Nintendo Labo can do THAT?

Nintendo Labo can do THAT?

Attached: Nintendo Labo.webm (854x476, 2.47M)

Other urls found in this thread:,9171,872980,00.html

>socialism is impossible because without the incentive to profit, people won't wor-

But if we pay people a living wage, we might end up reliving the worst point in human history! The Renaissance!

Lefty meems are impossible, because without typing a fucking paragraph people can't understand your complicated bullshi-


shut the fuck up you god damn commie

Japanese autism at its finest

Why is everybody getting cutoff mid sentence as if they're being chloroformed and murde-

>playing with cardboard is productive work

Its obviously candlejack you fucking newfa

>the Barbatos dino chainsaw actually works


Work is not a fun hobby you do to show off. Work is "now make 1000 of those cardboard whip swords, because Great leader and his Revolutionary Guard want to give them to their kids to play with."

Under socialism:
"If you don't, we will kill your whole family for betraying the Revolution."

Under capitalism:
"If you don't, we won't pay you a million dollars, and you'll just have to be satisfied with the paycheck you have now."

socialism doesn't work because it's monetary value comes from capitalism.

>Making cardboards video games weapon in front of a camera for free internet points mean socialism work
You wouldnt even be able to afford the cardboard in the first place

Can YOU recognize all those references, anons?

More like

under capitalism:
"If you don't, you will lose all of your financial security, and you'll be forced to sell your body on the streets. Have fun not eating.

>Asian guy makes really cool pieces with just cardboard
>Yea Forums just lumps him in with the Wojack sitting in a box flailing his joycons

>those scissors

>under capitalism
More like
>In america


>One autismo is representative of the whole population
99% of the population would just get drunk and watch tv and you know it

if a white guy did this it would be the epitome of cringe

>the fucking shuriken

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>and you'll be forced to sell your body on the streets.
What the fuck did he just say?
Or do you consider manual labor not real work?

thats just fucking sad

It's still the epitome of cringe when asians do it. What on earth makes you think asians are exempt from acting their age?

>these conveniently placed amazon logos

reported for advertising

Highly doubt it. I wish I had something valuable to do for the world that doesn't enrich some kike more than it does me

Who's this candlejack fellow?

I recognize the duel disk and the Gundam Barbatos mace

Asians are generally the smartest people in the world for a reason: why care what other people think when you're having fun?

Why do stupid motherfuckers keep saying his na

>Asians are generally the smartest people in the world
Chinks are braindead retards who cant even speak or have humanity

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A lot of them seem to be fate shit so I sleep.

holy shit that's impressive

rent free

yeah retard maybe its because he made all that shit out of amazon boxes. you're allowed to enjoy something even if its advertising.

Then you have never been in a outside of your rich gated community because that is exactly what happens in neighborhoods with a high percentage of welfare recepients. That and fist/knife fights due to the drugs/alcohol.

>China isn't real socialism, its capitalism to the extreme
>Also, China is a successful example of socialism that is going to become a global superpower
Which is it?

I was an edgy 15 year old once too user. You're at that point where you can't realize people do things solely for the fun of it. But don't worry you'll grow out of it.

Literally obsessed.

Reported for racism and avatarposting

>Asians are generally the smartest people in the world for a reason
No, they just cheat. They notoriously cheat. There's a reason 99.9% of corporate espionage is committed by asians.

>There's a reason 99.9% of corporate espionage is committed by asians.

That's not how it works fag. You have to actually say candlejack first. Otherwise it-

All I see is wasted effort on shitty cardboard when they could instead be replicating these in metal or hard plastics and not get ruined by a gust of wind.

Hella based,user working Yea Forums in to a shoot

But what's this about candlejack and why are you retards cutting your sentences short?

You realize that every successful nation in the world besides America has heavy socialist policies, right? Where are you getting this insane "we'll kill you" meme from? The Russian Revolution?


>Gundam Barbatos' chompy t-rex chainsaw mace
Impressive that he made such a dumb weapon actually work.

