Entire game is about building social links and bonds of true friendship to overcome any odds

>Entire game is about building social links and bonds of true friendship to overcome any odds
What did they mean by this?

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Fat women are disgusting.

fat and ugly people should all die to be honestly t b h

She wouldn’t be fat if she ate less. Being fat is a sign of low self control.

Aw man

She just needed to stop being a bitch.

>make the girl who’s supposed to be ugly the most stereotypically japanese looking

fucking lmao

>There's literally a girl in the game who used to be fat but now is thin
>She's the worst human being alive but we're expected to care about her because she's no longer fat

Fat people deserve no sympathy and I wouldn't be friend with any of them.

Could be diabetes or hormonal imbalance.

There is a reason why Persoyna is a bad series


I unironically wished this happened

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>no social link where she loses weight and becomes less of a bitch for you

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>she could be breaking the law of thermodynamics
mmmm im going to have to disagree

people who have type 1 diabetes typically are rail thin, and type 2 diabetes is caused by being fat, not the other way around. furthermore, CICO is still the way to lose weight for people even with a "hormonal imbalance"

Imagine all that loose skin

People don't treat her like shit because she's fat, it's because she's a bad person.

Insulin can be a cause of weight gain.

but that still doesnt change the fact that one can literally just EAT LESS to LOSE WEIGHT

>only beautiful people are worth investing any effort in
>ugly people should be scorned and mocked mercilessly
I mean it seemed pretty obvious to me OP

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Basically proves Adachi was right that your social standing is and determined by money, looks that you were born with and other luck stuff.

Then why do people invest effort in Chie?

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maybe i just fucking LIKE TO EAT

then why could you befriend old people in 3?

Some dudes have a thing for short hair

It means lose some weight LMAO

wisdom is beautiful and old people are generally wise

Fat people are gross

Because 3 isn't shit.

A person being fat is their own fault so they should get hard bullied for it

sadly, Yea Forums wouldnt exist without these people.


Fat people are the fucking worst that's the message. Excess and lack of self Control are fucking gross.

>Persona 5 is about rebelling against social norms
>you can't date males

You can befriend old person in p4 too you p3 dicksucker

You guys are worse than normalfaggots.


She should have been a party member. She would have added a lot to the investigation team dynamic and having a member who is just literally a terrible person would allow them to explore broader themes.

>could be the 1% of these people who should even more so be managing their weight due to their condition

Fat people choose to be fat and it's disgusting and hedonistic. We have every right to shit on them just as much furries or footfags or anyone else.

I've always imagined Yea Forums posters are mostly skelly mode and skinnyfats since that was me before I took the /fit/ pill.

Being fat is a choice you deserve to be made fun of for

stop stuffing your face, fatty


If you're ugly you shouldn't exist.

I wish Yea Forums would cease to exist. It's the only way I'll be able to leave.

This is called narrow minded and self absorbed thinking.

Thats the thing that gets fatties mad. No matter how great your """personality""c is, your body reflects the kind of person you are.

Indulgent, lack of self control, lack of self respect, hedonistic, lazy, greedy, irresponsible, just overall a bad person to be around as their self destructive behaviour is likely contaigious.

You can argue with this any way you like, but your body will never lie about the kind of life you lead, you worthless fat fucks.

I do though. She had the self control to lose weight so she's a worthwhile person.

Fat girls are underrated though.
Just imagine cuddling with those soft folds, and then being able to cum balls deep into that.
Not to mention, they're far less likely to be a total bitch and stuck up like most thin girls, cause you know not everyone treats her like miss perfect, and hella lot less competition. There's also always the possibility (a small one, but a chance no doubt) that she might even lose weight due to her newfound confidence, and guess who's gonna get all the fucking attention cause you were the only fucking guy there when she wasnt good looking?

As long as Hanako wasnt a complete mess I'd happily try dating her.

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>hot ass teacher literally coming on to you for sex
>but comes as a pair with fatty
Dammit Yosuke just take big patty for an hour, it's not like you're going to do any better anyway.

