I honestly cannot wait for a second video game crash. This whole industry deserves it

I honestly cannot wait for a second video game crash. This whole industry deserves it.

Attached: file.png (539x424, 141K)

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Fire Emblem keeps getting gayer and gayer with each new installment
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are all against Trump's tariffs
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Voidpoint apologize for sexist and transphobic comments, add mandatory sensivity training and donate 10,000 dollars for an anti-suicide LGBT charity
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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bay baysed and resetpilled


You're delusional.


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I don't see how it is more inclusive if you rename your gender selection to body selection. It's like a completely irrelevant change.

Can we just have a cyberpunk game without shitskins and trannies?

What, why are people mad now? Did they add a third option for gender or something?



Attached: Switchbased.jpg (320x320, 25K)

He fucking did it again I can't believe it

at least Voidpoint announced they wont censor Ion Fury after all and they are back to overwhelmingly positive reviews

We sure can. You just have to make it yourself or with other like-minded people. Get to the coding, scooter.


>pedo site
oh we winnin alright

cyberpunk is shitty for a reason

>lets you pick "body type" instead of "gender"
>lets you pick "voice type" instead of "gender"
>5 minutes coding involved to change the UI and variables
>call it revolutionary exclusive
They're mocking them and they're too deep into their own propaganda to smell the bullshit. LMAO

Not really, considering cyberpunk is about the future and I see literally no kind of future where gender politics and more options for trans people doesn't get bigger.




Didn't Saint's Row do the same thing?

cyberpunk is a hellish future no wonder its full of trannies and niggers



kek what a bitch

fpbp once again

Holy fucking based


It must suck for you not being able to enjoy anything because everything has trannies and/or niggers in it.


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That's only a term a bugchasing tranny would use. The guy is right. It's not really a change that is a big deal and I don't get why people completely lose their shit over this insignificant change. In the backend of the game it still identifies the player as male or female for the dialogue options, so why would you give a fuck?

who are you quoting ?



There won't be a crash tho, because games are "inclusive". Which means that a lot of normie apes and females are buying them.

>Not even familiar with based and redpilled terms

yeah LMAO totally LMAO

CDprojekt has totally not sold out to globohomo agenda in hopes of getting hollywood connections

Attached: cdprojekt already sold out.jpg (3630x4069, 1.9M)

What cracks me up is how this is all gonna play out
The hype alone will make sure the game sells well

But because of resetere and the other sjw tranny groups cried victim and got them to add tranny customization... when it does sell well, those groups will run in here scream
>go woke go.. oh what happened incels?
Ignoring that the game was going to sell well regardless, but they will have their fun and their game to hold up for their sjw beliefs.

However.... because they are pandering to sjw trannies it tells us a lot about how the game is gonna turn out.
Despite selling well, we are going to have thread after thread of webms, screencshots and forum pics all about how bad it is.
We will be able to sit back and laugh at all the preorder fags because it will end up just like ME Andromeda threads, remember all those fun times?
Filled with bad gameplay,. downgraded graphics, shit dialog, and ridiculous bugs.

And the really funny part is?
It will have all those bad things, mostly because, they spent all this time catering to crybulllies instead of working on the game.
I can't funking wait.


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/pol/niggers are delusional and think that everything that is inclusive bombs, so that's why they believe in muh second crash (Even though there wasn't even a FIRST global vidya crash, but /pol/niggers being ignorant is no surprise)

I think you just hate people. This shit is irrelevant to normal life at all

>Ignoring that the game was going to sell well regardless
If a game that was going to sell well regardless still sold well after woke shit, then woke games literally do not go broke. Way to BTFO yourself, ya pinhead
The cope in advance is appreciated, though

The whole point of "Go woke, go broke" is that a game fails because it pandered to the trannies. If a game panders to the trannies and succeeds, then it is proving that meme sentence wrong.
It's not on people to prove that a game sold well because it went woke, because that was never the claim. You, on the other hand, made the claim that woke games go broke, and that claim has already been disproven and will continue to be disproven (most likely with The Last of Us 2 and Cyberpunk 2077, although I won't count my eggs until they're hatched)
I don't know why you just don't admit that this sentence is retarded as well anyways. It's been demonstrably BTFO time and time again and the person that started it is TheQuarterpounder. Who the fuck wants to be associated with that literal soi faggot?

How much of a snowflake must you be to get triggered over people you don't like in games?

Except they said it's actually pretty hard to implement this and that they had an entire team advising them on sensitive issues.

>TheQuarterpounder. Who the fuck wants to be associated with that literal soi faggot?
/pol/niggers are getting increasingly more desperate

It's too big to crash.

>I honestly cannot wait for a second video game crash. This whole industry deserves it.
Only thing that needs to crash is oversensitive idiots like you and the trannies you hate.

Seriously. Overly sensitive, mentally immature people that respond with aggression to getting their ideas challenged is the reason for most of the problems in the world.

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/pol/-tier Yea Forumsirgins thought that if they kept spamming "get woke go broke", they'd be able to convince investors to influence developers into not catering to SJWs. Instead, that sentence was turned back against them as more and more games kept catering to SJWs, with some of them succeeding. Now it's nothing but a source of mockery that /vpol/ continues to desperately latch itself too, merely making the mockery endure even longer. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.

its just sad to watch. literal fags and soicucks falling for jewish trickery once again. i sincerely hope these people don't breed and if they did, i hope their firstborn gets raped and mauled by an illegal immigrant.


It's not going away, dude. Even if there was a crash, who the hell do you think is going to pick up the pieces? It'll be the LGBTQ people, because powerful interests look for profitable avenues and LGBTQ is not made of powerful interests... it was always a grassroot movement that worked bottom up.

I love you now. To be fair though, Yea Forums is pretty cowardly. They easily just go to the winning side always, even when it was bigotry that was winning. Most won't stand up for values if they don't stand to win doing so.

The average Cybertranny 2077 is definitely gonna outbreed you, simp.

Yeah thats kind of the point.

>and the trannies you hate.
The fucked up thing though is that it's not even most trannies, it's POS game journalists and a vocal minority of retard trannies on Twitter or some shit.
Turns out most trannies just want to do their own thing like everyone else. When you see LGBT pandering in videogames it's usually the fault of rich CEOs desperate to get more people in on their game and faggot game journalists.

p-p-please delete this

The crash of 1983 was only for the American video game market, and only because there was so much literal shovelware that people weren't buying.

The difference here is that there's not much in the way of blatant shovelware nowadays (and no, games you don't like/aren't on the system you want/have devs with differing political or sexual beliefs from you don't count), and that a much higher total market means there's a bigger chance that someone out there will like your game enough to pay for it.

>Support ResetEra means you're oppressing actual trannies
wtf i love resetera even more now, BAY BAY!!!

There is an organized effort to use all forms of medium as a vehicle to push political propaganda. They don't allow any medium to stay untouched, not even comic books. Video games was up until recently not taken seriously enough until the numbers revealed that video games is a billion dollar industry. At this point they started coercing, bribing, threaten and blackmail developers to insert the progressive propaganda.

