Start working

>start working
>you can buy every console and game that you want
Console warriors confirmed as underage or lazy fucks, gaming isnt even an expensive hobby

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>14 days per year
Damn, it must suck not having a month paid vacation every year.

Fuck off parasite, he worked hard for those replies

>Get job making 90,000 a year
>Too tired to play vidya
>Live well within my means, only spent 25k last year.
>All my money is just sitting there while I don't do anything except put some in index funds
>Tell myself I am finally going to take that trip to Japan I always wanted
>Never take steps to make it happen

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where do you work that you're making that much??


This thread reeks of teenager who still lives with his parents and just got his first job.

Mike Rowe's a faggot fraud

Tale the damn trip retard

Travel is one of those things that seems pointless to do alone, but believe me, the experience is worth it. I went for two weeks and spent them situated in Tokyo and taking trains to other locations (pro tip: buy a rail pass for your stay. It's worth it ten times over) and it was a blast.

Any manager would salivate at the idea of a worker like this.
Mark Rowe is good bait, though, since he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had mommy and daddy help him.

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Here I am planning to be NEET for a few months on $6k~ savings and you make 90k. If I had 90k I could be a NEET for years nigga.

>Being this proud of being a wagecuck

Do you think his names Micro because he's so tiny?

>neets and skillless mexicans hate him
holy based

Why are boomers so obsessed with work?

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It's what's defined their entire life, much the same way zoomers are defined by their politics and hobbies.

>get a fucking god awful job
>dealing with customers in a complaints department
>legitimately the single most soul draining part of my life
>goes for nine months, would've gone longer if I didn't get fired for having my phone where I shouldn't.

>almost immediately get another job
>extremely comfy expenses position where I just check company receipts all day and approve/deny expenses, any complaints go to my manager, can listen to podcasts all day while doing it
>it's amazing, but it's temp and only 6 months
>it ends

>NEET for 8 months and now genuinely scared of working again because I know I'm more likely to get another of the former jobs and not the latter

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I'm pretty sure whoever wrote this is a manager that hasn't done a normal days work in their life and got directly into management due to daddy connections
These people are disgusting

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Like this faggot knows what hard work is. Look everyone, i made a show where I pretend to work hard

If you work full time about 87 full 24 days spent working. Considering roughly a third of our life is spent sleeping, this employer can kiss my ass.

Money, time, energy. Pick two. That's life.

Reminds me of that big mural of quotes saying they wish their workers would refuse to take a vacation. Can't remember it exactly but it was so fucking boomer.

Thinking that anyone with a full time or even pet time job only works the equivalent of 1 full 24 hour day of work for a year is retard thinking. It was someone that doesn’t give a shit about their employees.

What the fuck is the math here?
23 days is 552 hours.
Even counting all 365 days, there is no fucking way to reach 23 days with 30 minute breaks each day.

>all these faggots ITT who haven't pulled themselves up by the bootstraps

he was literally hired to push that good goy bullshit by corporate america.

>you want a day off?
>haha but I don't want to give you a day off!
>why not? Well I actually had a little placard laminated just for this occasion
>as you can see, you have to come in to work after all

Trust this user.
Japan is fucking cool to visit

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its boomer math for smoothbrains. Notice how he calculates half a year away for when you are sleeping at your own home not on the job as if bossman is some how entitled to your entire life.

I have a job and still don't feel like buying a PC for 1000€ just to play multiplats on slightly better graphics and performance. I just use my Ps4 for multiplats and some exclusives and my Switch just for exclusives.

How can one good boy be so based?

There isn't a single low/mid-low class person that has ever become a millionaire.
Rags to riches is a myth and the jews have us all by the balls.

Yeah, they forget that the “16 hours you’re away from home” that part of that day is spent where else? Oh yeah at work.

At first I thought this was an intentional “bad math” joke, but after seeing the replies in this thread, I’m legitimately starting to worry that whoever wrote this was actually serious.

Based illiterate

Not if you don't eat like shit

>full time in the us is 40 hours per week
>boomer plaque implies that people somehow only work the equivalent of 1 day per year

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Rags to riches is possible, it’s just that the rich intentionally hide the real way to do it to prevent rags from actually challenging them.

It'd be a good pledge if most work wasn't taken up by mexican/foreign faggots in leafland.


The kind of people that write those kinds of things unironically are completely disconnected from the working class, either because they haven't been part of the work force for too long or because they were born with enough money to never have a worry in their lives.

I’m on Yea Forums. Not exactly worried about sounding like a prepared speech.

No user, you are somehow taking 1104 hours worth of lunch break each year.
You are stealing time and money from Boomercorp every day!

