>funny/wholesome stories
>your class/race
>your level
>your server
Have you been enjoying it so far?
>funny/wholesome stories
>your class/race
>your level
>your server
Have you been enjoying it so far?
Other urls found in this thread:
How do I find someone to erp with on a pvp server as an orc? I feel all the lewd bois are probably on allience side.
No stories yet
Tauren Hunter
Yes, most faggots are on alliance
I've spent more time in the queue than in the game.
My funny story is that I didn't get in since launch ROFLMAO XD
I've only been able to get to level 7 thanks to the queues so far - my usual group got fed up of the 3+ hour queues and are switching servers.
Our one unemployed wreck of a human who did a 24 hour stint at launch and got to level 20 went all rage mode on us and isn't talking to us anymore.
Pretty good experience so far.
>meet some dude 14 years ago on a stock mangos private server
>end up becoming friends
>currently leveling together in classic
Honestly? It feels good bros. Currently a lv12 shaman on smolderweb. The population is perfect, can log in as soon as I get home from work. He's playing hunter and his brother is a warrior so we have the perfect crew for jump runs. He's also extremely good at leveling, and even when he out paces me he comes back to help me level. We just chill, get drunk, bullshit and level.
>Made a friend in the starting zone and leveled together all day
-I've been enjoying it a lot more than when I played retail. Community makes the game fun.
how original
truly fascinating
it's garbage just like this thread
do they pay you in subscription time or in game cosmetics?
>he plays a class/race combo because it's original
>not because he enjoys it
Found the zoomer who thinks he's a special snowflake
are hunters good in pvp?
what did he mean by this
Some priest found a green dagger and /yelled that the first one to get to her in front of the Dolenaar inn would get it for 4 silver instead of the 6 she could vendor it for. I was pretty close and got it with an LW cloak as bonus (I will keep it in my bank as a great first memory in classic) and gave her the vendor price + some resources I had on me at that moment. Had a nice talk with her afterwards about classic and our hopes for the future of the game. I got a nice two handed mace and will do the same and give it away probably.
Night elf hunter. I dislike hunters nowadays, but I wanted to make one in memory of my first character.
Nethergarde Keep (EU)
>get home
>log on
>play private server
Fuck you blizzard you can't even launch a 15 y/o game.
pewdiepies platform is doing a WoW classic leveling contest.
I think anyone can join it on any server.
I'm sorry to say that but if you'll never experience the true vanilla WoW, people are literally waiting in line to kill Hogger, the same Hogger that was in the top 20 of the foes that killed the most players, right next to Vaelastrasz, UBRS dragon hatchlings and generic Defias grunts.
What do you mean? Are you trying to imply in a shill user?
>being a cumhead
Fucking kys
>what do you mean?
is english your second or third language?
Kek why? Was his argument really that you guys couldnt play as much as him to keep up?
>Give a robe with 1+ int to a warlock we grouped with for a long time
>Give health pots to warriors since they need them more
>Hand out water and food to everyone we party with
>Help players asking questions in /1 and receive help when I have some of my own
Peak comfy
And I forgot to mention Mor'Ladim
user relax bro what's got you all riled up
nigger what
Level 19 Human Priest on Zandalar
Pretty inane stories but comfy nonetheless
>Joined a party to kill some Defias and we all started talking about our degrees and education whilst we waited for mobs to respawn
>Gave away lesser wands to low level casters
>Talking to people whilst fishing
>Trading random people food I made
My leveling has slowed down alot because I've been focusing on all my professions but its made mob grinding much more tolerable.
I barely played retail back in WoTLK but decided to give classic a try. I've had a lot of fun corralling fellow noobs the first day, getting us to work together on the echo islands (fuck trolls). Yesterday I had a former retail-er show the ropes with a lot of shit, we grouped up for about 4 hours and I think I made a friend. Classic is good :D
>do they pay you in subscription time or in game cosmetics?
Fucking this!
I played for hours right off the bat on launch no problems, day 2 i couldnt even get into the fucking game! An today im sitting at 85 mins wait and ive been waiting for four hours already.
Think I just disappointed my very tipsy girlfriend when I climbed on top of her on the sofa, got in real close and whispered in her ear if she was ready for some... epic gaming tonight.
>live with girlfriend
>she's passed out drunk in the house somewhere
sounds like heaven user
>waiting to kill nightlash in silverpine
>some dumbass pulls a son of arugal
>other retards keep attacking it
>like 5 or 6 casualties before everyone starts learning not to fuck with it
I think there's a lot of new people playing this game
probably that you're an idiot.
>your class/race
Undead Warlock
>your level
6 - Position in Queue - 6,000
>your server
Zandalar - EU RPPVP
>funny/wholesome stories
Not many, I grouped with several Undead to do some of the quests like Rattling the Skullcages and Samuel's Buriel
Undead are bros
Oh and I got a Staff as a reward and told to go to Orgimmar to learn how to use Staves, fuck off Troll I'm sticking to my dagger
you think so?
>got home 4 hours ago
>sprint to the PC
>queue up
>gehennas 19k
>shower, food, relax for an hour
>jwoke up after 3 hours
>have to be at work in 12 hours
This is seriously worse than actual vanilla launch. I know, i been there.
Human paladin
Morgraine EU
Still in the queue
Its torture man.. im not changing servers either, i got the perfect name so i ain't fucking moving!
Troll mage
Level 22
i'm not moving because gehennas has all the no lifer guilds and the worst thing i could imagine is sitting on a dead server in a couple months.
Not worth it. If you move to an unpopulated server good chance its dead in a few weeks. Gurantee by the end of the month most queues will be gone. Just get in the server and fucking set a macro so you dont get DC'd. Never heard of anyone catching a ban because of this.
>no lifer guilds
>good for the server
enjoy your raid loggers
>gorillion hours loggin time because the servers are smaller so they can always say "full"
>lining up for quest mobs or treasure chests
I am glad they released this. Been a while since I laughed that much at delusional morons that actually tell themselves that this is how wow is supposed to be enjoyed.
Kill yourself
Maybe but if the realm has a reputation for being alive people will come. I know that for a fact.
Not really wholesome, but my friend snagged tags on two different quests, first attempt, with a bunch of people waiting. Was based.
Undead Warlock
Was trying to play on Herod but gave up on the queue yesterday and got into Benediction I think. I may consider just staying there.
Golemagg and Morgraine has the Yea Forums guilds
>stop having fun
>reddit spacing
Full House
Where is this scene from? I've seen it for years but never knew the animu or context.
And 10k+ queues as well. Also
No thanks.
Nonono classicniggers don't get to tell anyone to off themselves.
