3DRealms backpedaling

>Ion Fury makers reverse decision to remove tiny unfunny gay joke, because apparently that would be "censorship"

>After apologising last week for including two small, puerile gay jokes in Ion Fury, the throwback FPS’s makers and publishers have now declared that their voluntary decision to cut one of those would actually constitute “censorship” and they cannot abide that. A bottle of soap branded “Ogay” (like “Olay” but “gay” haha do you get it?) will remain in a bathroom in their off-brand Duke Nukem 3D tribute. This bold and meaningful manifestation of political speech, this brave bottle of soap, will stand proud to tell future generations where they drew a line in the sand against the cruel forces of tolerance.

>3DR announced yesterday that the Ogay will stay. They said that “a portion of our community made it loud and clear they felt removing ‘Ogay’ was censorship and should be protected by free speech. Voidpoint wanted to listen and we respected this decision.”

Yea Forumse did it reddit

Attached: nextlevelbackpedaling.png (845x1264, 658K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Yea Forumse did it reddit
This but unironicly
Gamers should feel proud that as a community they made their voices heard and created real change

God just burn modern journalism. Fuck Bernie we don't need to waste taxpayer dollars to promote more of this shit.

Spoken like a true Resetera user.

We didn't make a change, we just stopped a bad one, and that's why I'm proud as a gamer

Ironic that gamers got mad about something they don't even use irl....

Is that seriously what all this drama was over, it's such a dumb joke. I don't know if I'm more confused on why anyone would think that's funny or why you'd let an elementary school level joke trigger you.

>Yea Forumse did it reddit
And gamefaqs, and youtube, and gaf.

REEEara faggogts still SEEEETHING!"!!!!!

Attached: 1566854140752.gif (224x224, 1.52M)

>doing anything but froth at any slight against their axe wounds

>Mad about a fucking joke
>Not just any joke, a stupid joke that would illicit little more than a light chuckle
>Not even a mean spirited joke, literally just they word "gay" in a brand name
Fuck these soggy knee dickheads

>had already forgotten about this
>resetera comes along to remind everyone that they got BTFO
Thanks, I guess.

Attached: 1529985071214.png (460x460, 249K)

Holy seethe

Honestly idgaf about the ogay bottle, I just wanted to spite pearl-clutching ninnies like the faggot who wrote this garbage.

You mean that trannies got self-conscious and flipped their shit over a group of pixels and are mad again now that they got told to fuck off.

gamers rise up

Kinda like you trannies getting mad about games you don't even play.

this isn't backpedaling. the publisher wanted to remove it, but the developers didn't.
3d realms (the publisher) eventually decided to not do it.

You. Have. No. Power.

>This bold and meaningful manifestation of political speech, this brave bottle of soap, will stand proud to tell future generations where they drew a line in the sand against the cruel forces of tolerance.
The absolute fucking lack of self-awareness.

Fuck them and their backpedalling. Don't buy this shit game. They're also spending 10k on tranny charity. Fucking joke studio.

I thought 'soyp' was funnier

Man look how fucking petty and mean these shitheads get over something so fucking insignificant. Completely disregarding the game itself or any merit it had just because of a sprite of a fucking bottle of soap.

>Decide to let a handful of retarded pedophile trannies create a "controversy" of shit the devs said a year ago that was actually perfectly reasonable unless you are a fucking insane dipshit
>Decide to punish the devs by forcing the game to be changed to remove fucking dumb sex jokes that new GTA games would do and have the devs be forced to take sensitivity training
>Find out the hard way that the majority of your audience finds this bullshit because they aren't fucking insane and the amount of people who like this change are in a tiny fucking minority
Fucking good, get fucked trannies

Attached: 1499691311625.png (400x400, 159K)

I wasn't been ironic though

Stay mad tranny. You will never pass

This but again unironically

ResetEra bros, we got cocky...

How can ya'll force game developers to make sure their content is bland and completely inoffensive in any capacity to American interests?! Please also remember that nuanced writing is ableist and everything should be straightforward and obvious for our fellow People of Color also playing the game!

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The drama was over a dev saying innocuous stuff about trans issues on discord like "parents shouldn't decide their child is trans". the soap and fagbag text was just a scapegoat to attack the game.

You can't even tolerate jokes lmao

This is why I game


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desu SOYA would sound better as a joke of SORAYA and sóyboys

These are the same people that think censoring a niche lewd Anime game no one cares about is equivalent to women suffrage

Based, anything that makes trannys upset is hilarious

>This bold and meaningful manifestation of political speech, this brave bottle of soap, will stand proud to tell future generations where they drew a line in the sand against the cruel forces of tolerance.

Attached: wj.jpg (601x508, 31K)

Implying that cocky means confident is implying that confidence is a male trait and I find that kind of sexist language deeply disturbing.

They lack a violent outlet. They'd be browncoats hauling off dissenters in a communist regime. Some just join antifa to beat random people up with impunity.