Not worried about reading proper either apparently

>"how dare you sleep and have a life outside of work"
please be satire

>16 hours away from work
>This doesn't account for any time spent commuting to and from work.
>This doesn't account for the NECESSARY sleep time.
Why does this thing exist.

If you put enough money into your funds you'll probably be able to retire quite early with that kind of savings rate.

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but you work almost 40 hours in one week from monday to friday

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"Rags to riches" exist, they're entrepreneurs. You gotta go out on a limb, risking everything to sell a product or service on your own and hope you get lucky. Your parents and the school system teach you not to take risks, so sheep just go to school and then get 9-5 jobs.

One way I've seen people get rich is, right out of high school, they get into back-breaking carpentry, they learn how to build and fix houses. They save up until they can buy rundown fixer-uppers, then they use their skills to renovate and flip the house by themselves, and they just keep buying more houses.

what the fuck? let me guess.... americans right?

Just tell your boss you want to use your two weeks and go to japan? Whats so hard about it.

It's clearly a joke but Yea Forumseddit can't detect jokes that aren't wojack are pepe related.

40 hours is normal? In what part of the country are you living in? I work 50+ every week.

The issue is that if someone actually did say that the boss would assume they are giving them some serious lip

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I read what user posted, I was adding to the point they were making not contradicting it.

Sounds like you're on an easy path to quick retirement.
If you're that unhappy with your current proceedings, work for a couple of more years at your job while stocking away mad savings/investing, and then downgrade to a worse job if you want.
Never understood people with your "Dilemma"
You make lots of money and have the means to change things the way you want them to be.

Obsessed yuropoor

They think work defines a person

You do realize you can quit your job with sufficient savings. take a couple months off and casually speak to recruiters while on vacation?

whiter than you bro

No, the problem is that corporations and managers unironically have this mind set.

I bet whoever made this doesn't allow they're employees to use the restroom when they need to.

based illiterate

>Many European nations have a month paid time off by law
>They work -13 days by this logic

Assuming a 40 hour work week, and subtracting the 6.5 hours he puts to a coffee break/lunch break (almost certainly unpaid if the lighting on that sign is any giveaway), then you're still spending at last 34.5 hours a week on the job, plus time in traffic which you won't be paid for.

>you pay me too much here is some back!
>I’m canceling my vacation plans I would rather work!
What kind of fucked up mindset is this?

Have you ever seen a boomer actually work? They're just on Facebook half the time. I worked with a ton of older accountants when I used to work for state energy and you could seriously fire half of them and not see any decline in efficiency.

Why are zoomers so afraid of work?

More like the C.U.C.K Pledge

Dude you work 40 hours in a week anyway, and that sign is suggesting that you work for 24 hours throughout an entire year. It's obvious that sign is fundamentally fucking retarded.

There is a bizarre behavior seen in people who were born wealthy that end up being business owners in that they believe that they own employees like slaves and are only given freedoms at the benevolence of their employer (them). The sign is a joke but that behavior certainly exists.

People don't define themselves by their jobs anymore, rather by their actual interests and hobbies like a normal person

>Suffer 3X12 shifts but get to spend the rest of the week fucking around
I die at the end of that third shift but it's okay because I can relax two days take a spare shift of literally free overtime and have the money I want for vidya.

And less obsessed, I'm charging rent for you sorry fucks to be in my head, I'm in yours for free.

every single rags to riches story is literally illegal/impossible in today's society due to regulations and other forms of red tape written by the people who did it. You have legitimate stories of success back in the 1800/early 1900s where literal children would do things like
>go to a bar
>buy beer
>sell it to factory workers 5 miles away

A 12 year old cant do that today. A fucking 50 year old cant do it either. It's flat out illegal from every perspective. Even if you removed all the regulations and rules regarding business and age of consent (ie the legal ability to form contracts) The whole mandatory public schooling system basically destroys any legup a poor person could get. The reason the rich stay rich is because they teach their children how the game is played when they are still in diapers. Regular people dont learn how the game is played unti lthey are in their 20s or 30s. A poorfag is literally decades behind a richfag when it comes to world experience and its a gap that will never be closed.

>gaming isnt even an expensive hobby
If you live in a first world country, sure.
But in my third world shithole I get paid 4000 per month, a Switch is 1800 and each game is around 250, just to buy the Switch it would take me almost half of my monthly payment, and then I would need to buy the games on top of that.

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This is my dad completely. I wonder what even fueled my dad's worth ethic. Was he really doing the job he loved? Was it the incredible babyboomer-era wages? Was it just the culture/indoctrination of the country back then?

