Literally no one has been able to make a 3d dark souls competitor that's any good

>Literally no one has been able to make a 3d dark souls competitor that's any good
Why? Its a massive market which only From software seem to be fulfilling at the moment.

Attached: bloodborne-two-column-02-ps4-us-04jun14.jfif.jpg (767x1080, 233K)

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So far only FromSoft has been able to make a Souls-like. Mostly it comes from their proprietary input device driver, that translates controller input in a way that losing a fight makes players say "I deserved that" instead of "THAT'S BULLSHIT!"

lmao what no way thats true.

Copycats don't understand what makes the games good in the first place. It's like the BR fad where every dev thinks you just need to add a Battle Royale mode to your game to compete with Fortnite.

>rip off lovecraft for Bloodborne
>rip off berserk for dark souls 3 and 1
Devs need to get their inspiration from old writers and mangas to make a successful soulslike.

indie developers have already saturated the market with pixelshit dark souls clones and AAA publishers are not interested because they know no matter how successful their own hypothetical dark souls clone might be it doesn't generate as much revenue as their already established yearly recycled cash-cows

good idea. Need to be a drawfag to successfully pull it off tho.


soulless tbqh senpai

how is nioh even close to dark souls m80

Nioh is as good as the Soulsborne series and it's getting a sequel.
The Surge was successful enough to get a sequel .
Bandai Namco are giving it a try with Code Vein.

i want one based off dragon ball
not z, not gt, not super
plain dragon ball

Has anyone even tried to clone the Souls franchise but a couple of shit tier eurojank devs?
>Its a massive market
Massive is overstating things a little. Ubisoft sells more games churning out Assassins Creed sequels than From sells churning out Souls sequels. Why would Ubisoft want to make a Souls game?

>anime souls with shit gameplay
OP said games that are GOOD.

they can copy the mechanics, that's very simple

just add stamina bar, places that act like bonfire, a limited potion that refills, etc, simple mechanics

but the level design and combat system is what is makes dark souls good, every soulslike copycat combat always feels so clunky and the levels are just long corridors instead of sprawling levels that flow into one antoher

Surge and Lords of the Fallen

Never heard of them
This is not a souls clone. Before Tecmo spent 95% of their time pandering to weebs with glorified dress up sims they made this sort of shit all the time.
>Surge and Lords of the Fallen
That's the eurojank I was referring to.

Because devs are more preoccupied with making a game that repeats the beats of Souls titles instead of creating something that stands on its own

Nioh is excellent.
No idea about The Surge but Lords of the Fallen was mediocre, and even then the demand for Souls-like games is high enough for both games to be successful.
Code Vein's network test played very similarly to Dark Souls 1 so let's wait and see.

Attached: Soulsborne.jpg (1000x5000, 961K)

You have never played darksouls then, it is full of bullshit

Nioh although it isn't exactly a competitor


Oh come on.

Dark Souls combat is extremely simplistic. Dark Souls' level design is pretty much:
Bonfire ------------ corridor-----------shortcut to bonfire -------- boss --------- next area or shortcut to hub

good garbage
garbage with ok level disgn and garbage
great list

Not even from can recapture the magic of DeS/DaS, so i'm not surprised other people fail.

not just ripoff those two but also take Holst's Ode to Death and make it a full movement

>Holst's Ode to Death
>even ripped off the music type

I love this kind of genre and I'm glad the near future looks bright.
Sekiro was great: Nioh 2 and Code Vein are coming; Revenant has been a pleasant surprise and next year I'm upgrading my rig so I'll be able to emulate Demon's Souls, the only From Software Soulsborne game I haven't played yet. Also, apparently The Surge 2 has been a huge improvement over the original.

I hope we get new games in the same style.

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Holst was been plagiarized by a SHITLOAD people

They completely miss the point that's why.