>gamers getting triggered over a single texture change they steam review bomb it so cuck developers change their stance

red pilled indeed

I think that's why a lot of people join antifa, the power of having numbers is appealing to weak people. I mean it's pretty obvious donald king jew trump isnt taking any rights away from degenerates so they arent fighting against any real fascism.

If it's just a single texture, why demand to change it in the first place? Find something better to do, weirdo.



I'll donate ten thousand dollars to the trans charity of your choice! JUST STOP THE HITPIECE ARTICLES ON MY CHARACTER AAAAA

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Dont these false flagging ResetEra shitheels have some kids to go molest or something?

Anyone who thinks this was about the soap bottle is an idiot. People were pissed because the devs were forced to apologise over statements which are reasonable to the point of it being actually somewhat disturbing to suggest that they warrant an apology, all to appease a corner of the internet who are seen as a joke by everyone else.

I like how the seething journalist try to play this entire thing off as if the "problematic" content they were going to censor was pathetic and childish, despite the fact that it was the very thing the resetera trannies were whinging about to begin with.

God I hate these people. I can't remember the last time I saw an article that wasn't blatant yellow journalism to the point of being laughable. If I had to choose between deleting all the gays or all yellow journalists and pearl clutchers I'd smash the latter button so hard it broke. They are less than subhuman.

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What happened to Rock Paper Shotgun? Didn't it used to be one of the good sites?

So is Yea Forums going to start reviewbombing more games now?

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This. They're trying to ridicule the developers for not removing the "puerile" joke, while they themselves got mad as fuck about this "puerile" joke in the first place.

What an absolute shitshow.

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Maybe I'll buy this after all. But just to sure i'll wait so they don't change direction like a weather vane on this.

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This. Pretty sure everyone at rockpapershotgun is a pedophile. Patrick klepek raped a woman btw. And Jason Schreir is 300% a pedokike. Cant wait until the victims come forward and resetrannies get BTFO again.

The narrative around all this has been really weird.

>it's a tiny insignificant joke who cares?
>H-haha I-I got you you stupid gamers I don't really care at all haha its just a juvenile joke and they really should remove it but I don't care haha look at the silly gamer getting so mad about a joke I clearly don't care about haha

was this really about censorship

>10k donation to a tranny charity
We did it gamers!

>rock paper shotgun
Fuck I remember reading this when I was younger . . . Wtf happened to it? Was it gamer gate?

God the blue checkmarks are fucking FURIOUS that for once one of their little social justice crusades didn't go their way. After all the posturing and "journalist" articles they just flat out got told "No, we're not changing it" and it's making them seethe like no tomorrow.

Attached: boogs.jpg (2048x1536, 1.18M)

It was 8ch getting completely assblasted about tranny shit. They removed the fagbag from the game too.

If it's such a tiny unfunny joke, then why bother removing it?

These people are either stirring up shit for clicks or weren't raised properly.

My guess is both

Imagine not appealing to over 6 billion tranny-hating people outside of the tiny 600 million strong West, who are all capable these days of buying your games, at the expense of a handful of trannies who are poverty ridden beggars, drug addicts, and welfare whores, who have a 41% chance of evicting themselves from your consumerbase.
You'd have to hate money with a passion to pull such a mental gaffe.

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The only group of consumers more willing to eat shit than gamers are people that like MCU/DC movies. Any way the average buyer can voice their displeasure with a bad product or controversial publisher/dev is a net gain for the consumer even if it's Chaotic Stupid in practice, fuck Devs and fuck whorish journalist cliques even more

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This but unironically.

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Of course the underage e-celeb following retard says stuff like this

Daily reminder that Giant Bomb still haven't reviewed or done a quick look at Kingdom Comr Deliverance. And Yea Forums still visits that shit website.

When will they learn?
Appealing to trannies and feminists IS appealing to incels, while alienating the majority of the married conservative world.

Attached: GET WOKE SHIT BLOOD.png (1500x900, 595K)

>off-brand Duke Nukem 3D tribute
How butthurt were they?

Now THIS is how you troll properly. Bravo.

I wonder if dave chappelle was influenced by this, literal gay mafia.

Can't say fagget because of faggets

>10k donation of which 60% will go to upper management, insurance, finance positions
>30% will disappear to regions unknown
>and 10% will reach trannies so they can buy pop tarts to stave off their suicide

Attached: 1374867449910.gif (194x172, 458K)

These are the retards you are sharing a thread with. People who will endlessly spam the same images and buzzwords. You posted this SIX fucking times yesterday, goddamn get a life.

Attached: lmao dude.png (644x784, 167K)

>muh underage b&
Eat shit faggot
Picture to the post shit on Asmongold and Blizzard-Activision as well for having less capable servers than they did a decade ago

I really hope this trend continues, forces all the safe space devs to the Epic store who're scared of actually having forums/comments, and lets Steam further turn into a meritocratic well brimming with games

Attached: sausage fingers.png (576x1024, 502K)

Damn based. Will buy this game on its next sale

Damn, people are saving my image and doing the work. I'm proud.
I'm also proud it makes you this butthurt. LMAO

Attached: 1374866977930.jpg (859x679, 119K)

I never visited GB in my life. Anything noteworthy there I saw secondhand when it got posted here.

