
>actually inovative game comes out
>Yea Forums is silent

Monkey thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

reminder that Patrice Désilets, the main person behind the best Assassin's Creed games, is behind monkygame.

how many "evolution" stages there are? or does it just depend on how you play?
i'm on second i think. can't find monkey people to breed with

Does the gameplay change too much or am I sharpening sticks the whole game?

do monkeys die of old age?
is this game well optimized on PC?

Stupid question. What do you even do with sharpened sticks? Tried the obvious fish with it but no. Unless I need to make my brain neurons bigger first.
I mean hunting is another obvious one, but pretty sure that will come available later on

is it out?

>Why yes I really want to play as a libtard's explanation for why we're obsessed with shit and the butthole
~No One

is it on steam?

>You can groom and mate with same sex chimps

>zero advertising
>epic exclusive
what do you expect?

That's pretty accurate, our closest relative the bonobo are renowned for their bisexual degeneracy shenanigans.

has this game cool prehistoric animals and an interesting map?

Because it's fucking garbage in the state that it's in. Should be listed as an early-access game.

>humans came from africa guys
historical inaccurate leftwing propaganda.
the oldest human fossilizes have been found in europe

Can I evolve into cyborg?

What exactly is bad about the state it is currently in? Bugs?

I managed to fish with a sharp stick at the home base fishing spot.


Not yet. It's following the usual 1 year exclusivity deal.

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Oh well I'll try that again later

Chimps aren't human, you falseflagging ESL nigger.

>When your sexuality is so fragile that it can be threatened by virtual gay monkeys

I heard you have to make babies to carry forward skill points or something like that and that the cinematic hinting at the whole thing is really long and unskipable. I've seen people mention it has a lot of boring busy work.
Is that true?

I prefer my fictional open world games to have dragons.

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Anyone else has a bug where the upgrade screen is fucked up. Like the graphics and the actual hotspots don't line up, making you comb the screen with the cursor trying to find where to actually click to activate the neurons. It's annoying.

There's nothing to do after 2-3 hours. It is WAY too easy to lose literally all of your progress because of the game wanting to randomly spawn your colony next to a den of lions, crafting gets boring after half an hour, and it's buggy as fuck.

Only one evolution stage in africa, europe and asia have a few more

Calm down, freud, go pray to your naked BDSM pussy of a god

>when your sexuality is so fragile even the CHOICE of fucking a virtual monkey is threatening
It's a waste of good monkey boypussy, is what it is

>game's exclusive on epic tiananmen store
>surprised that Yea Forums is silent
Upvoted :)

you can kind of hunt with the sharp sticks. When you get attacked you can dodge towards them to counterattack if you have a weapon. If you kill them you can then butcher them up and eat them. You can only counterattack as far as I know there's no way to sneak up and attack the wildlife.

Also fuck hyenas! I thought the tigers were annoying put a pack of hyenas ate my whole scouting party in seconds

Oh shit you right. This guy made Prince of Persia, and AC 1-Brotherhood aka the only real AC games.

>haha if i just ignore the competition, Gaben can keep his monopoly and still love me! : ^)

you actually can skip the cutscenes using tab but most people don't know that and the game won't tell you that

I heard if you hand sharpened sticks to your clan mates they can defend themselves much better, you can make ape-hoplites with that shit

>you can kind of hunt with the sharp sticks. When you get attacked you can dodge towards them to counterattack if you have a weapon. If you kill them you can then butcher them up and eat them. You can only counterattack as far as I know there's no way to sneak up and attack the wildlife.
What souls game is this?

desu isn't all of prehistory just boring busywork?

I just started this
Seems interesting but the controls are ass and poorly explained. I'm sure I will get used to them though

nigger souls

>requires botnet to play

>Steam isn't a botnet

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Also it really is impressive how little it holds your hand, I know a lot of Yea Forums users have wanted a game that just throws you right in for a while now.

Christfags still seething at evolution after all these years.

I can't imagine things were very exciting in those days beynd trying to survive but it's not a sim, user. This to me looks like a game that's trying something new and it isn't really working out.

What about the other shit? Is there any truth in what this user says about it getting boring after a few hours.

The graphics in all the trailers look like muddy PS4 graphics so I'm not buying it. For a game where the main appeal is exploration you'd think this would be the #1 priority :/

its on epicstore noty

>>actually inovative game comes out
Innovative games comes out all the time and it's not difficult to be innovative.
Making a good game is the hard part, which Ancestors failed completely at.