>tfw 12 hour shifts of sitting my ass on a forklift all day filling/organizing a warehouse


This is literally almost any job. Eight hour work days are a relic of the past.

nah I have money and will never spend a dime in sony shit

kys sony retard

The only rags to riches stories that exist are people that get into tech and that's it. But that's fundamentally not the picture of the American Dream. It's not starting your own business. It's getting 150k jobs thrown around by yuppie millenials, the same people boomers hate.

>I cancelled my vacation, I'd rather be working!

Is their job getting blown by super models? No fucking way that's real.

Reminder that Rowe never had an actual job doing manual labor.

Why the fuck do NEETs think this isn't a joke

I'll take that as a yes.

Because now you’re working more while making less, meanwhile John Boomer bought a house while working at Home Depot on the 70s.

>get a smart phone or toaster pc
>Suddenly the entire library up to the PS2 is in your hands.

>mutts will defend this

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because anyone who actually isn't a NEET knows a manager who thinks exactly like that

When will 6 hour days become the norm?

Obsessed euros coping with the back to back world war winners

>solve the job situation, now economically well off
>my health starts deteriorating

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Some reason normalfags don't think 'gas the kikes race war now' is a joke

Because boomers unironically have this mindset.
My father won't stop telling me I need to work more than 40 hours a week.

>work in the military
>get 30 paid vacation days guaranteed a year off the bat
>get weekends off at garrison unless on 24 hour duty post that you have other people to switch off with to mitigate + sleeping portion. You get the day after/prior off on duty post
>Get 72-96 hour extra day off periods for all federal holidays.
>Emergency leave readily available for family emergencies and such
>8 hour work days unless deployed
>Get sent to a bunch of training/classes/briefs/annuals/etc often during working hours because your command wants you to.
>One hour break for food and usually another for PT during work day
>Easy to get emergency SIQ days if your desperate since Navy writes SIQ for the slightest cough these days.
>can’t get fired unless you FUCK up that bad MULTIPLE times since they already invested too much money into you at that point and wants to get all they can out of you.
>Get paid the same compared to fellow pay grade military assuming not married/extra billets/etc so no incentive to overachieve outside meeting PME requirements/proficient green side
>Your pay is usually lower then your civilian counterpart doing the same thing but it evens out a little since you have free medical and dental on top of other various military benefits you can take advantage of.
>Once you finally get out after initial contract you’re covered for like two years because GI bill. You can pocket most of it by renting with a friend/family in area rather then school boarding and never have to deal with student debt.
>Your set for foreseeable future

Military when not at wartime ironically is one of the best places to not work often objectively speaking. The catch is you have to be in decent shape and have some form of discipline for the sake of appearance in uniform, but the amount varies depending on branch. Honestly better 4-5 year investment then going straight to college. Don’t stay in after initial contract unless you really love the military life.

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That's what I do, I only play on PC because I can pirate everything and play old games, but I would kill to play some Switch exclusives

That's not true, he once spent a whole year pounding my asshole, that's a pretty dirty job.

I'd rather take the S.W.A.G. pledge
Skill & Work Are Gay

I was there for two weeks in Tokyo alone, only one brief daytrip outside. There's too much stuff to explore in Tokyo even if you had multiple months. Food alone will take you weeks.

It was probably the idea that the effort to provide himself and family is what made it all worth it and that he felt like a man doing the work, regardless of how mind numbing the work itself was.

Tech is pretty much the only place where the rich haven’t managed to pull up the ladder from the rags, and mostly only because the rich don’t understand tech and are basically bribing smart rags to not build alternative ladders.

Nigga just buy a ticket.

This isn't really true. Immigrants do it all the time. It's white and black Americans that never go from rags to riches (barring athletes).

Brown people that immigrate here actually do the shit that boomers say you should do, and it actually works. The problem is that it also basically destroys you. Your kids will enjoy the lavish life you built but you won't.

>this scares the empty minded bootlicker that lives to serve his jewish masters

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>These replies from NEETS who have never worked a real job in their lives.
You clearly are oblivious to "work humor". This looks like a sign you can pick up at Spencer's gifts for fuck sake.

Can someone get a better picture of that pledge because it's illegible.

>illegals are actually rich, guys
Uh huh.

I dont have a superiority complex so I'd never make it in the military

Get a load of this recruiter

how much a month

>too tired to play vidya
is this board filled with old men?????


I want you to know. I really want you all to know. No other first world country is jealous of America. Not even the UK, which is on the brink of financial collapse, sees high emigration rates to the US.

I've been at my company for over 6 years and I've had at least one manager that behaves like this.

-250 after the new tax schemes

You're not stealing electricity from your workplace, ARE YOU?

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No, (((they))) still need their slave labor.

They got paid a fuck ton for doing less work than anyone in this generation. They're stuck in the past and see younger generations as slaves that need to be beaten down into good worker drones.

