>he doesn't play multiplatform games on a powerful gaming PC
enjoy the butchered experience console anons
He doesn't play multiplatform games on a powerful gaming PC
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this is cherrypicked and irrelevant. fuck you
look at this shit, it's unplayable
lmao """""supercharged computer"""""" btw
Do you honestly believe the majority of multiplats aren't best on PC or is this bait?
I’ve got a 1070 and I’m worried I’ll only get to run it at 60fps on low. What the fuck.
I run it on 1050ti low and get 40-60FPS, you should be fine
I thought they called the PS3 the supercharged computer?
>they run ps4pro at "4k"
Tfw you just prefer console gaming and force your PS4Pro to run at 1080p to maximixe fps.
wait, no actually I think they called the PS3 the "PC on steroids"
>PS4 drops below 10 FPS
Jesus fucking christ.
The PS4 Pro version renders at 1080p and reconstructs to 4k.
4K is still kinda an overpriced meme anyway imo
I still just run a 970 on PC and play in 1080p anyway
>playing multiplatform games at all
Explain why is not
because supercharged pcs can play this shitty game with more than 15fps
Explain how it is? Reminder, this is quote from Sony themselves.
>PC worth $800 at this point
>144 FPS in everything
>load times too fast to read the hints
once again, PC has to wait up for consoles.
watch them go like "but the Switch has 5fps!!!!!"
It's going to be patched at the end of the week
they worked on this game for 3 years, how the fuck are they going to fix it in one week, you delusional fuck?
Can't wait for them to downgrade it and pretend it's "optimization."
It has 0
Consoles will never matter.
Consoles are basically the moron tax of the gaming industry. You're buying into an inferior market designed around you having no control over the experience.
On PC you can do whatever you want. Imagine robbing yourself.
Also don't kid yourselves with exclusives. Emulation is only getting better and better. It feels good to be part of the PC master race.
Cue every PC nigger dropping their game down to 720p and removing effects and shadows and brage about 60fps.
Kek, I'm able to run the game at 1440p50-60 on pic related settings.
Consoles, step your game up.
ps5 will be 8k 120fps don't worry bros
Someone sounds very insecure.
>Implying most PC niggers barring those with 1080tis and 2080tis won't get the same performance
99% of PC """"master"""" race have potatoes.
I was gonna upgrade my PC recently but I decided to wait because of that Steam Vs Epic bullshit that's been going on. Not looking to get into console wars again.
I love this, it means consolefags have to make 1 of 2 concessions.
>Consoles are actually really weak and perform like shit
>Consoles get just as many unoptimized ports as PC, if not more nowadays
switch port when?
>ignores entire post
>calls me insecure
>buying games at day 1
>Consolefags have to wait a week to play any new game so the devs can patch it and make it run at a cinematic 24 FPS instead of 15 FPS
>he thinks it's consoles only
PC is even worse in this matter. You have to wait for the people to make mods to fix crap
And yet this game is perfectly playable on my mid-range PC.
Shame the same can't be said for consoles.
Stole your settings and now I'm getting 120 fps (1080p though).
Thanks, user.
Enjoy your high refresh rates user.
just pirate
I love it when someone predicts a response and then that person gets quoted with that predicted response.
All multiplatform games are shit simply because they have to be dumbed down so consoles can handle them
Console exclusives are also shit because they're only on consoles and thus are dumb by default.
this. i almost thought to pirate it to see my performance and make fun of console fags, but the game doesnt look very good from the 2 minutes of gameplay i saw ITT
Should I buy an RTX 2060 or an RX 5700
a used GTX970 from ebay