>WoW Classic was so hard!
>Literally doing a dungeon with 4 Mages and a Priest.
>Clothies literally don't drop under 80% health.
>The priest even has downtime to DPS.
>Don't even need a tank.
Waow, really tough.
>WoW Classic was so hard!
>Literally doing a dungeon with 4 Mages and a Priest.
>Clothies literally don't drop under 80% health.
>The priest even has downtime to DPS.
>Don't even need a tank.
Waow, really tough.
>4 mages who spam AoE can clear dungeons fast
wow who would've thunked?
some dungeons can be cleared SOLO as a mage, it's because mages are Gods at AoE farming.
Tanks are only mandatory vs mobs that are higher level then you.
>WOW BFA is so hard!
>Tank just pulls half of the dungeon and takes zero damage
>the rogue is afk
>priest is still in heirlooms
>Mage keeps pulling shit with their AOEs
>the hunter is just auto attacking
>cleared in 10 minutes
What a stupid post
Stockades only has melee enemies, so obviously they don't need a tank when mobs are constantly CC'd and can't hit anyone. Bring in 4 rogues and you're gonna have a different story
Patch 1.12 is dogshit easy
Those people have been playing the game for years and know every singlr encounter.
whats hard are the quest drop rates
Classic doesn't have a single boss, dungeon or raid, that has enough mechanics to be considered an "encounter"
Don't forget
>Mythics are soloable within 2 weeks of the expansion's release
*blocks you're path*
who the hell plays this grindy garbage?
spending hours killing what are essentially cones.
What do you consider mechanics user?
Stat values that reflect what they're supposed to do
Or damage turreting a boss while avoiding instant death zones they poop out, while listening to an addon tell you how to play.
Go do a full clear of gnomergon you little shit then tell me about no mechanics.
>stacking your group to level quickly to complain there's not enough people at 60 to do anything
what kind of retarded argument is this?
>yeah it might not have any mechanics at all but at least it doesn't have middling/easy mechanics
>game literally made for working class assembly line workers
how does it feel knowing you are paying money to do what no person should ever want to, monotonous repetitive work.
imagine paying to work in a factory for fun.
People with sad lifes
MMO games are the ultimate escapism for them. Any sane person knows they're way too time consuming
Every game is repetitive. Every game is montonous if you tell yourself it is.
What is the % of wow players that will actually breed?
nobody thinks vanilla was hard, even back in the day people were shitting on it for being the casual mmo
WOW's "Mechanics" have all been variations on the same three retarded things
>Stand in a certain spot
>Kill/kite adds
>remove debuffs
The only difference is players no longer have interactive mechanics, only bosses have mechanics, players are just DPS/HPS turrets and threat magnets, with pretty much infinite resources, the only way you can fuck up an encounter in live WOW is either not having enough gear to beat an arbitrary DPS check, either a soft enrage, hard enrage, or adds, or because your group is fucking retarded, at which point you can just kick them from the raid and get some cunt with more ilvl off the raider.io to carry you
I swear, you retards say this shit every time, but in your own post you acknowledge that the mechanics are more involved than anything in vanilla.
>Play 2d game
>Repetitive key presses to go forward, jump etc
Wew, imagine pressing the same buttons multipe times to move pixels, fucking homo
The mechanics are tighter, but having a .5 second window to do something and a 5 second window doesn't really change the encounter, it just makes it more tedious to play.
Live WOW has no depth at all, and don't pretend that it does, the stat values in live don't matter, raw ilvl is the only thing that matters on your gear 90% of the time, and that is the only thing preventing you from beating anything in PVE, PVE in live is such a fucking joke that the only way they can keep retards playing is by only allowing them to get 1 peice of decent gear a week
It has objectively more depth than classic encounters do, you can pretend the difference is inconsequential, but what's the fucking point?
Sorry I prefer playing an RPG not musical chairs.
name a single mechanic retail has that classic doesnt
Can farming to gear up 8 tanks really be considered a mechanic tho ?
The encounter can be done with 5 tanks, 8 was used because a 2 tank rotation is easier to manage then a 5 tank rotation.