I prefer my video games pristine, free from this progressive propaganda injected into it, as does everyone. Hitman has this sign when you start the game, it should not be there, yet the current climate is so twisted they felt it neccessary to add it there, first thing you witness when you start the game. Very sad!

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>The crash of 1983 was only for the American video game market
Exactly. And even then, it was only for the home-console market. The PC market had a small resurgence that year that kept building up to what it is today. And, as you said, the rest of the world moved on fine. The idea that there will be this big worldwide crash now when that didn't even happen 30 years ago is utterly delusional.

good to see snarkazian is still getting work

Fuck ResetERA

Attached: reseteraffxivcenozoicdp.png (500x571, 344K)

>game gives you more options

>if i don't like it it's political and i don't like it
Games, books, television, and movies have been political since their inception

The entire culture needs a crash. I can't wait until the right wing death squads the left swear are a thing actually happen.

Hitman also had an NPC that was a blatant caricature of Donald Trump that treated him like the joke he is (in a mean spirited way, too). I think it's time to accept that your political viewpoint is not gonna fly with the average video game developer.

In the trash it goes

This. This is most of my games are jrpgs and retro garbage. Any game past 2014 is garbage.

>I can't wait until the right wing death squads the left swear are a thing actually happen.
lmao look at this delusional cope

Just like starwars huh
you latch onto something thats already popular and pretend you made it that way
when in fact all you do is run it into the ground.
There have been more cases of companies losing money by pandering than those that gain
Go ask Gillette and Netflix

It's taking away options. You can't play as a male or a female. You have to settle for someone who looks and sounds male or female but it's never clearly defined to be one or the other. In order to be inclusive it's excluding the people who prefer to have an actual choice. It's ambiguous and that's not giving people a choice.

Fucking BASED

How are you gonna cope when Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't get run into the ground and sells well? Are you gonna keep bringing up Star Wars up? Is that your plan?

very embarrassing thread

>start an arguement
>"lmao cope"
>support your point with another point
>"lmao cope"
>provide relevant sources
>"cope, stay mad, rent free, lmao"
so this is nu-Yea Forums huh?

But it was always the PC and LGBTQ crowd that denounced gender as a real thing. So this is exactly what they wanted.

Your Star Wars obsession would be relevant if it weren't for the fact that there are "woke" franchises succeeding despite your seething against them.

No shit. The obnoxious samefagging like everybody here is a fan of fucking neogaf 2.0 is insufferable. I don't know who these retards think they're fooling.

>Yeah thats kind of the point.

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You can't have a dystopia without really shitty aspects of life.

>it was some jewtuber who invented
Imagine being this retarded. Btw go ask Gillette how well it worked out for them
Funny, since pedoera had anita and zoe launch a fake metoo campaign just to remove focus from Voidpoint proving that you're a loud minority that doesn't buy games

I always joked how one day rpgs will have gender as a slider, and now it’s happening.
What a time to be alive.

No, this is always Yea Forums
>u mad?
>le epic argument

this is just another continuation in the long line of buzzwords this site uses to argue in bad faith

>Those hashtags
If this is how twitter is I don't think I could handle it. I'm glad I don't use it. What a bunch of fucking crybabies.

This game is unstoppable user, deal with it.

Fuck Cybertranny, but chill guys, at least you are not pic related

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>T-t-t-they're a-a-actually surreptitiously mocking them, you guise
Oof. Do you seriously have to pretend everyone you support is secretly redpilled like you? So childish.


My self

Funny since Ion Fury just proved it's the exact opposite. Also, Trump has been a better president than both Obongo and Clinton. Can't wait for your screeching when he gets reelected

Those are just from the angry incel blogger that wrote that article and the one in the OP

>You can't have a dystopia without really shitty aspects of life.

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You know what, your description made me realize that the absolute peak degenerate sex games I play like Rack 2 use the exact same character creation process.

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You want utopian cyberpunk?
Are you nuts?


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>Funny since Ion Fury just proved it's the exact opposite
Uh-uh. I wouldn't bring Ion Fury up if I were you, buddy. But I appreciate the 10k nonetheless :^)

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You know, I think I'd actually enjoy playing a Sci-Fi setting that was an Utopia for once. Something more Star Trek. It's always gotta be Dystopias, why not vary it up for a bit?


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You wouldn't? Yea, the fact that when they catered to trannies, sales dropped so hard they didn't even make the top 50 Steam list and reviews dropped to mixed, only to return to normal once they told you to fuck off ;D

Trump isn't any better than Obama or Clinton, and he'd personally burn your house down and rape your dog for a profit just like them. Get fucked

Ion Furry donated ten thousand dollars to a tranny charity and admitted that they will never ever again let any of their staff members comment public ally on anything politic OUTSIDE of the game, let alone inside it. You have to be a particularly delusional, demented or stupid person to think of them as an example of ResetEra NOT winning.

Mass Effect 1 is fairly utopian.

Trannys play video games too

>But it was always the PC
I think you forget that it was politically correct to hide trannies away not even 10 years ago.

Record low unemployment, cutting back of wars, putting China in their place etc.
Obongo was just another corrupt, racist warmonger
2 Scoops, 2 Genders, 2 Terms baby

Ion Fury is an irrelevant indie game, nobody cares.

Resetera are bigger losers than anyone on Yea Forums.

Eh, kinda, sure.

That was 3DRealm. Are you by any chance retarded?

I don't think that's how parenting works. However you conceived the child is what you will be forever.

>in our universe the entire world is bending over these degenerate gay internet thugs.

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>i-i-it doesn't count

Games have always reflected culture from the very beginning. Nearly all the media you are so against is simply popular culture because everything is is rooted in life to some degree.
Just because your snowflake ass cant handle identity but are completely fine with gang violence/war or straight up political extortion doesnt mean those dont count exist dipshit. It also doesnt change the fact that countless games in the past have already been extremely devise/progressive but your young ass was too stupid to notice then.
If you think that having simply having more character options to play as is going to ruin the industry maybe you never actually liked games to begin with. Maybe your just a bandwagon faggot that cant handle the faintest idea of change in their perfect little bubble even though you are all about change when it suits your agenda.

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>cutting back of wars

>That was 3DRealm
Oh, you mean the people that own Voidpoint and funded them on this project to begin with and will be making as much profit from the game as them? based retard.

Yeah but I don't care if the game plays well and is fun

>i have no argument
Better run to CNN to get their lates talking points ;)

Damn this is some creepy shit.

Unironically redpilled. Smart post.

