100% this. Though I'm more of an ETS2 guy. Driving at night with TruckersFM (a real radio station for ETS2) or your own tunes, and rain pitter-pattering on the cabin is absolute comfy-kino

Also has winter mods where you can drive in the snow which adds even more comfy especially playing during winter when it's snowing IRL outside

Attached: ETS2 snow.jpg (1920x1080, 310K)

Europe night driving is comfy as all hell. You can be more scared of paranormal shit than assault and murder.

that would be fun as fuck, except for the VR shit


You forgot about ayys and eldritch beings trying to hitch a ride


Attached: children of men.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

Attached: MudRunner.jpg (1920x1080, 444K)

>driving a 70,000lb truck in the snow

nigga what

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You just dont understand

I thought there was an indie driving horror like this?

Attached: MudRunner (2).jpg (1920x1080, 491K)

>t. underage zoomer with no driver's license


Funny how secrets travel...

Yeah, Beware.

Unfortunately looks like it's stuck in dev hell infinitely. There's a demo out but that's as far as they ever got

>tfw hit a deer three days after getting a new car
>piece of shit was just wandering in the middle of town, foggy as fuck out
>still haven't fixed my frontend

yeah night driving can be comfy sometimes, if you don't live in rural areas where dumb animals can fuck you over

*blows large gust of wind against your >10,000lb trailers on icy roads on a narrow road on a ridge*

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>You walk a mile down the road and see a gas station
>Get gas
>Return to vehicle
>Pass where the gas station was
>Its just an animal carcass on the ground

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>that work in progress about the car that chases you down the spooky roads

very not comfy but thank g-d im american so that i dont have to worry

Kentucky Route Zero dude, it's exactly what you're looking for in terms of mood and it's literally about driving around kentucky late at night. Very peaceful, great soundtrack.

I used to do this in Chernarus in arma 2. Just drive around the map in the scenario editor.
Also flew helicopters around in the rain landing in random places like buildings and islands.

kill yourself retard, VR is trash

>t. Underage poorfag

>needing a game for the easiest thing in the world do do
Go out and drive in circles for a few hours then go home and play vidya. You'll thank me later.

The Crew is fun for that stuff.

GTAV is alright

Not everyone lives in Burgerstan.

Desert Bus isn't comfy at all.

driving at night is comfy as fuck bonus points for rain

VR is for casual faggots such as yourself though

You are deranged.

Wouldn't say it's comfy either

Attached: beware.webm (1280x720, 2.01M)

Thread theme.

Nigga just go for a drive. Spend $20 in gas instead of $100 at a bar and you can go cruise around for 300 miles. Go somewhere you've never been.

HAVE YOU EVER FUCKING DONE THAT? Like at fucking all? You probably enjoyed it because you werent fucking driving

My summer car

Why would you even stop. But man it does look cool, hopefully it's not vaporware.

don't really like to drive when it's raining but countryside road at night with a little music is pretty comfy

I go on 3000 mile road trips because I'm bored.

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I was going to be mad if Finnish alcohol simulator wasn't mentioned.
You have the mega link to the updated version?

>stopping in the middle of the road on a foggy night

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>dude just drive 300 miles for no reason but cruising lmao
My 200k miles 90's shitbox says no.

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Not everyone lives in-
*face gets melted by acid*

>this pussy is scared of driving at night in the rain

Kek. It's the funnest thing to do

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No, this is thread theme

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>Why would you even stop
Running doesn't work in the game. He's fucked. It's a stealth game. The only way to get past that section is to turn off your lights, drive slow and avoid the patrolling guards. I lost all interest in the game the second I discovered how you are actually meant to play it.

Is MudRunner literally just Spintires with a new name or is it a sequel?

Alan Wake had some driving segment, Stalker mods with cars come to mind

Forza Horizon 4 at night with the HUD turned off.


If you drive around at night with your high beams on, go fuck yourself.

Very much this

The publisher shafted the dev of Spintires, so he split off and made a new version called MudRunner to add new updates

Even more confusingly the publisher of Spintires found new devs to continue patching that so now both are currently active

Mudrunner has more content though and expansions

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>tfw no American Truck Simulator Zombacalypse dlc.

Fucking hell that's creepy why would anybody enjoy night driving

Play old NFS and set it to night.

Attached: top comfy driving.webm (720x405, 2.73M)

Not seeing the problem.

it was just minor upgrades and better pad support, but there's been dlc since so now there's new content too

Fuck, forgot link.

should've grabbed the crew when they gave it away for free

horrible racing game, great road trip simulator

Attached: The Crew2016-9-22-23-18-59.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

Not everyone lives in the southeast. No better feel than driving through the desert at night.

Wish I had a friend to go on roadtrips with. Was away for 3 days last week and it was fun

This, especially when the christmas event online is happening and you drive at night. Peak drive comfort.

>No better feel than driving through the desert at night
Mountain roads > desert

are you memeing? because I do the same thing.
not as extreme, but sometimes I'll just drive 100 miles in a cardinal direction just because I like doing it. waking up at 7am to go for a drive in the country is super comfy.

Find your own youtube links.

Nothing wrong with using them if there's no oncoming traffic.

It only sucks if it’s a random monsoon that’s so thick you can’t see in front of your bumper.

did he died?

>stealth driving horror game

what the fuck

>when they gave it away for free
Also The Crew 2 is on sale right now, mediocre reviews, is it worth it just for road tripping?

it comfy in that you wont die because it not real.

No it’s pretty comfy. Bonus points on empty freeway.

God damn migrants.

I usually do it once or twice a year. Pick a place I've never been and just start driving in that direction. It's never planned out ahead of time and sometimes I don't even end up going to the original spot. Its far more expensive than flying but long drives are extremely cathartic for me.

More likely to get caught in a haboob so bad you can’t see ahead than a monsoon that bad.

Sure thing, like if you're driving on the countryside in a place like or . But I near a metropolitan area in New England and retards always turn their high beams on even when they don't actually need them. Driving on the highway sucks dick because these morons always blind oncoming traffic with their stupidity. I always hope they crash.

>is it worth it just for road tripping
Yeah because of how big and vast the world is.

Terrible grinding but games pretty comfy to just turn the hud off and drive into the moutains/countryside etc

Driving in nightly rain is fine unless it's torrential downpour and you can barely see.