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>Eat like a fucking pig
>The most working out I do is a few pullups every other day on a shitty door frame bar
>Have decent abs and arms
My body has been lying every day since I left my teens, faggot. Imagine having to work hard to not look like a slob.

no one wants to be friends with fat or ugly people

>Expecting any moral consistency in a JRPG
The number one rule of these games is "IF IT IS ATTRACTIVE, IT IS GOOD."

You clearly didn't actually play the game. Mitsuo had the chance to redeem himself but was too didn't accept himself and decided to be a whiny bitch child who had what was coming to him. Hanoko, however, was just fat.

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If you frequent this board, you're more than likely ugly yourself. People who come here usually have very low to average social standing, ie ugly people.

nah man, Yea Forums is definitely full of fat asses, we just dont show ourselves often cause we'd obviously get put on blast cause of how fat we are. I'd put money on it that its 50% scrawny wimps and the other 50% fat ass neckbeards, not counting fit.

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>Eat like a fucking pig
Makes you really disgusted to think that fat people eat even more than that to get that fat doesn't it? You aren't violating thermodynamics, you just have a healthy view on portion sizes.

>didn't accept himself and decided to be a whiny bitch child who had what was coming to him
Same as literally every other party member except somehow ehn you beat the shit out of them they get a free pass for refusing to accept their shadow. You just beat the shit out of this guy then pile on the abuse not even giving him chance to accept himself because you're confirming all his beliefs instead of being supportive like you are for your little friends.

Japs are the archetypal pseud. They want to be super deep but they are at their core utterly superficial

>Excess and lack of self Control are fucking gross.
t. nerd who plays for more than an hour a day

>thin person is lazy and self-indulgent
>fat person is lazy and self-indulgent

Adachi shut the fuck up.

It’s the same fucking thread everytime


t. future school shooter

At her age probably not.

>to be honestly to be honest
I dont think youre honest enough

It would only be fat asses killed

As long as you
>Are not old as shit
>Do not lose weight too fast (your body needs to get used to your state each time you lose a bit of visually noticable weight)
>Pull your belly as if it were dough
you wont have saggy, loose skin

So you'll an hero right away


Too bad your thin ghoulish hands could never even muster the strength to lift a gun to do the deed, and hand-to-hand? Hahaha forget it, there are weight classes for a reason.

Fat people are literally a bane on society, and being fat is a willfull anti-social behavior that rightfully loses you the grace of society and God. Being fat is literally evil

How come persona fans are such bullies?

She was kind of a bitch, but honestly I would have liked to have a social link for her.


its a pretty awful community

Honestly, its usually the parents fault. A high schooler is just coming around to being self-aware. Before that its all on the parents to provide a healthy diet, so its hard for me to hate fat kids that much. The ones who stay fat, or get fat later in life, are the shitty people.

Highly depends of the type of "fat" tho. There's sexy fat too.

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Fatness was already a point in Innocent Sin, both with Eikichi growing up slimmer and Kozy being accepted for who she is.
Go play some real Shin Megami Tensei: Persona games.

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Why are you advocating for protecting and subsidizing these blights on society? This isn't like looks or skin color; this is literally something people have full control over, and they are choosing to be hedonistic and self-indulgent.

Ostracism is how society rectifies itself from crappy behaviors. You are not entitled to people liking you.

No. If you're fat, you're fat because you eat too much, not because your body tells itself that it needs to be fat regardless of caloric intake.

Not seeing a problem here.
Fat and ugly are undesirable traits that should not be passed along generations.

>I've always imagined Yea Forums posters are mostly skelly mode and skinnyfats
5 foot 6 inches and 250 pounds reporting in.

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I'd rather be fat than ugly. At least you can lose the weight. Being ugly should be counted as a disability, then i can just stay at home and live in peace.

Doesn't have enough self control to not be a bitch so she is still trash

He'll just stay out of range and poke you to death you lardass mammoth

What about us skinnyfat chads?

forced meme cock sucker

fat people aren't human

Natural metabolic rates can vary by ~10% or so from what i understand which might not sound like much but is the difference between gaining a pound a month drinking a can of Mountain Dew every day and maintaining weight.

a friend of mine has a sickness that turns anything that he eats into fat (even water said the doctor), so there are exceptions

funniest thing I read all year, thank you

Worst of both worlds. Sounds like all the fat would just go to your stomach.