Thats the difference between live and classic, live bosses are paint by the numbers, classic you could do anything to win.
vanilla raids involve 1 or 2 mechanics per fight, some don't have any, while retail stuffs raid encounters with as many brief mechanics as they can figure out to justify having mythic encounters.
>I prefer playing an RPG
so why play WoW?
You didn't need 8 tanks geared for tanking, you just needed 8 tanks with 4 piece tier 2
honestly all of this goes out the window for both games because of the over dependence on addons
the fucks the point when they play the game for you? What you're putting your energy into managing your single spell rotation?
>dungeons of stormwind
>real dungeon
Classic has no hard content, that always was a meme by lfr tier retards.
Nothing in classic come close to current heroic raids, let alone mythic.
t.cutting edge retail raider and someone who played through all of classic twice on a private server
>implying H and M is hard
Method is like the .01% of the playerbase literally the most top tier players of course they are just walking through everything.
try doing a M +20 and let me know how it goes
lmao classicucks
what addons should I use?
Live WOW is nothing more then an ilvl check.
Its not hard, just time consuming, the hardest part is finding 19 other retards who played every day since the expansion went live to maximize their ilvl potential just so you have the numbers to kill a mythic boss, and hoping they're not too stupid to not stand in AOE.
Ironic too, since Ion Hozzikostas only got his job because he crunched the numbers and said C'thun was numerically impossible, which has since then been proven false.
I personally have not died to a mechanic in WOW since TBC, unless it was an unavoidable death mechanic, the only time I die in raids now is when some other retard wipes the raid by stepping on the bomb mechanic, its not fucking hard, the only hard part is keeping a guild motivated enough to not bail after your 50th wipe because billy the retard can't understand his DBM timers
>Ion Hozzikostas
Ion is a fucking litigation lawyer who was given the reins after MoP with the role goal of making as much money sub numbers be damned.
Post pictures of your mythic endboss kills while the content was relevant.
He's been in charge of PVE since WOTLK
WoW was hard, before they learned everything about it. Now its braindead because everyone can find everything with google and there is nothing new
He was the genius behind garrisons and artifact power grinding
Wow dungeon run is the most boring shit i have ever seen
And Trial of the Crusader, and raid difficulty progression replacing tier progression
I already know you never stepped foot in a mythic raid.
Wait a minute... what are a bunch of low-levels stinking hordes doing in Stormwind stockades?
>>Clothies literally don't drop under 80% health.
>as he posts an image of one person under 50%
Really makes me think.
stay mad cuckholds
t. tankcuck
>doing babbys first dungeon
Sit down, retard.
Low level FFXIV dungeons blow classic out of the water
>totally my cheevos guys trust me
>Zone in
>Tank already pulled the entire dungeon
>5 seconds later "YOU WIN"
>have holy paladin in your party
wat, ffxiv is a fucking single player game
>nobody talks
>gear doesn't matter
>zero customization
>bosses are fucking easy unless it's savage raid
>everything is fucking easy unless it's savage raid
>crafting also doesn't matter
lmao fuck off, played this game for 500 hours, I liked it for what it was, a good single player campaign. aside from that, it isn't a mmorpg. and yoshi-p the cuck is thinking about making it EVEN MORE CASUAL (if that's even posible) in its next iteration.
>>nobody talks
>>gear doesn't matter
>>zero customization
>>bosses are fucking easy unless it's savage raid
>>everything is fucking easy unless it's savage raid
>>crafting also doesn't matter
that literally sounds like wow
>>zero customization
>wow doesn't even let you paint your gear
Taking advantage of the lack of people in the capitals I guess. Really weird flex though because Stockades has dick-all for loot in Vanilla without quest turn-ins and even then it's mediocre, legitimately worse than HFC. Maybe they're farming cloth?
Retail, yes. Hence the necessity of Classic's revival.
>crafting also doesn't matter
>classic's rival
until blizzard invests in proper servers nothing is getting revived
>>crafting also doesn't matter
Oh so you haven't actually played the game cool
Pssst! Queuecucks!
Switch realms to a queueless server, get to character screen, then switch back to your realm. Bam, queue dodged.
-t. private server chad
OSRS literally has more depth than WoW at endgame.
