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how come there's not STALKER loli mods
why? the game's fucking terrible
STALKER is one of those games that Yea Forums raves on and on about because 1% of it is good.
But 99% of it is not good. 99% of it is a clunky washed-out mess built on the worst engine known to man.
life in the zone is tough and lacks such luxuries
maybe I fucking will. any recommendations? I loved arsenal overhaul and autumn aurora
I did its clunky russian shit
Vanilla Stalker is garbage.
Everything Russians do it's clunky
Joint Pak 2
AMK 1.4
New Arsenal 5.1 or whatever the newest version is
Stay away from CoCk shit though
that's why you mod it
Wait for STALKER 2. UE4 is pretty mod friendly.
Hot grabage opinions. But still opinions none the less.
>get a sudden urge to replay stalker for the first time in like 5 years
>start looking for a good soc mod to ease me back in
>see anomaly just released
>despite an updated engine its even jankier than i remember and so slam packed full of unexplained featurecreep symptoms im just immediately turned off the feeling altogether
If I get the urge to play SoC again i'll just stick to AMK 1.4, unless the newer AMKs are any good.
NO. The shooting and damage system is fucking TRASH. FUCK YOU.
>nu-Yea Forums hates STALKER
>when stuff like Anomaly and the new 64-bit xray engine means we're getting a new golden age of STALKER mods
>meanwhile casual as fuck crap like Fire Emblem and Smash have constant threads up at all times
Nu-Yea Forums is casualfags, and nothing but casualfags.
better than I did last time I tried to get into it
>install big mod
>game won't run
>spend hours getting game to run
>play for a little while
>never get immersed because of all the bizarre idiosyncrasies
>die to some bullshit
>game immediately crashes to xray error report when I load the last save
Just play SoC mods
CoCk and all its derivatives are hot garbage
>STALKER 2 but with lolis
The fuck are you talking about?
Back in 2007 when this game came out, Yea Forums hated it and trashed it constantly.
>muh oblivion with guns
which makes sense, because the game was a dumpster fire back then, and then they released two bad expansions for it.
Nu/v/ likes stalker. Old/v/ knew it was going to suck even before it came out.
>Narodnaya Solyanka: CUMMULATIVE PACK 2
>when 2.1 is out and translated
>better than I did last time I tried to get into it
>game won't run
>spend hours getting game to run
yeah i just didn't mention it. the anomaly launcher just crashes and eats up memory until i force close it. at one point it locked up my pc and i had to restart.
turns out the game runs just fine if i go in the bin folder and manually open the exe. loads still take upwards of 1 minute despite 16gb ram and an i7
Yea Forums experience with STALKER is play SoC vanilla and stopped playing it at the beginning
>CS and CoP
Zoomers are only good at lying and criticizing
sign me up
Cyka, Ukraine will soon be part of Russia once again as God intended.
I've been on a long Stalker hiatus after finishing JP2 when it was fresh. Been out of the loop since then.
>tfw got an ukrainian coworker
>saying this gets him furious every single time
I can understand him though. Fuck Russia leave Ukraine alone.
>modern day graffix
>solid gunplay like Project Reality/Insurgency or the like
>mod the game to play as a loli
The dream is real.
>anomaly this
>anomaly that
why do retards keep shilling for this misery derivative?
t. retard talking out of his ass
Link this to your faggy coworker if he's an actual cockhole.
A mod that replace every model with lolis is a dream of mine, especially if it were to replace all the voices with grils too.
Based anomaly living in buggy soup shitters heads rent free
Casuals bitched constantly since they kept dying to the bandits in the car park. Old Yea Forums loved it. Even moreso with stuff like ZRP, AMK, and Misery before it went full retard. Clear Sky got shit on, and rightfully so. CoP was loved as well. Newfags still come across and bitch the game is broken because "Wah bullets don't go exactly where I aim like a laser!", but Yea Forums loved this game.
Stalker secondaries who don't realize the trilogy exists and somehow think that when people talk about Stalker, they're reffering to CoCk. Same breed of retards who spout shitty memes like gopnik and cyka blyat 24/7.
STALKER is one of those games Yea Forums pretends to like to gain cred points
And for even more contrarianism, they claim only the first one (the shittiest one) is good.
>beat SoC in 2007
>beat it again later with some janky modpack
>played CS halfway through
>didn't even bother getting off the first map in CoP
STALKER was always just OK, no matter how much fluff you piled on top of it. Yea Forums just jerks it off because most people here are contrarian hipsters with nostalgia blinders.
e-every model?
>open up the game, every single thing is a loli
>your guns
>the snork
>the buildings
>even the ground
where are my bildosoldats at?
Doing my first SoC playthrough in like 3 years, what mod should I roll with?
