Is it explained why Nemesis is the final boss in the GD route and the immaculate one is the final boss of the church route? Im talking plot circumstance reasons. Was there some reason Nemesis wasnt revived after destroying shambhala in the church route? IIRC the GD route and church route had the same circumstances leading up to the final battle, but for whatever reason the final boss changes.
Is it explained why Nemesis is the final boss in the GD route and the immaculate one is the final boss of the church...
Nemesis has time to finish reviving because GD barely finds out about slithers through Edel/Hubert.
Meanwhile, the church is always on the heels of the slithers which gives TIO time to show her true colors. Church bad.
Hey faggot there's a spoiler tag for a reason. Fuck you.
That is factually fake, gay, wrong and full of shit.
The church is informed the same way, does pretty much the same things, and in the end, Nemesis doesn't return. It's just Rhea losing control.
Hey faggot the game has been out for what, over a month now?
Wings of Hegemon Edelgard is final boss for BL.
Rhea is the final boss for BE.
Rhea is final boss for church.
Nemesis is final boss for GD along with the 10 original crest bearers.
Youre welcome
It's like 50+ hours long per house and you're expecting everyone to know the final boss for the most niche one? Are you fucking serious?
I was actually looking forward to finding out too.
Next you're gonna tell that Seteth and Flayn are Cichol and Cethlean? Madness!
How did humans come to bear the crests of the saints? did they go round having kids or something? even flayn?
I work nearly full time and go to college and have still managed to beat the game 6 times over now, dunno what everyone else's deal is
wait why is rhea the final boss for the church route??
Because she gets weakened from the last encounter and loses control over her immaculate one form
Yeah, she kinda loses it because her crest stone takes over. She gets better once you beat the shit out of her, though.
The main difference between the deer and church routes are the final boss, the fact you don't do the big three way battle in the church route, and that you don't get the side missions where giant saint monster beasts are roaming around.
Was it explained why in GD nemesis was revived and why in the church route he wasnt? Aside from hurrdurr cant have them be exactly the same
Nope. Nemesis is pretty much a complete afterthought in church route. It's all about "rescue Edelgard!" "Hubert said the slithering guys are bad so let's get'em" "Oops, Rhea's having magical PMS. Oh and by the way she does this weird ritual thing with the higher rungs of the church so you're being dicked by dozens of dragons" - The end
I meant "Rescue Rhea/Kill Edelgard" obviously.
Bullshit, and not everyone playes only one game at a time. A spoiler is a spoiler no matter how much time has passed. If you're putting it in the OP use a spoiler tag, it's doesn't take anything.
>complaining about spoilers on fucking Yea Forums
You deserved it.
they were given to them, except Macuil's because he never grew of his resentment towards them
Nope. In GD Rhea's injuries are less serious and she doesn't go nuts, while in Church route Nemesis busts out of his refrigerator after Shambhala is destroyed.
I'm just burnt out. If there was more variation, especially in part one, it would be fine but man, it's become a chore and I'm only halfway through my 3rd route.
Jokes on you, I had already seen that.
Edelgard is the Flame Emperor
Edelgard's uncle is Thales, the leader of the Slitherers
Dimitri's mom and Edelgard's mom are the same, they're siblings.
Rhea is an inmortal dragon and physically the same person as Seiros
Nemesis was a bandit who infiltrated Sothis's tomb, killed her in her sleep, drank her blood to obtain her Crest, and forged the Creator Sword from her bones and flesh
The relics are made out of dragon carcasses, as are the crests made by commiting Genocide on Rhea's family.
The 10 elites were Nemesis henchmen and were not sided with Seiros. They obtaines crests by ingesting the blood of dead dragons.
Rhea re-wrote history to hide these facts and assigned the crests to nobles in ordrr to control them and to avoid people from starting more wars over them.