>a sickness that turns anything that he eats into fat (even water said the doctor)

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You first

Let's assume this is true, then you adjust how much you're eating, you idiot. If you're somehow magically gaining a pound a month, then you eat less to compensate for this weight gain. And after eating less you turn yourself into the government because you are biological perpetual motion machine.
>inb4 i was talking about gaining the pound from drinking soda whereas some people can drink the soda and not gain weight
Why the FUCK are you drinking soda? I hate fat "people" so god damn much.

She was a piece of shit more than she was fat. Also the game was more about truth and oneself, not socializing people

>Le biological perpetual motion machine meme

Some people’s bodies actually are more efficient at extracting energy from food. No that doesn’t mean they magicked calories out of thin air, it means their body uses less energy during the process.

cushion syndrome and fluid retention

guess i should have said, turns to weight, not fat

Except Hanako thought she was hot shit and wanted to bang Brotagonist against his will

Then those people should eat less. How are you this dense? You don't exactly become 80lb overweight over night. You have MONTHS to just stop shoving as much food in your mouth. You have every choice and opportunity to STOP EATING.

Why didn't they let you have a social link with the P4 teacher though?

My little nig.

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Yikes, that ain't it chief

If I dont fuck a fat bitch in 2 hours I'm going gorilla

Post the rest of her.

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But Persona 2 had a good fat girl character.


>tfw no thicc goth gf

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Yeah bro, I'm sure those calories came out of nowhere and blindsided you. You're fat because the 10k calories worth of food you eat every day, I highly doubt being "more efficient ar extracting energy from food" is the reason you're fat.
>i eat this much and it all goes straight my hips waaaah it all goes to fat why cant i be skinny and good looking
Just fucking eat less. If you "extract more energy from food" then eat less. Your body being "more efficient at extracting calories" should mean you don't even need to eat as much as some people, meaning you're stuffing your fatass face if you're still gaining weight.
>b-b-but eating is good, i love eating
Then time to hit the gym fatty.

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They make 0 mention about her weight. She's a shitty person who happens to be fat. You wouldnt happen to be projecting, would you OP?

Why do incels hate fatties and ugly people in general? You'd think yhat after being rejected by society and becoming a shutin one would gain some empathy to other people in shitty situation, but somehow it's not the case

Unf, would definitely make her a mother.


>muh genetics!
>muh big bones!

literally gas yourselves senpai
this post is satire fbi!

>just starve yourself while some skinny guy eats the 5th pizza in the day

A man can dream.

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>What did they mean by this?
It is that their treasure must be stolen by phantom thieves.

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Maybe don't eat 3 pounds of bacon and 5 pieces of toast every morning, then you could join him eating those pizza slices.

350 lb lardass reporting in, I just really like shitty food. If you think fatties are gross then fair enough but I don't mean no harm.

>as their self destructive behaviour is likely contaigious.
Wouldn't this just indicate a lack of self-control on the individual effected by some fatty's self-indulgent lifestyle?

This isn't /fit/ but if you just exercise a lot and eat shitty garbage food does that balance things out or do you become a bloatlord?

I saw her in my dream last night, anons. It was lovely.

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just stop eating when you notice that you're getting fatter and start again when you're thin enough

I'd go full fit mode if she was real.

Yeah, I think ultimately what it all comes down to is finding fatties repulsive and trying to work backwards to apply some deeper meaning to their hatred.

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>m-maybe if I insult these fatties then normies will think I'm cool and stop laughing at me

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>I dress better than this goober, guess all the girls just want the asshole

Dirty bulking is a thing, so yes. You can eat mcdonalds/taco bell/whatever everyday and not become fat if you're burning the same/more calories than you're eating.
>or will you become a bloatlord
You don't just become a bloatlord any more than you just become bodybuilder. Being that big is a lifestyle, you'll be fine. Buy a mirror and count your calories.
read the sticky.
>he isnt lifting to be the ideal 3D husbando for his ideal 2D waifu
You disgust me.
Go back.