>random monsoon that’s so thick you can’t see in front of your bumper
That only happens in Florida. If you're anywhere else [in the US] rain never reaches whiteout conditions.

Thats the only time its ok, but then you get the people that don't turn them off fast enough or just don't turn them off at all and blind you. I've started turning mine on when they do that just so I'm not the only one driving blind. One day I'll have a fatal accident and it'll be half my fault instead of just their fault.

the crew 1 was given away for free on uplay some time ago

the crew 2 is overall a better game than 1, but unlike 1 it doesn't let you pick up wherever you left and always has you spawn in your miami house. that alone makes it inferior to 1 for road tripping

Microbursts in the Southwest can get pretty nasty. Same for severe storms in the Midwest and northeast.

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S3 is really the last TV show I think i'll ever enjoy

storms in the midwest get like that. it rains so hard you literally cant see 5 feet in front of you. it happened 2 nights ago in missouri, matter of fact

The most fun I ever had driving slowly was in heavy snowfall at night, it was like fireworks going off on my windscreen while I couldn't see anything more than a meter infront of the car.

step 1
buy lost in vivo
step 2
go to the brightness setting in lost in vivo and turn the gamma all the way down
step 3
press new game
youll get a glimpse of your comfy driving game, plus one of the best horror games of the decade

Imagine living in a place without snow and never knowing the joys of going drifting every snowstorm.


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That looks neat, but there was another one I saw that was low poly and potentially atmospheric.

yeah I completely understand that, it's very soothing for me too. As a kid my mom and dad used to drive me around to calm me down and it worked everytime, I guess it stems from that.

The one where you pickup hitchhikers?


Roads are full of folklore creatures

Road Trip Adventure, old PS2 game where you just drove around an open world highway system

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Fuck I miss that game. It’s the only racing RPG I know of. The Vegas expy area was top comfy.

Euro truck

Has there ever been a VR or video game that accomplishes Pareidolia well? Like they force you to see something but the instant you look back or move closer it's obviously just something in the shape of it?

That's the one!

Is it any good?

Any Florida niggas want to meet for breakfast at the Sebring racetrack/airport diner? It's a 2.5 hour drive from me but I like making that run early in the morning before it gets hot.

I do that shit all the time. It's comfy as long as you don't have some other assholes who don't know how to drive in rain on the road, probably such as yourself if you're getting this triggered over it.

One of the alien games a mass of tubes and debris falls from the ceiling that looks exactly like an alien

Been a few years, but it is what it is: just a short but sweet game where a car moves down a road at night, weird distortions happen, and you talk to weird creatures and people that appear in your car about life and such things.

It's basically a VN.

Euro Truch Simulator 2 with all DLC and the ProMods mod.

>no comfy driving at night in the middle of nowhere game
fuck no, i fucking hate it, all fucking animals are running in front of my car, fuck this and fuck you faggot
driving at night is not comfy at all

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I'm actually astonished there isn't a complete driving horror game yet. Not even a pixel art one or one that's a mod of another game.

I mean, you could easily procedurally generate an endless network of roads, fill it with random scripted events and call it a day.

Have you tried not being a little bitch?

yes, i fucked up many animals with my cars, hit deers, boars, raccoons, foxes many times and even a fucking aurochs last year
fuck you, driving at night is not comfy, it's dangerous

>Desert Bus

Attached: This ride will NEVER end.jpg (480x540, 123K)

Nigger just say cow. No one cares which species of cow.

Arguably a shit game, but i have to admit that this came to mind.

Georgia here.
You're wrong
It can happen in a lot of places
I've even seen tornadoes in Europe (I was in ostrava when one happened and was present for several in the same day in Ramstein)

Wich one is this ?

was this fake or

Shit I actually had to question if this was a real vid or a game for the first 10 seconds.

i know what i hitted faggot, i wasn't a fucking milk cow
pic is what amost fucking killed me and destroy my car, fuck you

Attached: zubr.jpg (900x554, 134K)

That's a bison you dumb fucking pole.

First thing I thought of too

If it is what I think it is it’s from a Radiohead music video.

High Stakes, I think.

You're more likely to get beheaded by arabs tbqh

Correct - high stakes/road challenge.

Attached: Dolphin Cove night modded.webm (720x405, 2.86M)

Pink skies thick thighs

:) ALL.

bisons are only usa animals and are extinct just like your braincells, this shit is called "żubr" but i didn't wanted to call it that name because it could give you stroke

Fuck off Boris

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I know it isnt the middle of nowhere but with the right settings you can make it so. Also comes with three fully fleshed out locations for its time( i played it on ps2 as a kid), LA, Paris & Tokyo & its got a great OST if you cut out some of the shitty rap songs(OOOOHHHH LETS GO LETS GOOOOO!!! CMON PUT YOUR FOOT ON THE PEDAL still gets stuck in my head sometimes though)

Apparently if you buy the PC version there's a bunch of mods you can download for it. even a graphics mod that makes the game look alot better.
>do you see what I see?? A star in the sky....
>tfw when I play this exact song on my 2am drives on the freeway now that im older

damn I think I might have convinced myself to get it again

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Is this a joke post?

I'm enjoying my autismo corsa

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I've run into the problem with the pc version where it stops accepting inputs at the end of a race so you can never continue and I never found a solution for it. The downside of this is the ps2 version can still be tricky to emulate at times.

Is there a fix for shaking interior on shuto?

gotta light?

I live in a state that is 98% white so it's unlikely

Mountain roads are lame at night
Wide open fields are the best because of how much open sky there is

We should line them up against a wall and execute them

i just saw that movie yesterday, literally the best lynch movie

Despite being just 2%

Aurochs, unlike wissents (European Bison), are extict.
You fool

they are doctors did you not know?

You're using the latest preview build and lights shader?

I'm in it for the drive itself. The twisties are more fun than straight roads. You can stargaze when you reach the top.

Desert has no large animals to hit either.

you playing with controller or keys? Im tempted to buy it and trick it out with mods but if I cant play with a controller then it would kind of suck. racing games arent good with keys and mouse imo

Hitting a deer is a risk of driving fast through winding roads. I'm not going to not do something fun because there's a chance of getting hurt. Can't live your life in fear of every little thing that could happen.