>if you build it they will come
you've watched revenge of the nerds too many times
reminder friends you don't need to sit in a 15 hour queue
Nelf druid. I cried a little when I reached Auberdine. That is all.
Sora no Woto. It's really good.
Go dilate degenerate weeb
Do Yea Forums and the other boards also have their own guilds? I read somewhere that /pol/ is on Whitemane.
>the servers are smaller so they can always say "full"
no they aren't retard
>lining up for quest mobs or treasure chests
reddit meme
are you a retail or ffxiv tranny? either way you should dilate
>reddit meme
Oh for sure lol
>he thinks blizzard is being remotely forthright about how they're managing classic
you are like baby
Judging by the replies you hit it right on the nail. Based
No, never seen it, don't care. But i know that if the realm has top guilds on it people will keep coming. My realm in vanilla, besides being one of the first to come online, had the best EU guild on horde side and we ended up with 2 guilds on horde and 1 guild on ally that cleared naxx, a steady stream of new players and 15-20 min queues at peak hours every day. Was even worse in TBC.
Jesus christ how much in denial are you?
so do you have any proof they're doing anything you said?
if only stan lee wasn't dead, you couldve gone on his show about super powers to show off your literal ESP
not an argument
what did I say that I need to prove? Do you think I'm the user that posted ?
I have no idea what you're talking about. Please stop replying.
Sorry user you're stuck in this thread.
Just ignore him. The guy waited years and told himself that classic would make him be able to feel anything remotley to when he first played wow but oh wonder the launch so far is a giant dumbster fire.
>Herod right now
You deserve it for being european
I mean, your post still doesn't make sense. What exactly would they accomplish by not being forthright? Do you actually think they want to piss off people instead of getting more subs?
how would that piss anyone off if smoothbrains like you don't actually notice?
FIremaw and Morgraine are the only two highly populated servers that don't have streamers. If you rolled on Golemagg (4k+ czechs and slovaks) Gehennas or Shazzrah, you fucked up.
The only thing EU has is all the private server guilds.
Is WoW classic worth getting into for someone who hasn't played an MMORPG since Runescape many years ago?
Go on twitch and type Gehennas in.
World of Warcraft
296 viewers
Alliance Gehennas - Join the Guild!
Not an argument, faggot
I wouldn't tolerate that, get your money back, say the game is broken and unplayable, which it is if it takes hours just to start up. How do you do that anyway? Sometimes I leave downloads running for hours but I'm not expected to do anything so it doesn't matter, but usually when you game you expect a game to actually start.
Gehennas is our realm bois
most of the big streamers arent online atm, they have a couple that have several thousand
most scandis are on firemaw
yikes, avoid this server
Won't be long before you decide to shoot up a school or something. Needlessly angry about nothing
nigger what
streamers breath air
stop breathing reddit air
who's angry, friend? We're just talking, after all.
I do dumb shit like this all the time except my gf is a weed head.
That and drunks. I'm one of them.
I have a Google drive with all the original rogue craft videos in their original video quality. Would you like a link user?
Nice lookin good bro what server?
So People have figured out that you're supposed to group for elite quests, is that a bad thing?
Who /weebchad/ here?
Noggerfogger EU btw
>binding keys
>laying out your bars like that anyways
what gave you that idea?
>binding keys
What else is he going to do, user?
What's wrong with my bars? That's how I had them on cata
lay his bars out like a literate would, it looks like someone told him to do keybindings and he followed their advice without really understanding it.
I still don't understand?
Is it bothering you that I have them placed randomly? I don't really look at the action bars so it doesn't bother me...
>mfw people keybind their primary skills to 12345
fukin lol, eEqQrRfF etc is the master race
No user, you did a good job, I'm very proud of you. You're so brave.
>Undead Warlock
>level 19
I really enjoy it as a first time TBCfag aside from the pain in the ass long queue time (6Hours)
Thanks :)
I like vanilla so far but I hope they will make a cata server in the future too, I really liked cata tbqh.
Anyone try AoE grinding with a mage yet? It was usually impossible on private servers but the layering might actually be aggressive enough for it to work. I've seen spots that are constantly packed on private servers that were totally empty in my layer.
You do if you want to do end game raiding. Bigger population means larger pool of players after the inevitable raider rot.
Got in right when it opened grouped up with 2 randos for like 8 hours logged off went to bed got on at 4am and they were waiting for me to cont holy shit
I want to play warrior any tips fellow 4chaners?
why do people pretend that raids won't be on farm near instantly after the content comes out?
buddy medium servers already have significantly more people on them then full servers back in the day
They can be. A lot of movement and class knowledge is involved though.
Be ready for lots of corpse runs after 1-10. I didn't heed the warnings, but solo warrior leveling really is as bad as everyone says.
>Have you been enjoying it so far?
Wasn't expecting to get onto Herod for another few hours but they've made good in increasing capacity, down to 577 in the queue.
>questing in Durotar
>finish clearing a camp of Kolkar
>notice a battered chest
>go to open it
>some orc who was fighting unseen in the corner pops out and stares at me
>stop opening chest because he was there first
>he runs over and opens it
>as I'm looting the battle plans from the camp he opens trade with me
>gives me a new bow better than the one I have
>''You have honor friend, you will make horde proud''
>salutes me and jumps away
>Troll hunter
>level 9
>tfw making fat stacks undercutting the auction house price for Greater Magic Wands
nothing personel, kids
It gets a lot better around 14-16. Start every fight with demo shout.
Gnome warlock, level 16. I've been giving out all my health potions, as well healthstones, to random Warriors and Rogues or anyone else I see with low health to burn my excess Soul Shards. It's pretty great and even though Healthstone not a huge heal, I feel helpful knowing how little sustain those poor guys have.
>make orclock on grobby
>fuck off from durotar because too many people to quest properly
>head to barrens on my way to mulgore instead
>see two other low level orclocks headed to the same place
>turns out they want to grind up rep for mounts
>we all level up together in mulgore
Shit's been cash. Even had some RP too.
anyone else having problems with it crashing their pc??
Because the second half of those raids are mathematically impossible to do until you get a large portion of your raid in gear from the first half?
AQ40 has several bosses that require nature resist gear that isn't physically possible to get for at least a couple weeks.
anyone actually been able to log in yet?
lmao this shit is ridiculous
>mathematically impossible
you are like a weak baby
why is that fifth dude so red jesus christ
why would mulgore be low pop? tauren alchemists are OP and warriors are too with the stomp
I tried to queue while I was asleep but comcast had other plans. I spent 6 hours in queue yesterday. So far behind the zerg I want to cry desu.