Keep projecting,i probably played SoC before you did since i bought it day one.
I love CoC because it is the natural evolution to the STALKER formula and it excels at what the originals excelled at,immersion.
>inb4 where's my quests reeeeeeeeee
Like no one made quests mods for CoC
Ukraine should leave the new Crimean state alone.
>Casuals bitched constantly since they kept dying to the bandits in the car park.
or they bitched because the game had memory leaks and driver issues that caused it to crash every 30 minutes on 90% of hardware setups when it was released
>Back in 2007 when this game came out, Yea Forums hated it and trashed it constantly.
Not true, the was always a threat up with green texts from anons
Autumn Aurora 2 with deautumnizer
Did I give you permission to reply to me CoCk mouth breather?
this game used to be so immersive and real that i saw dreams about it
>Yea Forums hated and trashed it constantly
Did we visit the same Yea Forums? There were constant STALKAN threads up with people making a a shitload of OC, MS Paint comics and posting greentext stories. Everyone wanted to fuck bloodsuckers.
Holy fucking SEETHING
Stop trying to speak to zoomers nufags
There's nothing realistic about it you fucking faggot.
Because it's a mod that actually adds shit besides "massive gun/texture mod #52356"? The 64-bit engine makes for a far less crashy experience on my end as well. Being able to fast travel removes all the boring parts of the game as well.
And those fags were told to save often.
it turns out that the reason I loved LURK 1.05 and refused to try anything else was because of the arsenal mod it uses, and maybe the HUD
what are other similar mods in terms of feeling that don't do retarded shit with the economy and make finding armor outside of stores impossible?
>it's been 12 years but there's still no mod that makes everyone an anime girl, loli or otherwise
these threads were made by the same dozen people
No one on Yea Forums cares about janky russian fps
Thank you brother
All I remember is lots of bitching about the looong list of features that didn't make it into the game. Forum talk about stalker mostly revolved around which rain dances would get the game to work properly.
>t. zoom zoom
it doesn't count if you came here in 2015 and found out about stalker then
>mod that actually adds shit
keep being delusional while i play mods with new gameplay mechanics, 3d scopes AND new storylines
>forum talk
>admitting he wasn't actually on Yea Forums, and is thus nu-Yea Forums trying to tell people what it was like
Yeah, you newfags need to learn to STFU. What is it with you retarded zoomers and trying to tell everyone else what history was like? Why do you all enjoying LARPing so much?
>And those fags were told to save often.
>HDD only
>loading up the xray engine for the 7th time that evening
>turn graphics down even lower, starting to lose hope
>takes 5-6 minutes to load the save each time
>still crashes when you get to the part with the cutscene
yep, sounds like Yea Forums
>t. boom boom pseud
Ha-ha. No.
If you weren't on multiple forums pre-2010, you were (and still are) a faggot. Yea Forums didn't like STALKER and neither did most other people.
Don't tell me its soupshit or i'm going to have a laugh
>check anomaly
>new gameplay mechanics
>3d scopes
>new storylines
What did this user mean by this?
This faggot never made it past the feral dogs in the cordon.
Yes. And it comes with the territory.
Why every overhaul mod reactivates miracle machine n brain scorcher?
>Yea Forums didn't like STALKER and neither did most other people.
There was a near constant daily thread back in 2008/2009.
it's whatever you want it to be
more than 1 mod exists
>>new storylines
But I am.
Fucking weebs.
>muh lolis
God, I hate you anime obsessed cümbrains. Stick to /e/ and keep your gay shit out of my gritty slavpunk.
He can't even quote a post properly. Just ignore the obvious newfag zoomer trying to LARP, and lets get back to talkin about STALKIN.
Did that weapon overhaul mod with new animations and ballistics get released for CoC yet?
see I played STALKER quite a bit when it came out.
It was NEVER good; it was just the only game in town when it came to freeroam FPS. All the things people shit on Bethesda for are present in STALKER x100.
Read the page for Anomaly, adds in 4 new quests.
I mean CoP.
look, user
I just want to kill dudes and monsters, loot cool guns, hoard and sell artifacts, but also be a cute little girl at the same time
Stalkercucks are the vegans of videgames
This movie is a spacetime anomaly. You watch for two hours and realize that only 10 minutes has elapsed of the full movie and you're a decade older when you finish it.
play зoлoтoй шap, it adds a whole new storyline
>A daily thread
take a look at the catalog and marvel at how many terrible games get daily threads
I have SoC, CoP, CS, but I’ve only played CoC. It’s really fun playing as a Monolith
Russia doesn't have the manpower, the money, and the politicians to secure Ukraine.
>playing as a Monolith
Fucking how? It just reverses the Zone with you starting at the center and fighting your way outside. Your only merchant is in Pripyat. Fuck, Military and Bandit playthroughs are more fun. Zone is full of enemies for you but atleast you have some friends so you don't need to go by the see it=shoot it logic.