Go live somewhere where you have to constantly be on the watch out for deer or moose on the road and say that again.

You keep saying "buy." Just fucking pirate it; it's 16 years old and fuck Rockstar.
Comfy, yeah.

I can't see pareidolia working well in VR until we have eye-tracking, so you can force shit to appear only in your peripheral vision.

>Comfy Spook Driving 2020
>opening screen lets you customize your character and choose your reason for the long drive ahead (trying to clear your head after a break up, moving to another part of the country, on the run, on a holiday, meeting up with your family for a celebration, delivering an important mystery package). This choice effects some of the random events that happen later.
>have the choice of a new, nicer car that runs smoother but needs a repair man to be called out if it breaks down, or an older car that doesn't run quite so well, but can be repaired by the player
>customizable dashboard
>different biomes to pick from; tall trees wood n mountains, Australian outback/West coat USA wastes, snowy crop lands, etc. Most drives begin and dusk and end at dawn.
>roads and environmental features are randomly generated, so no two drives are ever the same
>non natural features include small abandoned buildings, gas stations/truck stops, nature spots like camp sites, the occasional pulled over truck, small ghost towns
>Sleepiness is a factor, so the player can get out of the car to stretch their legs and help stay awake, or take caffeine pills/other drugs that may have side effects...
>car comes with an in-built radio, which has a few of it's own stations and tracks, or has slots for the player's own music. A radio host and in-game advertisements break up the music.
>Player can make phone calls to break up the monotony, allowing dialogue trees that tell some little stories
>occasional animals here and there, same for other cars, trucks, and a pedestrian or two
>interactive dash board for shits n giggles
>goal is to reach your destination


Attached: road at night.png (1920x1080, 400K)

Shaders are on, gonna check the build, I got 2-3 weeks old version.

sorry, its what usually happens when I get too much disposable income at once, I start being generous and lazy.

need to put this fucking money in a savings account before I lose my mind

You could buy me a third Miata.

Controller with a pirated copy I acquired. While there is a chance my issue is related to the crack that is highly unlikely given how the issue manifests. My opinion is dodgy compatibility with windows 10.

These days I emulate the ps2 version as i've got the hardware to brute force it (the wiki doesn't list any issues for the game).

Dead end road is pretty good if you want something like that.

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Came here to post this. Navigators are spoopy.

>random encounters happen as the game progresses. Anything from:
>mysterious phone calls
>a variety of hitch-hikers
>interference on the radio
>strange "animals" that only come out at night and seem to run alongside the car
>breakdowns in the worst possible places where "animals" seem to lurk
>news reports of serial killers followed by a truck that seems to be following you all too closely
>some hitch hikers knowing about conversations you had on the phone earlier
>ufos and time dialation
>potential hallucinatory effects from your pep pills/lack of sleep
>the radio's Coast to Coast rip off keeps filling your head with stories of ghost towns housing god-knows-what, and you'd swear the same ghost town keeps appearing on the right
>maybe you're just going in circles?
>maybe you told yourself you're on the run from the cops when you're really on the run from the hospital and then John was the demons
>holy shit was that someone in your mirror?

etc etc, you get it. There's so much you could do with a game like this and no rules to tell you otherwise.

Attached: its from xtro.jpg (448x236, 23K)

Based. Road trips through pleasant country is just the best thing. I love taking 2-3 hour day trips for a weekend.

Any other game besides an autism simulator?

your going to get a Pontiac and your going to fucking like it

>using windows 8 still
ok well I guess i'll just have to pray. thanks user

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were the crew games not good enough?

It's no MR2 but after an engine swap a Fiero would be alright.

Also there's camera shake at high speed in view settings

For me, it's comfy roadtripping in my 1999 Ford Ranger

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>Went on a road trip in scotland
>20% stunning vistas
>80% small as fuck road with 20 centimeters between your car and the big truck coming your way where for some retarded reason the whole country went through the trouble of making sure you couldn't just take 30 centimeters of extra space on the left by either digging a ditch right after the line or putting a fucking sidewalk in the middle of nowhere
>and there's no straight road longer than 300 meters so you can never relax
>also trees on both sides of the road

Good thing it's a small country

t. Hank Hill

Glitch Hikers is the game you're looking for. The soundtrack is dope. You're whale cum.


try dayz standalone or mudrunner.
the prior has hundreds of kilometers of various roads in a lush, desolate belarus knockoff country.

My man!

Mazda version was better

>point and click adventure game
You missed the part about actually driving the car is the comfy part.

And people will still deny the threat niggers are

>driving at night steadily at 80mph down the motorway listening to the VA-11 Hall-A soundtrack
Yeeee boi

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Always wanted to try this but it costs a lot for the petrol, and I'm scared I'll hit some random wild animal or my car breaks down or something

There's a moment of pure zen between exhaustion and second winds after 16+ hours of driving in a day. That's my heroin.

>it costs a lot for the petrol
Gas in the US is cheap as shit. Think about that the next time you say war for oil is bad.

Romhack Desert Bus.

Eh wouldn't risk it at 16+ hours. I've had to twitch myself awake a lot of times just not to kill my friends at those speeds. Talking helps.

The Crew 2 is so much worse for road tripping than the predecessor. TC1 did a metric shitload of things wrong, but the way the map design encouraged you to do those massive roadtrips was absolutely captivating and those enormous cross country races lasting closer to two hours were a treat. 2 then threw all that away in favor of sparsely shotgunning content all over the map with no rhyme nor reason, encouraging you to hammer the fast travel button if you wanted to progress, and almost completely did away with those endurance races.

Also I'm still mad that they managed to fuck up night driving even worse than they did with TC1. It's like nobody on the fucking dev team ever drove a car during night, it's absolutely infuriating in how unbearable it is.

Ugh, fuck. The first thing I was planning on doing once I get my license is a trip to the Highlands.

Have you actually tried driving during the night in either of The Crews? You are not entitled to any visibility, your "high beams" are equivalent to driving with only your fog lights on and you can't see jack or shit. It's almost tolerable in areas with streetlights, intolerable anywhere else and utter fucking cancer during cloudy weather.

This picture isn't edited in any way, I just used the photo editor to force night time and turned up the headlights to the brightest possible setting.