It's too ambitious for the team to make and is riddled with retarded design decisions that either makes it play like shit or just becomes tedious.
This is a game that MIGHT become acceptable if some madmen modders fixed the entire game, which likely won't happen.

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Epic has 1 year exclusivity.

>Still can't explain the missing link
>All evolutionary skeletons proven incomplete/erroneously categorized
Spaghetti monster theory still winning, Cope harder, libtard.

Oh I know. Do you know how I can tell? Because the fucking idiot keeps making one bad business decision after another. First he got involved with Ubisoft and now Epic.

Aaand chinkoids are here. Don't you have a dog to eat and escalator to die in?

yes there have to be baby monkeys to carry on skills next generation and yes there's a lot of busy work.

Don't be mad user, you will be able to play it in one year

>when homosexuality in any form is considered acceptable

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Alright, won't bother pirating it then, thanks.

yeah the den of lions thing is completely true. Sometimes when I would return to camp after I evolved a lion would just run in but we could chase him off before he did too much damage. Yeah it's repetitive since you mostly spend your time trying to survive, explore or figure shit out because the game doesn't tell you shit and there's still a shit that you can't even look up online since people haven't figured it out yet. Like what the fuck are the meteorites and gems for?

>cracked day 0

can you throw your own shit as a weapon?

>one evolution stage in africa

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shit, really? So is there an antagonist? Are you just living for the sake of it? What is the end?

I remember them saying you experience like 8 million years of evolution, so at the absolute best you end the game at homo erectus-tier

>Free money
>Bad business decision

I fucking hate Epic too and won't be buying the game until it's on Steam but taking Epic's cash is not a bad decision

You start at 10million yrs ago as the missing link, at around 9million you become sahelanthropus. I think it changes you every million years until 2million yrs ago when the game ends

>at around 9million you become sahelanthropus
Is this MGS5 Chapter 3?

Is that article true?

now that I think about it all those monkey howls was probably just kikongo

I guess I gotta play the game a bit more. I've been having a good time but quitting the game freezes everything for some reason, I had to force restart it last time

Yeah no thanks, I'll consider it in a year when it's on Steam.

It's just a short term cash indusion that will kill the franchise. Plenty of people won't buy because it's Epic exclusive and once it releases on Steam the game is old news and the people that might have bought it when it was new won't bother unless it releases on Steam with a big discount

This game would be great if its controls and graphics weren't worse than AssCreed 1. As it stands now it's just unplayable shit.

Will pirate.

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1) Epic paying for deve costs is not a "short term cash 'indusion'
2) >franchise

Nigga not every game is a franchise, the odds of Patrice making an Ancestors 2 are 1% at best.

>Missing out on viyda because papa steams cock is in you.

Too bad.

I'm not missing out over the long term, I'm going to wait out a year and then play it, and in the meantime there will be other things for me to play. There's many games out there and this is but a fish in the giant sea.

k. But what does that have to do with poopy and buttholes?

>Plenty of people won't buy because it's Epic exclusive
lol steam drones are this out of touch, not everyone is a brand loyalist like you

>yfw it's Spore all over again but zoomers don't remember what happened last time

It is. The dev costs might have been covered but they won't sell shit on EGS
Everything that sells will turn into a franchise fucknugget
It's true. EGS userbase consists 90% of Fortnite kiddies that only play the one game on there

I wan to be moky

If you care about crack there is no reason to care about storefront to begin with so, what gives?


I dislike the implication that humans were apes, so I will not be playing this propaganda game.

is it on PS4? I don't care otherwise

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No we already went through the Spore saga with NMS.

No you have to pay for Patches as a Dev on PSN

>Everything that sells will turn into a franchise fucknugget

Totally, that's why Terraria 2 exists.

If you didn't realise, Terraria is the 19th best selling game of all time.


The question is if you PC is optimized to play games.

Kill predators

Damn now there's a fucking tiger thing in my settlement. Killed half my monkeys. there's no way I can get rid off that. unless it wanders away at some point. gg

>It's following the usual 1 year no DRM deal.


Thanks for paying for my copy Tim!

It's like I'm reading one of those fake game threads

i like it, monke game is good

I upvoted your post user, have some Yea Forums gold

No seriously I REALLY like your post

Is that a bad thing? It's an incentive to developers to not release bugged up and incomplete shit.