Is pic related you?

>Picture to the post shit on Asmongold and Blizzard-Activision as well for having less capable servers than they did a decade ago
Like I said, e-celeb following retard. And yep, you are underage

just filter the filename

It was a suicide hotline. It's completely unaffiliated to trannies.

faster yaia faster!

The Trevor Project is for trannies, nice try


Attached: 1566920490028.png (581x1333, 389K)

like clockwork

>gay soap in video game is stripping away my civil rights & dignity!
>jail all the comedians! put their heads on the guillotine!

Attached: 1566920854835.gif (320x272, 2.71M)

>This bold and meaningful manifestation of political speech, this brave bottle of soap, will stand proud to tell future generations where they drew a line in the sand against the cruel forces of tolerance
If the bottle of soap is as insignificant as they say it is, why are they making a big gucking deal about it being in the game in the first place?

>homophobes stripping away my civil rights
>over a shampoo bottle
extremists in any form or fashion are always the worst but I feel bad for the fags that have to share ideologies with these literal subhuman scum.

Are you an actual underage on your lunch break hiding in the bathroom or what, actually try to respond to any of the content in the rest of the post you whistling cunt.

>everything is political
So to lose even over a grain of sand is to take a step back in a fake ideological conflict living rent free in their head at every moment


Run back to twitch and take more epic screencaps of e-celebs, kiddo

could someone link the map making tutorial for ion fury?
its unlisted and i kinda wanted to

The only thing left is to find the names of these tyrannical trannies and deal justice.

How can you be this obviously upset at something so small while in the same sentence mock people for being upset for similar reasons? It's like doublethink but in a surreal post-post-postmodern sense.

>How can you be this obviously upset at something so small while in the same sentence mock people for being upset for similar reasons
There's a difference between being offended at a joke and wanting to keep a joke in because your entire existence is owning libtards.

This whole situation is fucking weird. It reeks of manufactured outrage, honestly.

Just give me the rundown. Is it acceptable to buy this game now? I haven't played it yet

>virtually every person I know of 0.06% of Humanity plays video games
>I do not understand why these devs are appealing to the other 99.94% of Humanity
>surely this will hurt their bottom line especially among mentally retarded trannies who spend all their money on drugs and are on social welfare for the good part
Trannies like to LARP financial power, when in fact they live off gofund(mytransition) schemes, camwhoring for middle-aged and old perverts, and begging. The fucking audacity of them to threaten businesses who don't depend on coca-cola advertising them with economics.

Attached: 1566923750594.png (588x625, 91K)

>there's a difference
If there's a discernible difference, I've yet to see how it matters.

Well this is what they said
>"We are also patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language.”
and that is quite unacceptable for an M-rated game, yes. Characters in such a game might be rather insensitive and might upset some parts of the audience, you should really be prepared for that.

its like they wanted to fuck around them, flashing a delicious pie, but delivering a horseshit with big FUCK YOU

Attached: the fuck this nigga said.png (808x640, 780K)

Still would desu

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>Yea Forums is an overreactin bigot
>See twitter now

Attached: 1550619420503.jpg (222x235, 15K)

>i'm not underage, i have zoe quinn pictures

>a gay joke is a huge civil rights issue but you can't complain about censorship

I didnt claim it was a huge civil rights issue. This is the problem, you have retards on both sides who get upset when you dont just blindly listen to them.

Who fucking cares, nobody on Yea Forums is ever going to talk about the game and every thread will be like this until you move on to the next outrage.

Would shelly make a good mom?

But doesn't the former cover the latter?

>/ourguy/ Teminx pissed off game journalists and Resetera
>Valve has reset Ion Fury's review to Overwhelmingly Positive

Everything went better than expected.

Attached: overwhelmingly positive.jpg (1021x655, 153K)


Attached: void1.png (593x522, 54K)

these dudes are just blatantly playing these dumb fucking news sites. if it wasnt for all this garbage reporting i wouldnt even know what this game is

Headlines like these need to be studied
Look at it

yeah this doesnt have any impact because they apologized and donated 10k first lol

>Engaging in conversation with these subhumans
Big mistake.


How is "gay" offensive to gays? It hasn't been used in that context by literally anyone in decades.

That's actually a pretty good strat though.

This is the poster upset about the 10k tranny donation. Nice filenames, retard.

They're having a cheap laugh at the expense of the word "gay", like it's something to be made fun of.
The resetrannies are in the right on this one, sorry.

On the contrary, ridiculing these people is what we need the most now.
The only thing dumber than a puerile joke is the mental headcase losing their emotional integrity over it and then trying to sugarcoat their own infantilism with grand moral philosophizing which amounts to nothing more than fake oratory masturbation to keep the fragile ego together.

Between two manbabies arguing, the self-aware one always ones.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-8-28 MSM calls Dave Chappelle’s new special ’unnecessarily offensive’.png (726x1474, 532K)

>the self-aware one always wins*.
Time to lay off the drinks.