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Most of the fat girls ive ever made were way cuntier than the attractive girls.
They’re probably unironically treated better than the good looking girls because everyone wants to tip toe around they’re feelings, but then nobody attractive is willing to fuck them even though people normally treat them normal, so they get cunty as fuck and blame everyone else for not wanting to fuck them even though they’re such a perfect pretty princess in their own minds

when has a fat person ever looked like that

Thanks, mate.

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holy shit I thought I was just gay. Guess I'm bi

I've got two classmates who look almost like that, just white and without the freckles. It's absolutely horrible to see in real life.

This is the power... of fat goth GFs.

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I think the worst thing you can do is make fun of a person for being fat while they are actively exercising to lose weight.

In my experience the fat ones have been nice as all hell to me. The attractive and somewhat popular ones? not so much. But this is based on my experience in school and college though. I think it's just harder to find people that arent cunts in general outside school/college, or atleast finding people that didnt grow to become cunts because they ran into other cunts.

>350 lb lardass
oh god how? why? What happened user? How did you end up like this?

>he isnt lifting to be the ideal 3D husbando for his ideal 2D waifu
You aren't lifting for your "2D waifu". You're lifting, because deep inside, you're desperate for being accepted by the same kind od people that rejected you. No matter how much you cope, gym won't make up for not experiencing teenage love

youre thinking about it in the wrong way. im skinny and i would get made fun of by people for not being athletic built because thats seemingly the most desirable look. i am actively working out and people can make fun of me exercising or how i look after exercising but thats completely fine because the point is im actually working out.

i look like this now but if i keep going i will not. simple as that when it comes to improvement. you will be made fun of but it will end because they will have nothing left to say at some point.

im bad at speeches

This is a fat chick thread now
Post your fat chicks, anons

I'm more talking about during the actual exercise (walking outside or on a machine at the gym)

I look forward to simply sitting in you as you autistically attempt to find which backpack pocket you hid it in before slowly suffocating as your lungs are forced to deflate under the immense weight
Don't worry though; I'll still have my tenure :)

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An actual /fit/izen won't criticize fatties for working hard to shed those extra pounds. They'll appreciate the effort's that being put in. It's the ones who never matured past middle school and only went to the gym because it was "cool" who make fun of them.

Incels get mad at fatties because being fat can be changed, which makes fat people more valuable than incels from the biological point of view, because despite being ugly looking, their genes may actually be good.
Incel, however, will never change his height, frame or jawline, and that makes him mad. Mad that despite all of his efforts, he's still genetic shit.

was walking outside last week and i saw some obese dude literally struggling to bike uphill. but he was putting in a hell of an effort.
i hate fat people to fuck all, but that guy was doing far more to improve himself than i was. nobody's going to judge you for working to improve yourself, and if they unironically are, fuck 'em.

>declares thread is for fat chicks
>doesn't post any himself

Japan has an extreme prejudice against overweight people and characters because of the way their health-related society works. Basically they're all health nuts over there, but they're also far more susceptible for health related diseases. Their BMI is also different for them, too.

If all of america hated the fats as much as the japanese their healthcare system would probably have been solved years ago.

So we just gonna pretend that other social links in 3, 4 and 5 weren't with weird or not great looking

>comically large head and narrow eyes

Mitsuo was literally a fucking freak who murdered someone in a vain attempt to catch some glory, stop trying to dodge this

>fat ugly faggot still spamming this thread template on Yea Forums
imagine seething this hard for years on end

Don't project your insecurities onto me, scum.
Most people wouldn't do that, especially in real life and off the internet. People at the gym have more important things to be focused on than if fatty #11 came in today. If someone is actually talking shit to you in a gym then report them. Unless you're like 600 pounds or smell like rancid shit, no one is even going to acknowledge your presence unless they want to work in.
If you're still concerned about what other people might think or talk about you then do some calisthenics in your house and start eating less. You'll be fucking amazed at how fast you lose weight once you start doing some light exercise and dieting.
Then decide if you want to invest in a homegym. In the longrun it's worth it, plus nothing beats listening to anime while you lift naked in the comfort of your own home.
If you're still nervous about the gym, and don't to be homegym master race, then go very early or very late. Chances are you'll be one of two people in the gym.
Just her head probably weighs more than the stereotypical nip woman.