Anomaly 1.5 beta has a whole questline, that starts with Strelok supposedly returning to the zone. Haven't meet him yet, have to go deactivate the scorcher first.
CoC is the STALKER experience distilled. Get fugged.
Turns it into a pretty hardcore survival FPS.
you're hot garbage
Is there a torrent for the entirety of the latest Anomaly version? Don't wanna download 3 gig chunks off of Moddb.
Maybe in the beginning. But once you got some okay gear and sell a few artifacts, you are set.
I swear I see this exact fucking post every thread
CoC is potentially way harder than any Stalker game,just the ability to have Ironman modes makes a whole lotta difference.
Its just one guy that is obsessed with hating CoC for whatever reason.
It's just vanilla stalker with graphics mods, vanilla stalker kind of loses it's charm after you've found every single hidden item location and know them by memory. Also I couldn't stand how the pistol recoil animation makes it look like your shots are pulling to the left.
Can't find a proper high quality english version.
Doesn't include the hotfix
But it's hard and scary
is what your mom said when I fucked her
just so you know: some of the STALKER 2 devs shitpost on Yea Forums and /vg/ regularly
and I may be one of them
Joke's on you, my mom only fucks niggers
Should i try anomaly? The only mods ive played were misery and COC
Go overdose on Pepsi, Sergay
That's awesome then, because I really enjoyed the vanilla experience. Can't wait to see the mods you recommend that will blow my mind.
SHoC and ZRP is all you need, faggot. And it still holds up and always will.
prove it
will there be lolis?
It can be like Misery but its not shit
Your first post is bullshit, the second one is true.
English version??
>Russia doesn't have the manpower, the money to secure Ukraine
Since fucking WHEN?
Tell me how close Sergei is to buying another Ferrari.
Active personnel
Reserve personnel
You're a fucking retard.
Is Yea Forums tough enough for the ultimate CBT experience?
>english version
Why would you watch a literal soviet kino in english?
Being a Ukrainian must be epic, you make poles upset and make Russians from /int/ LITERALLY SEETHING while trying to spam their propaganda videos by just existing.
do these achievements even do anything like in CoP?
I'm more of a wandering around, get into trouble, maybe hang out with some STALKERS kinda guy.
I mean english subs you dodos.
To be even clunkier
>>takes 5-6 minutes to load the save each time
It takes like 30 seconds in a 2.5" 5000rpm hdd, what the fuck?
Yes,mostly they change spawn rates and other minor stuff like that,they now added new ones that include the possibility to unlock the three new factions.
So you can turn them off again.
>muh tryhard /k/shit
Take your homoeroticism back to /y/, faggot.
you can be a /k/ommando but also want to be the little girl, user
>Can't find a proper high quality english version
Based, we need to localize everything or else we risk the future of the American race.
I always play STALKER the same way and it feels wrong, but I dont know if I should search shit online about it. I dont care for modding much, so its vanilla and its always like this
>start in swampy area
>get told by pda to go to rusty boat
>theres some dudes there, do some missions, maybe 3
>find base with buncha dudes who I wanna loot
>beat them eventually, get decent stuff
>get confused on how to proceed
>stop playing for 4 months
CoP by the way, its the one I like the most so far. Ive put about 24 hours into it and my post sums up them all over the course of starting a new game probably 6 times.
Is there a beginner guide on how to properly enjoy the series?
Because scripting something else would be a bitch
>Fucking how?
by pushing these stalkers off my land. you're all fucking things up for papa c-con. its also very fun to consider everyone that isnt directly your faction an enemy.
>its also very fun to consider everyone that isnt directly your faction an enemy
That's what I don't get. I did a Bandit run to the NPP and back. And it was really tiresome.
>EOP gets filtered
You roleplay
You want to hail the Rock and you want the dumb vermin with guns to fuck off
I don't think there's much cure for having a short attention span.
i turn on warfare for my monolith runs and my only objective to to kill everyone that isnt monolith. leave nothing that isnt a mutant or for the c-con. i enjoy walking between major bases i've taken control over for monolith, explorin areas i love, and bullying freedom.
basically this
Press P and look at your PDA numb-nuts
>short attention span
thats your opinion, im definitely cool with playing it for a long period of time if I was enjoying it more, but it feels like im missing something
>pda tells me to go to rusty boat
>implying i dont know how to open the pda
Who hung up their jerky on the side of a building? lmao only the environments hold up in Stalker all the people & creatures look like shit and the jank gameplay can't be fixed despite the attempts of modders.
