Games where you restore a dying empire to its former glory?

Games where you restore a dying empire to its former glory?

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Thanks for the laugh.

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It's happening soon!
All Hail BoJo!

Fuck off bootlicker

His smile and optimism: gone

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Is this what brits really think?


t. seething corbyntrannies

We really need to just make it so any OP posts containing something similar to "any games where" gets autoflagged as spam because it's never about videogames.

A proud TURKish son, can't wait for him to bring back the Ottoman TURK Sultanate.

as a Czech i really wish you luck the European socialist block needs to end hopefully Italy will do the next blow

No. OP isn't British because the only people that want this shit are 80 year olds and people pretending to be Brits online. OP is probably some nonce from Brazil

So becoming an American satellite state is glory now? Good to know.

simple as

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Gonna give a real reply and say Crusader Kings 2

You sound like an angry retard.

rent free

Obviously an American

>turning into an american vassal state is restoring the british empire

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Step 1: delusion

you should get into the condom business for how thin your pretext for being “video games related” is
only the most deluded larper would think brexit would restore muh empire, even more so if they think being outside the EU will somehow change anything since 99% of the countries problems come from a political establishment thats still in charge

His Father's Father's Father was a member of the very last Ottoman government. That makes him, what, 1/8 Turkish? Albeit its the most important 1/8, the paternal line.

Yeah. Persia is having a huge comeback. Cant wait to invade Israel with my moslem brethren. And I say this entirely unironically.

>kick out all the eastern and southern european migrant workers
>keep importing people from india and pakistan
>pound memeling slowly but surely getting close to being worth the same as the euro
And to answer your question OP, playing as either the Western or Eastern Roman Empire during the migration period in Total War Attila

How's your tinned goods stockpile going, lads?

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I unironically live out in the middle of nowhere so that the govt will leave me alone. But in this part of the US that's fairly normal


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Why isn't this man working?

Casual reminder that souf is full of remoaner poofs

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All States are already

How is it any worse than being a slave to Brussels? If we actually became the 51st state we would never be more better off.

how did britain go from owning a portion of the world to being the laughingstock of the world

he got beat up by the EDL

This but unironically