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After an eight hour day of bullshit, you just want to get home, cook something, shower, and then relax. And that's assuming yuo have an easy commute and don't have to spend another half hour in traffic waiting to get home.
Vidya takes effort to feel invested.

Unironically yes. I’ve been going to Yea Forums for over ten years now, and can still remember when that meant being considered a new gag.

This place is old, getting older, full of old timers who are getting older too.

you forget that there's one key difference
one is white and the other is black

is immigrating to denmark difficult?

I'm actually planning on becoming a lawyer. Still working on my bachelor's, though. We'll see how it turns out. I heard you don't make a lot of money early on.

The people that actually do work see this as maybe a joke, but like an actual mindset that they experienced under bosses with similar views.

Buy the plane ticket. I just bought a first class ticket to Vancouver for 2 weeks.

Do boomer really believe this? are they the cancer killing the planet?

because a life spent slaving away so some rich cunt in a villa can pay you 1/10th of what your labor earns him is a life wasted

I'll give you guys a tip, just because I like some of you. Don't be afraid of the "gig economy." Find high-paying temporary work. The sheer variety of work will keep things interesting and you'll feel good taking in $20/hr for a few hours even if the work/pay isn't consistent. Being strapped down to the obligation of a 9-5 job, that's despair.

you don't make a lot of money at all unless you go into corporate law

And? Don't you think that's the reason a sign like that was made? "There's always one, amirite?" type of humor.

You also forget most countries pay you if they randomly fire you. It always blow my mind that getting fired in america seems to be the end of the world, if they fired me I would have like a 4 month vacation finding a job.

I have -1200$ in my bank account so even if I started working I still couldn't' afford anything

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>work in denmark
>become fat
>work in burgerkingdom
>become a nigger
no thanks

>0.5h cofee break * 240 actual days at work = 552h (23 days)

That aligns with what I've heard. Criminal justice is my passion, though.


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They needed better jobs than.

>work in the sex industry
>fuck mostly milfs and grannies
>can make easily 10k in a week
>just need to care of myself
>plenty of time for vidya

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Gotchu senpai

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My dad got furious at me when I told him I quit my job after only working their for two years. My second job that I quit because I got an offer for much higher pay.

It's the ultimate boomer mindset, you have to be LOYAL to your boss and your company. How could you betray them like that when they gave you every opportunity to succeed??? Meanwhile, he completely ignores that when the CFO left, they just poached a new CFO from another company instead of promoting from within. Boomers fundamentally don't understand the new work culture.

>good thing I make $20/hr so I can afford $10 milk and $7 eggs

How do these Scandinavian countries afford all this government spending?

You don't need to tell me that the U.S. is fucked for poor people, I'm living it.

>"but I'm an EMT and I make $15! My work is more valuable than a Burger King worker!"
>what the fuck makes you think you're not getting fucked too?

I swear to god, the worst people in this country are the tenously middle class and upper middle class who figure they have theirs so fuck everyone below them. Bernie 2020

>a whole fucking month paid vacation
and you tards wonder why america is number one superpooer

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That little restaurant on the bottom right has great katsudon.

Take me back

Why are faggot's getting triggered by this obvious joke? You really think employers believe you only work 24 hours out of the year?

Also wtf kind of math was this person using?

>15 minute paid breaks are immoral
I give them credit for honesty, my employer tries to hide behind shitty ass productivity statistics to justify cutting a break.

How can you be that much in debt

>start working
>you can barely afford one game

what if you get diseases?

Honestly going to go this route, I need the flexibility and freedom.

It's who you know, not what you know.

>Gets paid to fuck milfs
That's bullshit, but I believe and envy you.

>all those hard working immigrants, you should follow their example

Reality protip my dude, those shining examples of hardwork are 99% money launderers for the richboys/criminals in their home countries. If its a chinese person that number is 100%. The western world is basically plan B for the elite in the third world. They send their family members, friends, and associates to our countries to invest wildly into land and businesses and to get citizenship just in case shit goes bad in their own country and they have to escape. To them, getting a 0% return on that investment is a good deal because if they left it all in their home country and there was a civil war/revolt, they'd instead lose everything.

You live in the same fucking country as them. Where the fuck do you think they get the money for that shit? Being really frugal while taking the exact same wage cuck jobs offered to you? You really think that netflix subscription or 50$ videogame is whats holding you back?

I went to Japan this year after talking about it for years. Just book the flight, a hotel and fucking go. I'd recommend going in March/April.

He didn't say illegal immigrants you idiot

The BOOMER Pledge
1. U2 CDs.
2. My back hurts.
3. How do I get Netflix on the TV, it just says "HDMI 1" and I want to watch The Blacklist.

ironically, the only reason denmark can afford one month paid vacation is because America pays for Denmark's protection
who pays for America's protection?