Attached: Pic_20160923_124005_3840x2160_r.jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

>once I get my license
Sometimes I forget how young most of you are and then this happens. Instead of the usual "I hate everyone younger than me" approach, welcome to the driving world. Be safe but enjoy road trips. The world is amazing to explore and there's no better way to see it than by car or motorcycle.

>photo editor
photo mode*

>rally lights on the hood
>not even the amount of light DRLs would give

the only game that comes close is GTA V but it's really dense so you'll see a lot of shit.

Man I would fucking love a game like that, and I would enjoy to have roads going from populated centres and highways to bumfuck nowhere where you just know that you're fucked if something happens.

The probability of that kind of game ever happening isn't low. I feel like aesthetics and atmosphere are ever more important in indie games and that leads to the creation of some fine gems.

>be 7 years old me
>parents announce divorce
>mother says I'll get to see my dad every weekends
>as year passes this turns into one weekend per week, into one per month, because my sisters apparently complained trivial shit like him making dinner too late
>only one in the family getting along with my dad and sad to see him so rarely
>one day he asks if I'm up for an adventure
>says we're gonna drive across the country all the way to the sea, get on a boat and do some diving
>we go on a 3 days road-trip, driving at night and sleeping in the car by day because traffic makes it easier to drive by night
>spend all this time playing word games, chatting and just enjoying his presence, looking out the window into the night and feel the comfiest I ever felt
>have the time of my life diving for a few days and then same thing for the return trip, drive by night for 3 nights straight
>remember that week as the happiest week in my life
>out of nowhere dad dies a few months later from pulmonary during a supposedly harmless knee-surgery
>my world is turned upside down and never was the same ever again

To this day, almost 10 years later now, night-time drives always make me feel incredibly comfy, happy, and also nostalgic and sad in a strange bittersweet way reminding me of him like nothing else does. sorry for blog.

Based. What a good dad.

>tfw when

I'm actually not all that young...28 next month.

Never got a license because I had no money living in small town Ireland, where the insurance is fucking insane. It used to be a given that you'd just automatically get a car by the time you were 18, but the only person in my friend group who had one was fro a family that owned both a show room and a garage.
I was learning with my brother, who became a driving instructor when he was laid off from work, who then had his knee broken by another driver when he was crossing the road...2 lessons away from me being eligible for my test. No one else would even let me practice in their car.

Then I moved to the city and haven't gotten around to it. Now that I have a new, decently paying job, I'm starting over once some bills are paid off. I really miss driving. It's rare that people stop to tell you have fucking fun it can be to just cruise around, so I appreciate it.

Good taste
Chernarus was especially nice because the terrain and stuff is almost exactly like my hometown

My 250k miles early 2000s shitbox says "Yes" and "Thanks for finally replacing the engine a few days ago"
Night driving here I come again

Based user's dad ;_;7

>vr is tra-

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Oh no, the highlands are amazing, they're just like 2-3 hours away from the south of Scotland where you'll probably be staying. Once you actually get to them however there's basically viewing platforms every 2 minutes just so you can stop and take in the view

Dead end road

You know strip clubs exist right?

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more of these examples! they are really nice

Northeast US here, I've had to pull over in a storm before because I literally couldn't see past the end of my car.

That's another good one.

Based AnonDad.

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do people really have an interest in night driving games with random shit happening?

Eurotruck and Forza Horizon.

>7 then
>10 years later
>10+7 = 17

You thinking of Dead End Road?

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wtf I need this RIGHT NOW

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>tfw you'll never drive down Hwy 50 in the pitch black seeing UFOs and military testing

>as year passes
He's definitely young but benefit of the doubt probably over 18. He was 7 for the divorce but could have been 8-10 for the death.

>as years passes
Nice try user. I was 15 during the road trip. 25 now but not much to show for it

I can't tell how niche of an interest but I definitely do and I think I know a few people who would personally love a game like that too. Especially with a well built world, something like the bigger maps in Arma. One of my favorite thing in vidya ever was getting a vehicule in DayZ arma and driving during night time with my friends on the edges of the map or further away from big cities. You'd get very few encounters with other players, so it was for the most part just driving but now and then you'd run into a lone guy or a group. I absolutely loved that.

>death is permanent in each game, with every playthrough only intended to last a couple hours max. Likewise, you fail if your car is destroyed beyond repair.
>radio host between songs is a sultry female a la Deb of Night
>occasional breaks for news headlines that may or may not telegraph random events scheduled to happen later on
>eg "Breaking news! The infamous "God's Paw" serial killer was spotting on CCTV heading west in a red pick-up truck, stolen from a mechanics garage. Citizens are advised to avoid making contact if spotted, and to informed the police immediately. Reports say that he is armed and dangerous....Yesterday's controversial football match between-"
>what could be an hour of gameplay goes by before you spot a red pick-up truck in your rear view mirror. And, aw shit, wouldn't you know it, your tyre just exploded! And right by a nature spot too
>red truck pulls along side you
>initiates a dialogue tree you can either fail or succeed at. Failing means he tries to kill you. You have no means of fighting back, but you might be able to stealth past him if you run into the nature spot. From there you may be able to wait him out until the cops get there, try to call them with your shitty phone reception to speed up the process, or sneak past him to either steal his truck or steal the tools/spare tire needed to fix your car

>radio's Coast to Coast rip off is made up of listener calls of their scary driving stories
>again, may or may not telegraph a random event
>for instance; ufo abduction and missing time
>caller says "WHATEVER YOU DO, don't make the mistake I did and keep driving if you experience missing time. You gotta go back from where you came, because their crafts leave messages in the ground. If you imprint that memory on your brain, it stops the Men in Black from coming after you"
>said scenario can happen later in the game; you'll be driving when suddenly you just randomly fade to a further point down the road...

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nice, thank you user!

I'm making assets for it right now, thanks for the money ;).

i hope you are for real, id give you a 20

someone post the webm with the glowing-eyes nigroman running side to side to the cameraman driving a car

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You know 3d is pd right?

>goes 10km/h
>sees a feral animal passing through the road and stopping in the middle of it
>keeps going anyways and is surprised when she thinks she passed over it
women are the worst drivers

that's one of my favorites. He's naked right? And running super fast?

yeah that one

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>radio host between songs is a sultry female a la Deb of Night
Man I would literally buy a game that would be a simple driving simulator with absolutely nothing else happening if it just had a radio host with the same feel and quality than Deb of Night.