>huhuran is several bosses
Me and a buddy plan to play as dwarf warriors and fuck around.
dwarf's are based as fuck
>funny/wholesome stories
>your class/race
>your level
>your server
i don't have money for a sub. please gift me a sub i will let you play with me (a girl) :(
Its fucking boring
Went to BFD. After Kelris, the usual happened. Our lock runs around, lighting all the braziers before I have a chance to say anything. Wipe, but at least we got a soulstone. Then our priest releases spirit instead.
play kronos u dummy
i want to play the real thing i'm so sick of private servers i want to cry
32 already? Damn son you're going hard
Sounds like a chad
Are you faggots getting paid to invade these thread or are you just seething autists? Go do your shitty world quests instead.
I don't understand your question, user. What are you trying to say?
And have one more person in front of me in the queue? Ha!
Then change your fucking server you streamer slave.
return to /vg/ with your ameritard normie garbage """game"""
meant for The gravity of her ass pulled my reply to her.
Most interesting thing about going fast is how much people stalk your progress. Several times when I've dinged I instantly get whispered by someone, within like 10 seconds. It's as if my level up was broadcasted on a global channel.
And I'm not even close to the #1 (who is 39).
>tranime poster
i promise i'll only join q after you :(
I think I was the first Dwarf on my server to get to the NE starting area, so I got a shitload of whispers about it. Small thing, but it was fun
>Server caps quadrupled to deal with queues
Fuck me, layers are never going away are they?
As people filter out into more zones layers are gonna become less needed
I want to make a hammer-wielding DPS Dwarf, do I go Warrior or Paladin?
anime is for children
Not if they raise the caps to 16x normal servers.
>holding out for hand of ragnaros
good luck, hope you're a likable guy.
i hang around the entrance to wailing caverns until i inevitably see someone getting raped by a pack of kolkar, then i save them and we become friends. this happens about every 10 minutes.
fuck off
use hamstring and time your swings when you kite mobs.
If you do this, fast hitting mobs wont get to put out their dps as much. Rend is not important so just use that if you have extra rage as its dot is pretty terrible.
its good on rogues for pvping tho, so always rend a rogue.
there were easily 100 people killing quillboars yesterday all ungrouped and i didn’t see any sharding, i was impressed
befriend a healer for the love of god
...i dont follow
>Not if they raise the caps to 16x normal servers.
Well they're not doing that though. Heck there's not even evidence they quadrupled the server caps
What's the whitemane que like
>TFW friends force me to level with them
Im level 14
8 hours play time
Brainlets like using skinnerbox as an insult, ironically classic is by far the least skinnerbox era of wow.
nice shot m8. love shamans
Just level an alt when they're not on then
>With hotfixes that we are currently deploying to all WoW Classic realms, we are substantially increasing the number of players that can be simultaneously logged in and playing. We expect this to result in smaller queues for realms that have large queues, and some realms should no longer have queues at all.
They were already 4x capacity.
>wow classic
>posts fucking deathwing
k retard
According to what? Not that quote, that's for sure. Also that isn't even what you said.
you don't?
that's Onxyia moran
They've deployed two hotfixes tonight to increase capacity. Keep up.
I want to ERP that ass.
She was the Miss Booty China or something like that.
That ass belong to a Museum.
What spec to go for warrior? I'd prefer dpsing over tanking unless there's no tanks around.
>""""Yea Forums"""" aka reddit in 2019
>suddenly its ok to unironically like this casual trash
After imp soul drain you can either go for imp voidwalker, or patrician choice is Shadowburn. For every soul you drain for Mana Regen you get a free soulburn or shadowbolt (on instant cast).
I never played classic but I want to try it. Is warlock fun?
i dunno but what's the erp server
The only thing more pathetic than people paying monthly for a rerelease of a 15 year old game is some faggot desperately trying to convince these people they aren’t having fun
there is literally a sticky on /vg/ for this and they cant manage to find it.
According to what? Not that quote, that's for sure. Also that isn't even what you said.
WoW stopped being tabboo on Yea Forums since like 2011. If you really want to be an epic oldfag about it why don't you focus on the near 5 years of FFXIV generals we've been having?
come on user, it's just enthusiastic Yea Forumsermin who want to talk about their favorite game :^)
i leveled an ele shaman all the way to 60 12+ years ago. it was fun but i didnt know what i was doing. i feel like playing again but i feel like none of the classes/specs would be satisfying
and there is a dedicated place for their containment
they just keep forgetting user, can you blame them, classic is pretty exciting after all :^)
She's just bending her back alot, not that nice of an ass
yeah i dont understand what you mean by that, im not too keen on WoW
Deviant Desires (RPPVP) obviously
vanilla's itemization isn't very friendly to what you want to do
You don't use both?
anyone have a class census of classic?
>Not Chad mouseclicking
>last night my gf gets out of the shower and offers to bang
>was scared of getting afk kicked and getting stuck in the Whitemane que
>"no thanks i feel kind of sick haha"
>not fucking on your computer chair ready to literally throw her off the second the queue pops
Was 7k four hours ago, 10k an hour ago. Slightly less people than yesterday.
this shit's boring
My man! My GF wants to come over for sex in the weekend so my plan is to time it so we only do it while I'm in the queue to join the server.
Is Horde going to be outnumbered on most servers like in actual Vanilla due to lack of blood elves?
>not doing it while you're on vent so schoolshooter incels hear sex sounds and rage
heh, amateurs....
I think it’s trending toward a slight Horde majority. Most of the the ‘pretty elf’ players aren’t playing Classic
Horde are the majority on every PvP server because muh racials.
This guy fucks.
assuming polls on reddit are an accurate source, most PvP servers are 55/45 Horde and 60/40 Alliance
>Work night shifts
>Come home at 8:00
>Queue is 500 people so about 5 min wait on Golemagg
Feels good playing when rest of Europe is working, afternoon sucks balls though.
Based, gonna leave discord open mic on
>and PvE are 60/40 Alliance
forgot vent and xfire arent a thing anymore. literally havent even played games since 2007 y i k e s
>muh racials
This is always retarded because paladins alone make Alliance overall so much better in PvE and PvP.
t. Horde player but I know it's true
did i make a mistake going druid if i want to heal pvp and pve
should have gone priest if you really give a shit. but the chad answer is nobody cares and do what you want/enjoy
What we lack in plate wearing healers, we make up for in rabid fanboyism
>Get all my quests in order and head to the front of RFC
>Advertise in trade, get a group immediately
>Two guys are in the barrens, one in Silverpine, one is 'Just getting my insignia real quick ;)'
>play lock
>mages and priests always buff me when we pass by
>I have nothing to give them but a thank you
feels bad
Horde's still overpop because of retail influence. Not that many belf mains are actually changing sides.