Their the publisher. What the hell are you even talking about? You can't even keep up with a simple story like that

Does anyone have that Olivia Hill post

when will Yea Forums learn their opinions are the minority. a vocal one that can review bomb more intensely than normals, but a minority nonetheless
you have already been replaced, /pol/

Right wingers have not contributed anything of any value to video games

No, Kingdom Come doesn't count either, the dev admitted he regrets his statements and that he's a liberal. Also it has two gay antagonists who basically get away with everything and live happily ever after + Woman's Lot

Ummm... this has been the case since the inception of media because guess what? All art is political, babe. All art is made with a message and that message is based on personal beliefs... which are informed by politics.

Even videogames when they first started were political. There were games about raping indians on Atari. There were colonization games and space war games (of course these are political). Many early DOS games were about monarchy and medieval politics (kings/queens/knights and how they operate). And to that end, what of all of the advertisement games? Cool Spot, that Biker Mice game, a Pizza Hut game on PSX, and of course let's not forget modern games with their microtransactions and loot boxes These games are there to promote capitalism and sell products -- all political.

The fuck do you think a publisher does, dumbass? They're the ones that fund the project. The developer has to listen to their publisher. Is this literally your first year commenting on the industry? You've literally never heard of developers having to change aspects of their games to cater to their publishers before?

Hitman is filled with progressive propaganda. A woman is looking at a car and she positively comments on how "genderless" the car is. The game is filled with this everywhere and it's sad and disgusting.
There is nothing wrong with ingame, canon, politics that fit the realm. But there is something wrong when video games gets turned into a vehicle to disseminate a very specific and overt uniformal propaganda, in this case and every other single case, progressive agenda, without even offering an alternative point of view.

Why would we as consumer want to pay for propaganda? Netflix & HBO is no longer entertainment, it's only brainwashing. A lot of people are tuning out from it.

Yes, Trump is funny on his own. The fact they made the joke mean-spirited shows how they don't have a sense of humour, or can withstand other peoples viewpoints. It's like the companies are forced to accept liberal writers into their midst.
Anything between 2014-2019 is completly radiated. Some entity is forcing every single outlets to get in line and walk in lockstep with the progressive agenda. It's very dystopian. From stand up comedy, to movies & tv shows, to cardgames. Companies aren't doing this for financial reasons, most people are against this, yet it still occurs. I know blackmail is involved. Even creator of linux lost his creation to this madness.
Trump has arrested more pedophiles and childtraffickers than every other president combined. He is doing something right.

>record low unemployment
Doesn't matter when you can't pay your rent working 2 full-time jobs

You can also make a truly utopian society with the social engineering options in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.

so minor that we have multiple letter agencies constantly watching and probably listed everyone's dumb ass including mine in some excel sheet. stfu fag lover

Still much bigger than pedoera senpai and Ion Fury just proved it to the world
You claimed they own them. You also claimed Ion Fury stated the zero tolerance policy. You're legit retarded

That doesn't count, I want an RPG where you interact inside the society, not a build game. You can do that too in Endless Space or whatever.

But I can pay my rent working part time. Try not living in an area with comically high costs

Move somewhere cheaper, you fool.

>Trump has arrested more pedophiles and childtraffickers than every other president combined. He is doing something right.
>source: my ass

Maybe you shouldn't have studies lesbian dance, faggot. It's not Trump's fault you made poor decisions

>SJWs should stop whining and pressuring devs to do things! They should just make their own games!

>western games might be trash but cdproject is based and redp-

Attached: 1558468429750.png (370x320, 14K)

>i will finally be able to make a futa waifu

based and futapilled

But they weren't called PC crowd back then. I'm talking about since the terminology was shoehorned onto every progressive idea.

This comes down to the fact that the average /vpol/ user has been radicalized within the past decade and is now completely out of tune with the average politics of the average leftist, which just so happens to be who has always made video games.

Politics were fine until they were no longer in tune with yours.

do you think that makes you a majority? you aren't making any sense

Lies and slander. Games before
>it would be great if we could all get along
>differences make us unique and we should embrace it
>we're all human in the end
Games now

And most of all, games before allowed you to agree or disagree with their message and almost always presented counterpoints, even if just to show arguments against such counterpoints. In short, even when they had real-world-related agendas (super fucking rare in the first place, they kept the politics as an in-game abstract concept tackling unique and very specific topics rather than wide-ranging extremist views), they still thoughtfully discussed their point rather than spouting memes.

>Record low unemployment
Left overs from Obama's term
>cutting back of wars
Don't even know how to respond to this
>putting China in their place
Already backfiring

Fuck off retards.

Attached: gender.jpg (1080x1920, 200K)

No bulge slider. You might as well write your own description of the character and call it headcanon.

Are you referring to mine? I actually have no problem with the politics in gaming.

OneAngryGamer is a front for the American Enterprise Institute. Change my view.

Can we please stop with the meme that every video game should be radical centrist and balance every single political decision equally as if they all had the same value? This has never happened and it will never happen.

Name 1 (one) game

But that's demonstrably false. The only group that has been consistently radicalized for the past 10 years is the 'progressives', which is why Obama would be considered a nazi by their standards

Trannychads just can't stop winning.

>don't have enough money?
>spend money on moving and relocating somewhere else!

>so inclusive the nipples haven't been freed because somebody PLEASE include the children!

fake, that translates to "That's correct - No cis options"

Sounds like there's going to be some sort of checklist either in the options or character creation to accommodate all. Why is this an issue then? if it's optional then there's no problem.

>left over from Obama
Holy crap, you're truly desperate


No, I was agreeing with you. The "you" was to the general /vpol/ user

>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
Dunno if thats even true but there is nothing wrong with that.
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
And literally no one plays it for the woke shit, they play it because its a Fornite ripoff.
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
Catherine "remake" is fucking dumb anyway; Its going to bomb.
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
Good, twitter is trash.
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
Literal shovelware developer.
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
Not really and this doesnt even has anything to do with "sides". Theres a lot of loli hate coming from right wingers too.
>Fire Emblem keeps getting gayer and gayer with each new installment
What a dumb and irrelevant statement.
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone
They were always hacks. Avellone is responsible for all the shitty writing in Fallout 2.
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
Who even gives a shit about what an eceleb does.
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
And its going to fuck them up.
>Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are all against Trump's tariffs
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
This has always been standard practice. They just have gotten better at doing it.
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
No idea who this even is.
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
This is actually okay. No sane developer would put an actual racial caricature in a game for nothing.

I guarantee it will end up being some purely cosmetic shit that changes literally nothing other than a single detail in the dialogs and the trannies will be the ones whining because of that.

Yea Forums has been predicting a second videogame crash for over a decade.

If you pick male/male (or female/female) for body/voice you'll be addressed as such.

I think it's more funny that there were games that put "multicultural" and "diversity" on them LONG before Hitman and no one seemed to care. Remember Assassin's Creed 1 back in 2007? Same thing, yet NO ONE complained.

Why would I go to college when all that does is put me in debt for 40 years...?

>War is bad
>Nukes are bad
Uh-uh, very neutral.

ive been predicting the end of the world since 1999
one day i will be right and then i will be the winner and have the biggest penis

Ummm... you don't get out much do you? Neo nazis and white supremacists exist and they are right wing ideologues exclusively.