>I give them credit for honesty, my employer tries to hide behind shitty ass productivity statistics to justify cutting a break.
Cutting/not having breaks is one hundred percent illegal.
Keep records of it and then sue him.

The companies pay, not the goverment. The issues with most countries isnt that they arent making enough money, its that just a few get most of them.

Mandatory healthcare (which I have never even used)

Imagine a world where everyone thinks like this.

>Hey Mr. Farmer, everyone is hungry, can you grow some crops so we can eat?
>But all the other farmers are sitting on their asses like you.
>Please, we're running out of food, we'll pay you.

And then everyone starves to death.

There are no """"""""legal""""""""" mexican immigrants, you retard.

They aren't fighting endless wars or giving huge subsidies to gigantic corporations. Oh and they tax at reasonable rates

>get job at shitty retailer
>spend a third of my earnings on commuting
>spend the rest on insurance and food
>miniscule amount left for vidya
Yeah, alright.

Goodbye :)

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>Tfw my job is literally guard a garage door and I just sleep 7 of my 8 hours of work while the rest break their back working
>Tfw 3 faggots came in a truck and stole 6 huge drums full of Mr. Kike's precious oil while I was asleep
>Tfw I got no complains and the labor ants are the ones getting all the blame even tho it was my job to keep and eye open
>Tfw it's not the first time and certainly not the last while I """""guard"""""
>Tfw I have been doing this for 20+ years
Feels good to be the cliche lazy fat guardmen
Keep working hard faggots I'm going to continue with my job nap now

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>Go through a years long process to become a citizen
>Show dedication to your new country
>Swear an oath of loyalty
There's literally nothing wrong with being a legal immigrant.

Okay I see. But if the govt forces companies to payout months of unemployment benefits, how does that keep the companies from raising prices to afford that?

>Was in the sex industry
>Unrelated injury forced me out
At least Im just at a desk now

>my country decided to give young people 200bucks a month to help them pay rent
>suddenly rent went up 200bucks
What a shocker

its called depression, my dude.

i live in chicago. 40 hours is what it takes to qualify as full-time at my company but thats just the minimum requirement. I usually end up working 50+ as well.

>there's literally nothing wrong with shitting out more brown "americans"

Sadly employers have caught on and are starting to pay {{{Contractors}}} near minimum wage in my area for unarmed guards.

You don’t need to have a superiority complex if you get the fuck out after initial contract. You won’t be a high enough rank for that to matter and you don’t need to be one of the motivated DIs in the movies either. You do need to be in decent enough shape though.

Fuck no. Zero referrals. I just shoot at the range for my last year which is even more easy then the regular job. Don’t give a fuck if you enlist. Just saying I worked less during my time in military then as my time as a wage slave that keep asking their boss for “day offs” for whatever BS.

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It won't be once trump buys it. But then it will have to adopt American work laws so it will turn into the same as everywhere else ;^)

>Watch me use this fallacy, bro. That'll show them.

>work at a fast food job and work your way up
>when the manager leaves they just hire the manager from another place

>work a factory job and get into management
>what the fuck why would anyone hire someone working on the line for a corporate desk job

>start your own business and be your own boss
>Amazon utterly buttfucks you as daddy bezos steals your customers

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>didn't get a job this summer, really needed an internship
>Dad and stepmom offer to pay me to help them on their house projects
>agree because it's not like I was doing anything other than jacking off all day and not playing video games anyways
>have to paint fucking shipping containers that they bought for two weeks in the sweltering august sun, but before that grind rust off of them and paint the interiors
>finally finished just yesterday, except now there's a new project involving moving 3 tons of fucking flagstone
>have only myself to blame

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Well, being a lawyer isn't my 100% goal. It's just something I find interesting. In truth, practically every aspect of criminal justice is interesting to me - corrections, law, investigations, etc. The only thing I wouldn't want to do is be a police officer. Not permanently, at least, since you have to work the roads for at least a couple years to even move up into investigations.
Law is just one aspect that I find interesting. An internship is a requirement for the degree, so I should naturally have some connections by the very nature of the degree. One of my professors worked for the government at a VERY high level at one point, too, so he'll provide me with some details.

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>This one person with brown skin that works their ass off is of less value than me, a NEET with white skin


>canceled my vacation plans
>Suggestion box empty
>problem was all my fault
>work this weekend
>coming in early
>working late
>you're right, I was wrong

All of those are either neutral or bad from a business perspective.

Enjoy barely getting paid a living wage on top of obscene law school debt and doing agonizing and infuriating work with the most morally reprehensible people in the country. Unless daddy is paying for it, in which case, go wild.

