Absolute state of strong female protagonists

Absolute state of strong female protagonists.

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I wouldn't kick any of those women out of bed.


Those are 16-18 year-old boys

Why does stronk wahmin look masculine?

That slut in the middle doesn't even look like that in the game

Jesus, Alloy actually looks feminine compared to the other two.


probably because your gay senpai

Now I finally understand what they meant by "strong" females in video games. They just wanted females with high testosterone.
That would also explain why the stories featuring these "stronk" females are always shitty and that these women never actually are strong personality-wise or in any of their characteristics other than looking gross and masculinized.

>we need a strong female character
>proceeds to make a female look and behave exactly like how a male would

Western gaming everybody.

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Who are those first 2 ''females'' on that pic?

>I can’t play games with ugly females becau .....AAAGGHHH....... I’M COOMING

they've been doing that for awhile now and not just games

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White people can't stand attractive women, so it makes sense.

When Aloy is the best looking one you know someone fucked up.

And holy shit the chin on that Jay Leno cunt on the left.

> ...and behave exactly like how a male would

They're not even that.
They never display any actual dominance. They are always as frail, fragile and useless as before, but now they actually look more masculine.


>proceeds to make a female look and behave exactly like how a male would
this never happens

I like them like that.

>I can't play games with sexy females because it makes me uncomfortable and mommy might get mad.

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They want the women to be men - stronk, independent, fearless, courageous, etc. Usually wrapped up in a word like “badass.” They also want the men to be women - soft, emotional, weak, dependent on others. Look at any nu-male or any writing on “toxic masculinity” and they say this explicitly.

Attached: all western female video game characters.jpg (500x471, 30K)


What the fuck went wrong? Arguably the most acclaimed RPG ever had two female protagonists, both were angsty yet well written teenage girls. Nowadays everyone is a generic mary stu or bland sexual Fanservice object

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>that filename
Overwatch says otherwise, yeah it's shit, but's it's good looking shit

Exactly. It's an inversion, a twisted and perverted subversion of how we evolved as a species for thousands of years. We're literally living this, right now. It's absolutely anti-natural though. It is pushed by very vocal minorities and lemme tell you: It's not going to end well.

>strong female character
>alien ripley
Cameron made her a strong female character by turning her into a marine. Alien Ripley was a corporate lacky and bit of a bitch who survived by luck and not much else. For example, the scene with the missing facehugger in Alien where Ripley screams like a girl and hides behind Dallas holding on to him is not how a male behaves.

What do you guys and gals consider male and female traits.

Imagine if they had manly Street Fighter feet as well and bodybuilder bodies with strong asscheeks and tits that are basically pecks and large penis-like clits. It's like being gay without being gay.

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yeah, they're literally just guys with boobs, and small ones at that.

For example, the scene with the missing facehugger in Alien where Ripley screams like a girl and hides behind Dallas holding on to him is not how a male behaves.
Yeah because none of the male actors lost their shit at the chest burster, also retard, the character is called Ellen Ripley and was originally written for a male actor.
Do some fucking research before you pull your ALIENS bullshit card.

Because this site is full of hormonally stressed teenage boys who don't know how to search for porn correctly

Not necessarily true.

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She exudes femininity

I'd tell you to have sex, but lets be honest. Complaining about female faces and getting a few (You)'s is the opus magnum of your life.

Here you go user, you can have it all.

Is there even a memorable western game female protag besides lara croft? I don't think these creatures will ever be remembered 5-10 yrs from now
but ill probably remember bayonetta even after 5 yrs since i fapped to her often

looking like a male/female

I mean most women and men do not look like anything drawn. And even then, considering this, they still look like women.

>look and behave exactly like how a male would


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Cameron didn't make her a marine. In aliens, she's riding along with marines because she's has prior experience with the aliens, and WY said they'd reinstate her liscense to fly if she joined them. The only reason she turned into "stronk female protagonist" was because her maternal instincts kicked in when she found Newt.
David Fincher made her a marine? Why? No fucking clue, she just was suddenly a marine Lieutenant at the beginning of the movie. Good thing Alien 3 isnt canon... right?

This was the lowest IQ post I've seen in a while

And most of male and female specimen of species known as humans come in very different packages of DNA configuration and builds.

my empire of dirt

Actress from on the left isn't that bad looking IRL. Not the hottest woman in the world, but she only looks like a tranny in that one screenshot.

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lesbians are subhumans

I just want to see writers do "fierce in battle but feminine outside" for women more.

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So many cringecels itt

you sound like a tranny apologist

1:1 recreation of the actress
>reeee she's not what a real woman looks like, so fed up with unattainable standards set by hwite male
i mean, did you look at twhat the (female) devs look like ? it's self explanatory

I do not hate them if that counts. As long as they do not hurt anyone, they can whatever they want.

yeah and they chose that mannish looking broad
she didnt fall from the sky
they could have chosen an attractive specimen but no

Sure, nothing wrong with that. I like that in men and women.