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yeah im not gonna read that filth

All joking aside, I did think that the character of Hanako was treated in a way that seemed unusually mean spirited. I would have preferred that she was more like the anime version of her where she isn't nearly as much of a bitch

Akechi was a murderer too but everyone forgave him because he was good looking

He's the sort of person who would've benefited from a true bond the most.

Yes? Wow u gotta work to achieve something and have discipline fuckin craaaazyyy woaahajjoohh

They literally don't forgive him but sympathize wit him. This is even expressly spelled out in the dialogue.

Why do you think I want a fat chick thread
Because I dont have any saved on this laptop yet

He's talking probably about Atlus and the fans who all want to gag on his dick

There was that formerly fat girl who was still a bitch who everyone hated, wtf are you on about

Hanako's got an ugly soul.

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Imagine grabbing that skin as you rail her

To be fair if youre ugly on the outside, youre ugly on the inside

The funny thing is that it's a complete 180 from P3, where you do befriend the fat, ugly, angry kid and help them become a better person.

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what if she was a social link that ended up improving her health and becoming the hottest one

This, if you improve your personality then your jawline will become stronger, your hair will grow back and you will become taller

No, attractive people need to be culled. With fleshy lust removed from their daily lives, humanity would reach beyond the stars and make 10/10 vidya again.

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Heres some.

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Based thread showing the hypocrisy of attractive characters in videogames. Ironically, the Persona games were developed by people that experienced such prejudice in real life.

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As soon as she loses weight she's monkey branching. She won't stay with the loser.

Ne Ne.

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Fatness is objectively unhealthy and is often indicative of poor self-care, self-control and motivation, so I don't have much sympathy. People who happened to be born ugly or suffered disfiguring injuries just got shafted by fate and are I agree they are wholly undeserving of being on the wrong end of the halo effect.

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I'm fat and ugly and I approve. Let the best genes be passed on.

>not taking advantage of her obvious insecurities to make her devoted to you

If you didnt make that happen before she lost weight, it's your own fault she leaves you when she does. Just because youre a loser, doesnt mean you have to play like one. That's why they have loser's brackets.

>Tfw Orange is just as thicc as the characters she draws

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They all will.
So will everyone.

She UNIRONICALLY looks like a genderbent NTR Bastard

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I'd say there are a fair few P3 S.Links which are focused around somewhat unattractive looking characters, although Nozomi is definitely the most notable, I wouldn't call The Sun, Wheel of Fortune or The Emperor characters that are drawn in an attractive looking fashion (although maybe that's just me).

Except like half of the thin persons also 0 self-control, but it's shows in different things like smoking, it's just happened that this particular person do not eating that much unlike fatty.

>Japanese are extremely materialistic and superficial
More news at 11

>implying most people aren't materialistic and superficial

Well you have to play with the hand you're dealt right.

Persona peaked with their first installment. Not saying the games after were bad, but 1>2>3>4.

dead wrong
2 > 3 > 1 >4

Fat shaming is harmful, sick and wrong. PEriod.

Nah, fat people should hit the gym and diet until they have AT LEAST an acceptable body. Ugliness should classify as a disease so that people could get affordable surgeries, plus encourage gene editing of future kids.

In the current state of the art more people get diabetes because they are fat.

The only thing harmful, sick, and wrong is the torture fatties put their bodies through.

Fat men need to hit the gym and stop being losers.
Fat women need to shovel down an extra serving every meal and get fatter for their fit men.

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Yes, but they are even more, its ingrained in their culture

Based and redpilled

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>Mitsuo was a pathetic incel with no sense of self-worth that retreated to video games seeking validation, failed to find it, and just was driven even further into despair, so deep he killed a man and took credit for two murders he didn't commit just to be recognized
>Game forgets about him half-way through and he's assumed to be executed, getting no further analysis or redemption
>"Reach out to the truth" abandoned and replaced with "you can reject the truth only if you have friends to slap some sense into you, otherwise you're fucked. Have sex."