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>>can make easily 10k in a week
>Meanwhile Mia Sandniggerifa made 15k on her whole career.
Pretty based

You seem to misunderstand how economics and business work. If companies decided to jack up prices their profits would go down since less people would buy, this is affecting their utilities, not the profits.

user, just do well your first semester and get into a glass tower law firm your first summer. Then you're fucking set. If not first, then second. Or something government related. If you like criminal law work for a prosecutor, not a defense attorney.

>And then everyone starves to death
That would be pretty based.

>work a laid back but soulless as fuck job in some third world shithole, pay is good enough to live here but nowhere else
>basically next door to japan
>heard bad shit about the work there
>one company i looked up has 7.5h work days (less than what i'm currently doing) with paid overtime, free facilities like gym and takes foreigners
should i just take the plunge

What does Yea Forums do for work?
>nightshift supervisor for a supermarket
>21 bucks an hour
I don't mind the job and the pay's alright, but fuck me I don't want to work nights forever

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I really hope you're wearing a mask for that rust.

Except the farmer would be self employed and that would be a two-party agreement. People are more likely to work if there's some good shit in it for them.
t. Farmer.

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I make around 80k as tech position in a software company for app development and I also have the same problem. I buy all the Vidya I want but just barely play them, live in my comfy ass apartment, have some nice guitars, everything I want except one thing. But I'm just sitting here instead of taking trips around the world.

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>become wagie
>without the benefit of nepotism, you land some entry level position at some cubicle farm
>you barely scrape by
>everything left over from rent, utility bills, car payments, insurance, fuel, and your daily intake of coffee and sushi just sits unspent in a savings account
>no energy or time for vidya
>tfw the underageb&s who routinely LARP as well-adjusted normalfags on Yea Forums were wrong all along

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Fuck yes. That's how I got into my current line of work. Get to work from home, set my own schedule, and get paid almost twice what the average job does in my area.
If I wanted to travel a few days a week to random job sites it'd be more than triple that with random shit like running cables or plugging in a printer at a bank.

>Spend years developing a team and working together gaining in pay and seniority
>General manager gets a promotion and fires everyone to look good.

you will be at work for 238 days 16 hours and half

>please slave away 60 hours a week for 40 years to earn more capital for your jewish masters

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People are making fun of Andrew Yang right now but he has a point, even if you don't agree right him at the moment. What happens 10 years down the line? 25? 50? 100?

We ARE going to automate your job. How does society exist then?

>facts are now fallacies
Ok bro. You do you in murrica, just make sure you dont emigrate.

Are you one of those retards? Her career lasted a whole 3 months, and she basically made 5k a month.

>gaming isnt even an expensive hobby

>im a brown person and i want to live in the white man's country because it has nice things
>oh i know, we can make this country nicer by bringing in more of the brown people who made my old country shit
>absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong with this plan

if you are an intelligent brown person it should be your sole goal in life to marry a white women and breed your brown away, not bring in more street shitters and head choppers who you know, from experience, are just going to fuck the place up.

so long as your dad wasn't breathing down your neck the whole time, that sounds like fun. I like doing hands-on stuff like that because it's educational. Someday when you're living on your own you'll be grateful you learned these skills. I bet you're incredible at painting now. I know people take painting for granted like anybody can do it, but there is technique involved and you can tell amateurish painted walls from professionally done ones.

Also, I hope you've learned some ways to stay cool in the heat. Wear a hat, sunglasses, a loose-fitting white long-sleeve shirt

Always apply to a better job. You never know when the phone will ring.

Social credit so people don't kill themselves because they feel pathetic.


Because you are a huge ass country with endless amount of natural resources, not fucking hard. Why do you think China and India are finally catching up?

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I work 10 hours a day (Mon-Fri 9:00 to 19:00) for 550€ a month.

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the only way 'they' are going to automated away everyone's job is if they make so much money they can afford to do so, and they currently are on track to make that money by cutting costs through replacing real workers with third world shit skins. If we put an end to the immigrant problem, the automation problem with also start to go away because robots are fucking expensive.

Part time cashier at a convenience store
9,51 USD an hour

Just took the job so I could sustain my vidya habits

>people this retarded can get a job
>people this retarded can get a job as manager
>people this retarded are bossing around other people

number 1 for who? You? How are you benefiting from the highest gdp in the world?

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You gotta be a mercenary and sell your skills to the highest bidder, which 99% of the time means jumping ship frequently.
Why be loyal to a company who'd cut you off in an instant to save a fraction of a cent for their shareholders?