All the min/maxers should be going alliance though. If Classic lasts a while the wannabe retards that make up the majority of the playerbase might follow.
I’m in the same boat as a shaman
Posting slam pigs, farming classic, new tool album coming, good life.
My friend's been poopsocking hard since Monday so he's already almost 30, I only got to 12 on Monday night and haven't been able to get in after work since.
I started the line a whole 6000 spots further ahead than I did last night so maybe tonight I can actually play for a bit. Honestly considering setting up a remote connection from my phone so I can log in like 2 hours before I leave work.
I've been streaming it nightly. Lots of fun.
I just had the same though when everyone buffed me on my way down to silverpine.
I'll make up for it with summons when we do instances.
Lights hope shut down cuz of classic. Fuck classic
Fucking gross
>not buffing people with water breathing
when it's all you have that only means its worth so much more when you give it away
more.. please
10k back on Whitemane at 5:27
Lets see how long this takes before I give up and wake up at 2am again
>Que up at noon with a 4 hour line
>Just found out I have to head out soon
>Gonna have to reque
I can't take this...
how bad is 72 latency bros I'm too retarded to tell
Why are you playing a pacific server if you're east coast?
>Get through a 4k queue in 1 hour
>Play 1 hour
>Get disconnected
AAaaa- no actually I need to get to bed anyway. Important day at work tomorrow.
Not minuscule enough to not notice, but not nearly high enough to get upset over. Pretty good.
If the bar is green you're good
>t. raided in TBC on 3G mobile network with 350ms
God I love your shit posting never change user.
>wow classic mobile will be exclusive to china
Who's going home, 兄弟?
72 latency is a death sentence in ffxiv
in wow it's perfectly playable
Imagine making out with that belly, and then moving up to sucking her delicious nipples. God damn.
Herod queue was 6000 people shorter at 5:00PM then when I tried logging at the same time yesterday.
I was 3000 away from the end when I gave up and went to sleep but the queue had slowed to a crawl by then, maybe I'll actually get in this time.
If not I'm gonna set up a fucking remote login on my phone so I can open WoW before I leave work.
Literally unnoticable unless you're autistic.
WoW is a game with actual lag compensation systems so high latency isn't a problem. Not like fucking FFXIV where anything higher than like 20ms makes the game feel like you're playing on dial up.
That's fine
I used to play all the way up to WotLK with minimum 350 ping due to using a shitty wireless USB dongle after my laptop melted its own wifi card.
Server named appropriately
thanks you've eased my anxiety
Never played WoW before. Is it good buzz?
>tfw if it wasn't for the fact I'm currently scheduled for night shift I wouldn't be able to play for an entire week because of the queue.
Level 7 human pally and already regretting it
Please tell me it gets better when I find an uncommon two hander
No stories yet
Nelf huntard lv8
First time wow player
Added 2 players to friendlist after a 2 minute conversation
Installed Codex add-on because It took hours to scan every nook and cranny for quests and I forgot my turn-in place because I'm a stoned huntard
Every class blows until you start getting talent points
Pally in particular sucks to level until you get Reckoning
should i just drop my druid and go pally or priest healer, everyone keeps saying ingamehow druids don't get taken to pvp or pve
It really depends on the person and what you’re looking for
yes you'll regret it tremendously unless you have buddies to play with and support
If you want to have a halfway decent dps (pvp only) paladin then you’re going to have to either spend dozens of hours grinding AV rep for an unstoppable force or dozens of hours of raiding as a holy paladin to get the scraps the warriors already have. You also have the option for no lifeing as a holy paladin to rank 14 which takes weeks of nonstop pvp.
Tldr : if you want to dps roll a warrior
Level 15 Orc Shaman
Did RFC for the first time, chill group, hunter whined when I got lucky on a bunch of rolls
Killed a shit ton of centaurs today and ran my ass to thunderbluff as well
>11 undead priest
Pretty comfy so far. Been leveling with my little brother (his first time ever playing) and we just went to the crossroads to meet up with my group of friends. Probably get some RFC runs in tonight with the boys.
I work night shift too and I basically wake up just before prime time and get into grob without any queue to play for like 5-6 hours before I have to get ready for work.
>Queue goes to 11 minutes
>Shoots back up to 160 minutes
Fun game
>game been out merely a couple days
>all streamers have eye bags already
Why do people do this to themselves?
The estimated time on the queues has always been bullshit
I had to stop watching streamers, I was setting too high expectations of myself on how fast I should be leveling. Anyway I think most of them just don't want to get left behind by their friends who are also playing
Been it for 2 hours now
I saw people lining up for a quest, jumped the line for the tag and called them all nerds before running off.
>I wish I was a NEET to go full degenerate mode on this launch
>didn't even sub because I know I wont be able to play
>my vidyabro was prepping for it and didn't sub either because he wanted to play with me
There, my story. This is one of those once in life events, have fun in my name bros, enjoy.
Everyone has been really friendly, I always make sure to give someone a sharpening stone/weightstone for healing me in a fight or buffing me up
It's been such a wholesome experience so far
Fun i guess. I don't mind grindiness. Might join a guild? They have that sort of stuff right?
Playing paladin, ran into another paladin in Westfall and worked on killing some Defias in a Mine for the people's militia quest. Talked about playing in the earlier days of the game and carelessly pulled more mobs than we should have. Juggled it all with bubbles and healing.
Feels comfy
Where do I find a stable source of WOOL
Oh yea pic so you faggots read my post
Ok guys, some questions:
1.What's the fastest way to the barrens from Tirisfal Glades? Zeppelin from tower near brill? Also where do I get the introductory quest to the Crossroads?
2.I'm playing with my bro (he's rolling Orc warrior), was thinking about rolling Undead Warlock maybe Troll Hunter, any opinions?
3.Which EU PvP server is best option at this moment? Server with the most player retention.
Guns that's where its at
You don't, wool is cancer. Your best bet is Stockades if you grossly outlevel it and play on Alliance, otherwise the Defias encampment in Hillsbrad is where I used to farm it.
>All the min/maxers should be going alliance though
Soon, the horde retailers will be learning all about holy paladins in alliance premades
Because whitemane is cute
Savory deviate delight recipe just dropped for me on Ashbringer. Mě and 2 friends were grinding kolkars with ffa, and I proptly ninjad it. They made me roll for it under some violent threats, i was really Scared.