I didn't check the thread, hope nobody posted it here yet
have a good ride, user

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>mass spawning G-Man NPC in Gmod

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>...backtrack to the spot you faded out from
>get out of the car
>explore some near by field
>find a crop circle
>standing in it doesn't seem to do anything
>keep driving

>later on, close to the end of your journey, a black Cadillac with two pale G-men inside starts trying to pull you over
>this is an instant death state (according to the Coast to Coast guy)
>initiate a car chase as the dawn breaks
>have to make it to your destination before they run you off the road

>if the player picks the "on the run" backstory, the nature of why they're on the run is left ambiguous
>try to call the contacts in your phone to pass time
>everyone you call seems panicked and scared that you're calling them
>most of them tell you to "turn yourself in" that you're "sick", etc
>ambiguous whether you're an escaped mental patient, murderer, rapist, etc
>player is baited into making more calls to find out the specifics by having phone contacts never directly address it
>make too many calls and the police might triangulate your position (all background triggers, nothing to give you a heads up to the fact)
>players with this option active have a higher percentage chance of paranormal "ghost" encounters (mysterious passengers appearing in your mirror, but not when you look directly at them)
>also more likely to experience hallucinations that distort your sound an vision (maybe mental illness, maybe drug use)
>ghost passenger can make the roads loop endlessly
>prompts you to hang yourself on the side of the road as a false ending
>player needs to solve a small PT-like puzzle to escape this state (eg: driving in reverse and using your mirrors to find the exit, or driving at top speed with the lights off)

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no Im not serious because I feel weird stealing ideas, I have way too much pride. it is a great idea though. I'd have to go about it in my own way, that's what would give me the passion to finish it lol

Dogs are such chads

true but the webm is staged dummy


Comfiest games ever.

Is it? I know in Russia drivers are required to have cameras on their cars

3D is only PD if I've fapped recently. If I don't fap for ~4 days 3D is appealing again.

dude watch the full webum

ah fuck

the euro truck/american truck communities are fucking based man. there's at least 3 community run radio stations. my favourite thing about it is that there's a multiplayer mod for the game, servers regularly have 3,000 people driving on them, and all the traffic is gone and it's just fellow truck drivers going around honking each other when they pass on the roads.

plus people advertise their virtual trucking companies (basically clans for truck sims) on the community radios so that's what passes for adverts

>sees a bunch people with questionable intent
>wants to get the fuck out
>oh no an impassable tree branch
>just fucking stops, tries to reverse instead
>eventually makes the reasonable decision that going over the branch is better than whatever these people have in mind
Do tree branches fuck up trucks that much?

Dude, I already post it. Anyway, I'm glad that someone appreciate this timeless masterpiece.

peak performance

I prefer the radio stations in languages I don't know to the community stations. Yeah they have commercials but since I don't understand them anyway that's just part of the experience.

>literally been around since the Atari 2600VCS

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>ED interdiction

I drove through the major towns of ohio in the dead of winter and it was comfy as hell. Completely changed my mind about that shithole state.

>a lot of random events aren't long encounters
>might stop for a piss and find two hill billies blowing each other in the woods who take off once they spot you
>most hitchhikers are just people who get in, talk for a bit, then get out when you get to their destination. Just an excuse for funny/interesting dialogue
>one hitchhiker is just some stoner lost and on his way to a rave in the wilderness somewhere. Picking him up treats you to a conversation that goes like this:
>picking up a female backpacker and her dog can lead to a situation where the dog attacks you and you kick them from the car
>dynamic weather, with some "extreme" bonuses like forest fires, hurricanes or snow storms
>player can potentially fall asleep/transition into dream states for more surreal mini-sequences that look like the end shot of Mandy
>possible option to use a CB Radio to talk to truckers

I am very much considering pitching this to some developer friends. The thing is, you could just endlessly add and expand a game like this. I could go all night.

What sort of biomes would y'all like to see?

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Nothing can change my mind that Ohio is a garbage state filled with garbage people.

They can destroy your tires. You'd probably be able to drive for a bit longer before you do REAL damage to your truck, so I imagine he thought for a moment that he could maybe get around it somehow or move it by hand until he realized just how dangerous the situation got.

I've seen it happen in my town before; a storm passes through, a big branch is felled, and some idiot in a truck thinks he can just roll over it, but it gets stuck and drags along for a bit before they just get out and pull it out of the wheels.

my favourite times driving are whenever i drop my friends off at their place after we've been hanging out, and i get to drive home alone at night with the radio or my music playing....

>take a job with Uber delivering
>make comfy trips during the nighttime through all sorts of neighborhoods as the cool night wind blows through my face

Fuck apartments though; you fuckers need to provide more detailed instructions on how to get to your room.

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there hasn't ever been a driving game as comfy as GTA.

It's comfy because you're safe in your car, but with the threat of darkness and unknown on the outside, constantly reminding you how comfy you are in your present situation.
That is why rain on the window, or a winter landscape outside your house is comfy. You are safe and comfortable, from harsh elements.

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Nigger why the fuck would you do a job with negative net profit?

Oh, and also
>Comfy Mode: turns off all spooky random encounters and turns off your end destination, meaning you can just drive until you're bored

This could be a genuinely amazing game.

Criterion's NFS Hot Pursuit free ride mode

I spend 10 bucks on gas every day and make only about 70 in 5 hours. It's not the best but I already have a freelancing gig, so I only do it when I want to buy something sooner than later. Plus I get to cash out anytime I want to.

>You probably enjoyed it because you werent fucking driving
Yeah faggot because my wife Chino can drive. Stupid nigger

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I have a recurring thought when I drive to work at 0400 that a vagabond/homeless will step in front of my car and I will strawberry jam them all over the road.
Doesn't help that 90% of the time I am still a little drunk from the night before so I figure I will end up in jail because of it.

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Now factor in vehicle maintenance and depreciation.

seriously, had this conversation
>the address is King Junior apartments
okay, apartment number?
>why you need that, just bring to King Junior apartments
you'll be in the lobby then?
no, I don't, what's your apartment num-

That gets factored into your taxes.

Being deductible doesn't make it free

Is that Jeepers Creepers or however the title of that movie went?

just go play eurotruck sim u nerd

It's Mobil 1 Rally Championship (a.k.a. Rally Championship 2000), right?
Brilliant game, longest stages were over 10 minutes long, despite it was released 20 years ago.