I wouldn't want to work in defense, anyway.
I'm in a sorta unique position. I feel sorry for people who "don't know what they want to do" and just get a miscellaneous business degree or something. I find every single aspect of CJ fascinating. I could work in practically every field and be fine. Money isn't so important to me, honestly. As long as I can live.
I know exactly what I want to do - I want to work in criminal justice. I just don't know what aspect of criminal justice I want to work in, because I want to work in them all. I even want to teach it at some point. As I do my internship, I'm hoping that I can get a more concrete feel for what I want to actually go into. I went on a couple ridealongs with cops, and, while it's very interesting, it's not something I'd want to do for an extended period of time.
Are you referring to doing well in law school first semester? Everyone hypes up how difficult the first semester of law school is.

>How does society exist then?
More IT jobs

Thankfully I'm in South America, that shit is expensive here so the better solution is just to pretend you have a guard around, plus since I am also the one who has the ins and outs papers some of the workers just give me food in exchange of letting them go earlier or to let them bring outside work so they make money with the workshop's tools
I sleep, I get free food and easy money, I dab on hard workers and fitness

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My entire job revolves around babysitting "automated" machines. They can't go 5 minutes without shitting themselves.

>Worked at a chink bakery
>Got paid 18 an hour and even was trained and taught by professional bakers from Taiwan by my company
>Went smoothly for 5 years until my HR manager left to the Canadian branch
>Benefits and nice things slowly start fading away
>Lunch break down to 30 minutes from 45
>Fingerprint scanner to check in and out instead of punching in a card
>No more Christmas bonus
>Only chink holidays counted for holiday pay, only got counted for Labor day and Veterans day for holiday pay
>No more leaving early and paid for the full day if we finished our scheduled production + finished cleaning early
>Break time practically nonexistent I only found out this was illegal after I quit
>Boss wouldn't give me a promotion or raise due to not being able to fluently communicate with my co-workers
>More recipes and shit are untranslated from Mandarin than ever before, teach me less and translate less often
>Quit after being there for 7 years out of frustration after getting in a heated argument with my boss
>No job for 6 months, funds slip away
>Living paycheck to paycheck at a grocery store chain bakery, only 14 bucks an hour
>Get treated like a human being and get health, eye, and dental insurance

I really want to leave this job for something better but the benefits are pretty good, fuck bros what do I do?

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>See this plaque
>OK boss I'd like to compress my hours and take all of that leave that I'm already taking at once, and just work all 24 hours for this year in one go.


>Milk (regular), (1 liter) 8.52 kr
>Eggs (regular) (12) 23.23 kr
>1 U.S. dollar = 6.71812752 Danish kroner

>Do boomer really believe this? are they the cancer killing the planet?
Take solace in they'll all be abadoned in state homes to rot

On top of that I really hope you weren't fucking stupid enough to go to a law school ranked below the top 25.

shit, I wish I could get an annual salary for only 24 hours of work

This thread really showcases the reddit invasion


>working for chinks
Did it to yourself

Mechanical engineer in automation and software development for animatronics here. I've done many papers on this and trust me when I say this.

Automation isn't going to happen in 50 years. And if it does there will be positions for maintaining the auto mechs, exosuits for labor, and the culling of the poor.

What if the endgame is that the average human is a NEET with paid housing and allowances?

It's literally not. There are hundreds of free games you can spend thousands of hours on. Everything from massive immersive experiences to online social games can be had for less than the price of a movie ticket. Gaming is ridiculously cheap, fucking gardeners probably spend more on fertilizer.

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>oh what a coincidence, the moment the federal government opened the floodgates for non-european immigration wages magically stagnated

>50 years
so what happens in 100 years? 200 years?

40 Hours a week at 14 bucks an hour is pretty livable.
Maybe take a look at the stuff you're buying or adjust your grocery shopping ways. Maybe consider a room mate.

>Except the farmer would be self employed and that would be a two-party agreement.

This is a hypothetical world where everyone decides to go NEET and let "someone else" do all the work. Only there ain't no "someone else" because when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE.

>People are more likely to work if there's some good shit in it for them.

No shit, that's why we pay them. But some people think they're too good to work and they got no good reason to back it up.

He looks so smug, I wanna punch him

In their day, a simple job could afford them most, if not all, of their necessities.


It's like boomers think you're there for any other reason than to make money. Work to live, don't live to work.

Yeah, doing temporary jobs on projects like that and living season to season sounds pretty comfy.

>tfw manlet and dicklet
There goes my escort career.

Lmao. Society already doesn't want to cut eight hour work days shorter, what makes you think they'll accept nobody working?

>Immigrant: "Yeah, your wages are too high! I DEMAND that you pay less!"
That's not how it works.