Zeppelin, run west from razor hill should be some quests that way to go to crossroads
Are the increased server capacities helping with the queues at all?
>1.What's the fastest way to the barrens from Tirisfal Glades? Zeppelin from tower near brill? Also where do I get the introductory quest to the Crossroads?
Zeppelin in the only option, then from there you should pop into orgrimmar to grab the flight point, then just run there. 99% of the time the only way to get places before unlocking a flightmaster is to just run there. Also there's no introductory quest to go to barrens as undead, you just go there if you want to
>2.I'm playing with my bro (he's rolling Orc warrior), was thinking about rolling Undead Warlock maybe Troll Hunter, any opinions?
If you're leveling together I'd consider the Warlock so as to avoid competing for loot.
>3.Which EU PvP server is best option at this moment? Server with the most player retention.
NA myself so I wouldn't know. You definitely want to research servers though because the EU situation is an ongoing clusterfuck of unofficial language communities settling at random.
Some servers it is. High pop servers it helped for half an hour and went right back to 5 hour long 10k queues
Zeppelin and run from Org, there's a quest on the border of the Barrens.
Immensely regreting rolling druid so I'm cutting my loses and rerolling
>warrior (not tank)
What should I go for?
It is more fun with friends/friendly people and yeah there are guilds. It remains to be seen if the community develops but so far everyone I’ve encountered has been friendly
If the world grips you at all, it’s a blast exploring it for the first time (especially if you have any familiarity with/fondness for the world from Warcraft 1-3).
I have a hard time figuring out why people would/wouldn’t enjoy it. Most of my college friends (many of whom were quite friendly to the idea of playing an MMO) tried out WoW a few years back and didn’t stick with it. It was a different game/expansion than vanilla at that time but still
wow is worse than meth
>>warrior (not tank)
Unless you're going into PvP, you're gonna be tanking.
You take 1 in a premade for bgs to either flag carry or if AB, then harass/defend while the rest zerg. PvE take 1-3 to MT heal and innervate the priests, and mark up. No, you will never top heal/dps meters. No, [most] people will not recgonize how you saved a raid from wiping with that innervate that kept the priests going. Yes, they will pat the priests that got that innervate on the back and praise their top healing. Even to get mid level feral DPS going, you need an insane gear setup and have to farm crowd pumelers from gnomeragan (3 uses per). If you go into the druid game accepting you are purely support in vanilla, then you'll enjoy it a lot more. They deserved every ounce of OPness in small scale PvP during TBC for all the shit they went through during vanilla.
isn't fury dw dps a thing
I'm not cause I can't fucking log in without 3 hour queues unless its early in the morning
It's the highest DPS
enjoying farming 1000 boars to level?
It is but it's very gear dependant. Doesn't really get good until BWL+
Best dps in game
I see, I'm leveling my tauren warrior (female) as 2h fury just for fun, but I've accepted ill probably tank at 60
Frost mage the way to go for leveling/world pvp?
basically i want to kill myself because i can't afford a subscription and this was the only thing i've been looking forward to in a long while
Where are you from?
Frost is the only thing you will play until AQ lmao
are you cute?
>Tauren Shaman
Absolutely based
It's definitely going faster. I dropped 1500 positions in half an hour when yesterday I got stuck at 9k for like two hours yesterday.
I might actually overshoot the queue before I get home, how long can you sit at character select before it disconnects?
yes >
I've only played two mmorpgs and I didn't hate them so I might give this one a go
Where can I buy this doll
If you can afford internet why can't you afford a sub?
Thanks guys. Still torn between warlock or hunter. With a troll hunter I could just straight play with my bro but just can't decide. I hope that I will get to raid and PvP, heard that hunter is not a great option for raiding since in a 40man group you only need like 3-4 of them at best. Still I just love the lore element of Warlock/Hunter their mechanics but I'm also a fashion whore and Undead and cloth armor in general is not that visually stunning, especially when you get a robe.
ill give you a sub for some bussy
Who /patchwerk/ here?
i'm a student, i don't have a job and i live with my parents, any money i had already depleted throughout the summer. kms
Doesn't exist mate,unless you're talking about Greece :^))))))
i-i'll show you my feet for a sub
*wags his tail*
Much faster. I might actually get in three hours time when before it was literally impossible to get in before 3am.
Jealous of my shoulderpads?
maybe, i need to see em first
I'm so angry Yea Forums I had a pain in my tummy so I went to take a poopie
I didn't want to but I was on a flight so I should have been able to finish if I don't flush
It wasn't a hard poo IT WASN'T A HARD POO
mommy came up after hearing the loud squigie poopies and now shes banned the gamer food anymore
she's making me eat the gross green things!
they take too long and I can't eat at the computer and now I got logged out for being afk
how has your levelling been?
i'm in here begging for 10 bucks for a subscription does it look like i'm about to argue over a name
if you are serious i'll add you on discord
Yeah, if you aren’t afraid of grinding, you should be fine. As long as you aren’t the type to drop it because you think the graphics/artstyle is horrible or because it doesn’t have a lot of modern quality of life things like a quest tracker or dungeon finder you should enjoy it
But hey what do I know
>no binds
>Espada Bastarda del Trigre
Everything fits.
God I wish Dark Irons weren't only in Abortion for Azeroth
Warlock is the stronger class overall.
RECRUTANDO BR huehuehuehue
>people want "vanilla experience"
>streamers using quest addons and recount
>is there a limit on how often you can report cause Trade is really testing me
Were there no addons in vanilla?
i don't use quest addons that shits gay
but i just like seeing how much damage people do is that so wrong
There were, don't listen to puritan cucks.
Still waiting in Q. Todays my day off too. Fuck.
There absolutely were.
LFR is basically just an addon :^)
>method doing dungeons with a 5 cloth group
the fuck?
Good, I'm there
It really is a shame there exist a few things throughout WoWs long history that actually would be nice to have in Classic but we just can’t open that Pandora’s box
>and then everybody clapped
Nice, I've read that with decent gear he's a power house in PvP.
Gave a level 8 warrior my first green world drop for free.
Undead Mage level 12, Ashkandi.
not just method. on soda's sever, serendipityz is playing with a 5 man cloth group (priest + 4 mage) and they are currently the highest ranked group at lvl 38
this game is so fucking good as i remembered
i honestly cant wait to re experience everything else like its the first time again
ok whats ur discord
How does this work exactly? Lots of AOE and chaining novas? Method is using 3 mages 1 lock 1 priest.
I hate how many dungeons there are to do at 20. I just wanna quest and adventure and shit but I gotta do WC and BFD and SFK
Not any particularly funny stories yet
Night Elf Hunter
Level 15
You based boy. The same thing happened to me but on alliance.