There are no images being posted, user. This is one of those threads
>berrypicker user didn't put enough points in brain to notice

Fucking journo git gud

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>Evolution Feat

I want to kill everyone and then myself

uuuuh excuse me? i am not a monkey, retard

post more screenshots

You are still at time to do it, with that I don't need to see your shitposting

Sorry, Miss Garrison

haha more like leave them shitty

is the game really better played with a controller or are they lying to me on the start screen

evolution is false
accept christ

Tim is so based that he takes away the DRM so we can pirate it easier.

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Commodities, sometimes you need to push too much buttons at time making shit KB block.

At this time of our lord 2020, you can get a basic controller at less of 9$

Don’t listen to these poor bear lambasters, user. This is 100% a shill thread.


keep coping, a lot of EGS sold well

I feel like this is a feature of the Epic Game Store, Outer Wilds has the exact same thing and it's definitely better with KBM

I'm waiting with fucking popcorn the day your saints decide to poison all of you because the word of your lord.

Literally off yourself

i have a DS4 i just wanted to know if i should bother using it

The graphics look atrocious, this is 2019 not 2009

This is Darwinist propaganda

I bet that the people actually talking about the game here pirated it. So take away your silly tinfoil hat and either discuss the game or mock chinks.

Why not just find out for yourself then you lazy git

Has anyone made it out of the monkey stage yet? Or is this game just about monkeys? It gets old really fast.

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What's so innovative about a game featuring black people

>enable full tutorial mode
>almost nothing explained
I found a camp and drank water but dont know what to do, I went back to the scary place but theres nothing here
uninstalled after 10min

Just like real life, really makes you think?

where the hell are the pics, if this isn't a shill thread I don't know what is

prove it with concrete numbers shitmonk

Fucking kek

Yes it's Assassins Creed 1 repetetive.
Also is that dog or bat?

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I don't have 10 million years to finish the game, what do i do?

well it's unreal engine, so flip a coin

So it's just Spore with Rain World?

what's innovative about it? i thought its just ac but with monkeys (not thats bad)

Things we can observe:
>genetic adaptation and variation over time
>natural selection of traits
>radiocarbon dating for millions of years
Things we cannot observe:
>"God" as described by Biblical teachings
>Jesus' supposed unique godhood
Things we can observe:
>"God" of the Abrahamic faiths being an evolution of the ancient ethnic war god YHWH crossed with the cults of El and Ba'al of Canaanite polytheism
>most modern claims and understandings about Jesus come long after his actual death and are unlikely to be accurate
That video also fucking sucks and they purposefully misrepresent the "90% of all life appeared simultaneously" study. Good job, creatards.


Go fast
Read fast
Die young

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Except way shittier.

id rather play something else than figure out what I have to do with a slow as fuck monkey

Like pottery

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Don't you have an elevator to get crushed by?
>inb4 chink
Euro, get fucked amerilard.

Thread full of fucking casuals. I've played it for 2 hours today, it is fun, smelling and hearing are really cool ideas, you should always carry 2 baby on you, and just take your time.
>Tfw you get the honey
>Tfw you crack your first coconut
Monky i am.

You're the reason games suck nowadays with 90 neon arrows pointing you to the places you have to go, braindead faggot.

im considering become monky

convince me

cause you faggots are splurging over wow classic like it never happen before

Can I pirate it?

I won't let you

>only one evolution stage in Africa

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yeah tim said you could

At least WoW it's not on EGS you cumguzzling chinkster

I'm still trying to figure how to get the honey... using fire to remove the bees?

Original Monkey here with tips:
I pirated the game but if you want to buy it its ok
I did it after watching gameplay of the first 45 minutes
Very sandboxy, crafting is a qte with hidden prompts to release buttons
No crafting menu you have to remember all recipes you find
Strange food you find you should eat at your camp
Make many monky baby
If you do something basic around your fellow monkeys they will immitate you and make cheerfull monkey noise
>Tfw you crack your first coconut
>Tfw you figure out swinging on vines
You can save other wild monkeys and they will join your clan
Not that much hand holding which I enjoy
Press or hold B for monkey sounds.

>mfw just realized it's a joke

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arise chicken, chicken arise

If you want the missing link, look in the mirror.

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take the big leaves you use to make beds
strip it with you empty hand so it's a little dip stick,
go steal those nasty bee's honey

How do I move my monkey camp? Is it literally a matter of me getting them all to follow me and setting up camp away from my comfy waterfall oasis?