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Very cool post.

holy fuck a real life sim!

more like 60

>game is released as "X driving simulator" with a very generic cover similar to various simulators and nothing about it initially hints at any kind of fuckery whatsoever

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>the weird stuff starts much earlier for some players
>for 90% of the playerbase odd stuff won't occur until after 20 hours of gameplay so people won't believe them at first.

I need it

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someone post the webm from the driving game with the dogs

is it worth time? trailer looks good, but im not really into "le creepy shit is going on and (you) will not get any answers"

it's just a comfy night driving game where you pick up hitchhikers

At some point I'm gonna drive down I-40 from NC, all the way to California, just for the hell of it.

Go north further first, it'd be more interesting.

$30 gets me 300 miles

guess ill try it then

Play Jalopy, retards
also this

Nah. I'm more interested in the southwest desert.

gets alot of things right but i think jalopy isn't spooky is it

I remember a game like this, you could build your own car then drive it, it was polish or some weird language. I can't find it though.

Wasn't there a game that was released not long ago, not really night-time spooks but some kind of Rogue-like driving simulator. You had a long journey to do and random events happening, and you had to manage resources to repair and make it to the end. Can't find the title though

I have a memory from childhood of being stuck in a giant traffic jam in very heavy snow for like 3 hours. I remember this as a comfy and fun experience, my dad on the other hand gets PTSD flashbacks.

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that track would be fucking awesome for driving

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It was somewhat creepy for me. Not explicitly, but there's plenty of eerieness. I always get that weird feeling of someone following me when an NPC car trails me for 5 minutes

This is your brain trying to tell you to stop drinking you fucking moron.

What's the name again of that youtube video about a bunch of bongs driving along an abandoned road a billion times and then getting murdered?

>tfw so bored that sometimes around 1AM I go outside near the roads and do some weird shit
>live in Yurop in a sort of city-village hybrid, so there are some roads that are practically built-in forests
Wish I had some lads to share that with so that we could do more fun shit but yeah

No Through Road or some shit like that

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Had to get a taxi from the airport at like 4am a few months back, and the taxi driver was this giant buff black guy who deliberately swerved all over the road at high speed and honked the horn in time with the song on the radio and then laughed at my reaction.
He fucking boomed me, man. I got got.

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Fucking idiot that’s not comfy

Not a night drive, but still a good roadtrip soundtrack.

It is a horror game, though, not exactly comfy.

Yeah comfy in the city, not comfy on the highway whatsoever.

It's a fairly short game. Basically an artsy night driving simulator, doesn't last for more than 20 minutes. It's also free, if you don't want to donate to the devs or buy the soundtrack.

I'd actually prefer the biomes to change randomly after some distance

You're pure evil.

Arma 2 or 3 and play on a night server. PVE servers are rare for night only but if you find one you'll have a blast. I have 500 hours of just driving in Arma 2.

pussy ass nigga, going 180kmh under pouring rain in the night trying to smoke some other asshole in his shitbox is the best thing there is

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>all this while acid plays in the background

>tfw when I'm a night driver but I arrived at the driving thread too late
>tfw I am actually a great driver but I never get to show my power level
>just take people to the train station

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it's only comfy if you are truly alone, I wouldn't trust fucking anybody at night, too much dangerous shit out there I would rather be comfy at home than die or get assaulted just for going on comfy night rides or walks

At your house, don't you remember?

this sounds fucking amazing, game devs please take notes.

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what movie?
is it good?

its sharp objects

holy shit devs please take notes

I can never find the source for this video, but I think it would be appreciated here

have you never driven in your fucking life you fucking neet?

any good comfy VR sims

Just makes me think of this


>written by kris straub
ah neat

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I tried playing the multiplayer mod a couple of years ago with a friend and it flatout would not sync our missions together, even following the guide to do so. Did that become more stable? I may have just been doing it wrong but I swear looking back at it I was following that shit step by step.


Probably my summer car

>no comfy driving at night in the middle of nowhere game

This is literally euro truck simulator.

If you know the road well beforehand it's nice, if you don't it's utter hell.

>have to drive through a forested area with bushes everywhere
>high hills

hell yeah it doesn't get comfier than this

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Woman detected

They congregate in the cities.

>Driving across the mountain ranges in GTA:SA at night on a motorcycle

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This isn't comfy, this is scary.

ITT Yea Forums reveals that theyre sheltered pussies
Hitting a deer is an inevitability of living in a rural area, it's no big deal to anybody and your insurance will cover it. Theres nothing scary or spooky you city faggots. Interstate driving at 2am on the rain is the best

i see what you mean

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Fuck deer, man. They've become such a nuisance in the area I grew up that they talked about reintroducing wolves into the area to take care of the problem of the deer having no natural predators. That plan eventually got squashed though, because the locals started going all "think of the children", freaking about about the idea of their kids getting dragged off into the woods by wolves. There were once wolves around there, but they were hunted to extinction in the 1800s.

I litteraly just played a game like this.
You drive around and theres a car that shows up behind you. Its super rainy so the handling is bad, and the music gets all ominous when the car finds you.

Fucking amazing but unfinished.

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I've never hit a deer and we have so many deer out here that you're allowed to hunt them like vermin.

I remember seeing Vinny play a kinda strange one that looked pretty comfy. It was like you pick up drifters and they talk about deep shit.

what game

reverse search the image to take you straight to the sight.

That's when you give hunters free reign. I hit a deer myself in the middle of the night right after getting my license. Had to isis it with a knife.

thats the perfect aesthetic for the horror/supernatural game pitched here desu

>bisons are only usa animals and are extinct just like your braincells
never thought I'd actually see the Dunning-Kruger effect in action so hard.

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Does anyone have the greentext story about running over a spike trap in the middle of nowhere?

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share some of your stories, friend

literally ANYTHING but comfy, fuck no

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poles are cringe

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There was a horror game based on this being made where people dressed like clowns would try to force you off the road then bumrush your car and kill you, but I guess it’s never going to come out. I only saw some gifs on Kotaku

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God you slav chimps are so stupid, I wish Hitler had another 6 years with you so there'd be none of you left.