>>nobody talks
just because no one talks to you doesn't mean no one talks
Anybody thinking classic dungeons/raids are hard is deluded
The journey before dungeons and raids is harder however
Because OSRS doesn't have a true end game
End game is the stupidest fucking concept of any MMO, its why most WOW clones are trash, because they focus entirely on 'end game' but still have the arbitrary 100 hour grind to get to the part of the game the developers spent 95% of the development cost on.
This is what made WOW so popular starting out, they spent the first 5 years of development making the gameworld not suck, raids didn't become a thing until 3 months before the game even launched
That was true for 07scape, but slayerscape is just a dumb boss farm now.
Ehh Naxx was pretty damn hard at the time. So was some of MC, BWL and Ony.
I mean “hard” is relative. You’d think not being a mouth breathing retard would be easy, but no. The hard part was finding 39 other people that aren’t mouth breathers
The boss mods were also extremely primitive at the time.
Also most people refused to use them as well
Well I did say "classic", not "vanilla back in the days"
An underrated aspect is that back in the days most people were playing on 20fps and 300ms ping, which doesn't help
was it mechanically hard or just bloated stats
It was trying to co-ordinate 40 people without addons
4 Horsemen for example was designed to be done with 5 tanks, but people opted to use 8 because you can 2 man rotate on a single horseman more effectively through voice communications, if someone were to create a DBM for 5 man tank rotation on 4 Horsemen im sure it can be done, but trying to rotate 5 players so their debuffs fell off would have been fucking hell
Classic is a mental illness. This post proves it. Seek help immediately.
Yeah and WoW Classic was “revolutionary”. Zoomers have had a full decade now to learn general boss mechanics, Classic was literally the first time most people saw any of this shit. Also there’s the fact that everyone thinks MC and Ony are easy as shit because Blizz made it helmet-mode during WoTLK
Pretty stoked for atunements, resist gear, and other arbitrary gatekeeping mechanics to keep casualshitters out of raids. Nothing like having epic gear actually be epic again.
If I would have to suggest any QoL changes that wouldn’t hurt the spirit of classic but wouldn’t be bad I’d say
> remove dishonorable kills again
> make sure mount prices aren’t retarded (Epic mounts used to cost 600g while epic mount training was only 40g)
> blind powder bullshit
> non-scaling talent respec prices for heal-cucks
> coordinates
Anything else? I realize WoW Classic is supposed to bring back some of the grind, but some stuff was just dumb.
>source: just trust me
You've never seen a mythic boss.
Both desu.
Thaddeus, 4 horse I remember being difficult. KT wasn’t easy, and the graveyard guy (the one where half the raid had to kill live mobs and half the raid had to kill ghosts), and the mind control boss too. Everything in general is just much harder when there’s a lot more people
dude, STFU. You can't say something not hard when theres players with 15 years of experience. ITS ACTUALLY HARD IF IT CAME OUT TODAY. You would all be crying about it for years if WoW classic got released today. Fucking faggots.
I was mainly interested in classic to see the old zones and such but it turns out streamers just spam the damn dungeons all the time and it's boring as shit.
And I also don't understand why people find Classic so appealing anyway, I mean you did this shit 15 years ago and now you're doing it again.
Are Paladins like they really were at launch, or have they been scaled up.
That’s because dungeons are the fastest way to level if you’re in a premade farm group.
The absolute best part about Classic, and I don’t see this mentioned enough, is the World PVP. Just seeing “The Crossroads is under attack!” Again makes me happy. If you’re playing on a PVE server you’re fucking doing it wrong
>Want to do some quests
>Get ganked for hours or the NPCs get instakilled
World PvP is awful.
Then go quest somewhere else or rally a group in general chat. If you’re getting ganked by a high level there’s almost always some bored people in the main city willing to camp a noobstomper
I loathe worldpvp usually but I picked a pvp server for classic, with the intention and brawling nonstop
I don't want to hit 60 so I might as well add all the spice I can to the leveling
There was lots of stuff dumb back then, but the core game was solid, thats what people miss about WOW.
