Minecraft Killer


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>never heard of it before

yeah but can they do this youtube.com/watch?v=b84Z3IRg3VA

>Minecraft killer
Nah m8.

I think it's an Ebin exclusive

Cube World is better.

To soon

It's a mashup of clones actually.

Also the blog hiatus is over, there was a new entry on the Hytale site 8 days ago. Stuff about custom content aka the modding api/craftstudio stuff.

Reminder that Hytale is a ripoff game from a group that had to be forcibly shut down for ripping kids off over minecraft server donator perks and they charge an obscene amount for it.


This is for a minecraft server, reminder, just enter any random name like "bob"

>1 cubic meter huge blocks
>unable to rotate the builds
>probably unable to mod anything
yeah it's shit.

if you want to surpass Minecraft, allow people to model and lowpoly objects in the game

>to model and lowpoly objects
*without and

strenght of minecraft is in its endless modability and ability to build your own shit, not in pretty pixel textures, smooth animations or story, I don't really know what are these retards thinking

they plan on having their own client just like minecraft

>probably unable to mod anything
they literally showcased their modding api you absolute mongrel

>probably unable to mod anything
Did you just watch the first 30 seconds of the trailer then draw your conclusions there?

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you know, all they have to do is perfect the combat system + open world + minecraft style of blocky design shit and they'll rake in millions. minecraft as a game is just legos. the combat system is shit and you literally have to mod the game from a to z to get the experience you want.

And a modeling thing too with it.

It's in the terms of service you idiot

>probably unable to mod anything
what did he mean by this?

Shut the fuck up you neolithic period amoeba brained troglodytic triple nigger. Watch the fucking video.

Now THIS is some single digit IQ shit.

>more monsters than minecraft
alright now im interested

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i used to think this but after playing minecraft again recently i don't see it happening at all, it won't even make a dent

>Terms of service for a game that's not even available to the public
What in the flying fuck are you talking about? Shut the fuck up and think before you speak, you dumb, slack-jawed faggot.

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just admit you were a retard faggot who didnt watch the whole video that showcased they inherently are designing the game from the ground up to give modders more access and ability to do shit. youre anonymous, there is no need for pride here. if youre so much of a child you cant admit to being a retard, just close the thread and absolve yourself of worry instead of being a huge fag and continuing to backpedal.

I doubt it. But since the devs know Minecraft in and out I bet they can at least fill a niche Minecraft isn't.

PUBG to Fortnite

looks a little too good to be true
they are going to fuck it up somewhere

I hope this is more of a 3D Terraria than a Minecraft 2

It looks nice, and has way more charm than modern Minecraft has.

Even bigger spiders too and they actually have animations for when crawling on a wall.

They fucked up by not releasing an early alpha already. The hype for the game has died down.

>great variation of monsters
i want to play this now fuck

Where is it?

Shamelessly sharing this co-op MMORPG server I’ve played for over 2 years now. Probably a different niche than what Hytale's trying to do, but the only other two are Wynncraft and SHO, neither of which are quite up my alley.

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Looks cool. I'l check it out.

Theres mods for that server that actively post here. Are you one of them or a regular player.

>Be yourself

Is it cracked

Both, desu. Mostly a player tho. Discovered the server on my own and was a normal player for a while. Made a video explaining the server for newbies and the OG devs asked me to make stuff like that trailer above.
None of us have made any money off of it or anything, but it's been one of the most consistent sources of fun in vidya for the last couple years for me, so I post about it every once in a while. I'd want to know it existed.
Nah, pretty sure you have to have a legit account. Not sure though; never messed with it myself.

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>Garry's Craft
No thanks, Cube World WHEN.

>garry's craft
>cube world
its fucking dead let it go. he passively updates on twitter but the autismo is never going to release it.

>let it go

its been six years man. it will never live up to whatever hype you have remaining.

Fucking retard didn't watch the video

I hope they don't restrict the ability to have custom player skins, But who am i kidding they are going to monetize the fuck out of that aspect.

I bet you money it'll be 2050 and the guy will just release the full game with updates and no fanfare before going back to fucking his wife in the shadows

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I thought they divorced.

She'll come back when he releases cube world
We all will

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Might looking into learning shit to mod Hytale. First thing I'll look into is a better player model.

user, you can make your own player models from scratch, colouring them isnt going to be that hard

Good idea I just had. Take bits from the spider model, use those and change up player model to make spider queen/king, make a revival of the Spider Queen mod.

Hopefully when the game releases it will have actual content and shit to do.

>when the game releases
Bannerlord will release before Hytale.

user... Bannerlord *got* a release date.
March 2020

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>Game has been in the making for 3 years
>Still no actual gameplay footage


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So this...is the power...of zero iq

>in the making for 3 years
try 4

I think that's the point.

What even are you saying? Are you talking about HyPixel?

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hopefully hytale's code is better than minecraft's spaghetti code
a minecraft mod revival might actually be easier in hytale than in minecraft

Probably why Hytale marketed about their modding capabilities so hard. They want to cripple minecraft by pulling all the modders away to make content for them. Its rather ingenious if they can pull it off.

Good god it looks so bad. Playing such cheerful and adventurous music to something ugly like that is so much of a mismatch that it feels like they are mocking their own game.

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It looks fucking awesome what are you on

Wasn't this supposed to be released this year?

Not him but I see what he means; there is a certain hideousness to it.

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why make it literally minecraft, is to save resources?
im surprised lego never tried to do their own, i remember being a lot of lego simulators back in the day that were essentially minecraft without exploration.

So don't make your character ugly. You can make your own models with the tools provided.


>merely pretending

>the models are ugly and mismatch with the music
>there is a certain hideousness to it

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I wasn't part this whoe debate.I just pointed out that it's only ugly if you let it be.

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>trusting Hypixel

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I smell disappointment

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Wait, you're kidding, right? It's expected to be EGS? Of all things I would expect something like this to have its own client/site. Like Minecraft.