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>he doesn't go for a drive every night to listen to music and calm the nerves before bed

>there are not games that let you do X
>what went wrong?
400+ replies later

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Do you mean like 300 miles? Because shit dude the United States isn't even 3000 miles across.

It's a nightmare in the city, I have way more trouble making out stuff in the mirror

The crew

>>out of nowhere dad dies a few months later from pulmonary during a supposedly harmless knee-surgery
Why is nobody questioning this part of the story?

That's why you drive a car with good ground clearance. If someone tries to stop you go all Terry and score one for the good guys.
You don't go in a straight line from point A to point B

fucking love MSC

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Here you go.

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>tfw no middle of nowhere to drive to right now
How is this spooky?

>Swapping engine this weekend
>Get replacement engine in without bothering to check the spark plugs
>Won't start
>Have to deal with the unholy fucking bullshit that is spark plug replacement on a 3rd gen outback 6 cylinder
I should have followed his sage spurdo wisdom about early access to engine

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Aren't the Truck Simulator games supposed to be good for that?

3000 mile round trip you donut

why does it have to be about seeing UFOs and filling up the gas tank lol
you could be on missions No Country for Old Men style, but with focus on the driving

mega link


I like watching people play trucking simulators...

Did you ever see that guy a while back who streamed himself trucking in real life? I think he got canned from twitch for it but it was kino



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I keep wanting to go out for a drive really late at night, but I'm too worried that I'll forget to close the garage door and some asshole will break into my house while I'm gone.

I wanna go for a drive but even though it's incredibly unlikely I'd get pulled over it's not worth the risk since I know I'd blow over a .08 right now.

He probably had a heart condition he didn't know about or didn't tell his family about. And/or it's not impossible to die from relatively routine surgery, he could have had a quack practitioner or just been someone who had an extremely poor reaction to anesthesia.

He probably knew about the condition, that's what spurred the road trip to happen just in case what happened did.

>>steal his truck
>Cops are now after you

what the fuck

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Only white people murder you in the middle of nowhere, and they do it so they can cum inside your skull and cook your liver
Black people murder you in the city for change to buy a malt liquor

comfy thread lads

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Niggers can be white, but I digress



I love that demo but the driving feels absolutely awful. Feels like GTA 4 driving with added sliding around


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>Go out on a comfy off road country drive
>Sooner or later some asshole in his sports car starts tale gating me because I'm not going 30 miles over the speed limit.

> Driving through the desert in the middle of the night
> Making great time, no traffic or delays
> Hollywood Nights by Bob Seger is playing on the radio
> Come over the crest of a hill
> The bright lights of Las Vegas open up in front of you

American Truck Simulator is the comfiest game alive. Obviously the states are truncated heavily, but the attention to detail in some places is fucking incredible.

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I took a car trip from Northern Washington all the way to SoCal via the coast. Unironically kino.

I have ran a few times and pulled it off by going into a town and cutting line of sight and killing the engine and lights but most of the time they still find you

> Nogs will either break into your truck, throw you out on the road, and hijack it, or they will climb onto your truck or trailer and try to hide to hitch a ride into Europe

He never should have slowed down, should have just barreled through all of them and the tree and not stopped for a hundred miles.

I still remember the night right after I had gained the ability to drive alone. Comfy rainy drive to get some take-out. Better days.


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How well do driving/racing games work with a joystick? Mouse and keyboard doesn't seem right, but a wheel and pedals wouldn't really fit around my desk and I don't think you can get them for less than $200 anyway.

I wish there was a game like this for normal cars. No, the Crew doesn't count.

>tfw driving from Maryland to Las Vegas for my birthday in 2 months
Did it before with some friends a few years ago, and for how comfy the ride was, the actual driving was cancer.
I'm also picking up some friends I met online, so this gonna be an interesting roadtrip.

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Night of the Nigging Dead

Night Driver is exactly what you're after. Unless you want graphics, you spoiled brat.

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Here's a spooky old radio drama about trucking down lonely roads at night.

Far comfier than day driving, user...


is it a boy-girl roadtrip? ω

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>pitch black outside
>Flip Pedo Van on my way to the market to buy stuff
>decide to walk back to the house to grab tractor and tow van back
>following the dirt road back to my house
>still pitch black out
>hear engine behind me
>what the fu-
>last thing I see is headlights heading towards me and I die as I get run over by some asshole

Sorry to hear that, user. My old man died unexpectedly when I was 13 and still the happiest memories of my life was playing vidya with him or sitting shotgun in his truck and stopping by the gas station to eat hotdogs. Don't apologize for the blog.

One is a boy, but hes REALLY gay, and the other is a girl.
Me and the girl have been friends for over 6 years now, so it crazy that we are gonna finally hang out in real life. That said, I also know the kind of girl she is, so I'm not gonna try something unless she makes the first move. Either way, I'm gonna be in Vegas, I'll be about to get pussy somewhere there.

i like ats but it really needs more states. the desert was super nice for awhile but im ready for more varied terrain. also it (and ets2) really need seasons and more varied weather. i wanna drive through the rockies and alps with snow. i know there's mods that do this but i hope scs makes it a base feature.

awkward but marginally better than KB+M
I went back to KB+M

How autistic do I have to be to get into a trucking simulator? Do I need a steering wheel and pedals and all that?

>be otr driver
>play driving sims during my freetime
no fuck you

>drive through a large, marshy area dotted with ruined wooden revivalist churches
>this plays:

Attached: a_dark_place_by_spelonker-d8dqjmd.jpg (1024x682, 84K)

>revivalist churches

>Get a job that requires me to be constantly driving from one place to another for 12 hours a day
>Realize I'm full-on road raging half the time, getting mad at absolutely the slightest thing every other fucker on the road does
Not comfy anymore.

driving at night in an area where you know there's plenty of people nearby is comfy; driving at night outside of towns/cities is fucking terrifying, especially in the middle of nowhere

Used to drive home every night from college (2 hour drive) from like 8pm to 10pm.

