
>looks at position in que

very frustrating, how do you guys cope with this?

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>subscribe to game with actual money
>cant actually play it until they let you
imagine being that much of a cuck

By getting a refund for my game time and waiting until it's playable.

Play a less populated server or wait for things to smooth out.

>Pay $15 a month to wait in line just so you can get in and wait in line again to play

I just get in queue then play something else, recently been enjoying Remnant from the ashes a lot, I suggest you find a good game you can play while you wait.

by not being retarded enough to pay 100$+ per year for a license to fucking grind sit in queue and ERP. I have no idea what type of person you have to be to buy into this garbage.

>Be British
>Queue to buy a train ticket
>Train delayed by 30 mins
>Go to work
>Meeting gets delayed
>Go home
>Train is delayed by 45 mins at Euston
>Get home
>Turn on news
>Prime Minister has delayed Parliament by 5 weeks
>Log Into WoW Classic
>Position 7,000 in Queue

British love queues

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There is no queue due to a grace period on disconnect. Try again.

I'll check it out in a month when it's closer to TRUE vanilla levels

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We get what you think it is, now why do you fucking care?

Wait, I play on Whitemane and when I disconnect, it lets me back in without having to wait. I thought that was a feature.

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op is memeing, stop being dumb you retail baby

Oh. ... ... retail baby? The huh?

You'll have to make a new account. Usually if you change back they close your account. But classic is "free"* so it's not a big deal


stay in your containment you retard blizzdrone fuck

By not giving a shit. The quests are all things I've done several times over in the past so it's not a huge deal.

Been in queue for 8 hours now

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So when exactly will i be able to play this game?

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It's queue, you illiterate fuck

Waterlords is just high, you can play there

I don't think that's a chargeback. I requested a refund from Blizz and it was processed quickly and automatically on the website.

My friends rolled on golemagg. I can't just play somewhere else especially since vanilla doesn't have cross realm play. Guess i'll be back in a month when it calms down.

It's supposed to but the login system is constantly hammered so it sometimes loses your spot. People DCing and losing their spot is the only way the queues ever move.

i kekd

So make new friends on Waterlords.

>blizzard keeps telling people that servers are full and they should roll somewhere else
>people don't listen, they want to play with their favourite streamer
>queues inevitably happen
>people cry on the forum
>people are also going to cry when two weeks from now tourists leave and servers would be deserted