And that's a good thing
It updates after you progress through a quest, retard. Once you do the objective it literally fucking says "Updated PDA" on the left. You want new quests? Talk to the guys in the boat, it's that simple. Just go watch Netflix if you are too dumb to even try playing the game.
>how to proceed
>do missions
>explore copters
>go to Pripyat
>shoot mercs&monolith
>fly away
>Started game 6 times
>Always stop at same spot
m8 you got a short attention span
>find a bandit
>ask him for work
>"bring me 5 Duty patches"
>that's pretty easy since i already have them
>gives me an artifact in return
>accidentally walk into an anomaly shortly after
>have to reload
>ask him for a job again
>"bring me five improvised military stimpacks"
>my bad taste can't be fixed
which one do you all recommend to start out with?
Shadow of Chernobyl with AMK 1.4
SoC with ZRP to get acquainted with the story and mechanics
Shadow of Chernobyl with ZRP
ok buds
if its just that then i guess its probably not a good series for me
not wholly into the feeling of something constantly going over my head
i like the atmosphere, i like the weapons, and i like the concepts, but the way they are brought together just seems not lazy, but maybe halfhazardly strewn into itself with an air of the whole "figure it out" psuedo-elitism that sort of detracts from anything that isnt inherently simple from the get
just my opinion, and i was wondering if there was something that would change my mind and this thread seemed like a good place to spitball
where is all this stuff?????
>AA2 2.2
>Codebro's unofficial patch v 1.0008b
Nigger, are you telling me you are too dumb to do missions in an FPS game?
>>accidentally walk into an anomaly
Just AA2 is good enough without the extra autism
You fucking retard
remember when MISERY came out and someone on Yea Forums had to unfuck it
had to literally download a patch called misery unfucker
those were good times
what a shitty fucking mod though
Try getting the latest freeplay mod, Anomaly.
It's completely standalone; don't need any of the STALKER games to play it. You might like it more. I don't even play any of the series games anymore, myself. Just boot it up, drop in somewhere, and have at it. My ultimate go-to.
> "figure it out" psuedo-elitism
You're just an impatient retard with brain-rot from all the ritalin you took during your childhood.
I tried MISERY. And found out they didn't make shit difficult just more tedious.
Ah so this is the power of communism?
>halfhazardly strewn into itself with an air of the whole "figure it out" psuedo-elitism that sort of detracts from anything
Git gud, fgt.
nah, i already said i do the missions initially
might give it a go, thanks for the resource
do you know what the word "it" means in the phrase "figure it out" from when i used it
>implying you cant be good at a game and hold opinions about it
Then go play the franchise in order if you don't want to be "figuring out" the in-universe lore by the 3rd game, retard.
or maybe the /vg/ guys have that stuff
Last time I played STALKER was when the latest Misery version was released (it's been a while I know). Is Anomaly just as tedious?
it really was just more tedious
plus major butterfingers could drop ANYTHING, and I dropped my knife somewhere in the burnt farmstead and going in there drains your health like crazy in misery so fuck it
What is the essential SLAV ZONE mod that isn't going to crash every 30 seconds?
whats wrong with all the CoC branches?
>in universe lore
when did i mention that
any of the Soup mods, LEGENDARY or SGM
This is the correct answer for new STALKERs. It's the vanilla game with some bugfixes and minor annoyances removed(optional). I also like that you can set timescale to 1:1. Then you should give Clear Sky a try to understand the grenades meme. Then play CoP vanilla. Once you've played the vanilla experience and want more, you have many options. Pic related is old, but still useful.
Anomaly is the latest and most stable.
I played Pripyat. Wasn't that amazing and was pretty short. Don't see much reason to play the others now.
Its as tedius as you want it to be
Should've played SoC first
It has Misery root, but the tedium is adjustable?
Like running naked and scurrying for safety at any mention of a fight for 30 hours?
Can do
Want some stalkin' with more features?
Can do
And anything in between
It's Misery (or a fork of a fork of Misery) with it's own seperate balancing, and basically everything can be balanced to your desire through in-game menus.
Anomaly's goal isn't to make an uber realistic tough guy STALKER. More so an end-all, be-all synthesis of STALKER freeplay.
>Q. The game is too easy/hard for my taste, how can I change that?
>A. A variaty of options have been added in Anomaly 1.5 that allows the player to control a wide variety of difficulty aspects.
Load your current save, and go to "Extra Options" in the main menu, then check out "Progression Difficulty" and "Gameplay Difficulty"
"Progression Difficulty" options control the economy aspects in the Zone, while the latter affects the player character's abilities directly.
You can find a full explaination in the "Enyclopedia, Features" category.
>Q. The Zone feels empty most of the time, how can I fix that?
