

Attached: balmora.png (300x168, 99K)

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City of light...
City of magic...

Attached: Mournhold,_Temple_Courtyard_-_Morrowind.png (1366x768, 1.78M)

What is this? A picture for scribs?

Attached: imperial.jpg (640x512, 76K)


Imperials were supposed to look cool?

Are you saying this isn't cool?

Attached: Steel Armor.jpg (1050x1050, 125K)

>Normie Cringe

I'm glad the normie menace isn't up for TES VI yet.

Nords had a fur and turd helmet.
It must kill MK Nords are the most popular race by far now.

Oblivion armor was trash

>calling the game Morrowind
>doesn't even include all of Morrowind
>not calling it Vvardenfell instead

it's because the character models and their retarded stance are complete shit.

Madness Ore Armor looked best.

dude i love morrowind its so unique with its brown, gray, and green
imagine finally making a game without a 256 color limit and then proceeding to make it less colorful than its predecessors


still better than 90% of Skyrim's and Oblivion's towns.

i like it more than any city in skyrim or oblivion

Attached: Morrowind 2013-11-13 13-52-14-11.jpg (1600x1200, 295K)

Mainland morrowind...

More like Blandmora.
The art director must have been pressed for time by the time they got around to Vivec and the Balmora style towns.


stop doing that...
reddit fedora....
katana & leather trenchcoat....

Attached: neckbeard.jpg (640x828, 80K)

>wh*te “people wear turds on their head

Mournhold was the comfiest TES3 city.

This, if it has more than 6 houses, it’s shit.

how awful that looks. my modded overhauled morrowind gets by without shit trees growing inside that town.


A city for ants?

MK has deep feelings of white guilt.He wanted the whitest race to be literal shitheads.

Oblivion was just completely uninspired as a fantasy setting, and the armors reflected that.

I was talking more about the design. Seems whoever got rushed and just said "Fuck it make em boxes".
Flat roofs where ash storms are common place. Did they even think about the world they were designing for?

You never encounter ash storms in Balmora.

Which game has the best armor designs?

Attached: daedric.png (929x678, 1.41M)

What ash storms?
Towns that suffer ash storms look like pic related

Attached: 2951872B-012F-4AE1-A0F3-F3F26E1225D1.png (1366x768, 2.33M)

I don't get the ghost gate and fence.
It's supposed to keep the blight to red mountain but the fence isn't all that high. Blighted cliff racers and blight storms seem to be a problem that the fence doesn't seem to stop


Skyrim or Morrowind.
gotta go with Skyrim though because you can see the details much better.

It’s a matter of resources. The Tribunal was all tapped out just maintaining what you see.
Also, Cliff Racers flying over it is an actual issue in-game, and the fence was breached in several places, the game doesn’t pretend that it’s some ultimate blight stopper, it’s presented as a desperate effort in-game.

Try using words to communicate.

I think it's only for keeping the emanations out and not actual physical creatures. It's like a big psychic shield or a series of wireless pylons.

Gothway Garden...

Attached: z8lsvern7kx11.png (2560x1440, 4M)

this might be a good thread to ask: tips for keeping Morroblivion from crashing?

I already installed the 4GB patch and tied it to oblivion.exe. I already turned off distant landscape in the options but it still crashes after a while.
don't know if the OBSE stutter remover helps but the link was dead when I wanted to download it.

ellipses faggotry...

I might be misremembering, but there’s no ash storms in Balmora. Like, there’s no ash around Balmora. It gets rain, but not the shit where your character covers their eyes like in Ald Ruhn.

Sorry, I do not consort with homosexuals

>We're watching you scum!


Attached: 1564218816751.png (5761x4121, 2.19M)

pretentious entertainment media hedonism...

Attached: gettyimages-sb10066518c-001-1024x1024.jpg (1024x1023, 425K)

Nice of that imperial in the bottom middle to have a guide for your blade to impale him in the visor

Fuck you then.
Skywind isn't out yet and I didn't want to replay Morrowind with its shitty combat and engine.

>game is so tiny you have to gimp the run speed to give it an illusion of a larger size

Ah, you’re one of those tween drag queens

is it tiny? but certain parts of it aren't. Vivec is bigger than Imperial City.

that's ald'ruhn you fukken nigger

Step on a rake, idiot.

If you are in Balmora an ash storm won't start. If you are traveling near Balmora and an ash storm starts there will be on in Blamora

>gimped run speed
>game gives you continent-jumping scrolls and boots that let you run like sanic right off the bat and lets you otherwise achieve both effects

If you don't know where the boots are you are screwed.
Good thing nothing changes and they will always be in the exact same spot.

>being able to explore the entire tamriel based on muh old lore on a shiny new open sores engine
Only a few more decades...

Attached: 1562379335443.gif (784x731, 416K)


Alright gamers, what are the quintessential mods for a good time?
I've got Forgotten Spells Redone and having a blast with the Arcane Weapon, and using Sexlab Defeat to shore myself out so that I don't lose focus and eat those debuffs during combat. Especially since I have all those Wenches mods and those cunts are just overpowered and unbalanced as shit, even at Novice difficulty.
Gotta say, it's fun playing a shota Redguard with my makeshift """Shehai""" and summoned Fire Atronarch, and getting /ss/'ed by pretty Wenches isn't too bad. Fights are usually decided in seconds given I'm just retard strength moding through the mobs with my summoned Greatsword. And don't fucking tell me about stealth or archery or even pussy ass shields for that matter, that shit is for gay ass clowns and I ain't having any of that. Gimme weapons, gimme sexlab animations that'd work on shotas, and finally, give me MAGIC

Attached: 1566193613336.jpg (720x472, 41K)

morrowind reminds me of rape now

Have any mods been made to restore some of the concept art armors?

Fucking generic as shit but still cool

you don't need armor in that sentence

Attached: 1540273217390.jpg (1920x1080, 524K)

>turd helmet

Attached: 1565973752475.png (499x677, 96K)

skywind when?
skywind with porn mods when?

thank you kind sir