Do you actually hate him, Yea Forums?
Do you actually hate him, Yea Forums?
I think he legitimately likes games, but you're going to become soulless when you sell your soul. And to work in pretty much any industry, you have to make some bad deals.
Nah he's cool. He sometimes fucks up but actually loves vidya
this, he made a deal with the devil, can't shit in the well you are drinking from. calling the guy out for his xbone always online comment was the biggest blow he could've landed. i'm looking forward for him being a bigger present in europe now the e3 seem to tank.
Fuck no Geoff is based
I saw some of the games @ night or whatever it was that he did, mostly with death stranding by sheer chance. It's really sad to see him finally getting to a point where he can do a lot of things more on his own/independently, but his soul is so diminished. Like what was it all for? If we must become monsters in the process? Is it really worth it? yes. because it's not for us. because it's for the future.
I unironically like Geoff. He's clearly a paid shill, but you know what? That's completely fine. He's like Billy Mays, a gigantic corporate cocksucker who knows exactly what he is and manages to get some charisma out of it.
dd a public comment...
2 years ago
"you can tell I got to him" lmao. no my friend, he got to you
Imagine going from being a regular games journalist to being the producer of one of the biggest yearly video game events.
Then, on the night of the event that you've been planning for months, you make time to talk to some loud autistic spic who starts asking you retarded questions loaded with personal feelings.
No but his Kojima dick sucking can be a bit obnoxious.
No but I don't like him either
He's a shill and hosts normie awards but at least he's competent and not as socially awkward as so many others
The Doritopope fiasco still makes laugh so that's also a bonus I guess
The way Keighley just sidesteps Ticked off Trabajo's gaymer rage is flawless
nah, people in that position will always sell out it a necessary evil. he's extremely mild and it seems like he genuinely likes bideo gems
nope, he has always been pretty based. one of the few jorunos who actually enjoys games
he's so slick
Yea Forums doesn’t hate him. He’s a meme and Yea Forums loves memes.
I don't hate him, but he'll always be a meme to me so I can never take him seriously.
I mean come on ANYONE would look slick compared to Angry Joe, the dude is a raging autist. Keighley isn't slick as this video shows
jesus you can really tell how HungryJoe ate his feelings after this """interview"""
Damn that was painful to watch. Why does Yea Forums even bring up this retard? What a fucking moron.
I don't think about him at all
At least he wants to try and push the industry into being less reliant on game publishers, which is something I can get behind. It's all still corporatism, but if a dev can be sponsored by Porsche or Doritos rather than EA, that's arguably a positive.
Which one?
He is everything wrong with 'Game's Journalism'. He is basically a PR machine for 'AAA' publishers.
more like , IWO JIMA ha
what's his name again?