>A. Make sure that the "Offline Simulation" option is off. You can find it in Options (Main) -> Gameplay Settings
Then you can try increasing the population factors in the gameplay settings, keep in mind that the biggest effect happens when you start a new game. Otherwise, the Zone will takes time to be filled with stalkers and mutants.
the good shit
And you shouldn't, SoC is the only good one and it's awful by the end
Clear Sky is a long point capture match with some
Zone inbetween and rehashed locations with minimal additions, graphics were godly back in the day tho
when's gunslinger?
>hearing autistic weirdos on Yea Forums blowing slav shit show for years
>check it out
>objective: get to a helicopter
>no way up to the helicopter
>objective: get to some other place
>no way around a minefield surrounding it
>get too bored of boring gameplay to explore ways to objectives
>uninstall.exe, refund.exe
So I was right, it's a garbage game loved by autists with no employment.
literally never
also, should I go with DX11 in the anomaly settings?
STALKER does not have female NPCs. I always play stalker when I am pissed at women.
my biggest issue is the clusterfuck that is the repair system. who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have 3+ ways of repairing every single piece of equipment but only one functional way (paying) since all the others require scouting super specific parts that require maintenance which in turn requires scouting maintenance materials.
God fuck this absolute clusterfuck
Wouldn’t be surprised if he put it in drive, hopped out, and watched it roll into a lake after seeing the estimate for his first 15k maintenance and upkeep on it.
well it should have loli npcs
Heres a question, why do you play STALKER?
Is it for exploran, shootan, missions, story?
I raise with slav shitposting bass
>scouting super specific parts
Just fucking harvest armor off of the dead, and break it down. Sell the shit you can't use, since materials are typically more accepted than damaged armor by traders. You need gas cylinders or exo-suit parts? Break down exo-suits. Obviously a cloth facemask won't do you any good if you are looking for filter parts. I make more rubles selling armor parts and ammo for weapons I don't use than anything else. With the new version removing Worn and Rusted weapons from spawning, weapon parts are probably going to be worth selling now.
My only complaint is any helmet with a visor is nearly unusable at night before you get either nightvision or the addon that makes the view clearer.
all of that.
it's still a pointless layer of micromanagement that doesn't add anything of value and bloats the item pool
delete this right this instant
DX11 works for me but not some other people
It prevents armor upgrades from just being a matter of throwing money at the repair guy, giving the player incentive to take on more powerful opponents to get the materials needed to upgrade. How does that add nothing of value?
>bloats item pool
Oh noes, occasionally some dead guy has some cloth in his inventory with the money, armor, weapon, and ammo. This is truly the end of STALKER as we know it.
You are complaining about having an option.
Watch Andrei Rublev
I am known to drink a lot of vodka.
just carry gunspray and emergency tape and dont let your shit go under 85% you absolute tourist
stalkerfags aren't pedophiles
it's ok user
loli isn't real so that makes it ok
fucking retard
>dodges the topic
>giving the player incentive to take on more powerful opponents
but money based upgrading does that too since you want to go for more powerful enemies since they carry more valuable equipment and thus you gain more money to afford your more expensive upgrades
>Oh noes, occasionally some dead guy has some cloth in his inventory
and a hundred different weapon parts
and a hundred different cleaning/repair tools
this is especially prevalent in trader inventories. shit's insanely bloated
You are legitimately a fucking stupid human being.
being sexually attracted to little girls makes u a pedophile regardless of their existence desu
1 - Freedom
2 - Duty
3 - Mercenary
4 - Clear Sky
5 - Loner
6 - Bandit
7 - Ecologist
8 - Monolith
9 - Miliatry
>its a finding expert tools before beginner tools episode
it's ok user
one day there will be mods and we'll both be able to finally be the little girl in STALKER
Do games this old ever go on sale on steam ?
/tg/ made (or at least made some progress on) that loli stalker visual novel if my memory serves.
t. pedophile
if there hasn't been loli mods in 12 years what makes u think one will suddenly pop up now lmao
why wouldn't one pop up, user? there will be loli mods for everyone soon
youre probably the sort of tisty to use the optimal strategy to farm a million dollars and still pick up every shitty item to sell for tens of dollars
Do any of the STALKER games feature the hospital and the basement full of highly radioactive fireman uniforms? How could this be incorporated into the game?
>hospital and the basement full of highly radioactive fireman uniforms
>Every has already heard about the basement of the Pripyat hospital No. 126. This is the place, where all the clothes and accessories of the firefighters and employees, which were fighting with the fire at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, are laying. Pripyat hospital was nursing these people right after the disaster back in 1986. The firefighters and other liquidators got so many radiation, that they died within a year from radiation sickness. Their clothes are, however, still there, buried and emitting dangerous doses of radiation.
if i did that then i would be playing bethesda trash instead of stalker
why else? stalker is the patrician's game, after all
>how could this be incorporated into the game
easy, just make certain areas have high radiation
Well, there is a hospital, but we don't talk about it.