Now post proof.

Yeah then there's no problem at all. People who want to be called whatever will be.

>literally "IT'S THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY" as an excuse, twice
Anyone that can't back up their arguments with anything other than "It's [current year]" should off themselves.

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man wherever retardera or neofag posts, thread turns to shit. just play a man's game like quake and chill bro

Are you retarded?

pathetic bigot cope
back to with you

Play the game.

>raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children
How are kids old enough to know that? They haven't even hit puberty.

Why the FUCK is the males nipples visible, but the whore's nipples which are already hidden behind a bra censored?

It has happened but nobody is saying it has to be like that. Just stop being outright extremist while simultaneously playing a 'my side or the gulag' game. Recognize that people may have differing opinions from you without being "literal nazis".

>Implying shitposters are going to care about proof
Cyberpunk has no genders, its been decided, just as it has no night time despite all the footage of night time.

I'm guessing a TNG-era Star Trek RPG would be the ideal thing, but I don't know if such a game exists.

>Record low unemployment
Happened during Obama's presidency. He was bragging about "low unemployment" within the first year of office, when he didn't even implement any economic policies. In the middle of his presidency there have been multiple signs that there is going to be recession + an incredibly volatile stock market (8/10 of the largest Dow drops in American history happened under his presidency) due to his trade war and his statements
>cutting back on wars
He claimed he was going to do this, then Bolton told him no and he changed his mind.
>putting China in their place
Trump has done jack shit to China, all he's doing is playing chicken with them economically while we, the taxpayer, have to pay for it by subsidizing the farming industry. He COULD have done something to China through the TPP, which was designed to place international pressure on them to stop stealing intellectual property from the US, but then he just said it was bad and dropped out for no reason. If the deal was so "bad" he could have simply renegotiated it, being the master dealmaker he is, but he did jack shit.

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Majority of people don't believe in the concept of "gender neutrality", and trannies will always be seen as mentally ill monstrosities. Your views are inverted and not in tune with reality.
Worldbuilding and ingame politics in a fantasy world is clearly not the same as as real life progressive agenda forcing every media outlet to go along with a monolithic political agenda that offers zero deviation from their propaganda. Video game as a media has become compromised and is currently used to spread a very narrow and specific form of belief

Well, if you didn't and you still can't make ends meet, maybe it's time to face the fact that you're weak and unintelligent. You don't deserve to make it
But they always existed, moron. The only group that has made a major shift is the 'progressives'. They have become extremely radicalized

Parental indoctrination. If you're a young male and you pick up a doll once in California you can expect to be chemically castrated within a week.

Oh okay.

Okay, I'll give you that. It would be nice to have more games where you can pick a side. We don't have many games with truly dynamic story telling in that way anymore. That would definitely be optimal.

See It's actually more in-your-face than that in the game because you can see the available dialogue options which, both in any other context and in previous games, allowed you to agree or disagree - no longer.

>i'll just regurgitate fake news
Shouldn't you be on twitter?

This is the part where I ask you for a game that portrays the average right-winger as a Nazi, and you point to one of the last few Wolfenstein games, where you kill nothing but LITERAL NAZIS. As in, Swastika-uniform-wearing, "heil hitler" saluting Nazis. You people have lost your god damn minds.


But, it's set in a dystopian future, so the niggers and trannies add to that via immersion.

i see a no man's sky scenario happening with this game.
People are hyping it up to be the best game ever forever and it's trying to tote that you can do mostly anything in the world the game gives to you.
It's going to end up a grindy and boring rpg with a linear story featuring Keanu Reaves.
Of course the gender shit is going to be jarring but making the protagonist androgynous takes choice away from the player.
Pushing for this weird progressive shit will only get you so far when your core gameplay is probably going to be disappointingly drab.

Attached: 14.jpg (720x720, 72K)

Is there any way to hit this level of COPE natty?

Of course they existed before, but they held off because of the system didn't outwardly allow them before. But now, the white supremacists and neo nazis came out of the woodwork because they were vindicated by people like Trump. There is a equal and opposite reaction to things like this.

He's a faggot.

>if i do not like it it's fake

Attached: 175639200.png (750x750, 39K)

>We don't have many games with truly dynamic story telling in that way anymore. That would definitely be optimal
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire gave you the choice to kill anyone you wanted and side with whoever you wanted, from colonialists to kikes to pirates to natives, but people bitched because there are gay people in it. Actual choice is irrelevant to most people bitching.

>left wing meme
>wall of text
Every time

This but unironically.

I think you're missing the point that most people just don't like trannies.

>right wing
>afraid of reading
it checks out

Trannies, faggots, and other degenerates are not people.

Of course they are going to bring up Wolfenstein because they are nazis and thus get triggered by watching nazis getting killed.

>It would be nice to have more games where you can pick a side.
But you don't even need to go that far. Consider a protag who has a very strong opinion on something, such as he absolutely hates monarchy and wants a democracy at all cost.
It's simple enough to put 9 abusive kings and 1 lawful good king in the game and have the main character insist on mercilessly murdering all, including the good king, to the people's ire. You can end that ark with the character rationalizing it by saying the people will come around when they see how superior his system is, thus nonchalantly putting the people's feelings aside.
You still don't have choices, but you drove the point home that absolutism might just not be the right way, even when your basic principles seem to ally positively with the greater good.

Oh look, something new for right wing justice warriors to virtue signal over.

I have self esteem problem, low IQ, crooked front teeth but this... This make me feel like im normal human.

Depends on your opinion on what go woke go broke is
I never viewed it as " give a little to sjw's and the whole thing falls apart"
More along the lines of going full pandering means your gonna lose money or its gonna fall apart
starwars is a good example.
The first one with rey did well, but the more sjw centric they went, the worse they did. To the point Solo was a massive flop.

But im sure there are retards screaming "if a dev says you shouldnt kill gays that means the game isnt gonna sell"
but i dont think many actually say or believe that. infact im sure the only ones saying that are prolly sjw's themselves being ironic or whatever.

Right now CDPR is just adding tranny character shit
That is not enough to sink the game, but sjw trannies will still rush in here acting like this disproves go woke go broke. maybe that is what THEIR meaning of it means to them.
Now if CDPR goes full core pandering? then ya.. i think this game will be done.

And as for quartercuck... didnt nkow he was the one who coined it.. that guy is a fucking fag.
But saying go woke go broke isnt a thing, isnt paying attention to how much companies have lost by trying to pander to that crowd, doesnt mean they all will, but I think that depends on the degree of pandering they go.
So again, guess it depends on what you think go woke go broke means.
go a little go broke
go a lot and go broke.
I think we have one side seeing it one way and the other seeing it another.

Please provide some form of evidence to back up such a statement.