I really, really cannot stand these people. It's like they go out of their way to be absolutely insufferable.

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Its funny because Yea Forums is completely assblasted about Chapelle saying that white parents raise school shooters.

Gay hasn't been an insult towards homosexuality since the 1980s.

But being gay is something to be made fun of. It's fucking gross.

He's got a point if pic related is anything to go by.

Attached: SJW Production Factory of School Shooters 02.jpg (598x318, 64K)

Besides Kingdom Come this is the only time I've seen devs stand up to the trannyera lynch mob. Good on them.

user you seem out of touch

The hell is that skin

That's funny though.

...and this.

Attached: SJW Production Factory of School Shooters 01.png (410x800, 331K)

Anyone browsing RPS belongs into a fucking blender, dick first

>haha lmao at all the piss babies upset about muh sen-suh-ship

Attached: 1535714115005.jpg (900x973, 94K)

>The hell is that skin
Just me fiddling with stylus and css. I need to redo it now that I've got the hang of this shit.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-8-28 MSM calls Dave Chappelle’s new special ’unnecessarily offensive’(1).png (933x1057, 535K)

That kid's gonna grow up happy and stable

Attached: 6323ae5a.jpg (471x388, 24K)

Found this through Ion Fury Steam feed news. What you gonna do?

We've got twitter screencaps, pepes, wojacks, buzzwords - we've got everything you could ever want except video games

fucking kek

Yeah. It seems to be the only way devs ever listen if something is wrong.

Here's your video games. Now fuck off.

Attached: Muh Gaymes.jpg (1430x1830, 973K)

okay yeah but what if that's actually a population level difference in the way whites and blacks express extreme aggression? Niggers chimp out and crackers, well... crack.

Mutual shit talk builds bridges.

Who even uses the term "gamer"? Literally a marketing term conjured up by suits.


Attached: brainlet.jpg (900x900, 83K)

You can't have it all, I guess!

>its only ok when the sjw's do it

Congrats, you're SJWs now

why not, it clearly works

The best thing is that Chappelle shits on both black fathers leaving children and black mothers fucking them up further to create the major war zone hoods, and also retarded white parents creating school shooters through the same method as the black families are fucking up by not being present in their lives or being like those dumb white SJW mothers who teach the son that he is genetically evil 24/7.
Yea Forums is as retarded as always.

Attached: 1565725311737.png (500x814, 151K)

the sjw will say anything to get their way, even change their opinion.
My favorite is
>you shouldnt fight back against the sjw outrage mobs or that makes you an sjw outrage mob. Just let them win, you dont want to be called one too do you?

getting this mad over that imagine
apparently its working huh.

A dumb phoneposter, I'm shocked

>Those pants are gay
They're not saying your pants fuck other pants

user I'm not sure why you're so invested in this, but you're wrong.

Modern game journalism makes money from ad views.

So since you will give them more page views when they make you angry over giving you games news, they are going to do what makes the most money.

... im not on a phone?
you ok man?
getting upset?

my mom is a liberal feminist, but this is....... beyond sick. Just let kids live a normal life. Don't politicize them at a young age, left or right.

So you just type like a retard on your pc? Wew lad.

>Publisher over-reacts to loud mouth's frothing over one comment in a private Discord, forces devs to apologize/fires one of them
>Steam reviews/refunds make the title look negative
>Publisher has dev backpedal on it
>Dev now takes the blame for looking like they got wet feet because of their dumbass publisher who couldn't just ignore the loud mouths in the first place

Am I getting the jist of this right?

they need to stop replying

You're the one who thinks this word is a big deal. If it said OFAG you'd have an argument. But it says OGAY, which is harmless

and blacks raise gangbangers and rapists so..

>You're the one who thinks this word is a big deal.
Actually that's you, and most people in this thread.

>niggers chimp out and crackers crack
that's actually quite a good obseevation.

as long as we win, i dont care

t. SJW

The strategy outlined in pic related is the highest probability currently given the way devs are outraged at their own publisher. People are waking up to the true intent behind wokeness. Don't you dare think of the word wokeception

nothings lost, this money will help them decide on suicide faster

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Attached: 1542748632384.jpg (245x249, 14K)

>no stop shootings, browbeat your kids harder!
>wtf school shootings keep happening, AAA keeping bullying that group!

Attached: 1544757602158.gif (500x250, 966K)

k.. this all you got?
getting tushy trauma over pics and screaming about how ppl type?
lol k

TLDR dont feed the trolls

Attached: dorks.jpg (300x253, 23K)

My argument has consistently been that the word isn't a big deal. If you can't keep your head in game, why should I continue?

u mad

fine by me.
as long as media loses money pandering to the left, im happy
its how you fags got so much power. by crying until your given something
time for us to start getting loud too.

go back to crying over that pic

This just in, Alice O'Connor of RockPaperShotgun is an authoritative bitch who wants to be your mom.

>Olay, huh? More like... oGAY hurr hurr sick burn
>implying this isn't totally normal metahumor

Have these checkmarks just never experienced humor before? Ironic jokes where the punchline is "my punchline is weak" have been around forever.