>All the fucking ammo bloat
Jesus fuck Christ, hopefully they wise up like they did for (Worn) and (Rusty) shit and just have AP/HP/Normal/Shitty for most ammo types.
Based newfags.
i would but it melts my laptop
>new 64-bit xray engine
>tfw no reaction pic because one of my neighbours has been shitposting
Play New Vegas
- better story
- memorable characters
- a world worth exploring
- gunplay that isn't dog shit
fell asleep trying to finish this
>gunplay that isn't dog shit
I don't play Stalker games for the story,in fact i don't play any games for the story but VNs.
based gameplay chad
Stalk P.L.A.Y.E.R
I decided to try and finally play through clear sky the other day, but dropped it again after the swamps. Don't know what makes it that way, but I just cant get into it unlike the other 2 games which I played to death
most of my playthroughs are finding 4x beginner and expert and being near completion before getting advanced.
We are finally home boys
Play with my wiener lmao
What a badass
>gunplay that isn't dogshit
I love both games
It has the weakest level design, by far.
like you know anything about game engines my little newfriend.
what an idiot.
too bad you were not around when it first hit. i feel sorry for all those faggots like you pretending all day on here just to get some kind of approval from the same faggots like you infesting the whole fucking internet.
i hate you all, you are the reason its all shit now. fuck you.
Since when your economy went to shit in the 90s. Fuck off Vatnik. You subhumans are more obnoxious than niggers.
Read Roadside Picnic
And they'll die at the hands of Ukraine, and hopefully America. Along with the rest of the civilized world. You vodkaniggers are the worst "humans" alive.
Visit Chernobyl.
>someone saved my shitty pseudomutt edit
any mods that more rooms and details to the power plant?
But stalker is oblivion lost
>unironic asshurt cockholes and libshits ITT who believe ukies are at war with russia
O, my sides.
>Play OLR
>SoC the worst one.
M8 pls stop embarrassing yourself
>99% is not good
>Hillary has a 99% chance to win
>Wait for STALKER 2. UE4 is pretty mod friendly.
xray is modder's heaven, especially when your goal is something more than just a texture change or new gun. i doubt stalker 2 will be as mod-friendly as previous games
>xray is modder's heaven
Kinda, but also not really. Modding in a loli PC into STALKER would be a real pain in the ass to do. I'd say STALKER is up there on the modability list, which has been proven by time, but in terms of flexibility and just the sheer amount of how much you can change the core game with modding alone, I'd say you have a way better workflow with OG DOOM and Skyrim.
>i doubt stalker 2 will be as mod-friendly as previous games
Fair enough, I haven't really tried modding any UE4 games myself, so I can't say how much of an asspain the process is.
that's cheating tho since the true flexibility only happened with source ports
>the true flexibility only happened with source ports
I'd consider Gold Source and Source it's own thing by that point. Which I somehow completely forgot about. What I meant by OG Doom mods is that there's still some pretty impressive overhauls coming out to this day. Some of them completely changing the core mechanics and the looks of the game. STALKER mods, for the most part, are still STALKER.
Oh please just fuck off my man, SoC best and CoP generally 2nd is/was the consensus
Yea Forums has always bummed off of stalker - due to the unique mix of comfy, slavic goodness and spook with a little sprinkle of niche (semi obtuse) mechanics
Not sure what's caused this influx of nausy dickheads complaining about a series they haven't played though (although clear sky is v rough), did a new mod pack come out recently that casualises SoC or CoP again?
Or AMK if you can be arsed to jig around a fair bit
Tbf they both offer different things so have a nosy at both
>mfw Anomaly finished torrenting but I have to wageslave
I'll be sure to post webms and screenshots of my adventures over the next few STALKER threads.
I'm not talking about the source engine.
I mean that doom moddability only really kicked off beyond minor palette swaps thanks to source ports (eg gzdoom) that are so massively different from og doom that they can be barely even compared.
I almost never find any.
Expert tools? I just found another one but still no beginner or advanced tools,fucking hell.
Oh, ok. Now I see what you mean. Yeah, I guess that's a fair point.
What does everyone think of Ray of Hope?
Somehow they will fuck it up
Either that, or every server will be full of ruskies so nothing for us
I believe that STALKER 2 will come out before it and Gunslinger.
Women don't belong in stalker.
It's the gamer version of a fishing trip with the lads.
And olr 3.0
b-but i have user
Very based. Plus New Vegas has Stalker beat in the melee and unarmed weapons department. If I can't punch mutants to death, what's the point? Explain this, Stalkerbabs
He might be referring to:
There's also another 64-bit fork specifically for the Anomaly mod:
I had no idea they'd open-sourced the original engine or that there were active projects to maintain and improve it. Holy shit!