The core game for WOW now is fucking trash, people want to play WOW, but they don't want to play Ion Hozzikostas WOW, if they spent as much time developing actual content and then playtesting it as they do trying to create contrived ways to keep people logging in daily for metrics, it would be a different story, but instead all development time goes into making M+, an already unfun system, to be even more fucking unfun tedious, and still ultimately pointless because Ion Hozzikostas only cares about speedrunning dungeons
I quit retail for this reason. I remember hitting the level cap and literally having full honor pvp gear in a week. Fuck dailies and freebies. Casuals go home or be fine with not having to tier shit cuz you aren’t putting in top tier time.
Blizz catered to casuals and the hardcore players left. Casuals are never satisfied
That’s exactly why you play PVP. Sometimes you just want to gank some fuckers in STV and start a server wide brawl
Sometimes you just like to sit on top of the horde camp at thousand needles and kill quest givers for hours and jump off with a bubble
The thing is, they didn't streamline the game for casuals, they streamlined the game for hardcore players who just wanted to raid log every night
Removing attunements in BC for example wasn't to cater to casuals, it was so that every time a high tier raiding guild lost a member they didn't have to grind a new player through 2 tiers of raids, including 2 tier 5 bosses that were harder then anything tier 6 had to offer.
TOC wasn't made for casuals, it was made for hardcore players who just want to boss farm all day long, most poeple fucking hated TOC because it was boring, and thats because it was designed for the most boring WOW players, hardcore raiders.
>said C'thun was numerically impossible, which has since then been proven false.
Blizzard literally patched it so the tentacles would stop spawning while C'tun was vulnerable.
Looks like fun
Yeah but would ANY one of these fucks go through the effort to do this if it wasn't PAYING THEIR FUCKING BILLS and instead was actually giving them genuine fun? No they fucking wouldn't because it's not a game to them it's a job to exploit lonely people.
This post proves that this guy is a gaynigger. Just trust me.
Exploiting the fact that none of the mobs have ranged attacks, so they can kite and AOE with impunity.
Pvp was streamlined as fuck with honor gear and shit.
Attunements helped raiders and their alts, sure but it also took out the primary gatekeeping mechanism that locked out casuals. Same with heroic v non-heroic raids.
>15 dollars for a monthly subscription
>for a 15 year old game
I don’t think it was technically impossible though.
I remember there was a way to stack warlocks so you could still DPS and avoid LoS and then had to hope for god tier RNG. Not feasible or good mechanics, but theoretically possible
I hate the 'its for casuals' meme shit
I used to focus entirely on crafting in vanilla, made a shit ton of gold doing it, had every rare recipes in the game, if you wanted lionheart helm or crusader enchant or some obscure weapon that only memetier macespec blacksmiths could make, I could make it.
TBC fucking ruined the game for crafters, they just made crafting something that raiders got to enjoy exclusively, had to fucking buy the mats for stunherald.
Also hardcore raiders are the biggest whiners, I made a ton of money selling consumables, big woop, now 90% of consumables are memes, the other 10% people can make from their welfare resource bags everyone gets, so you can't make jack squat as an alchemist anymore, let alone having long term profitable items on other professions like sharpening stones, oils, ect, except drums for leatherworking, because leatherworking hasn't been able to craft jack shit since vanilla, and the only thing in vanilla it was good for was devilsaur leather and black dragonhide
The honor grind in WOW was always a terrible concept, both rank and point systems, the current system in live is the worst system by far, but until they decide to make warmode an actual feature of the game with actual gameplay tied to it, PVP in WOW will always be a joke.
It's fake user. Everyone acting like apes by trying to imitate Classic feel. The thing is that in vanilla people was honest. It was their pure emotions. natural. You don't even need party in vanilla outside some quests. It's madness how people force this party shit right now in Classic.
Another thing is about "nobody talks".
In every fucking mmo thread this is my complaint. In reality it is
average Yea Forums user is either ultra unsocial and will not talk to anyone fucking normies causals trannies aaaah unless someone talk to him or underage memelord from discord. First one will bitch about how "no one talks" to him. He just want everyone being forced to talk with him. Second just blacklisted by everyone outside his discord friends and other degenerates.
World PVP will forever be based.