>muh big vidya crash

It was only the US that got fucked. The closest to a crash we got was around the last gen when good, small(er) companies went under.
Another crash will just make the big publishers stay with their shitty practices

Attached: FatmanLaughing.gif (500x375, 494K)

Standard political game
>These things are bad so we've woven a narrative to show and say why without sacraficing game quality
Leftist political game
>These things are bad but we're going to tell you why they're actually good throughout the whole game at the expense of a decent title or engaging gameplay

It's like one is better than the other or something.

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Read the fucking thread, moron. Even the latest hitman does it.


>Depends on your opinion on what go woke go broke is
>I never viewed it as " give a little to sjw's and the whole thing falls apart"
>More along the lines of going full pandering means your gonna lose money or its gonna fall apart
This reads like poor backtracking. Not buying it.

Why should I like more tranny niggers like yourself in my media? Please explain.

Yeah, I hadn't played that. Didn't know the second one was out already.

You shouldn't, bitch about it more on a Mongolian fishing board and I'm sure the world will change for you!


worrying about this shit is the most faggoty thing i can think of


>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Riot Games gave special benefits to the all female team to protect their narrative
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Dead or Alive 6 joined the #MeToo movement of woke and broke videogames
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>Nintendo bans mentally ill flags
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>This post has been mass reported by a bunch of assmad trannies
>Fire Emblem tricked faggots to give them their money just to trigger them with shit sickos romances
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
>Apex already dying while its dev desperately attack its core audience
>Woke devs getting shot on the foots by the strong womyn that were brought by themselves
>woke activist "journalism" - the catalyst behind all this bullshit - is slowly dying, with tons of layoffs at VICE, HuffPost, and Buzzfeed. Cracked fired everybody last year, old Gawker sites are struggling after being bought by Univision and Mic.com shut down. The Escapist is already collapsing after being bought by Russ Pitts who quit a few days ago.

Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?

Attached: 1495405018945.jpg (236x237, 10K)

>create your character
>pick a pronoun in some checklist
>literally nothing about the game changes except NPCs call you "he", "she" or whatever depending on what you picked
>the future being super-duperp progressive is used as an excuse as to why the game doesn't give a single fuck about your character being or not being a tranny

Cute and based!!!

I’ve already lost interest in this game. Let them pander to the mentally ill .0000025 percent of the population

"Brevity is the soul of wit."

Ingame fantasy politics offering multiple views in a virtual environment, different for every game ≠ Modern day propaganda blatantly inserted into every media outlet, no nuance, always same "message", overt propaganda using video games as a medium to soly brainwash the player


>>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
This has nothing to do with politics. Japan has very strict rules over sexual content lately, its the same reason why Smash characters are less sexy too.


Trump supporters have an eternal victim complex. I've seen dozens and dozens of posts where they were all speculating that the final boss of Wolfenstein was going to be Trump, or Mecha-Trump, or whatever and they say this every time a new game comes out. "OH this game is going to shit on Trump, it says multicultural and diversity in it!". The closest thing you'll get to a blatantly anti-Trump video game is probably going to be Life Is Strange 2 because it deals with some of the main characters literally talking about him (even though he doesn't actually show up)

Everything else is through references that you have to deliberately go out of your way to find and are more just subtle jokes than anything else. Wolfenstein had an entry where the Nazis made fun of an idea of building a giant wall, Hitman had an NPC making a brief reference to a guy talking about a presidential candidate with a "famous hairdo". That's pretty much it. Fallout 2 was much more blatantly harsh towards Republicans (particularly Dan Quayle, George HW Bush's VP), literally made an in-game NPC of him spouting dumb shit and no one gave a fuck.

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This is what i mean by sjw pretending this destroys go woke go broke
They are changing one tiny thing
They are not going full woke.
But they will convince themselves this is the biggest sjw victory in the work when it still sells well.

EA and Bethesda's failure has less to do with them being SJWs and more to do with them being greddy retards.
And RDR2 has a lot of leftie shit on it.

To us... GAMERS!!!

>Fallout and Bioshock aren't "leftist" political games
Do you even know who writes these games, retard?

>This post has been mass reported by a bunch of assmad trannies

Attached: newspaper1.jpg (750x501, 107K)

/pol/fags hate RDR2 though because of Arthur. The rest of this post is completely inconsequential bullshit.

lol now thats some cope.


Honestly, I'm glad Cybertranny 2077 is pandering to leftists and trolling /pol/niggers, because outside of that, it's worthless. The last thing we need is more GTA/Bethesda clones. Still probably gonna sell like hotcakes, though. CDPR has fallen.

Its ok boy.
You can make a human male with a 30 cm penis to not feel insecure.

Worrying about having political messages inserted in predatory fashion is a real concern. Do you support letting cigarette companies make advertisement for real products in the game as a well? Bugpeople like you are the worst.

They fall under standard for having a message but not sacrificing a game to say it, leftist garbage uses a game as a soapbox for theirs and don't give a shit about producing a decent title from it.

then stop importing more 3rd world workers

You're very obvious, you know. Nobody is fooled, goddamn boomer shill.


>Coping this hard
There is a reason why the devs were so angry with the nigger lynching in the multiplayer.

Like this if you hate trannies too!

if using your own tactics against you work, good.

>FFVII - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Tales of Vesperia - pro-environmentalism, anti wealthy elite
>SMT Strange Journey - pro-environmentalism
>SMT in general - anti-organized religion
>FFVI - pro-environmentalism, anti-industrialization
>FFX - anti-organized religion
>MGQ - intolerance is caused by organized religion
>Tales of Symphonia - anti-racism
>Tales series in general - anti-discrimination
>Sonic the Hedgehog in general - anti-industrialism/pro-environment (save the animals from the evil machines)
>BOF II - anti-organized religion
>Grandia II - anti-organized religion
>FFT - anti-organized religion
>Valkyria Chronicles - anti-racism against Jews, anti-imperialism
>Spec Ops - anti-American interventionism/exceptionalism, anti-war
>Mass Effect -pro- (genetic)diversity, LGBT
>Fallout -anti-American jingoism/ultranationalism, anti-nuke
>Fallout 2 -explicitly anti-Scientology, anti-American jingoism, anti-Republican
>Civilization (in general) - anti-Republican
>Oddworld in general -anti-corporation, anti-industrialization, pro-environment
>Doom - anti-corporation
>Ratchet and Clank - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Mind Forever Voyaging - anti-Reagan
>Alter Ego - anti-conservative
>Bioshock - libertarianism and Randian utopianism ultimately fails and turns into a dystopia
>Halo (in general) - basically an allegory for post 9-11 fundamentalism
>MGS1 - your genes don't actually matter/define you
>VtMB - anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-elite
>Lunar Eternal Blue: anti-organized religion
>Assassin's Creed (in general): anti-organized religion (Templars are evil), religion is also a lie
>Arc the Lad- anti-organized religion
>GTA (in general) - le both sides are bad
>SMTIV - individualism bad, collectivism good
>RDR - pro-feminism, anti-racism
>Fire Emblem - anti-ultranationalism, anti-racism
>MOTHER 3 - pro-environment, anti-industrialization, anti-capitalist
>Catherine - pro-LGBT
>Fear Effect - pro-LGBT
>MGS3- pic related

Attached: 1552792785744.png (2048x1397, 1.17M)

Since when is RDR 2 not a """pozzed""" game? I thought the whole point of the "Progressive Arthur" meme was making fun of how Arthur was overly progressive for his time for the sake of appealing to SJWs.