>My argument has consistently been that the word isn't a big deal.
And you're wrong.

Post stupid threads, get stupid replies.

What does the G in LGBT stand for? It can't be an offensive word, can it?

Why is no one of those drama queens giving a shit about stuff like South Park?

>Tribalistic political cucks see dev about to change something in a game
>'Oh no we need to stop those crazy trannies, 3D realms is DEAD'
>Proceed to rant about how the dev is cancer and sjw while flooding them with negative reviews despite most of them showing that the people haven't played the game
>Dev decides to stick to their guns
>"haha BASED! Fuck those crazy trannies who won't be buying your game anyways!'
>This is from the same people who would've dropped the game based on one simple change of a secret and bombarded the dev with review by people who didn't actually play the game
Now, I'm glad they decided not to change it but there's a massive amount of irony to this whole thing.

Attached: 1341995398163.jpg (590x699, 62K)

They will backpedal on backpedalling, which will make it a full blown frontal gear stick.

sales did increase when they said no censorship though

I believe it stands for gorgonzola

It stands for
>Great and on the right side of history and also compassionate and caring and smart and against all things that are bad

>not using archive.org
get-a-load of this newfag

Attached: 1544024045064.gif (235x235, 538K)

That's not the ironic part, the irony is that both sides are just political cucks trying to bully devs into doing what they want. Each side can talk about how they were in the right but really neither should exist at all. Because political cucks don't care about games, just their political narrative.


Attached: tenor.gif (498x359, 453K)

Thats some Yea Forums tier fanfiction shit right there.

If they donated 10k to a tranny org., how can they possibly be based ever again? They'd have to donate 10k or more to an org. that's the opposite.

they dont care about that joke, we just want the trannies to die

The absolute seething, pissy attitude in this article is palpable.

>but there's a massive amount of irony to this whole thing.
hmm lemme see
>devs should pander to a tiny minority of mentally ill faggots that won't even buy the game (and still wants certain employees fired) after apologizing and censoring the game
>devs should listen to their original audience and let the game untouched
Damn bro, both sides are toxic duuude.

Wait until that kid becomes a teenager and wants to piss his mom off.

>since 1873

No, they used to be insufferably smug and unfunny, now they are smug, unfunny and SJW


It's regrettable, but a little bit of oscillation between those two political mobs might help devs in general grow a spine and stop responding to the behavior. Overall I'm tentatively glad it happened this way this time.

seethe harder trannies

Attached: 1559027938757.jpg (1024x1011, 106K)

>the irony is that both sides are just political cucks trying to bully devs into doing what they want
>dev does gay shit in their

its pretty funny to imply that they will kill themselves

Based retard

>fuck you, mom! i'm gonna marry a biological woman and start a business!

Hows that fence post up your ass feel?

You and everyone else on this board knows that isn't true.

>people who would buy the game but won't because they kowtow to censorship, proven by the fact that when they didn't the game actually sold
>trannies who live to spin outrage and wouldn't have bought whether it was censored or not
Which of these groups makes more sense for a studio to listen to? You can only choose one.

Obviously, you autist. It was satire.

>hurr durr both sides are bad
>hurr durr dont you see both side are the same
>hurr durr be a cool centrist like me and dont have an opinion

Neither, Devs should just make the game they want and that should be final

>I want no political cucks around
>retard- 'y-yeah that makes you a
Proving me right

>Devs should just make the game they want
That's what they did, and that's what got you seething.
It was literally the dev getting their way and the publisher going along with it. The game was released as intended by the devs.

>that title
>from rps of all sites
No matter the political agenda, it bums me out that the site I loved and visited every day nowadays uses such poor taste titles and posts biased articles like that one.

Attached: dededead.jpg (480x482, 38K)

Name one time someone on the right bullied a tranny dev into changing their game into something the right wanted.

You retards don't seem to get the point here. The point isn't that either side is successful but both sides are willing to drop a game over inane bullshit and create fake information for the sake of their political side.

I mean did changing the secret either way change the gameplay or level design in the game? Because that's honestly what should really matter but political cucks will jump on the most minor thing to claim a dev is BASED or BIGOTED or SJW cucks over simple shit that has no relevance on gameplay. In before political cucks try to say its some slippery slope and how they actually love games and weren't willing to burn down a ship because someone decided to take down one flag.

>both sides are just political cucks trying to bully devs into doing what they want
>both sides are willing to drop a game
You don't get the point.

This is a badly written post.

>Keep the game as is regardless of content
>Nitpick and browbeat devs over any problematic content and harass them to change it
These two are equivalent in the mind of retards like this.


Reminder to the Faggot Amageddon: I won

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Rock Paper Shittershattered

Attached: 1551776241566.jpg (400x297, 20K)

The faggot/trans community are sensitive weak useless shits. They cry over everything like little bitches.

The time of paying attention to them is over

>claim devs are sjws for responding to negative feedback
>bomb their game on steam to try and stop revenue
>all over something that had nothing to do with gameplay
>'we care about games! Fuck trannies! Fuck 3d realms!'