People are actually fucking community driven in an MMO its amazing.
Does anyone have the "respect the queue" image?
Undead warrior thematically is a no-no right? The only other horde race I want for warrior is Orc but the hunchback and fuckhueg shoulders annoy me but it seems like plate undead is weird
>no stories, but a ton of bros are in on this again, it's been fun so far
>orc shaman
>bloodsail buc
Never done RP server. Thought it could be neat, but I've seen zero RP-ing, which is fine. Works out though, because queues have been very short, if there at all. Makes me worry the server might end up dead though.
Depends what the boss armor difference is between private servers and retail really. Supposedly a lot of them do have low armor.
And 2H Fury can work well early, it's Dual Wield Fury that needs gear that's not even in the game yet
But yeah if you play a Warrior at all you're gonna be expected to tank at SOME point even if that just means changing your gear out to offtank
>started playing in WotLK
>quit in early BFA
>mained Prot Paladin for my entire existance in WoW, with a little Ret thrown in whenever we needed a DPS in my friend group
>want to try out Classic, do some research
>prot paladins are pretty much the worst class in the game, right next guessed it...ret paladins
Is there any reason for me to even play?I was so hyped for Classic, then I found out my favorite class is dogshit tier and since the community doesn't want any changes I doubt it will ever get buffed. I don't want to be just a healer. I've never played healer before and it doesn't sound like very much fun in Vanilla.
How shit are feral dps, ret and enhace compared to the other melees?
not everything needs to do the most damage, some classes bring some nice buffs
>mained Paladin
>Roll character on a RP server with a backstory
>No one wants to RP
Only autistic nolifers care about dps numbers
Are there really constant hours-long queues to get in on all realms? I FInd that hard to believe
try warrior
you gonna have a bad time leveling, but you will be mandatory tank in raids and best DPS when geared
Ferals bring a to die for crit buff
rets.. fill pally spots up?
Frost has better AoE for grinding and mana efficiency but Fire deletes single mobs faster
You'll be forced to play Frost until AQ is out though cause every raid is fire themed up until that point.
>me and a couple of my friends are waiting for around 45 minutes for Ivar the Foul to spawn
>a pair of Undead show up to do the same thing
>a fem Orc rogue comes in and thinks we're all together, so she asks for an invite to group
>we all ignore her
>mob spawns and the fucking orc tags it
>my friends start screaming into their mics, fucking pissed while I'm laughing my ass off
>we wait another 30 minutes when an Undead rogue shows up
>LITERALLY does the same thing (asks for group, ignore, ends up tagging the mob)
>laugh even harder while my friends all abandon the quest
That's what we get for not being social in a MMO.
This guy is wrong dual wield fury is strong even from the get go.
If you have some of the BiS pre raid gear you'll be top dps in MC easily.
Pretty much every raid actually warriors will be top with rogues just behind. Excluding some fights that heavily benefit ranged of course, in which case mages probably take it.
Why not try a different class? I’ve been all three specs of pally in retail at some point and while I plan to make a pally at some point just to re-experience how it was, my main is going to be something new
And while leveling up, it probably doesn’t really matter. Hell shamans can tank in Vanilla without extreme difficulty. It’s only at endgame where prot/ret paladin get left in the dust
Why does the opening cutscene still say Anduin is king? Did they goof?
Does anyone know how many subs did Blizz get with this launch? Any chances they could break the 12 million peak.
>50 minute grobulus queue
I wish I could set up my keybinds while I'm in the queue.
Probably a lot but WoW hasn't been anywhere near 12 mil in years.
on the big ones yeah
not sure about now since they increased the cap
>playing with Yea Forums guilds
he is king bitch
>go to tram from sw to if
>met random warrior
>me and he need to go to Loch modan
>end up traveling together
>also end up having to say hard goodbyes because he's too lvl for the quests
hope to see you at endgame warrior bro
talked for a long time to 2 randoms today and it me feel like I was playing a mmo again
What addon is causing my quest tracking to be retardedly ugly
AT BEST they got 1 million sub
Though I feel it's more like 500k or less
This is my first time playing, and why is everyone so pushy in this game?
Everyone invites me to groups, or guilds and they just tell me to accept. without even asking me.
Just let me play the game alone in peace.
Why the fuck would anyone want to erp on a non rp server, let alone with an orc? Let me guess you just want a tranny size queen so you can larp as an alpha while you two have cyber sex?
No, it's probably that they're changing servers after he's already invested that much.
>Rolled tauren hunter
>tfw this fucking deadzone
man I should have listened. still hate the aesthetic of orc or troll hunter though.
feral are the closest thing to being a halfway decent dps, but only when min/maxing HARD.
ret and enhance are sub-tank dps with no real use.
Best class for Horde?
>someone makes a critique of vanilla in general
>15 "hurr durrs go back to retail" pop up
Everything goes faster with a group. You've got hundreds of people all trying to tag the same mobs.
Been in the queue about an hour on Herod and I've gone from 11,000th to 8,300th so it's faster than last night, so far.
Enhance can't tank at all is purely "dps" aka only usable on bg
It's an MMO dude if you want to play a singleplayer game this isn't for you. You can solo a lot of shit but everything is faster in groups except "Collect 5 bear asses" quests.
How is feral in pvp? Essentially a shit rogue? Might roll one just because it feels like literally 50% of the server is rogue/warrior/mage.
You're the fucking problem. Fuck off to Diablo if you dont want to play an MMO.
Feral are actually pretty good in PVP cause they can run faster outdoors without mounting up and Bears are tanky as shit since they can't be Crushing Blow'd by other players at the same level.
I mained druid in vanilla and stomped everyone, besdies shadow priest and locks (if they’re good). Druids just take skill to play so it turns away the plebs.
Because this is classic WoW where you have to actually interact and socialize with people. Grouping is far more efficient for everyone because you share mob tags so it speeds up the quests.
If you want to just be by yourself and not bother with people then play retail you fucking idiot that is literally what retail is for now. Retail became a single player game for people like you.
Make a valid criticism and people wont call you a retail cuck, none of the following is valid
>complaining about how many people are playing
>anything which was in vanilla which is in it now
Feral hybrids aint bad. You're basically a shit rogue in cat form but you can also heal and kite on the move very well. 1v1 a druid has poor killing power but you can kite and outlive most classes.
Classic is horrible as an actual game. The ONLY I repeat ONLY reason people are playing it now is nostalgia
except classicucks sperg out at any criticism of their shit game
20 hours /played in and I think I'm quitting. The first 10 levels were pretty fun but the novelty wore off pretty fast after that.