>You're the reason games suck nowadays
for you

Rip leaves of tall leaf you can pick up.
Rest is monkey history

I made some sticks before but I haven't got any use until now because was hopping to use them for termites.

it's rain world but bad

>Discover new navigation point
>Make bed with leaves
>Claim new home

Easy as that

Sorry nobody care about this spam

nice one

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when you make a bed outside your camp it gives you the option to make that bed the site of you new campl. I don't know if all the other monkeys then get a memo to move the fuck over there or if it just changes the marker of your base to that bed

[s]cicada grass

so it's rain world then
lmao #gottem

sticks are for lifting big rocks and poking holes you find
sharp sticks are for spearfishing and killing animals that try and fuck with you

You can lift rock with sharp stick.
Never forget your main/other hand combos

oh really? I broke my sharp stick doing it but I must have been using my retard strength

can you make a spear like weapon, something stronger than sharpened stick?

You need to be really careful with the sound queue you get. You probably messed that up. Try again for monky


Fellas, how do I live my monkey life and swing from branch to branch?
I've suffered too many a broken bone just falling through the foliage

bullshit i dont believe giant monkey eating birds existed fuck off

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Get a spider to bite you.

You jump onto a thick vine and begin holding a before you touch it. At one point you will grab the vine. Then keep holding a, and with your movement keys/left stick swing into the position you want to go towards, release a when you want to jump.

First eat the green herb in your camp, it prevents broken bones.

Second when you jump try to aim at some branch and keep push the button of jump

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the only time you will be seething more is when you find out your bio degree is worthless


This always confuses me tiny brain. It would be pretty well assumed that there'd be at least a good few missing link skeles somewhere, and not just like fuckin 1 or 2 unless or ancestors made sure to crush and grind ALL of their fucking bones

>mfw am basically monky

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Is this worth the pirate?
Sweeney already paid my copy

Find out little monkey

also when swinging you want to let go when you are at the apex of the swing. That lets you cover the most horizontal distance because it's not momentum based. If you let go midway through a swing when momentum is meant to be high you'll get a little baby jump and fall short of where you wanted to go

>Inbreeding between animals is not allowed
>but somehow you can do lesbian monkey sex with no pregnancy in this game
yeah, uninstall.

What do you want? Copper Spears?
You are off by some million years m8

Even stone spears are recent shit compared to the game timeline

>not accepting Basically you're monky.
Pathetic desu

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Its not inbreeding if its with another species you fucking retard

There isn't even 1 or 2. They've all been proven mixes of human skeletons with other animals.
Makes a game like this hard to suspend belief in. Especially when it's not a very good game to begin with.

Come back when something happens around it.
Until then I just silently play my vidya.

Homosexuality is natural behavior, being straight is a taught behavior.

>/pol/ christcucks itt seething at science


you fucking retard, it can still be inbreeding if they're part of your family.
>monkey fucks rhino
>produce monkino
>rhino rapes monkino and produces rhinkino

>Show a creationist a "missing link"
>"But look at the two new missing links it just created! Explain those!"

>You don't fuck a pig at the end to produce modern humans
Fake and gay

the repack is 3.7gb, original codex release 9gb

can real monkeys land from that high?

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I will monk-you


stone tools have been found around 3.4 million years agos and the game ends at 2. Maybe late game we could get better tools but probably not

The setting is innovative. The gameplay is nothing you haven't seen in a thousand Ubisoft games.

We should try

Fucking this
>Need to manually fuk every one in your clan
>no indication of which one is your family until you check them one by one
>accidentally groom two female and still can fuk
>but fukking your sister is not allowed even when YOU AND HER WAS THE ONLY LAST MEMBER OF ADULT IN YOUR CLAN.
Fuck this game

This game is the sole example of why developers need publishers' leash.

The combat in this game is really annoying. I hate how every counterattack makes you lose your spear. And what the fuck is the point of fishing if eating sny raw meat makes you sick? I think it's 7 million years too early for that because the Appendix should still work.

>show human + baboon trail mix skeleton
>libtard: 'look, proof'
>'mixing 2 species together is not a link'
Just admit you're a shit academic and move on

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You know that incest cant raise a species population because of incremental genetical defects right?

fossilization is rare to begin with
fossilization is less likely to happen in humid climates where you have more plants, microbes, and organisms in general to break down skeletons
this is why we have more australopithecine fossils (grasslands) than of the gorilla or chimp lines (rainforest)

i already played DXHR recently i don't need another detroit game

>game about niggers

Great concept. Utterly abhorrent execution.


