Any games that had dark and gritty Japanese urban setting?

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Nier to some extent.


Urban Japan isn't really dark and gritty. Japan is one of the safest places in the world to live.

Tokyo Jungle

Haven't played them, but I'd say all the Yakuza games.

I dont know if it counts, but The Silver Case games certainly had elements of that.

It is sometimes used like that in j-horror movies and I would like something like Silent Hill 4 (even though that takes place in USA) that was definitely inspired by that.

SMT. Is a demon invasion dark and gritty enough for you?


>The Silver Case games
Looks great.

But I mean that's kind of my point. To make Japan "dark" you have to set it in a dystopia or fantasy world, at which point it's not really Japan, it's just taking elements of Japan and putting them in a dark, gritty world.

Which I guess is fine if that's what OP's after, but I thought he wanted like a True Crime type of "this is the dark and twisted part of Japan" type of setting, which doesn't really work since Japan is mostly chill as fuck.

Yakuza 0 has a noticeably grimier setting than (chronologically) later games.

Yakuza is the closest. Japanese suburbs aren't dark or grimy, but mostly empty.

SMT IV. Posting some art of the game.

Attached: tumblr_mqbeuf6Z981qfgou4o7_1280.jpg (1250x672, 391K)

Well, I am OP. I probably explained it poorly. I am looking something with atmosphere similar to movies like Ring or Dark Water or game SH4.

Attached: tumblr_mqbeuf6Z981qfgou4o9_1280.jpg (1000x595, 309K)

Attached: Shin-megami-Tensei-4-11.jpg (856x300, 159K)

Beat me to it.
Well done.

Attached: aE9Y7JX.jpg (1298x591, 262K)

Resident Evil?

Attached: shin-megami-tensei-iv-tokyo-2.jpg (1280x720, 168K)

Attached: shin-megami-tensei-iv-tokyo.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Any games with this type of aesthetic?

did you forget to write "pic unrelated?"

There is absolutely nothing offensive about your pic.

>dark and gritty
Are you high? Japan is the cleanest and safest place on the planet. The Yakuza guy in that dark alley? He's very polite and friendly and will give you directions how to get to your hostel.

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maybe Ruiner

Attached: ruiner.jpg (616x353, 34K)