The people on the webm are japanese, my obsessed fren. It fucking says
The little yellow goblins are living in your head rent free.

imagine this guy was your co worker and everyone was trading stories of what they did over the weekend and he just shows another video of him once again making one of these amazing cardboard anime/vidya weapons while all you really did was shitpost on Yea Forums.

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hey better safe than sorry

Stay obsessed, cuck.

It's an old meme about that cartoon Freakazoid. The character Candlejank will kill you directly after saying his name. No matter what

What a fucking idiotic thing to say. What a stupid thought to have. You idiot.
You stupid fuck. Goddamn you're dumb FUCK.

cardboard is probably faster to work with as a base prototype. hard plastics and metal would take more time to cut correctly i'd imagine and there would need to be more math done for weight distribution and stuff like that.

Don't use punctuation when mentioning candlejack that's not how it wo

stay literally livid on rent free

I'm just doing my duty to keep this place free from the Red Army.

I am not sure how you presume to know my sexual preferences, either. Next you'll say, ">reddit spacing."

stay mad whitey

That's not how it works either fag. You're supposed to say Candlejack and then look like you disappeared mid se

>Filching trade secrets to keep up with the competition is a device as old as buying and selling, and just as international. Nowhere does it flourish more than in Japan. An estimated 10,000 commercial spies honeycomb Japanese industry; in Tokyo alone there are 380 detective agencies that specialize in stealing corporate secrets. Last week industrial espionage achieved a new pinnacle of respectability in Japan with the opening of the Institute for Industrial Protection, a school avowedly established to train spies and counterspies for Japanese corporations.


Doing god's work, but you gotta learn how to read.

Incels with nothing to do with their time.

This is why Yea Forums is shit

So where's the 99.9% source?

YOU are why Yea Forums is shit and Yea Forums has had AIDS for 20 years now

Chinks are living in your head rent free and they don't even know you exist.

I don't think any of them are Fate, were they?

>China Involved in 90 Percent of Espionage and Industrial Secrets Theft, Department of Justice Reveals
Asia is just a bunch of dirty thieves who fancy themselves as high IQ because they are very good at copying off the cheat sheets they brought into their exam with them.

>if they’re better than me, that means they’re cheating
Great white cope

Even if this is true, you're probably just mad because it's asians mostly doing it. You think Western countries don't do corporate espionage?

If Asia is so great why do they need to steal from the west so much? Surely if they were the smart ones we'd be stealing from them?

For every one heavily-motivated (and gifted) person like in OP, we have about another thousand or more who aren't. It's kinda why every country who's ever tried it failed miserably, even the ""socialist"" EU countries mostly dropped it for capitalism.

And thanks for turning an interesting thread into politics. Fuck you for baiting me.

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I thought Candlejack just kidnaps peo

>the asians are better at stealing government secrets than we are?
>fucking slant eyed fucks, they're cheating!!!!

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Nuh-uh whites are literal saints and paragons of morality and they would never do something as low as espionage.


Theres literally no evidence of white countries doing espionage, chinkshill

>You think Western countries don't do corporate espionage?
I never said they don't. I just said almost all of it comes from Asia alone and that's an objective fact. Did you not hear about that time in China they tried to prevent the students from cheating in tests and not only did the students riot but also their parents? Cheating is just part of Asian culture. Actually legitimately achieving something is purely a western ideal. Asians only care about looking good and getting the credit.

Please tell me you don't actually believe this.

Yang is a pretty good alternative for people that prefer modern captilism to the antiquated socialism of Bernie.

Reminder to report all /pol/cel and russcel posts about race baiting.

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I love this. It made me happy :)

That means they're just that good

I just see this, and if the dude made all of the designs and pieced it together himself, he'd probably make a decent living doing movie prop work, especially in the modern world of 3d printing.

That's cool as fuck.

>that fucking ryuko blade
god damn

Someone said there was a Gundam weapon, ryukos scissor, yugioh duek disk, and the bowgun is from the mh games I think?