And you deserve it.
Chaika, fuck!
>get parried FOUR FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW by a boar who had mastered the Wu Tang style, crits me twice in a row
>gnome runs up to my corpse before I release
>says "lol u suck" and /e dabs on you.
So I'm starting a petition to put all the gnomes on Deviate Delight into extermination camps
See you. I hope you're having fun, I just can't into MMOs anymore.
>Leveled an Orc hunter to 25
>Contemplating rerolling to Tauren Hunter for Melee hunter PvP meme spec I theorycrafted last night
>spamming invites and kicking afterwards with no words being said is this lauded interaction people praise
>playing warr
>druid passing by gives me thorns+mark and /waves
unironically the greatest fucking buff
i always thought thorns was a piece of shit but whenever a druid throws it on me and im grinding on something with fast attack speed like a wolf its an absolute fucking god send
>shit game
So you have no valid criticisms, got it
Have you considered the fact that since this is one of the most popular and largest releases of this year that maybe you're just wrong? Spoiler, you are.
Class balance is shit.
>retards invite for a drop quest
>sperg out at you for declining and start screeching about retail
Oh hello me from the past, enjoying yourself?
>omg look at how many people are watching asmongold its the meme of the year bro!
classicucks ladies and gentlemen
In Vanilla I remember things being mostly equal between PvE and PvP server popularity, if anything I always assumed the PvE servers were the more popular ones.
What's with the overwhelming PvP dominance here? Why is Classic so PvP skewed? Will the people complaining about 2hr queues ragequit when they go to STV and get nothing done over more than an hour?
People are just more competitive in games than they used to be.
Because the only thing that can increase my immersion further is the very real danger of getting murdered by a member of the faction mine is at open war with.
well all the pve in this game is trash so the only thing left is pvp
Sounds like a problem with you.
moot what the fuck
There’s a sizable group of people playing who only want to gank lowbies. Something you can’t do that much in retail anymore
>funny/wholesome stories
Had to beat the shit out of rockjaws but kept getting my ass handed to me since I was a level 8 hunter. Nearly gave up until two warriors decided to party up with me to kill the rockjaws
>your class/race
Hunter Dwarf
>your level
12 now
>your server
though I do have a tauren druid in khorm
Yes, and? Its still legitimately more racial and class variation than any other MMO on the market except maybe ToL.
okay its time to log off you no-lifers
its my turn to play on whitemane before 3am
my friends are all autistic minmaxers who have played this game a ton over the years and are probably almost level 30 by now.
Meanwhile, this is my first time playing wow and I've already been strong-armed into playing alliance when I wanted to play a shaman. Furthermore, they got in and played without me so I'm stuck trying to play catch-up to them.
I'm just trying to enjoy the game please.
I met you on whitemane, I was a warlock getting my candy ass handed to be trying to get the bonecrushers when all the mobs seemed to be the one I only needed six of.
Because back then the culture of WoW didnt exist. No one had any idea what PvP or PvE entailed in the long run.
Like Crossroads murder-sprees and Barrens. People on PvE servers now know PvP is more fun, because that sort of inter faction warfare is amusing to be a part of even if you cant directly contribute.
I dont plan on doing any wpvp right now, but I rolled PvP anyway just in case, and also because I know the faction rivalry is funny.
>I can't wait for classic to finally make a good vanilla server
Level 12
Night elf druid
My friend and I ran around westfall quoting Half in the Bag and Plinkett and occasionally say hi to people who recognized our Mike and Jay usernames.
>would be level 30 by now
>have spent like 12 fucking hours in queue so instead i'm way behind
>2 days
>streamers already look like junkies
Is there a way I can try the game for free? If I make a starter account will it only work for retail wow or can I also use it for wow classic?
Faction rivalry in vanilla is actually fun that's why.
PvP in general in WoW was completely ruined in Cataclysm and world PvP was already shitty with flying but cross realm and phasing really truly killed world PvP and factions. Most people you see aren't even on your server and are people you will never see again, faction balance does not exist because you can just pull people from other servers. You kill some fag and he gets mad he can just summon an entire raid group on the spot with LFG. It's all fucking retarded.
In vanilla you actually learn the names of people you meet because you can and most likely will see them again sometime. If you need help from people they're gonna have to manually join and travel to you, and everyone is slower in general.
It's just more of an actual real environment.
>your class/race
Night Elf Warrior
>your level
>your server
How'd I do? I pass the test?
>want to solo quest as hunter
>competition makes it damn near impossible
>group will probably pass me by since I want to take a break for the night, sick as a dog
Otherwise I’m enjoying it
This game becomes a lot more enjoyable if you don’t do everything you can to avoid interacting with others. I’m about as introverted as they come but in the end, having been through the ride before, I understand that the game is all but screaming at me to interact with others and it is a better experience if I do
Yeah, download a private server.
Warrior, Paladin DPS sucks
Level 18
I don't know why I decided to play druid again. I guess I figured, "I played it in vanilla, let's relive that experience."
It's been awful so far. I forgot how completely terrible Druid is before you get cat form.
>americans wake up
>queue goes from 0 to 4000
fucking shit bro, never should have logged out
what realm are asmongold / soddapoppin on?
*said hi
Shit has me exhausted.
We've also been grinding with another friend who isnt memeing with us. The 3 of us grouped with some rando mage who stole a chest piece we needed so we kicked him and let him aggro all the mobs and die.
Why does some guide recommend to buy a tabar at level 8? It cost 20 fucking silvers.
Well you passed the server test but unfortunately you’re on the wrong side so we’re going to have to kill you
seething retail fags
Faerlina is what someone said. Why do you want to know? You better be trying to avoid it.
I want to know so I join a decently populated server. Also I been on kelthuzad since BC
>human priest
first 15 levels were aids, now I'm loving it
First time playing classic. Am I supposed to be wanding enemies like 90% of the time as a priest? My actual spells don't seem to do much.
Yes, enjoy
being able to heal yourself is a such a great feeling
The game is at its worst in the lower levels actually. I'd argue it's barely worth playing before level 20.
As a priest no joke your most reliable source of damage is your wand. I hope you went discipline for the improved wand damage because it's the best talent by far.
It's the first talent I picked. Maxed it out asap. Maxing spirit tap now, but I just want to kill things with shadow magic. How long until then?
Someone told me that after the population stabilizes they'll be offering free transfers so people who went to lower pop servers to avoid 12hr queues dont get stuck on dead realms. Anyone have any confirmation of this?
Okay vanilla fags, are the blizz servers worth it?
I had a blast playing Nost and Elysium, but im not a NEET anymore, and vidya time is precious.