>claim devs are sjws for responding to negative feedback
Bad faith, user. Understating what happened won't help your argument.


Are you pretending like thats not what was happening on Yea Forums before they put the ogay bottle back in?

>Political cucks are this delusional.

>bullying devs into doing what the devs wanted to do all along
Mental olympics right here

"Responding to negative feedback" is an understatement.

The mob are faggots, but blasphemy codes in art isn't something to encourage user.

RPS has turned into such awful worthless shit

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>people got butthurt over "ogay" existing
>Yea Forums got butthurt over "ogay" being removed
everyone arguing over this is retarded

Seeth, cope and dilate you fucking tranny.

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>realizing a dev you like folds to trannies like pussies
I'd be mad, too.

More like Gay Paper Shotgun

>not cock raper hotcunt
Yea Forums has no creativity anymore.

I'm 100% against censorship but not this tactic where people pretend like the change would've stopped the game from being a good fps or that the devs need to die because of it. The fact that this becomes a priority is why political cucks are cancer. They don't care about games, they care about tribalism.

You're only proving my point you troglodyte.

>I'm 100% against censorship
so you're not

Same to you buddy.

>I'm 100% against censorship but
Way to out yourself.

>you should only care about the things i tell you to care about
Yeah fuck off dipshit. When you buy a product you consider whether you want to support its company. If you don't care that's your prerogative, but it's a valid concern.

Not him but you're proving his tribalism point. It was a fucking shampoo texture. If you're really against censorship you should have the devs for taking out fagbag.

>I'm 100% against censorship
>you shouldn't care about this censorship

I've only read the OPs of this retard parade but seriously imagine spending a single second on a heated debate over a fictional soap bottle called ogay. Holy shit

>being against censorship means I have to take a do or die approach to something that doesn't effect gameplay
>These are the people who pretend they care about 'games'
You can't make this shit up.

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>the people who yelled and screamed and threatened the devs in order to get them to change their game they were never going to buy are EXACTLY the same as the customers who bought the game and wanted it to stay the way the devs intended it to be! Don't you see! sjws are just like anti-sjws!

>being against censorship means clearly not giving a single fuck about censorship
okay retard

that's not what it's about at all, it was just ammo they had to try and legitimize their raid

You're not fooling anyone.

My hobby is games not political tribalism, when censorship effects gameplay give me a call. You keep being the retard you are pretending that you care about good videogames.

if it's such a small deal and not censorship to remove it why are they mad? Do these people believe their own lies?

You can taste the seethe
It's just some soap, get over it fag

So you don't care about censorship. Yes, we get it. Based gameplay purist, do you know ACfag by any chance?


You are being marketed to.

The 'videogame journalism' pushing this nothing of a story especially. So you will give them your clicks.

How can you possibly fall for something that so obviously is of zero importance.

>I'm 100% against censorship
>when censorship effects gameplay give me a call
Extreme case of retardation.

more like Rock Paper Shotgay


>Look at me, I'm a fense sitter to cowardly to actually defend what i believe in

Fuck right off, there are no "two sides" to this.There was no controversy until SJW's from resetera purposely led a crusade against the game and tried to once again bully another company into submission. What happened is that the people who wanted this type of game reacted in anger because their own hobby was under assault. I know what you're trying to do and it's not working.

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wtf resetbros? how could this happen??? I thought we "always win"

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>I care about censorship that effects gameplay, because I like..vidya games
>(this is called a 'distinction' for retards who only think in black and white)
Can't make this shit up.


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>being against censorship means I have to take a do or die approach to something that doesn't effect gameplay
Yes. That's exactly right. If you weren't trying to smuggle in censorship by playing at moderate you could say something like
>Devs did the right thing in the end, but for the wrong reasons. I don't like mob action as a social regulator.
Fuck you cuck

Why do you guys like this pedo

>I'm 100% against censorship
>actually I'm only against some (undefined) censorship
Based retard can't decide where to put the goalpost

>I should assault the company just like the enemy, that'll prove I'm the superior person!
>Instead of just voicing your opinion like a normal person lets bomb their revenue!
Can't make this shit up.

>muh both sides
Cause and effect
there would be no "muh evil rightwing nazi" backlash effect if there wasnt an sjw cause.

>at happened is that the people who wanted this type of game reacted in anger because their own hobby was under assault. I know what you're trying to do and it's not working.
None of you owned the game prior, all the reviewbombing was from .1 hours played accounts. And none of you are talking about the game outside of this tranny shit.

Stop roleplaying like you were paying customers before all of this went down.

Holy shit, I bet you think looking at a girl in the street for 2 seconds is "literally eye rape," too.

>created real change
imagine being this fucking delusional

What do you mean 'bomb' their revenue? You mean by not buying the game? Everyone's been calling you a retard so far. We know you're a resetera user. You're doing the entire "see guys, aren't the people complaining about having cocks shoved up their mouths just as bad as the people as the people shoving cocks in their mouths?" it's not working.
I never said the developer was an enemy, I was disappointed by their reaction by censoring a game that was suppose to be in spirit a 3d realm shooter. I honestly thought them giving into would be a fucking huge mistake as resetera would ultimately just make additional demands (see: getting people fired).
Again, fuck off with your horseshoe bullshit.