I guess every game is Schrodinger's SJW, now. It's SJW when I want to bitch about it but it's not SJW when I want to pretend that woke go broke. Retards.

Can I make Geralt I’ve read the books twice and played through all the games I miss him so much

Holy shit imagine fucking believing everything this fucking narcissist posts to Twitter at face value fucking KEK

Add Youngblood flopping hard


Nobody cares about RDR2's multiplayer lol. If the devs interfered though that only means you lost.

based and actually unironically redpilled

I thought video games don't influence your thoughts? Now you're using the SJW argument
>Video games don't make you violent. Video games don't make you sexist. Games don't influence your thoughts!
>Video games are filled with leftist propaganda that is influencing our thoughts! They are diabolically trying to make us more tolerant towards gays and brown people!


That’s SESTA, ya boy trumpo supported that.

It shows the kind of people who play the game.

Most of the opinions opined in Fallout and Bioshock are leftist views, and those games are just as used as soapboxes.

Why would a game have the need to make a disclaimer in the first place, saying their game is made by a multicultural team? Is this not an indicator that the social climate is so bad that developers who only wants to make games, are forced to protect themselves from slanderous extreme leftist media?

This is old ass news. Old as in June LAST YEAR. Why is it popping up now?

buy whatever you want
the only ones i see screaming that 'go woke go broke" means the game will fail over the tiniest of sjw-ism is people on the left when they are using it to mock the right.

Yeah its gonna fall to a pool of money and awards. Hope most of shitposters goes to an asylum so they can be healed.

It’s more go woke, become bespoke than the right wing goblins will ever admit to.

Mother 3 is probably the single most hamfistedly anti-capitalist video game I've ever played but it gets universally praised here.

Attached: Deluxe_package.jpg (332x218, 19K)

Quick, back to the discord

All types of people play all types of games, not sure what your point is.

Yeah, /pol/niggers pretending RDR 2 is on their side now is some "Black Panther is actually redpilled" tier shit.

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>asking people on pol a question on v

Attached: BCB51E10-E500-49D0-8B0E-E745790925B2.jpg (210x240, 21K)

Yeah because /pol/tards haven't overrun 90% of this shithole, right?

That racist people loved the game. That is because it is not that woke.

>>Fear Effect - pro-LGBT
I thought it was just pro-L.

Anti capitalist is not anti-right wing, you can be anti-capitalist and not be a leftist

I agree. /pol/ is truly a great cancer.

Attached: 9.jpg (640x631, 133K)

>There is an organized effort to use all forms of medium as a vehicle to push political propaganda

>when i rave about da joos and sjws all day its okay, but when they rave about gays and religion it's not okay and my jammies are rustled :CCCCC
did you ever try to breathe through your nose instead of your ass for a change, you retarded poltard?

There is still hope

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AssCreed and Hitman are both games centered around assassination, it's done because some people may think they are targeting certain groups. AssCreed also gave the implication that religion is fake and had that notice from the very beginning in 2007) and no one bitched then.

Fuck off you stupid cunt. I don't care if it's "ironic," faggotry is still faggotry.

Attached: Hunting Season.png (462x626, 730K)

>The majority of gaymers are liberals
/pol/bros I don't feel so good..

Attached: Most-Favored-Games-Among-“Liberal-Gamers”@2x.jpg (2232x3480, 3.09M)

I want genuine video games. I don't like progressive propaganda injected into games for absolutely no other reason than to push an agenda. And it's always the same agenda, regardless if you look at netflix, movies or AAA gaming.

>>Mass Effect -pro- (genetic)diversity
laughing asari whores.jpg


The many sings to us

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He dont get it.
You put theyre shit in the game but at the same time put other stuff than triggers them.
The Tring and Trang.

Find me a single modern video game that portrays the jews or homosexuals as the villain.

>capitalist is not right wing
Mother 3 is basically a socialist game, though. The "good" society with no crime in the beginning is one where there is no currency, basically no state, where people work voluntarily. That is basically the end-goal of communism (a currency-less, stateless society). Unless you're going to argue to me that that is somehow right wing too?

>Screeching /pol/ kiddie screaming at his computer, fat greasy face red
>Trump would be proud

Its been awhile since i played Saint's Row, please explain

This killed another tranny

Wait i know this study. It also show that like 50% gamers are women. They used Facebook statistic I believe.

Anarcho-Primitivism is right wing you libtard

Just gonna post some (admittedly amusing) progressive arthur memes while reminding you that /pol/tards are now pretending RDR 2 is on their side.

Attached: file.png (539x439, 89K)

I find it pretty ironic that the ones complaining about lefties forcing their political shit where it doesn't belong are the same retards who will gladly derrail any thread in any board with their autism.
You can't even go to fucking /po/ without having to deal with some /pol/tard ranting about niggers and jews.
If you don't want politics in the shit you enjoy then you can start by setting up an example and not leaving your containment board.

> it's done because some people may think they are targeting certain groups

Still does not explain why they felt pressured to put it there? The previous Hitmans did not have the same message, and nothing came out of it.

this pasta always makes me smile

Attached: ssssiiiiiiip.png (291x321, 180K)

Primitivism is retarded, so yeahs it's right wing.

Trannies are just weird and not austerely pleasing if you just use your primal instincts.
On a deeper level, they are lost people experimented on by a sick society and elite, a horrible chapter in our human history started in the Wiemar Republic. Sadly this chapter is now re-opened and many lost people are killing themselves because of it, just like 100 years ago.

I don't get why you want people to be gender-less and kill themselves and want this mass delusions manufactured by the elite to be in mass media.

We lost bros.. SJWs won..

Attached: Most-Favored-Games-Among-“Conservative-Gamers”@2x.jpg (2232x2978, 2.9M)

Attached: file.png (1859x138, 69K)

>Liberal devs shooting themselves on the foot

This made my week

Attached: nitw.png (789x575, 568K)

Play Astral Chain :^)

There is a difference between forcing leftist belief into video games, and a forum where people speak rightwing belief.

Find me 5 rightwing video games released recently? You cant.

>A manchild who spends his days and nights closed off in a dark room staring at his computer screen seething about libtards is going to lecture is about nature and primal instinct

Attached: file.png (1862x173, 89K)

>Facebook study that also stated that women are 50% of the gamer audience


Attached: file.png (1861x167, 75K)


>Forcing left wing belief
user, maybe those people legitimately believe in these things, and nobody is forcing them at gunpoint to put these things in their games?