Honor grinding in Classic was hell but it did at least provide relevancy for World PVP overall. Also really made the servers feel more close knit when all the top tier pvpers on both sides knew eachother
You guys are close to on the nose, but you have to realize that you're BOTH right. WoW wanted to cater to hardcore raiders thanks to Tigole the Kike, and they wanted the casuals to feel like hardcore raiders too because that makes the moolah. That's why they made the game entirely raid-centric, but also made it easier to zip in and out of raids without farming consumes or keys, but also every single bis item must now be taken from a raid (unlike Vanilla where the Cenarion Circle could give you the best cloth hit bracers and physical on-use trinket in the game without ever entering a raid) but also every raid now has the snoozemode difficulty so the raiders can see the epic bosses too!
Instead of following a vision, they based their entire expansion model on catering. That was the issue.
I've 4 manned no tank scholo at 60, it takes some kiting and people with brain though, far better than the braindead faceroll that are retail dungeons and far more fun.
It's not the same as Vanilla, because Vanilla didn't begin with its full playerbase running straight out of the gate. That's why there's queues, that's why there's a lot of partying up.
Someone understand. Good posts
And vanilal was full of people who played MMO for first time. Or even PC games at all.
>wow thread with eceleb streamer garbage on OP has better discussions than real "Classic comfy" threads
At this point I have no idea what to filter
MMOs are made for laid back casual grinding with friends
Thats what they were always about, they were never made to be difficult, stripping out the RPG elements of WOW and replacing it with this turbo grind, DDR combat, GO GO GO made it unfun as fucking possible.
OMG WOW digital achievements that don't mean shit anywhere.
I believe that was the point
Mythic 0 dungeons have more mechanics than all of classic raids combined
You can put as many mechanics on a boss as you want, live WOW is still faceroll
>Tank pulls boss
>Everyone DPS turrets the boss
>Ignore mechanics when possible
>Move out of glowy ground particles when not possible
Too bad they can be soloed within 2 weeks of the expansion's release.
No it's retards who think optimizing group composition is the hard part of WoW, rather than playing your class well, is what matters. Vanilla WoW was designed deliberately as a response to the holy trinity of Everquest (Warrior/Cleric/Enchanter). It's not until you hit the end game that optimizing classes for groups even starts to matter. It's always easy to tell a complete retard faggot by the fact that they won't even try anything until they have the perfect group assembled.
This one gave me a laugh.
>raw number of mechanics is the relevant metric
Jesus I'm glad I don't play MMOs anymore.
He's right. Old mmos are old mmos for reason. But still I heard people wipe on fucking Vaelastrasz. Boss with 4-5 "mechanics/attacks" as I remember
Its why OSRS overtook WOW as the most played MMO for a short period last year.
>Hmm what should I play
>A game where I pay $15 a month to farm a dungeon for 20 minutes a week and then have to wait a week before I can do it again
>Or a game where I can farm bosses for 20 hours while doing homework and make bank to blow on PVP
Vaelastraz was counter intuitive to most bosses up to that point
Spell pushback was a big issue people didn't understand as a raid boss mechanic, but once people realized that with the vael buff you can spam holy nova it the boss became a cakewalk, also the conventional wisdom at the time was more mages = better for any boss, but vael was the worst encounter for mages because of spell pushback, forcing every mage to respec to arcane missiles just for that one encounter
Please stop this. People who love classic even admit retail has more mechanics. Looks up mythic Antorus or KJ. There's more mechanics nowadays than there ever were in vanilla.
Depends, live WOW players have less applicable mechanics, but bosses have more
For example threat isn't a mechanic that matters anymore, but more bosses use fixates as a mechanic, 99% of encounters in live WOW too are immune to CC, where as OP's image the only reason they're able to do that is because they're using mages to farm via blizzard's powerful AOE CC effect and steady damage, and tanking is just a form of single target CC in vanilla, where in live its the only form of crowd control for 90% of situations.
naxx was insane, only one guild ever cleared it on my server
Also need to point out, alternative resource mechanics aren't really mechanics, they're just making you press 3 buttons to cast what effectively a vanilla player can do with just one button.