Whatever the case was, they are paying customers now that the devs listened to them. Unlike trannyerrors who weren't going to buy the game regardless. Seethe about it, faggot.

>trannyposters are also eceleb zoomers

It all makes sense now

>We know you're a resetera user.
t. tranny discord redditor

No you aren't. Barely any of you bought the game, and Im seeing tons of people saying they're not buying it because of the tranny donation.

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I'm glad retardera didn't get their way for once.

you're an sjw trying to play moderate

They just want something to be angry at. This is the kind of joke you'd find in a GTA game and I don't care that it exists

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>faggot journos whine about muh homophobic jokes
>pretend like it's not a big deal once called out
just another day in preapocalypse

>no you aren't
lmao, I can hear your seething from here

Attention to all newfags - just because everyone has anonymous for a name doesn't mean we are all the same person.

Attention newfag: if you're seething just as hard as another user, you might as well be the same person.

They did, though, in the form of a massive donation.

>he said it again

the retardera meltdown thread is a good read

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>devs backpedal on censorship
>reviews return to overwhelmingly positive
Yeah, I'm thinking we won.

Cant' make this shit up.

That's the best you've got? I see shit like that all the time on Yea Forums.

You fags hang out on retardera for tame ass screencaps like that? Wew.

I'm hoping all this publicity is helping their sales, they went from cringe to based.

absolutely seething

>undoing the work of SJWs is the same as being an SJW...


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>I better throw my mob tactic buzzwords at them, that'll get em
NPCs at their finest.

>i better keep seething to prove him right


you probably shouldn't get that defensive after a very innocuous post. someone might accuse you of seething or something

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Oh fuck right off, I didn't buy the game yet and I was about to just pirate it if the devs were to take a shit in the throats of their loyal customers. I bought and played many Build engine games. I purchased Duke Nukem 3d five times in my life. The original MSDOS game, Duke Nukem 64, Duke Nukem 3D for the Xbox 360, Duke Nukem Megaton, and even Duke Nukem 20th Anniversary. Not to mention I pirated and played eDuke32 port during the mid 2000's. Kys you vile weaselly rat.You on the otherhand probably never played a Build Engine game before.

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>having this shit saved
>"i'm not a resetfaggot I swear"

I still got my refund though.

>Implying by spouting these words someone is mad let alone you're not proving the other side right
Holy shit you can't make this stuff up!

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>no u

It doesn't work resetera dyke


>giving money to gearbox
Mega cuck

>so mad xhe can't formulate a coherent sentence

>when you already know the answer to a question you're asking

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they always out themselves, dont they

He is a resetfaggot. he's doing the same thing that I am, which is browsing the other forum. Except I'm laughing at them and he's just getting mad here while defending resetera

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I gave them $4 when it was on sale just to play the 5th episode, which was quite nice. But I wouldn't have given them $20 for it alone.

>Oh fuck right off, I didn't buy the game yet and I was about to just pirate it if the devs were to take a shit in the throats of their loyal customers.
So you just proved me right. You're a fucking moron.

Its hilarious that I'm getting called a resetera fag by fags who go to retardera.

Oh wait let me break it down for you: SEETHING!


>admitting to being from that site
Yup I win.

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Bonus points because at first they won and the victory was taken away


Difference is that I actually wanted to play the game. Resetera Trannies had no interest in this game.

infrequently reading angry posts about some stupid controversy =/= being from that site
your brain is tiny

Why do publishers feel the need to explain themselves for dumb shit like this? Is it a marketing move? Is it a smart marketing move? I'm pretty stupid so I have no idea

>it's a buffet for hate mongers, and we're the meat

I wish pretentious people died at birth.

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>Read the resetera thread
>all the posts that have something along the lines of "well I was thinking of buying it but I guess I won't now"
God, I bet half of these people never even heard of the game before all of this

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can you retards stop bitching about this subject already?

if games like GTA are allowed to have stupid jokes like this then let everyone else do it too, no matter how tastless or minor it is

The only smart move would be to ignore both sides and just let them seethe until they move to the next game


>the cruel forces of tolerance
Go back to tumblr you shit-eating retard. You have to be a real retard to think that the politically-correct crowd is anything but tolerant toward anything that isn't their special snowflake crowd and worldview

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odds this guy molests his son?

>the only smart move would be to ignore people who actually buy your games

The character in that comic need a wig and a beard

That pic is 4 years old. She's fat now, sorry that the kickstarter funds couldn't pay for enough cosmetic work


Because people don't want to waste 30 mins typing up a reply to yet another retard

I don't like the idea of steam deleting negative reviews honestly even if it's from dumbasses

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It's a marketing move, but it might not be a smart marketing move. Businesses have not yet solved the new PR landscape. How to tell if a backlash is engineered or authentic? How to know when addressing an alleged issue will prevent scandal vs cause it? Morally I think the answer is make what you want and don't apologise, but from a pure business perspective it looks like a much harder choice.