>I just want to see writers do "fierce in battle but feminine outside" for women more.
This. I want a chick (in vidya and IRL) who can slay bodies when it's time to rock, but also maintain her femininity. Women don't need to be men in order to be strong or talented by their own standards/merits.

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>she just was suddenly a marine Lieutenant at the beginning of the movie
Ripley was an officer since the first film, idiot. And Alien 3 made her the marine? Really? I must have missed the part in Alien 3 where Ripley duct taped a machine gun to a flamethrower and had a mech battle with a giant alien. What I do remember is she was almost gang raped until a man saved her.

And what are those traits.

>mannish looking
Trannies are less than 1% of the population, and usually have visible stubble. I think you're just seeing things. And there are FAR more masculine, less attractive looking women than that.

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>what are feminine traits

because strong is a masculine feature.

She was the ship's Warrant Officer on the Nostromo, a civilian vessel. Civilian ships still have Captains, WO's, MA's, etc. In Aliens after she's stripped of her position by WY, she begins working at the docks using a power loader. She wasn't military until Alien 3, retard.

Being the heart and the moral compass of the family unit, where the man is the head and leader.
In addition to that, she should also be able to take care of herself when her man is not around.
Softer than a man, but not a fragile teacup. A mama bear who will still fuck your shit up if provoked.


>i can't play games unless i can fap to the female characters

Nobody wants to luck at ugly people, not even ugly people. This ugly acceptance and misusing the word "beautiful" are pathetic attempts by the mentally ill to be accepted.

>everyone shares the same opinion as me

>In Aliens after she's stripped of her position by WY
She was suspended, not fired. Her reinstatement and promotion was a reward for going out to LV426.
>She wasn't military until Alien 3, retard.
She wasn't military IN Alien 3. The rank was granted by WY, not the military. Dallas was a captain but that doesn't mean he was military. Kane was the XO but that doesn't mean he was military. Why does a rank of lieutenant mean Ripley must have been military?

a chin that can pierce heavens!

>moral compass of the family unit
lmao holy shit no

Yep, and Aloy's actress is really beautiful.

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because women realized that masculinity is strength.

I share his opinion

Human history shares the same opinion as me. Every fictional God, hero, heroine etc. is a 10/10 Adonis/Sex Bomb.

Ugly is genetic weakness, ugly is an instinctive blue baller that compels you to not breed with it.

What about Claire
she is a strong female protagonist

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Control's main character really look shockingly ugly whenever you see her face in closeup. That Bruce Campbell jaw really ruins her looks.

Hope there's a mod that fixes her fucked-up face by the time it comes out on Steam.

Claire still looks weird but at least she looks clearly and obviously female.


Same. I'm just so lonely.

user that's not a fucking word and your faggot ass knows it.

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fuck crapcom


All of those are fairly attractive and not reliant on pretending to be dykes trying to be men. What went wrong?

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If we were still living under those standards, you would have been stoned to death 10 years ago

You do not find women in OP attractive? Most of Women you counted are better looking in porn. Especially 2B. And 9S is better.

Japs are based.

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Looks like a tranny. Doesn't help that she's a hag. Sorry you gotta shill so hard for Sam Lake. I want Alan Wake 2 too.

I wouldn't be trying to get them in bed in the first place.

>everything must please muh dick!1!!
fuck off cümbrain

Japs do what they want mostly

Nothing everything but women sure should. If they're not going to please my dick, then just make the characters men.

Japs make games for lonely incels because they literally don't know how to do anything else. The west doesn't have that problem. What about that is so hard to understand? Considering the west is financially doing much better than Japan it's not like the west is losing here. The only Jap company that measures up to the west is Nintendo and they aren't hugely invested in pandering to incels. Basically, contrary to what Yea Forums believes, ignoring incels is the way to be successful in the video game market, not pandering to them.


I'm thinking he is BASED

For me, it's ubisoft. The only game developer that actually knows what the fuck they're doing

Attached: the most iconic polish video game character ever.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Aloy is actually CUTE

Sure, if you like mutts.

I fail to see how that has anything to do with "ugly people are ugly and nobody wants to look at them." A distaste for ugliness does not make you want to fucking kill the person, you psycho.

Lolicons should be gassed, same for the fags that like Ellie

see people say she is ugly but for some reason she makes me feel the need to breed more than any other videogame character

Her actress looks cute, though.

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i used to consider arguments like this juveniel, but most gamers are male and for the female ones if you act and look like the left 2 at best youll be a single mother, but more likely youll end up in prison for raping another woman that actually looks and behaves like a woman.i bought gears 5 but ive really had enough of this sjw bullshit. im actually going to silently start boycotting this shit. if i wanted to see strong women and gays id go to the theater.

Control's protag
and Gears 5 protag

Why did feminists change from 'we must destroy the patriarchy' to 'we must become the patriarchy'?

Because feminism is an ideology of self hatred and envy of men.

god kait is gorgeous

it always has been the goal my dude


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Why is she so perfect?

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why does "strong woman: just mean "I wish i was a man"?