Literally one of the most comfiest experiences ever. It helps that the entire stretch was a major interstate, so there was no windy back roads to navigate, just 2 hours of pure comfykino night time highway driving, listening to your tunes going 70 MPH for 112 miles home

>Staying at a friend's house in winter
>It's starting to get pretty cold, not freezing but really chilly out
>Cheap ass never turns his heat on
>Can't sleep
>Decide to get in my car and drive to a nearby shopping center parking lot
>Crank the heat up and just chill out listening to music
>Looking around, spot someone on the strip who looks like they're checking garbage bins
>Figure they're homeless
>Get to feeling pretty bad
>Take the cash I have in my wallet and drive over
>Roll down the window and get the homeless woman's attention (I can see now it's a woman)
>Offer her the money
>She hesitates and says thanks but says they really need something else
>Gestures to a man laying on a bench nearby (boyfriend? husband? idk)
>Says he just got out of the hospital and is still hopped up on drugs, evicted cuz he can't pay
>Guy can barely walk
>She asks if I can give them a ride across town to the library where they apparently have something set up for themselves
>I'm super reluctant, but after a couple moments I tell her to put him in the back seat and get in
>On the way over to the library the woman tells me all about her daughter who is herself about to graduate med school or something
>We exchange a few niceties besides
>Drop them off at the library and go back to my friend's house
This was 2AM. I could have died and was prepared to.

Do you have the pic you're referencing? Please I've been looking for it

It's got to be considerably easier then the real thing then. Since there's no fucking way that operating one of those would be anything but super fucking tedious on a snowy road that hasn't been plowed yet.

>How autistic do I have to be to get into a trucking simulator?
none at all. you can make the game as realistic or as casual as you like but its way more fun playing with more realism since you have to keep an eye on more things and there's less risk to get bored too fast. of course you can turn most of it off and drive ludicrous speeds down the motorways as well.
>Do I need a steering wheel and pedals and all that?
no you can play with a controller easily.

With a car, you can go anywhere

>Expansion packs
>Bus mode: more collectible passengers, more small town stops
>USSR mode: all new biome of mostly foggy, dreary backroads, complete with checkpoints. Set in the late 80s
>Summer of Love mode: more hitchhikers, player can take hallucinogenic drugs and pretend they're Hunter S Thompson
>Biker mode: self explanatory, though you now have the option of tagging in with bike convoys so long as they're from the same gang. The wrong gang will try to attack you. Turns into a stealth remake of Road Rash from there.
>Indie Film mode: parodies indie road trip films. Gives you a Polaroid camera and X amount of shots. Tasks you with taking photos of the various quirky roadside sights you come across. Scores you at the end. Taking pictures of a paranormal event is pretty much an instant win, but the camera is purposely designed to be cumbersome to use, so you'll most likely get a blur.
>Highway Patrol mode: you are the law. Have the ability to pull over cars now. Need to make a quota before you can finish. Some situations require calling in back up else you die, but making an unjustified call drains your score.

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Not in the middle of nowhere, but empty in the city with lights is pretty nice to me

With their weight it's actually easier to drive a loaded semi than your average passenger car on ice. Lots of weight to get traction. Only issue is stopping but if your going fast enough for that to be a problem in snow your a moron.

>start playing Assetto Corsa.
>notice this trophy
>get in a miata and drive normal speeds in heavy fog on nurburgring for two hours straight.

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The Mad Max game

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>Horror Driving game
>Takes place at night
>See something spooky on the road ahead/in your mirrors
>But it's okay because you're in your car and just keep driving

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Arma 3, DayZ, Euro Truck Sim
Desert Bus as well

now i want to go for a night drive...

yeah like that one time it was pouring like crazy and everyone had to go at like 20km/h in the peschiera highway due to the massive downpour and the only way to see the road was for everyone to flash their intermittent directional light haha it was so comfy totally not terrifying of the prospect of a giant truck not seeing the line and squeezing 100m of car lines into a tight squish l-lol!

you can easily do that irl you fag

ETS2, brainlet

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Comfy night walks in the middle of nowhere are better. Just as long as you carry, otherwise it's fucking spooky.

t. europoor that has never driven on a Western American interstate

>a city gets that much detail
>meanwhile theres fuck all on the road between truckee and sacramento in game

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If you like beautiful spooky driving scenes, Midsommer has a nice one.

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>he automatically assumes the user is from the usa
What if he's from Russia? That's way more than 3000 miles across.

The only reason you night drive is because you want to feel like you're going somewhere.

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Funny, I actually had the shit scared out of me while driving today. Pulled up to an intersection and noticed movement to my right, two things about waist high lurching out of the forest towards my car.

Turns out they were just wild turkeys. Super adorable birds but goddamn I felt like I was in Jurassic Park.

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I remember back when it was one of those flavor of the month games that all of Yea Forums collectively plays and that was one of my favorite moments on this hell site.

>all those comfy threads and OC

lost like tears in the rain...

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>Go out in public and pay a cover cost to then sit and pay a girl I can look at but can't touch


>Put on my VR and watch a girl I can't touch anytime I want for free. Also I can jack off.


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>being a delivery driver delivering a supercharged Dodge Challenger from Denver to San Fransisco

What's there irl? just El Dorado nat. forest and some mountains?

I wish there was a night time OutRun clone.

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bonus ultra hardcore nightmare dante must die mode for night driving game: Your girlfriend is in the passenger seat and chatters away the whole damn trip and you can't shut her up

Reminds me of outlast, mindblowingly good looking.
Not always night but there are some night stages. Game is pretty much a pure outrun clone.

>racing simulator game make your pick
>choose volkswagen bug from 1960's or other slow piece of shit normie car
>load Nordschleife nurburgring with night setting (rain optional), do several laps
>cruise at speed limit speeds

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Jalopy fucking sucks.

It's not about the truck driving more so the driving itself that you get out of the experience unless you're into trucks. The fact that it's a truck driving game just gives you a reason to drive but it's kind of zen to go from point A- point B

I wish there were a decent timecyc for darker nights but all I've tried are quite bad and if you want to use skygfx for the ps2 graphics, you must use the timecyc that comes with it. Bummer.

Travelling at night is going to give me a heart attack, unless you stick to the motorway and major A roads a lot here is unlit. And even if you know a road its completely different in the pitch black.

I believe all human life has equal value, but fuck me, it's just disgusting to see the way these kids are acting and he makes a valid point that all these young men are cowards who'd rather leave their people and come to a safe country to gang up and antagonize the nation's people instead of making an effort to fix the mess.
I really don't care about race, but what the fuck. This is hard to see.

Some people just like to drive.