"cheating" doesn't mean the same thing everywhere on the globe. Their "cheat" tests are the equivalent of having a cheat sheet that almost every single school in the USA also allows from middle school to even college. I bet you also believed the meme that Chinks banned the portrayal of time travel in their media when it was actually a complete lie.
>durr chink shill
No, just not a brain washed moron who can actually think for himself and doesn't let chinks live rent free in my head 24/7.

>Reminder to report all /pol/cel and russcel posts about race baiting.

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Care to show us any of your feats of engineering and construction, user?

I feel bad for you.

The staff seems to be fate prisma, which makes it even more based

That means they would literally never EVER do anything wrong, am I right?

i'll take twenty

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I don't know you, but your life must be really sad and boring

Autistic socialism won't work because you can't support a country on people passionately speedrunning DK64 and building rubber band guns.

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>I feel bad for you.
>I don't know you, but your life must be really sad and boring

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>Yea Forums's perfect world is everyone just sitting around wallowing in unproductive misery because anything being impressive or notable in any capacity is onions


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>OP starts a thread about an autist playing with cardboard
>first post is an autist whining about socialism


You guys can literally learn this shit in 1 week tops. Its just cardboard FFS.

Even this dumbass made music from it

Get off your ass, stop fapping to Marie rose for 20 seconds and do something with your hands besides controlling your joystick(both of them)

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Deliberately missing the point of a video game-y cardboard project aimed at kids but useable by adults doesn't make you intelligent.

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woah dude those are some impressive cardboard skills!

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>yeah retard maybe its because he made all that shit out of amazon boxes
So the logo is always outside and well visible?
seems too much of a coincidence to me

Daily reminder that the only ones who actually do and aren't actively losing it are genetically homogeneous. Time to make sure it stays that way :)

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>Their "cheat" tests are the equivalent of having a cheat sheet that almost every single school in the USA also allows from middle school to even college.
They let you do what in the US? What the fuck is the point of a test you are allowed to cheat on? That's what assignments are for and it's why they require a fuckload more work.

But I still stand by that cheating is endemic in Asia. Take the crime rates of Japan, for example. At face value they are quite low. Japan seems to be the envy of the world with it's peaceful people. But the reality is, and there's been several whistleblowers about this now, they're a lie. The Japanese authorities struggle to keep the crime statistics low so they just cheat instead and completely fabricate favorable statistics. So what if some poor murdered individual doesn't see justice, right? The important thing is Japan looks good and the authorities look good.

thats not labo in ops webm you fucking idiot

>and you'll be forced to sell your body on the streets.
I mean, women do that for free anyway.
Just not on the streets most of the time.

>Did you not hear about that time in China they tried to prevent the students from cheating in tests and not only did the students riot but also their parents?
It makes sense in context.

Goodbye :)

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I like vidya too, user

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Reminds me when I made a paper keyblade when I was ten.
Better times, wish I still had the pictures.

>announcing a report
see ya around, friend :)

kek you derailed this thread pretty hard, good job

This thread is a shitshow and Im pretty sure many people couldve seen it coming.

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What the fuck

>They let you do what in the US?
Yes, it's extremely common and probably only isn't done in ivy league schools. The only reason it isn't seen as cheating in western countries is because the teachers let you do it. It's usually limited with only one sheet of paper, sometimes only allowing for one side to be used. But you can put whatever information you want on it and it's fair game. The chinks were basically told to not do this anymore. Really, it isn't anything different from what westerners already do in their own countries. It might just not be as common, but it's still very common in places like America. I've seen it a lot.
>That's what assignments are for and it's why they require a fuckload more work.
Yeah, it basically undermines having to study, but it's still a thing. It's dumb.

Well yeah it's Yea Forums.

Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter again?
No idea
Kill la Kill
Monster Hunter a third time
Nanatsu no Taizai
Gundam again?
No idea

>it's clearly not Labo related at all
What a faggot you are OP.

