Too many FPS games do FOV setting like if the game was a console game, meaning that the FOV_viewmodel value (your arms, hands, gun) is locked, which gives an unnatural and confusing depth perception for the brain which can't make sense with the proportions of your gun and the actual background FOV...It doesn't fit together.
Games like Battlefield, Counter-Strike, CoD:WW2,CoD4:Remaster,CoD:BO4, CoD:MW 2019,Rainbow Six Siege,...have it ALL WRONG. It's absolutely DISGUSTING having your gun glowed to your screen and taking 25%-33% of your screen while you play at a high fov of 90-120...It makes sense that your gun takes 25%-33% of your screen if you play at 60-65 FOV like console games, but it's absolutely disgusting if you don't adopt the FOV_viewmodel automatically for higher FOVs that aren't 60 FOV consoleshit tunnel vision.
Older CoDs used to do the scaling natively by the engine, and it's the way it should be for ALL FPS GAMES ON PC.
Watch those two pics to understand what I mean.
FOV_Viewmodel should ALWAYS scale with the FOV value
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Nice Autism.
>muh realism
*impossible to go lower or above
Shut up, nerd.
As you can see, in the first example with BF4, the guns don't blend with the environment at all and it fucks with the perspective and the overall coherence of the picture severely.
However, in the second example with CoD4, you can see that the guns actually blend with the environment perfectly and the depth perspective of the scene and the overall coherence of the picture are perfect when it comes to FOV and FOV_viewmodel.
All games should just be locked to a 90 FOV and you should kill yourself.
Bf4 style seems better tho
Furthermore, DICE did make the right move with BF1 Alpha version by automatically scaling the FOV_viewmodel with the FOV and it was a very good.
However, they are so stupid that they removed this feature in the BETA and RETAIL version and went with that stupid locked value again.
See here, it looks extreme because they play with the maximum FOV value (FOV 120) but it is just to show you the principle of the scaling, it would look good and balanced at FOV 90-100...They should have let us the option to keep the viewmodel scaled instead of locked. Give the players the choice ffs.
BF1 Alpha.
ACTUALLY, you can see the scaling taking place dynamically in this video at 2:00
No, it's actually WAY worse when you are in motion with your mouse and keyboard and playing.
>expecting nufps to do what 2000+/- fps did natively
>not playing old school fps because nu-devs can't even get 50% of features right today that were standard just 10 years ago
I'm not sure, i think mirror's edge catalyst scaled your arms and it looked awful
>I'm not sure, i think mirror's edge catalyst scaled your arms and it looked awful
It makes you feel run faster, which is the point of a running game.
The fov yes but the stretched arm just look bad i think, i had the same issue with brink i think
They should give the players the CHOICE at least, to chose either constant FOV_viewmodel or scaled FOV_viewmodel.
I've played 3 free weekend of Rainbow Six Siege and I liked it...The only reason I didn't buy it was because of the locked FOV_viewmodel which is REALLY a pain in the ass in this game, because the guns take almost 50% of the screen and are glued to the screen, making it disgusting.
>They should give the players the CHOICE at least
>expecting nudevs to implement features for a feature
nothing against you but fps are probably one of the few genres that have technologically regressed over the years
not wrong
Justin Trudeau?
AID man
It's immersive