Except one side in this equation will actually buy the game.
Consumers bullying the people trying to sell them shit is what you WANT in a Capitalist society, otherwise it's just Corporatism.
Either you give your audience, the people buying your product, what they want, or you take the loss.

It sounds like a joke Nick Mullen would make.

>Don't remove shampoo joke.
>Don't lose sales anyway.
>Remove shampoo bottle.
>Yeah, know YOUR FUCKING PLACE, you're beneath me.
>Lose actual sales because fags don't play video games.
Smart choice.

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They're absolutely right to keep the joke and you're right the market that actually buys game understands that and this was the right move on just about every front but using it as an excuse to hate on all gay/trans people (many of who would laugh at this kind of thing with you) and paint the entire left as this monolith of insane SJWs is incredibly unfair and disingenuous. The conservatives in power are fucking us over daily and you're willing to take it as long as this tiny contingent gets "triggered" it's fucking retarded. How are you not seeing that you want for an uncucked non-overly PC world is being exploited by conservatives to make your life worse. Open your eyes dumbasses.

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>"tiny unfunny gay joke"
It's funny how faggots try to dictate over a subjective thing such as what's considered funny or not and treat it as objective or that their opinion on humor holds any sort of authority.

Haven't they thrown a fit over what comedians have joked about and said bullshit like "well, it wouldn't have been so bad if it were at least funny".

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As a technical member of the LGBT community, fuck the LGBT community.

People will actually argue against this.

Who are you quoting

>fags don't play video games.
I do

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I bet they play vegetarian progressive grindcore.

Nothing, I did something brand new on Yea Forums, I wrote an original thought.

Many LGBT people will agree with you on that. The community being a bunch of overly PC whiny bitches doesn't mean that gay and trans people aren't people though. You feel me?

He spoke to the sky and said: 'And the people shall deliver the wicked unto your divine judgment, where their sins shall be weighed in the balance of all that is just and true'.
Hallowed are the Ori.

>suicide hotline
>unrelated to trannies

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Yes, I suppose a strawman can be an original thought, since it doesn't exist.

I'm like 80% of the way to "Nobody is people".

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Steam also had to nuke all recent reviews because you cucks were review bombing one of the best retro shooters to come out in some time for petty political bullshit.

Outragefags are a blight

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>outrage culture is okay when we do it
leftist kryptonite: make them play by their own rules.

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>Call out people strawmanning an entire side of the political spectrum based on the small and vocal side
>nice strawman
never change Yea Forums

As long as its equal I guess.

>call out a strawman
>nice strawman
Where's the contradiction

You do realize that something ins't a strawman just because you call it that repeatedly right?

Does the right use the extreme pc left to court unengaged and center/center-left people more to the right? You tell me.

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Another good one
>I'm not gonna buy the 9 year old game

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Is there a more useless statement than putting forward that you have been offended?

Quote one example of that in this thread

>leftist kryptonite: make them play by their own rules.

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Not even halfway down the page I found 2 and you can find the fallout of this push from the extreme right wing grifters on Yea Forums in basically every post that uses "tranny" as a catch all for pain in the ass overly pc people.

No, most are straight and/or women.

Oh my God you guys sound like huge fags

Would prefer costumers who has life expectancy more than 2 years

>wont ever buy skyrim i guess

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>>leftist kryptonite

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>they're hurting their bottom line

It was tiny and unfunny but now it's fucking hilarious

their argument is aways

every single time
i mean if a normal fag hasnt bought skyrim he probably wasnt going to buy some shitty retro fps

seething millennial

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Essential zoomercore

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So, are getting new content for Ion Fury?

What is all these "PAX" account?

It all started with this.

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>game devs remove 'problematic' content, no matter how minor, in order to appease the SJW crowd
>"lol Why do you care? It's such a minor thing. Not having this in no way impacts the game! Stop being an incel!"

>game has 'problematic' content, no matter how minor, and doesn't remove it
The lack of self-awareness is what kills me.

>this is controversial in current year

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>"Babies can't be trans"
>That's hatespeech bigot

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Thank you Alice O'Connor, i needed to know what to think about this, good thing your "news article" gives me this insightful opinion on the topic

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They blew it. Unless they cancel the donation to some tranny shit. Cancel marxist anti-white brainwashing school and personally call games journalists a bunch of niggers I won't buy their game. FUCK THEM.

some dev joked about the sensitivity training because they all are contractors spred around the world working at home. ROFL

I'm pretty sure they ran a survey about whether people would buy/play it after the apology shit.
The response from fags and trannies was universally, "lolno" so they decided to not give a fuck.

Outragefags are why you can now enjoy the cool refreshing taste of Ogay, the way the developers intended.


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Even funnier that trannies got mad about a gay joke when they're homos in skirts.

>triggered snowflake

the dev isnt wrong lol

the trannies will just commit suicide anyways