Why GTA was not on the Gamecube?

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because the gamecube was made for kids

Hookers and drugs and shit

But it is more powerfull that the PS2 man.

rockstar north were salty at nintendo from the previous gen and would be a hassle to port due to storage/disc streaming capabilities

Those stupid fucking small discs.
Nintendo basically guaranteed they'd get next to no third party support during the sixth gen because they didn't want to pay dvd royalty fees to use normal discs.

because failtendo hates third parties

doesn't matter if the devs don't know how to properly take advantage of it

Bcus it was shit

They did apparently started work on VC on the Gamecube, but dropped it at some point in development.

The CPU is too slow and there isn't enough RAM.

They were salty af because of that N64 game of theirs Nintendo was supposed to publish but fucked with and decided not to publish.

>inb4 GC can't handle
GC was stronger than PS2 sonygros. Get over it.
>inb4 disc space
it's only 1236 mb. Minidiscs can hold 1.5 gb.

bmx xxx was uncensored on the cube, unlike the gaystation 2

>GC was stronger than PS2 sonygros. Get over it.
Not in the ways that matter for a GTA game, namely having a strong CPU with solid SIMD support for the driving physics as well as having plenty of RAM.

Don't Rockstar and Nintendo have a bad relationship?

no one knows why not

because PSDeux what Nintendon't

Perceived target audience, lack of hardware sales and small media format.

because we had True Crime and Hit n Run instead

>two girls on the cover
>one man
Somehow this triggers me, like why not Candy Suxx or something?

Activision gave us something better

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GTA had zero reason to skip Gamecube
same for Budokai 3/Infinite World

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There has never been a main series GTA on a Nintendo

Chinatown Wars was pretty based though.

GTA1 and 2 were on the GBC

Rockstar later thought giving us traditional-based spinoffs was a good take but years later Sony had to attract piracy on the original Chinatown Wars.

this caused Rockstar to stop putting GTA on Nintendo consoles indefintely