Yeah I'm betting you uninstall it before you even make it out of cordon. None of these standalone mods are fun. They're made by russians and russians only know how to make shitty things.
That would be kinda retarded.
Melee is viable in Fallout because there aren't that many firearms and there's armor better than anything we have in real life.
In STALKER however there's a steady influx of weapons from outside the zone and the strongest mutants either ignore armor or have psychic powers you can't defend against without certain artifacts.
You can still knife several weak mutants species pretty easily though.
Based. UE4 is a great creator's engine, but it's shit for modding. Mainly due to the lack of native overrides (replacing default values/functionality of classes).
Where to buy stashes that i can place in Anomaly? I remember every merchant having them in the old version.
>kinda retarded
>the Zone
>psychic powers
>but a ballistic fist is retarded and goofy and out this realm
miss me with that dinky ass knife
In-universe consistency is important.
Also I don't think anyone has ever argued that fist weapons aren't retarded, because they are.
you make them with any backpack by right clicking
what if everyone in stalker is a loli though
even the mutants
hideous topless loli controllers, screeching loli snorks, terrifying loli bloodsuckers
it'd be great
>STALKER is one of those games that Yea Forums raves on and on about because 1% of it is good
Add Morrowind to that list
I suspected it was something like that,by removing the old item they are going to create confusion.
Just tried out Anomaly and found it to be pretty bad. I guess I don't really like mods that try to overhaul everything to the point where turning on your flashlight becomes a chore.
Headlamps exist but you are probably going to bitch that you need to change batteries every now and then
Protip:you can tweak anything in the menus if you really want to
Not just expert, tools in general.
>gunplay that isn't dog shit
>install mod
>pitch black even at noon
>autistic item variety and every obscure soviet/russian vaporwave shit is included, down to the last bolt carrier group variation
>doesn't matter anyway because you get 12 rounds for your whole playthrough
>anomaly are 5000% bigger because le zone
>mini gam- extra survival mechanics out the ass
Patched vanilla was a 8/10 game mechanically even with scrapped ideas and many mods hurt it. Prove me wrong.
I mean I started out with a flashlight and couldn't get it working. Tried removing batteries then it wouldn't let me put them back in. And it's not just that, it's the weird stuff like making an animation play every time I equip something, not letting me grab loot because "people are watching" when they're not, stalkers nonstop chatting on the text thing, loud annoying grunting nonstop when at low health, anomalies being totally fucking invisible with no realistic way to know where they are unless you throw your now finite bolts everywhere you go, along with a billion other things that just confused the hell out of me after 10 minutes of playing. I couldn't even tell what killed me the last time I died. No gunshot or anything, I just suddenly got blood on my screen and died while chilling near the bus stop in the first level.
yea i learned it from the loading screen i think
also quicksave before you make stashes cause sometimes it glitches and creates nothing
To activate the hand flashlight you need to press O not L
>it's the weird stuff like making an animation play every time I equip something
You can disable that
>not letting me grab loot because "people are watching" when they're not
>stalkers nonstop chatting on the text thing
You can modify that or even disable it all together
>loud annoying grunting nonstop when at low health
>anomalies being totally fucking invisible with no realistic way to know where they are unless you throw your now finite bolts everywhere you go
Not all anomalies are invisible,they all make sounds and you can reactivate the beeping sound when you are close an anomaly in the menu
>I just suddenly got blood on my screen and died while chilling near the bus stop in the first level
Probably radiations,check the small icons on your right part of the screen
Based Pollackbro
Already did and now it just bores me. Point & click gameplay really is the most shallow imaginable.
Yeah that pretty much sums up stalker anomaly. A waste of fucking time, all of these slav mods are. You download them, find out they're impossible to play and then you spend a week downloading addons to get the gameplay even close to anything fun. And it's not as simple as changing some sliders in the menu like the shills would have you believe.
Its not even a slav mod lmao
>dude just disable everything that makes it different from vanilla!
>Call of Chernobyl
>Going back to 100 Rads because I just finished a VIP Assassination job
>As I'm transferring from Wild Territory to Rostok I see the group of soldiers I always pass by fighting a bloodsucker
>They can't hit it for shit and tend to stop firing so they don't hit their friends
>One guy has the brilliant idea to throw a pineapple grenade
>The bloodsucker and whole squad die
Mission accomplished, but at what cost?
Well there is no button to disable your retardation i'm afraid
The whole idea of a ballistic fist is dumb as shit to begin with; if you're punching with increased force somehow then you feel an equal and opposite force in your wrist, arm and shoulder. Simply put it would break your hand. The power fist was originally a stun gun built into a glove and actually made some sense in operation.
