Games with this feel?
Games with this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
Battle Tendency
due sex
Mafia 2
One particular level in TimeSplitters 2
fallout 4
Too many white people, where is the diversity?
Also check out Necrobarista whenever it comes out
The Blackwell point and click games, la noire, mafia, the godfather game.
Basically any game set in Chicago or Detroit at night
Grim Fandango
Give me a couple weeks where I may or may not be back with a reconstruction of this scene in Source loaded with gimmicks.
I'd make a Nighthawk gamemode, but I'm not a programmer.
Make it a VR chat lobby or a successor to Elevator Source or some shit.
LA Noire. Every other answer is wrong.
Except for that other game that literally slices it.
also thread music
The feel the painting is trying to convey is that of loneliness in a big city, kinda like After Hours by Martin Scorsese, everyone has their own problems and lives that you can just watch and not be a part of.
Everyone saying games because of the setting aren't entirely wrong but you could do better.
My pick is GMOD RP servers LOL
>ywn be in your 20's - 30's during the 50's in the U.S.
It hurts, bros. I'm tired of all this gay shit and all this nigger shit.
Schoolhouse Rock on the computer