Borderlands thread

Borderlands 3 specs are finally out

Attached: bl3 specs.jpg (1692x1080, 427K)

They're missing the most important req
>have egs installed
Can't run it sorry

arent most people here pirating it?

>16 gigs of RAM and i7-4770 for BL2 graphics
So this is the power of Unreal Shit 4, huh?

recommended specs if not 1440p

it's a timed exclusive, brainlet.

*is for

>75 GB
Gimme a break

>for BL2 graphics
based retard

Attached: 1566935293816.png (579x920, 1.03M)

The only question that matters is does the game use BL2 weapon / enemy scaling or not?

im more worried about endgame to be honest

he's 100% right though. I felt like the memelands 3 engine reveal thing was a "spot the difference" game. Fucks sake there barely looks like there's a difference between 1 and the remastered version. If any series showcases diminishing returns with graphics better than memelands, I haven't seen it

if they wanted to keep their "art" style they couldnt change much. at least the lighting is better

Its all related. BL2 was "balanced" around slag (which is to say, it wasn't balanced at all) and the scaling into endgame was non-existant.

Even in a normal playthrough some enemies are just fucked for balance and have way too much HP. (Constructors, Skags, etc).

BL1 scaling wasn't perfect but it was a hell of a lot more enjoyable than BL2. A decently rolled white/green weapon in BL1 could actually be good and last a few levels. In BL2, whites and greens aren't even worth looking at.

pre sequel fixed it somewhat

Haha, what?

It looks better in every way what are you talking about, texures mesh lighting particles physics

People who have played BL2 for years noticed the difference instantly. BL3 looks WAY better in terms of character models, for instance.

>Still rockin' that 4770
They will have to start paying the game companies off to hide the fact that no one needs a new CPU after Haswell

Attached: 1515157990163.jpg (691x771, 64K)

Who fucking cares? Borderlands and anyone who plays it is unironically Reddit.


BL3 scaling It's lower than TPS scaling too, so that's a plus. BL1 used lĂ­near scaling, which is why a good gun could last you 20 levels.

the guns definitely seem to have more "omph" to them. animation seems better too