>first stalker playthrough
>get to the end, hmm what's this cutscene
>"i want... to be RICH"
>protagonist hallucinates about money and gets rekt
>d-did i do something wrong, zone-sama?
seriously what were they trying to get me to do
you had too many rubles on you
seriously, that's why
Explore and uncover the Zone's mysteries, dummy.
you missed the shitty sidequest the game gives you automatically to get the other ending.
>get to monolith
what the fuck is this a good ending or bad ending. They all seem like bad ending but this one seems like the least bad?
any ending involving going to the monolith was the bad end
You were bamboozled.
is that jill's face from REmake
I've been playing for like an hour and really like it. It's nice that if there's something that starts getting on my nerves I can most likely tweak it to my satisfaction in the options menu.
Both difficulty settings at max though so most of the past hour has been dying to boars or Eagle-eye over at the Cordon, sniffing my diet sausage farts from his post.
I wouldn't be surprised
Most mods add too much shit. All fo that k-wannabe crap could be simply replaced with toolkits.
Vanilla had some elegance to it by virtue of simplicity. All the mods do is clutter it up. Sure, they fix stuff and add some of the features that are neat, but for most part - they just clutter shit up.
I want New Vegas + Stalker + C&C Tiberian Sun/Tiberium Wars + Fallout Tactics + Rage.
>Start a new game of CoC
>Already planning to go for quite a number of hours before I have a chance to find my raifu
>I end up finding it 5 minutes into the game on some Military guy that was roaming the car park in Cordon for literally no reason
Found one set of advanced tools in a stash in Agroprom. No bloody idea where i should find basic ones or the other advanced ones.
>atleast 4 techies
>all want tool kits
Jesus, why.
As someone who has played every single mod in existance I enjoy CoC for its free form concept.
>shot someone point blank with a rifle
>does nothing
yeah good game
all of these tweaks are utter garbage
why would i want an ammo wheel when toggle works fine
the recoil is STUPID as FUCK
the visor water is dumb and doesn't make any sense given the masks available
I've been playing CoP after a similar thread 3 days ago. Why is it so grindy though? When you go into anomalies hunting for artifacts you get hurt, which damages your gear, which you then need to repair, which costs money, eating up some of the cash you get for artifacts. An annoying treadmill. Also, no one sells sniper rifles or ammo to them, as far as I can tell, less comfy stalker times, only one equipment seller per map, can't even find any Freedom presence beside one valley near station.
Oh fuck, that's what the tunnel in Spatial Anomaly is from.
The Wish Granter is Calypso from Twisted Metal in the form of a giant rock.
And/or that's what you get for trusting the Monolith.
spotted the guy playing on any diffuculty that isnt master
Someone must have the webm
Two things to consider: getting hurt by the actual anomalies should not be happening. If you take your time and throw bolts constantly to be sure of where you're walking, you should never take damage from things like gravitational anomalies or electric anomalies. Now, things like burning anomalies or chemical anomalies can certainly do damage over time over the entire area of the anomaly even if you don't step on a flame or acid, but the idea with those is that you get enough money over time to eventually buy the suits that can resist that stuff in the first place.
I tried 4-5 but I just cant get into the game.
i did play on master though. even if i wasn't, how is this acceptable?
Playing below Master isn't acceptable, you play yourself by letting the game ruin itself.
If you were playing on Master, you missed or their vest/exo resisted enough damage for them to survive.
Load AP rounds or use a higher caliber, faggot. Aim for the head, use your ironsights.
fuck. you.
I find it funny how I keep seeing these posts yet I never run into this myself. TTK in the STALKER games is in fact extremely low compared to just about any other game out there if you understand the types of ammo you have, what suit your enemy is wearing, and if you can actually aim. Part of the reason I come back to this game is precisely because I can kill so fast and I can also be killed so fast.
I'm just tired of always replaying the same maps and missions
Thanks for the advice.
>electric anomalies
I always have a feeling that they are too close to each other to not hurt you, but maybe I'm just rushing too much.
>buy the suits that can resist that stuff
Yeah, they cost even more to repair though.
There are suits that take a really long ass time to degrade in anomalies, like the SEVA suit, one of the high-end suits made for artifact hunting. You should never be going on expeditions for too long that your suit inevitably degrades itself so much anyway. About 3 or 4 artifacts in a go is more than enough. When I do that and go back to camp, I pay like 100 RU to fix my suit and I end up making lods of emone from my artifacts.
Have you reached the bar?
>SEVA suit
Yeah, I was going to buy that, thanks again for the advice.
But user...
He's right, you know
1st time making a doodle for stalker threads
lurked on and off for years
i miss the comfy old days
>"wellll sdalker! sit down! take a load off!... tell us some tales when you were in the zone, around this nice warm firepit.."
>30+ reddit tabs