Metal Gear Solid 4 - 4K 60 FPS Unlocked Framerate on PC


Attached: 270px-Metal_Gear_Solid_4_Guns_of_The_Patriot_-_North-american_cover.jpg (270x311, 27K)

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Amazing how horrible the VA sounds after MGSV. Game looks better than V but sounds way worse.

>BullShitOverDose gaming


Eventually, everything comes to PC.

Where and how?

I bet it still cannot get in-game

>i7 8700k @5.0Ghz
Cant wait for emulate MGS4 with PS3 equivalent PC hardware in 50 years !! woohooo !!!

>moving the goalposts

It only took over a decade for PC to emulate a movie Yea Forums hates, we did it bros

My half a decade old rig has no problems emulating PS3 stuff at 1080p-1440p at 60fps.

Mgo2 emulation gameplay???

Post the video faggot

pfft yeah right user

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

PS3 emulation is fucking great.

>Persona 5
Any PC can emulate that easily. Now post Yakuza or RDR, faggot. Can you do 60fps with shit tier hardware ?

>This video ends about 40 seconds before the game crashed due to currently unsolvable RSX issues(Where the game locks to 24 FPS and becomes un responsive), regardless its almost a miracle that I got to play it for so long for this video, without it crashing.
Fuck you OP

Is the game fully playable now?

This thread is pure salt because they cant even watch it anymore suck it up boys and watch it on your phone.
Also an I7 8700K is only 200 bucks poorfags.
And all you need is a 970 for 4K LOL
I played demons souls at 9K on a 1070

A week ago geometry was completly invisible and the fps was in the teens. Give it another week fag.

Oh, I must have missed those threads then. I'll wait patiently and if it doesn't come to fruition, I'll be sure to damn your soul to eternal suffering. No pressure though.

Thats okay man im waiting for rdr 4k 60fps
Probably another 2 years honestly

You can play at 4k, fps on xbox for now I guess.

Fun fact, MGS4 supports 60 fps natively on PS3. It hits 60 fps if it can, it's just that it can hit 60 fps only if you look in first person view on empty wall or ground.

> Video Starts
> 23-34 FPS
Nigga what?

Thanks for the beta test Soiboys

where i can download ps3 games ? torrents ?

>tfw I will soon play MGS4 again without the need to spend money on an old ass console

There's downloadgameps3.
It's genuinely the most fishy name possible, yet at the same time it's probably the most reliable and widely known site with PS3 games.

let's play mgo! oh wait...

So is Yea Forums going to start praising MGS4 now, since it can be emu on PC? Haha

When the PC retards can emulate PS4 and Bloodborne just fucking watch how kind Yea Forums becomes toward the game.



It's impressive how they made the game only feature various shades of the color brown.

Nope. I'm just going to play MGS4 happily. I'm going to get my other PS3 emulator right now so I can get a head start and practice this game. The other emulator you ask?, no need to thank me.

This made me lmao.

I own a PC and I really dont get the mindset behind pc gamers bragging about being able to emulate games years after its released. You're emulating an old game using specs that would cost you at least a grand to build and yet people feel the need to boast about it? I could kind of get behind botw being emulated because it was so recent after the game came out, but I'd even argue the switch version is better because you can play in handheld mode, which is ALL I ever use it for anyways.


I love that i just got into MGS a month ago where i was already able to play every game on PC and now all i have left to play is this and rising

it's emulatable on youtube for over a decade now lmao

Because now people do not need to have an outdated piece of shit to play that one game

It's just childish fanboy insecurity. They need to find reason to make there platform is better.

Why do you have such hate for outdated hardware?

I don't really hate it but i was like 13 when i moved on to PC and i couldn't go back unless it was exclusives like LBP or MGS but as time goes on it's becoming unnecessary to play on those machines.

sometimes you want to re-play an old game but don't have the console for it anymore, and honestly emulating isn't as resource hungry as you're making it out to be.

but ye PCMR fags are annoying, probably the most annoying after nintenfags like you, no your handheld mode is not good

If you enjoy a game, it shouldn't matter what hardware you play it on. I use the PS3 emu, was just playing army of two. But I still play on my PS3 console, because I play for the game not hardware.