Appreciation topic

Have you thanked your healer today?

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I am the healer

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I don't play MMOs so which one can I play that lets me do second panel to some prime mouthpussy?

how can you get the healer experience in single player games? Summoner?

the ones on the bottom are actual cancer and I've met too many that made me wish they'd kill themselves

I understand dps pulling is annoying, that one's OK. But the tank sets the pace of the fucking dungeon. Wanna set the pace, you be the goddamn tank. They just don't want to play. It's the same people who refuse to DPS and would rather overheal into oblivion so they don't have to actually pay attention.

Did I tell you to stop?

S-sorry daddy!

Hell most MMOs dont even go so fast that its hard to keep up. Especially since ones like WoW have a boss around every corner to slow it down some.

Is that a boy!?

all heal sluts are boys

patrician taste is fucking the one on the bottom
this one is entry-level

There's probably some porn game where you're the sub

In all seriousness, probably something like a conjuration and restoration build in skyrim, though that doesn't aound particularly fun

I'm a bottom, and I'm not a big fan of healing. Tanking is fun, though.

They legit don't want to play. It's as simple as that. And I don't get why they don't just quit at that point.

Hi, My Name Is Reggie!

is this another ERP thread?

Ara ara~

What game/mmo is the bottom healer referencing?

Only if you want it to be

all of them

Then, what does it mean when the healer says "rogue pulled", and why isn't the rogue getting healed because of it?

Probably FFXIV.
Tanks wall to wall pull mobs and some healers bitch and moan about it because they have to put in effort.

From experience it depends a lot on the tank, a tank holding aggro is great but some of them are incapable of using defensive cooldowns so that dps pulling more mobs so they can jerk it to their aoe numbers could very well wipe the group. Generally I'd be the one pulling more though if the tank is being too weary