>>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
Nice try. RDR2 is extremely cucked and bluepilled as fuck.

they already said that how people refer to you will depend on what voice you select.
So I'll pick a female body type, apply a male voice and play as a trap that people call he.
literally the biggest nothing burger out there.

Wouldn't want to mess with this.

Attached: 1556153458178.png (613x634, 158K)

Saints Row had a femininity and masculinity slider. The farther you go in one direction, the larger your titties or dick is.

Attached: file.png (1861x120, 55K)

>people still trying to fight the good fight instead of just joining the winning side and curbstomping the losers with everyone else
I guess they're masochistic or something.

Attached: thinking-face.png (256x256, 58K)

Mother 3 is not anarcho-primitivist. Tazmily Village is a rural, agricultural setting (i.e they are not all hunter gatherers, which anarcho-primitivists argue we should return to).

So a third of this is not even points that defend your ideas, just you making random claims that you hope will happen or declaring you'll keep doing something. OG post still beats yours.

Pedo enabler

That study was talking about mobile games, this study contains actual games.

Yes, the difference is that one triggers you while you think the other one is okay.
If you want to "speak rightwing belief" then stay in the fucking board whose entire purpose is for people like you to talk about that shit, not the boards that have nothing to do with that shit.
As much as I despise forced political shit, I'd rather get some tranny character in a game spewing some leftie bullshit which I can choose to ignore than have to put up with you faggots turning every fucking thread into an autistic shitfest.

I'm gonna make a woman, make her as hot as possible and call her dumb whore then stream it to my 900 viewers on twitch until I get ban over and over again to kill my contract with them then I'll start streaming on YT, I will never back down from this.

Then the voice actors wouldn't constantly promote leftleaning politics. They would talk about 99% other shit unrelated to leftism.



Attached: 1461533869931.png (202x244, 63K)

Sorry, trannies kill themselves after getting mutilated. Even they act normal on their dead bed after looking down on their genitalia, they can't live with this, even animal will kill himself after the horrible procedure.
I hope you're not the 60%, disgusting uppity faggot.

It's real.
And I don't feel fantastic

Attached: Tara_01-1050x700.jpg (1050x700, 49K)

Attached: file.png (1587x136, 67K)

>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
Bad copyasta. The trans flag is hidden in a sewer so it is not thoughtful or respectful.


Are people just not supposed to have opinions about anything if they're involved with something you like? Does it really matter to you who a voice actor votes for or what their stance on taxation and social welfare is when questioned?

W-will it be inclusive for me?

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No one is allowed to have any opinions. Video game developers cannot have opinions at all. Btw I think free speech is important

The voice actors only read the line given to them by leftleaning writers. Small brain.

Nah, only 90% of Yea Forums, not 90% of Yea Forums

>Spittle spewing bootlicker is so assblasted that his oily sausage fingers cants even finger the keys on his filth encrusted keyboard accurately

If you're not a braindead /pol/let yea

>Making trannies seethe
Careful now user. They may guilt trip you by blaming you when they commit suicide

Remember when the legacy media acknowledged our presence and turned us into a boogeyman 3 years ago? A boogeyman that was once a small voice on a low population board which is now beginning to replace them. They scramble desperately to censor us because we're changing the narrative.

Attached: 1564075598684.jpg (601x800, 60K)

Hatred, Ion Forge, Kingdom Come, the Witcher.

All real great games and not indietrash like most of the leftist drivel

The literal uncle tom of normalfag vidya.

This isn’t real
That’s a fake account, it has to be

Who cares? What does it even matter?

>They would talk about 99% other shit unrelated to leftism.
Wow, this sounds oddly familiar. It's almost like there is a certain group of people who do that very same thing.

What is a genuine video game then? One with pro capitalist agendas?

Attached: 1567020196537.png (1861x83, 31K)

you ARE... a nipple...

When 50% of the voice lines ingame is intune with modern real life radical leftist belief, instead of partaking in creating a believable ingame world, the game is more geared towards spreading real life propaganda than a fictional immersive world. It's not a hard concept to understand.

There was not much gender lecturing in the game. But the race lecturing was pretty much every 5 seconds. The Islam one could pretty much be from the game.
The /pol/ zommers are just too retarded to see it, because wowie cowbows and shooting.
In retrospect- what a shitty game.

>the Witcher
Nope, CDProjekt is not right wing
>Kingdom Come
Meme answer, see >Ion Forge
Ion Forge? You mean Ion Fury? And no, they aren't right wing, they changed the design of the main character to become less sexualized. ONE of the devs may be since he clearly got asspained over it
You mean the meme game that everyone forgot about that involves a mentally ill mass shooter committing domestic terrorism? Yeah, maybe that IS right wing, lmao

Imagine being so mentally ill that you think a group of crazy people making up a fraction of a percent of the population isn't a minority.

I am a /pol/ chad, You giga virgin.
The game is supposed to be in a dystopian like world so why the fuck would it be “inclusive”?
Fuck all of you, Heil Hitler

Attached: 5BADFFFE-F78B-41B1-9A84-B4D228C14925.jpg (1024x1347, 179K)

>When 50% of the voice lines ingame is intune with modern real life radical leftist belief
Literally never happened.

Looks like a fucking skinmask

Terraria, Gothic, Morrowind. You know, any game before 2010 that didnt walk lockstep with a singular specific inverted ideology.

What's the big deal? You are literally as bad as them, you are just getting triggered by the opposite stuff.

Attached: 1505321272161m.jpg (1024x576, 57K)

Character creation options that you won't use shouldn't affect your ability to enjoy the game. You GamerGate incel faggots need a fucking mass suicide.

Attached: 1542696148099.png (720x569, 352K)

>dystopian means conservative fascism

Vavra's a liberal?

Those "radical leftist belief" games typically show the real consequences of right wing capitalism. I'd say their plenty realistic. More realistic than the right wing propaganda games that pretend it's all peachy.

The guys that made Hatred made two other video games and they are actually pretty unknown. It's a shame, cause the last one looks kinda good.


Attached: Auraface.jpg (1200x1200, 595K)

Now this is based

>I'm a /pol/ chad
Meanwhile in reality

Attached: 1566435543705.png (1639x757, 2.83M)

Oh, right. Thanks for explaining.

Yeah, I'm a bootlicker to nature laws, lmao.
And you you chapofag are a bootlicker to a manufactured identity made by rich people for their amusement.
Did you forget to put the medical dildo in your wound today, it can reopen again my friend?


Based straight white male user BTFOing the mentally ills

Attached: doit.gif (533x310, 1.99M)

Actually based

>Fucking this.

Attached: file.png (1516x154, 57K)

The cringy RESET ERA BAY BAY vs the handsome based frog of truth

Degeneracy fits cyberpunk perfectly.
It's a nightmarish future, not a pleasant one.
Though, I'm not looking forward to it at all. Witcher games haven't been my cup of tea.