Is the experience worth it? Are the servers polished? Is the community good?
level 45, you SW:P MB wand to 60 from there.
Unlikely because a lot would have to have name changes as well
>allowing free transfer off dead realms so they'll be even deader
I can't see them doing it.
yes and yes
no chinks or russians
good ping
mostly bugfree, mobs accurate, NPC dialogue accurate
people actually helping one another
it is the blizzlike experience everyone wanted and why private servers were second rate
You'll be helping them in long run when they need summons and health stones during raids and dungeons
>not a NEET anymore, and vidya time is precious
Then you're not going to get anything done at the moment, queues are utterly ridiculous outside of future dead realms.
dawg this is blizzard
This is when I respec to grab shadowform I'm guessing. Looks like I've got a long way to go.
any Shazzbots here? is it me or the server is spaniards + reddit?
Zoomers, please get off of Bigglesworth so I can finish my fucking Loch Modan and Redridge quests. Thank you!
Dwarf Rogues, where you at? Fuck those humie meta whores!
When you get mind flay and shadowform that starts being good too. It's a long way to 40 as a priest though. Definitely the slow and steady class.
Great, then im dipping in
Yeah, i know, im not in a rush. I will join one of the big realms when the numbers go from "insane" to "pretty high"
>random RFC dungeons, ended up recruiting one of the guys into my guild for raiding later on
>random helping with quests, talking and bullshitting with people
>actual conversations and not just idiots raging at each other
also we wiped 3ish times in RFC (we were pretty underleveled, lvl 12 tank lol) and all of us stuck together and finished it. complete strangers, talked through strats and completed the dungeon together. took about an hour and a halfish.
>orc/huntard (leveling undead mage with friend)
>lvl 13 huntard, 11 mage. been focusing on professions heavily
loving every bit of it. took off a week of work to play.
>Want to play Dwarf holy paladin
>Don't want to wear robes
Do you get to wear some plate/chain armor at some point?
They actually didn't purposely replicate the old bugs with channeled spells like Mind Flay and Life Drain so Mind Flay isn't total garbage before then anymore, just a little garbage. Wanding is still better cause it's free.
there are no dead realms
everything is full to the brim
Yeah wanding is always best but mindflay spices things up when you're bored.
Also doing Dwarf hunter / Tauren druid. Were you tempted to go for priest on the dwarf? I'm seeing all these priests running around and getting jealous of their support options.
Almost exact same here, loving it
Fuck I'd like to play a caster for a change but I aint wearing no damn robes. How safe is a shaman from them?
Unless you play enhance you're gonna end up wearing robes for the stats at some point
Lads, is there a way to make numbers appear for the health bar and shit? I don't remember if this was a feature vanilla had and I cant find it in the options.
It is good for stopping fleeing human enemies from aggroing the entire area at least.
I need more like this
Nope, numbers and shit were added in newer patches
>quest mobs
anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows to just grind out random mobs or go to a different questing area. Quests give more XP but if there is a shitton of competition, its more effective just to grind RS style
Krom's amulet can go fuck itself
For your own healthbar, it's in interface options>display>status text
You can't show other numbers though, but there are addons designed to predict numbers.
whatcha rollin?
first horde character, i've always been ally but my friends wanted to roll horde for something different. i fucking hated it at first but it's really grown on me.
yeah dude, let's have another smash thread or another le epic wojak/pepe thread.
>Twelve levels in
>Don't like my Dwarfs hair
>Want the one that looks similar but without the braid
uh oh
Thanks, man.
I'd like to try Alliance but damn if their race roster aint lame
>Melee hunter pvp spec
tell me more
I’m seeing all these pics of people lining up for quests and shit but none of that is happenig for me, layering is fucking my ass hard. Barely anybody in Elwin, Stormwind is a ghost town. I’m on Herod for fucks sake I get through a 20k queue and there’s nobody in my layer.
They didn't say that will happen, they said it is something they CAN and WILL do but only if it is needed.
If any of the newer realms end up ghost towns then yes blizz will give people free transfers to another server of blizzard's choice.
>Ywn come back from Blackrock Mountain victorious covered in blood, ash, and sweat. sorting through your shiny new loot and fucking the Ironforge bread lady
there was a level 30 orc fucking me and my friends up
human mage
lvl 13 (account was locked because hackerman)
devient delight
not rping because im not gay
Humans are boring and a "generic pick" but have arguably the best zones and most immersive storyline. They're a great pick if you want fantasy more in-line with LotR or GoT
Dwarves are fucking god tier with rich lore, great beer, and the best architecture in the game.
Night Elves have some of the deepest and most nuanced lore in Warcraft. Their zones are breathtaking and their culture is unlike any other
Gnomes are a meme race
Compare that to the Horde where Orcs are the only race with any substantial amount of lore, while Undead are basically ex-Alliance and Tauren and Darkspear Trolls are just there
Is 兄弟 sibling in Chinese as well? I only know nip
>Deviate Delight
>Not RPing
You disgust me. I'm going to delete my Alliance and roll Horde just to camp you to death.
Undead have some kino tier lore as well. You pretty much get to play as the remnants of Lordaeron which is badass
I find it funny people say humans and elves are super boring and generic when they want to play a fucking orc. The hypocrisy.
dude im only there for pvp and i swear during aq im gonna whop your ass
12 was as far as I got before I rerolled warrior, hardly saw any all the way to the sepulcher and constant tank spam for rfc/wc
Imagine having such a low intelligence that you genuinely believe all RP is lewd. wew lads
Imagine having such low IQ you rp in the first place KEK
no i dont think all rp is erp i used to rp i just dont like it, im playing on rp pvp because lower queue/less toxicity
has anyone reached 60 yet?
i dont think so
Nein, top twitch user is JokerdTV with 44 and several just behind him.
Chinese twitch has some mage at 48
>Being so devoid of soul you treat a fantasy roleplaying game as nothing more than a glorified Excel spreadsheet/shitty esport
Thank for desperate prayer. Saved my ass so many times already.
not bad
What's general kill priority in 5-mans if nothing has a truly obnoxious ability or anything? Melee before casters since casters can be silenced, right?
Caster mobs are super dangerous in Vanilla, general rule of thumb is to take them out first
>roll forsaken warlock
>realize that it takes up to two minutes to kill one mob
>have to kill 16 mobs for my first quest
I was level 14 when I realized I made a big mistake by picking druid but at the point I feel like it's too late to reroll, my friends will be miles ahead of me if I go back and roll something else.
I'll just make an alt once I hit 60 and play my druid with my friends I guess.