>Akechi had a single mom so he killed dozens of people, including the parents of two of your party members, in a completely stupid but well thought out plot to kill his dad
>Game goes out of its way to paint him as a sympathetic poor thing driven to madness and isolation by society
>"THOSE ROTTEN ADULTS" stretched as far as possible to excuse the actions of a mass murderer who daddy didn't pay child support for

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>We just don't show ourselves
But I do

I know you are behind this post, Pierce!

is this to make the woman die faster so that we can have a new wife without the guilt of divorce/cheating?

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>tfw she didn't realize she was secretly a 10/10 years ago
>tfw she's fucking hot AND can draw AND a NEET
>tfw orange is taken now

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She is beautiful, thin, cute, and strong.

Lets be real, its not like you were gonna land her anyway. Still hurts tho.

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Hanako isn't rejected because of her weight, that's only part of it and used for jokes. Hanako is rejected because she's a self-absorbed cunt who thinks she's better than everyone else. The most human moment she has is leaving love letters in Yu's locker, but she never humbles herself around him, still always bragging and boasting about herself, so he and therefore doesn't give her a second thought.

Mitsuo came up in this thread and was compared to Akechi. Mitsuo too was a terrible selfish person...and so was Goro. Goro is more comparable to Adachi than Mitsuo, but all three of them are pathetic people. Adachi's redemption somehow feels more natural and believable than the one Akechi is going to get, because Adachi as a person is still an asshole, he just realized how much of an edgelord he was before when looking at Sho. Goro is just a prettyboy fujobait from the garbage that is P5, and we're just gonna have to suck it up and let them redeem him no matter how little sense it makes.

>contrarians in this thread
Good Persona games start with 3, 1 and the 2 duology are incredibly flawed in their own right in addition to being dated as fuck. They need proper remakes to fix their gameplay so it can actually work with their interesting stories.

I want to glaze her tits and face desu

Hanako was also a terrible person. I'd fuck her if she wasnt such a huge bitch.

>we'll never get a Persona/Persona parody where you get to be a charismatic villain, encouraging and manipulating fatties and uggos and other various wretched of the earth to swear themselves to you

I think Sun and Emperor are supposed to be attractive, but are sick and an asshole, respectively, so they're drawn to look worse.

literally just stop eating lmao

We should work on technology that lets them be beautiful and physically more capable. However resources are better allocated elsewhere for the time being so those people should work on themselves in areas that they can change in the meantime.

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It’s not because you eat shitty food, it’s consuming too many calories. I should know because I’m also a 350 lb fat fuck

Persona games are entirely made of anime cliches. And because of that, the quiet creepy guy gets bullied or picked on, so do any ugly people. They are all side characters, they're expendable comedy objects for the attractive and perfect yet slightly troubled beautiful teenagers. The protagonist and friends, along with the other beautiful and attractive social links, are the only people that matter or exist in world. It's no different than the shit we see in Hollywood movies.

That said, that fat fucking bitch was a cunt, so she kind of deserves it in this case.

Being fat is an easy problem to solve. Just don't buy garbage when you go to the grocery story. Cut back on sodas and snacks. Eat more fish. Cut sugar as best as you can. Intermittent fast and cut breakfast. The best way to lose weight is the lazy way. Fuck counting calories and shit.

>Persona 5
>We're a group of outcasts that need to change the mind of an oppressive society!
>We also all happen to be young, attractive, talented, smart individuals.
What did they mean by this?

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PS4 hardware can only handle 21 social links at a time, bad enough they used up one on some old geezer, don't need to waste another on Mrs. Butterface

the fuck does that have to do with hardware?

That's the good post. Fuck fat incel losers kill yourselves.

Goddamn I wish she’d draw her girls as fat as she is.

>t. Never talked to an old fart outside of his family
Most old people are just as clueless as the rest of us

What's her art account?


Daily reminder Adachi saved the world and therefore his crimes are forgiven by karma.


ITT: brainwashed americans

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Yosuke is a qt tho

What do you wear?
Cargo short with sandals and socks?



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Japan is hyper hypocritical and contradictory what the fuck else is new

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Everyone is hyper hypocritical and contradictory, what the fuck else is new?