That’s not what I meant you fucking retard. It’s perfect the way they’re doing it, a dystopian world would be a multicultural world where everyone only cares about themselves and the rich companies become more powerful than the government. Also it’s more dangerous and ruthless and there are trannies and pedos everywhere and kikes won. Very immersive

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>he says while virtue signalling over it

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Go back to your discord

I wonder were trannies would be without anime avatars

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Why are you guys so mad?

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The frog of hope...

Shitposting on a Bhutanese carpentry board is 'mad'?

I'm pretty sure reviews returned to normal because valve deleted bad ones, that were made because of the political decision

No, there is no great lesson. It has nothing to do with the ingame canon or storytelling. It's a real life ideology with no specific name, but discribed as neo-marxism that is being inserted and pushed into every modern media outlet in a highly organized fashion, with billions of dollars funding it. Stand up comedy, tv show, hollywood movies, what used to be able to showcase a wide amount of different views, have now an extremely narrow beliefsystem (those who step outside it get blacklisted and slandered) The propaganda is always the same and it's intention is to brainwash and manipulate the viewers who only came in to be entertained for a few hours, but through predatory and subversive writing leave with subliminal thoughts adhering to this "neo-marxism".

The entertainment part is largerly removed and replaced with this modern, very specific political beliefsystem. It's the equivilent of the borg taking over every entity. There is no deviation of this belief, and those who choose to do it anyway will instantly be labled as extremist/nazis and have their reputation ruined. It's 100% intentional. Even remaining apolitical will be considered a rightwing political statement.

>We should improve society
Holy... fucking...deep.

I'm gonna make the biggest boi whores I can

Having a shemale in a game isn't political it's just fucking gross

Yes, you must be mad, else you wouldn't have come here.

I think the worst thing about this forced meme is that theres no variety, it looks like they just took a bunch of pictures of the same people. If you want to get under our skin, maybe try posting someone who doesn't look like yourself.

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In a world where you can transplant your brain into whatever body you want the fact they allow this is really just adhering to the world.

It wouldn't make much sense to do this in most games but in a Cyberpunk game it fits the world just fine.

no! this can't be happening, we're supposed to be in charge here

Are you attacking /pol/tards or defending them?

>RDR2 is le based white male redpilled game
Yeah, you be the judge of that.

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The other post have like a third of its point outdated

Okay then which one in the photo is (You)

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>it looks like they just took a bunch of pictures of the same people
Because /pol/tards are all the same white weeb fatasses.

made me chuckle a bit

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Lefties living in an echo chamber that actively works to get conservatives fired and blackballed is full of people who believe leftist things? Shocking.

Yep... He is based

In the closet

>why don't sjws make their own games
>they do

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Finna based

A lot of "alt-right" people are actually liberal.

I'm Fatty McGee, criminal overlord of smuggling McDonald's fries into Japan.

>Dev make games
>Mentally ills go apeshit
>They change the game
>Somehow this made people upset


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He regrets them because he has been getting consistently harassed over them

Look at yourself in a mirror before you go making fun of kids

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You know what they say: Get woke...

>Mentally ills go apeshit
like you right now?

>lectures you
It's a fucking voice choice that changed the pronoun used in the dialogues, you fucking autistic sperg.
You are acting as if the game is going to force you to watch a 2 hours long speech on tranny rights when there is 0 indication that is is meant to be anything other than a lazy attempt at pandering to SJWs.


>writing this in 2019

Community feedback from last year’s Cyberpunk gameplay demo saw CDPR criticised for its binary expression of male and female characters, particularly given the source material’s fluid approach to body modification. According to Jonkers, however, in the new character creation menu, “compared to the last demo we now give you so many more options.”

“For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore.

I mean those who mutilate their own genitals and the follow painful procedures to keep the wound open.

FP is, dare I say it, BP

yeah that's what you do all day


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They've not removed shit, bunch of faggots falling for clickbait like true npcs.

you /pol/acks need to go back to your board or learn that cyberpunk has always been a degenerate dystopia where people modify their bodies to extremes

Obligatory: /pol/tards reaction to that webm
>A few months later
>It sells excellently
>O-o-oh its actually based and redpilled after all

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relax brooo stop taking things so seriously, just smoke a joint..yeaa so what if the side kick in video games is a transgender who always lectures the players about the injustice of capitalism whilst asking the real life player to donate money to tranny charity its like brooo its just a game, there is no ulterior motives into making you vote for democrats in real life or nothing... except that part ingame where there is a 10 minute intro telling you to vote for democrats i mean games have always been political whats the big deal maan

>I honestly cannot wait for a second video game crash.
Fucking retard

It's insanely obvious this post is more anti-/pol/ than pro-resetera

Not really. I'm sane.

None of that happens lol.

Kevin Nash was raped in the hot steaming summer of 1992

The irony is that deliberately removing all gender options is the easiest way to remove gender politics and make a game overtly non-political while still gaining brownie points.

It's a fucking FPS. Who cares as you can't see the character anyway?

Now this is based

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>It's a fucking FPS.
Based retard

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Tell me about the politics of Tetris or Pong

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Yall realized the dev replied stating you won't be called they/them right?

How the fuck do you consider this a bad thing? I want absolute freedom to create whatever fucked up monster person I want and this game is giving me that.

And That's A Good Thing™
Gotta maximize the seethe, though

Stop that you massive fucking faggot, and yes its been posted and ignored in thsi thread because shitposters want to continue the outrage.

>inb4 that conspiracy theory on tetris being communist brain washing about blocks having to fit in their places

Extremely based and dangerously redpilled

But those are absolute truths?

fucking lol

kek what a bitch


You now realize you can twist anything into "social politics" because it's not a science, but rather a purely-subjective measurement taken by lunatics.

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>the side kick in video games is a transgender who always lectures the players about the injustice of capitalism whilst asking the real life player to donate money to tranny charity
Where was this even mentioned?
>there is no ulterior motives into making you vote for democrats in real life or nothing... except that part ingame where there is a 10 minute intro telling you to vote for democrats
That doesn't exist and not everyone who plays this game will be a fucking american or give a fuck about american politics.
You retards are outright making shit up just to justify your stupid outrage over a minor dialogue change that you can completely avoid.

I really dont understand what so triggering about this, do you really need the male or female label to enjoy the game, cant you just make a female character and ya know..... know its female? Since you're the one creating it? Why is Yea Forums getting so triggered by this? I mean I'm completely looking forward to making shitty ugly tranny characters with male voices and making them completely useless and hard by everyone in game, and just messes things up.

Based and truthpilled
this needs a screencap

Because /pol/tards are always looking for the latest excuse to do le ebin rise up

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>No longer refered to as him/sir/he

Nah its a pretty big part of holding conversations.

This will tell you all you need to know

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You know language changes right?

The last son of the western gaming

Most sane people hate trannies because they're mentally ill and they shouldn't be promoted. Instead they should be cured not chopped up