San Andreas is great, but then you zoomer polfags don't care about games only your agenda.

Im not an evolution denier but the bible warns against all of the cult shit these people have tried to pull.

wait, do males, females, or both leave the group upon maturity in this game?

I don't get it, am I supposed to find the baby monkey first before doing anything? I got a mission thing that says FIND THE LOST CHILD IN YOUR CAMP but any time i go outside the area it tells me i'm afraid of the unknown. are memories shared? can i mark something as the child monkey to give the adult monkey i switch to at the very beginning a clue? or is there a way to switch back and call out so i can track the sound? the game leaves you with literally no idea what to do

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It's not out, it's locked behind a shitty storefront. Are you asking me to pirate it?

It most certainly is a bad thing. But playstation seems to be doing perfectly fine with it.

aand i'm extinct again. finally know what i'm doing but i dont' know if i've willpower to sharpen sticks and shit for 3 hours again just to possibly end up extinct

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So how far do you actually go? Will you become a full fledged human by the end of it?

Google harpy eagle
Those big birds eat monky

I'm 6 hours in and this game starting to feels like Spore already.
Good starting content, repetitive shit after that.
Using my senses just to see same shit over and over again.

>A fucking survival game in the woods

>Killing those early game bullies

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goal is to evolve

Don't these monkeys have full Chimp strength? They can rip people limb from limb and break bones with their bare hands alone how does a shitty bird manage to kill monkey that easily?

thought it might be like that but was sort of interested to see where it's going. it's pretty slow and tedious game so it's kinda pain in the ass to start from scratch.

How'd you manage to kill it when your spear breaks after one counter-attack?

The game bored the fuck out of me because of the grind, I tried avoid twitch and youtube video afraid of spoilers but after so many hours in I say fuck it.
Not a single new thing I saw in those live stream and youtube videos, those idiots still doing the same shitty repetitive shit I do even after hundreds game time years passed by.

You need to grip two good spots to starting tearing. Monkeys have tard strength but none of the dexterity, and feathers make getting a grip pretty hard, especially if a beak OHKs you before you can grab anything

I saw some gameplay of it, it reminded me a bit of Spore. I kinda wish there were more games like Spore except actually done well.

Usually I use Sharp stones with spears, bring down health with one spear and then two rounds of stones.

>3 shitty detective modes

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Evolution is real and everybody knows it.

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False. Dawkins is a retard and Darwin himself wouldn't believe the shit evolutionists are saying today. Darwin didn't even abide by Newton's standards of truth

Won a fight?

But what about Darkwing?

Too much cringe for me today... time to sleep

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>Be Christian
>Come home from working your menial labor job
>Donate all your money to pedophiles, Israel and televangelists

This game is actually neat. But they just seemed to forget the put the fun part in it. Some things are quite tedious.

How many millions of years in has Yea Forums got? How much does the gameplay change?

Is it on PS4?

do you actually evolve in the game or is it just a monkey game?

what the FUCK is this hud
why is literally NOTHING explained

you ate grass so now your broken tibia meter is filling up

Despite the tedious grind of having to prepare and make everything it's actually pretty good and has a great sense of accomplishment, just sucks when one of your top alphas gets sabertoothed while out scavenging, R.I.P 'Lat', i'll make sure your little niggas avenge ya.

so am i just supposed to inspect everything like no mans sky
when does the "game" start

Into what? It would be cool if you could evolve depending on what you do, so if you spend time swimming and increasing lung capacity over generations, you slowly evolve into an amphibian, but if you just end up as some monkey with a stick, then it seems pointless


What kind of game is this? Just a sandbox where you fuck around and slowly evolve? Or is it like some chapter based story/objective type game

it is lemonkey gam

this game convinced me that evolution is a lie and we were dropped here by aliens.
no fucking way we evolved from some monekys that need to unlock a skill to switch which items they're holding

What would fix it for you? I'm having a fucking blast with it

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Real life Chimps are already beginning to form an early stone age Hominid period why is it so hard to accept that maybe, just maybe evolution is real? It's the answer to the how and not the why, t. Roman Catholic.

Lemon Key Face

Bruh evolution is bible canon

Just because you just found out about monkeys using rocks to open nuts, doesn't mean it hasn't been happening for fucking ever. Micro evolution is real, macro evolution is not

i was making a joke man