>besides America

Even burgerland has heavy social security agencies and welfare programs for everything from health insurance to food and educational grants. The only difference is they don't quite warp their taxes/sales or the wait-time for benefits as badly as Europe's or maybe Canada's.

Either way no first-world nation relies solely on it either, western Europe gave it up decades ago (at least as their primary economy) and the eastern half became the oligarchical shithole it is today.

When you're older, you'll learn that everything is bad. Nothing is good. It's all garbage and you're lying to yourself if you think otherwise.

>Autistic socialism won't work because you can't support a country on people passionately speedrunning DK64 and building rubber band guns.
well, i don't see how a civilization based on murdering everyone else around you and destroying the planet in the process is supposed to be more appealing or reliable than that. unless you own capital or are rich yourself, you're basically a cuck to be pro-capitalist

What the shit is that what's going on in this thread? That's legit mentally insane. Poltards are fucking retarded.

I'm 28 and everything in gaming still seems fine to me aside from the stupid people.

No, but it can do this. Equally exciting for far more money! You also look less of a nerd.

Attached: labo.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)


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10/10 post user
I can't believe how fucking retarded electionfugees are

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Really says a lot about the west

Because the horrific murder economy is a lot better to actually live in than the autistic passion economy in which everyone dies of disease in a month because very few people actually have a passion for water treatment and while a lot of people are making very interesting things, none of those things are very useful to continued existence.


>A lot of them seem to be fate shit
Kill la Kill

Is you type in Candlejack he will ge

No Sekiro, you fucking plebian?

When will wojaks result in an instant ban? seriously it's about time, they're literally never good posts

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I didnt play it

Oh. You should, it's pretty good.

>When will wojaks result in an instant ban? seriously it's about time, they're literally never good posts

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I still have no idea what Nintendo Labo is or what it does. Cardboard toys? What do they do, nothing at all?

Doubtful, given that FROM haven't made a good game in over a decade.

Not that guy but case in point. It's all so tiresome

>promptly proving his point

What's wrong with Bloodborne?

>Not that guy but case in point. It's all so tiresome
>>promptly proving his point

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Unironically based

KYS yourself

>pointing out how wages aren't keeping up with inflation makes you a communist
Damn bros...guess I need to...go apply for a pary card now...

>KYS yourself

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how many of these do you have

I fucking hate you, not just because of the wojak, but also because you don't even give a (You) to the guy you're mocking.

Fucking stop making this kind of post in every thread and kill yourself.

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>I like posting picture of wojak

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its just nintendo selling you cardboard for $90 and retards actually bought it, used it for maybe a week and then never touched it again

Its not nintendo labo cardboard you dumb retards. it even says amazon on the side.

>Staring up a bird's asshole
>1-2-switch dick munching contests
Should have been obvious from the start Nintendo was doing an about face on censorship this time around

>I fucking hate you, not just because of the wojak, but also because you don't even give a (You) to the guy you're mocking.
>Fucking stop making this kind of post in every thread and kill yourself.

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On the bright side if we keep talking to you the thread will reach bump limit faster

Hitler did everything wrong!

bernie is only a socialist in the united states lmao, everywhere else he's a centre left politician

man that duel disk is perfect

>he doesn't know about candlejack
Lurk more newfa

capitalism: humans gotta do dumb shit that we pretend is valuable or they starve to death

communism: humans gotta do dumb shit because a dictator says workers need to do it, or get gulag'd

enlightened social democracy: gib 1k monies a month so i can make cool cardboard shit and live in my mom's basement

Based and leftypolpilled

wow user, why are you memeing a market stunt

UBI will only work if almost all work is Automated and money stays within the country.

Both capitalism and communism weren't meant to deal with automation.

>none of those things are very useful to continued existence.
we're in a thread about corporate branded cardboard, dude who the fuck do you think you're kidding here? capitalism's explicit purpose is to produce useless shit like this to distract you from your material suffering

I think you've missed the joke. I also think you should probably rethink your approach to capitalist decadence while on the video game board, a monolith to capitalist decadence.


>Not knowing about Candlejack
The absolute sta