how sjw is this game?
How sjw is this game?
If having a woman as MC is SJW then very.
If not, then not at all.
Not op but the way you worded that makes me disenclined to trust your judgement
There is a mission where you heroically abort your child and another where you smash the patriarchy by kicking 'Not Trump' in the balls over and over.
why is her head so big
ok? theres women in the game but theres nothing sjw about them
dont act like a faggot then? why do you word your responses like a high school girl?
bet he's a resetera tranni
Even if the game isn't SJW, the way they handled their marketing was very much so.
Essentially they gave out preview stream rights to women only for some bullshit "female empowerment" reason.
Its kinda comical to think about, they were celebrating womens equality day by giving women special privileges.
Nothing wrong being SJW,have sex incel and by the way I didn't see anything SJW in it anway.
from what I seen it looks good and plays interestingly, shame its on epic for now
because I like the game and retards calling it SJW just because the MC is ugly are just as retarded as sjws themselves
Just get your free copy courtesy of Tim Sweeny and see for yourself
does epic even have demos I wanna see if my PC can run this shit
>women only
Not true, male streamers were playing it before launch, they just wanted good boy points
She is not ugly.
not all games with women MC are sjw bait, but 90% of the time they are, op's question is valid
they don't even have forums for each game, yesterday I saw dozens of people in Control threads asking for help with their game settings to improve performance because they have pretty much nowhere else to ask
I dunno, my HOODLUM copy is on the way as we speak.
>dl'ing epic store
fucking Christ, even enlarging the image scared the shit out of me
what's ugly about her?.she is hot as fuck.
Strong jaws are a desired facial feature,if you want son's with good jaws.
she looks mostly better in motion. still surprisingly unattractive for a female videogame character. she is coo-coo anyway. Emily is the main qt
no one is saying that.
you are making a strawman.
Because spastics like you need it spelling out to you: having a girl in a game is not SJW at all you misogynistic cunt
You spend a lot of time talking to high school girls, groomer?
again, no one believes that.
i dont know why you think people think that.
the only possible way way is that you are retarded or you listen to journalists
Female MC is already not a great sign.
t. gay or trannysexual.
how is this game? I saw someone playing and the map sort of reminded me of Dead Rising
are you sure he was playing this?
yeah. I don't mean the actual setting, but more how the map seems to just be one big facility you gradually visit more of
no one said anything like that you fucking reset era retard. try not to project so hard.
well then, it's pretty fun, but the only ability worth having is throwing objects or enemies around desu
There's a difference between a strong jaw and a man jaw.
Can you fuck black dudes