Look at the differences in working environments between 1990 and 2010. All the factories that closed in that time span. That was only 20 years and computers JUST became widespread. How does that change from 2020 to 2040? It will only accelerate exponentially.

Global warming thanks to your orange baboon and a mass exodus of rich people who begin living in an air conditioned bubble while the average man melts away and dies.

unless you do something; you will literally be depressed forever. Fix it.

source; t. guy who changed his life and fixed himself

Please Yea Forums what is an above minimum wage sitting job for a person with a very bad lower back with little to no work experience needed ?

I'm not going to law school yet. I'm still cranking out my bachelor's. I don't even know if I've decided that's something I want to do yet at all.

video game journalism

Software development.

Global warming is a problem caused by China and india

Why. What's wrong with rust

Used to be call center, but that's been taken by indians and robots.

I probably won't be alive by then so I don't really care.
The amazon can burn for all I care.

Nigga how is getting overworked real just go work somewhere else

protection from what?

Global warming isn't real.

>graduated with useless degree
>been searching for a real job for a year
>had my first “real” interview yesterday for a call center through a recruiting agency
>lasted all of like 10 minutes so I either fucked it or the requirement is laughably low
>don’t really want the job anyway

I just wanted to work in museums and make peanuts. I just want to do something fulfilling.

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hopefully only the girls would be denied

Exactly. You have realized the uselessness of labor for the sake of labor to which the only rational solution is removing the need for labor. As in, no sentience to experience need being present. This is how you resolve life.

>start working
>there are zero games worth playing
>every new game is a remaster of an old game that you can just download for free on the internet and play on an emulator
>no reason to have a job

>work part time
>Literally don't get any time off

Kill me

Counting Coffee Break and Lunch breaks, being 1.5 hours a day.
This means an average work day to who ever wrote this is 6.5 hours
24/6.5 = 3.69~
So in 3 just over days, you get 24 hours of a work day.
And since Sick days, weekends, and vacation time won’t count
(52*5) - (2 + 5 + 14) = 239 days
239/3.69 = 64.7~ days
Who ever wrote this is way off on their math.

If you can get a work/university email you can make money by writing fake reviews on software websites.

Move to Orlando and get a job at a theme park.
They will pay you to sit under an umbrella all day and point fat tourists to the bathroom.

Immigrants don't demand anything, that's the problem. And when they do demand something, they demand to be given money for free, instead of being given what they're owed relative to their work.

Give me some of that money, I'll go to Japan for you.

>Able to buy any video games I want now that I have a job
>Too exhausted after work most of the time to even want to play
My fucking backlog has dozens of games in it now, I just want my time back bros

>I've never had a job in my life with managers, the post

God, you are so fucking cringe.

Bros I'm tired of wage slaving every day. How does investing work and is $35k enough to start?

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Protection from those dastardly third world shitholes with lots of oil and/or land.

>be boomer
>import third world immigrants
>get put into nursing home
>staffed by said immigrants
>get murdered by said immigrants

even when that happens, they still will blame the millennials for 'abandoning' them there rather than understanding it was a bed of their own making.

This. Society will never run out of computer work.
You could quadruple everyone keeping our countless systems somehow running and still have work for more people.

Old people still think things work like it did when they were younger. Even my parents tried to give me shit once saying that "they made it work" in regards to paying for a house/bills/food etc but they're retarded so they don't understand that even though I make FOUR TIMES what they made back then I also have to spend substantially more to live than they did back then.

I recommend you go volunteer at your local DA office for a few months, maybe next summer. Ask them a lot of questions. You will see just what it is like to work in criminal law, and you'll get used to not being paid as a bonus.

>Get degree
>Be unemployed for a year
>Only get four interviews that entire time
>Suddenly get five interviews in the past two weeks and just got called by a recruiter this morning offering to set up an interview for a 100k job with the government.
I have no idea what is going on.

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I have heard some nightmare stories about working at a call center and how highly stressful it is

>unpaid work event

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>TFW Doomers are saying the trucking industry is fucked
It's been real tempting to laugh and get into trucking just so I can laugh harder when the automated trucks need someone who knows what they are doing to guide them further down the road.

I was, but I kind of wish I wasn't. Then they'd be sorry.

It was alright when it started, but after two weeks of that shit it's just beyond tiring. Masking was particularly soul crushing because I spent 7 straight hours doing that shit and still didn't finish on that day. As well as realizing that you won't get a breather after this because the flagstone project is next. And then after that moving everything from the barn to the shipping containers. And then after that deconstructing that patio. And then after that building a new one. And then after that taking down the back patio.

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The logical solution for this would be two paths
Path A: selected non native migrant has to assimilate and breed with native if he/she truly wants to reside in the country they migrated to
Path B: Use the skills and intellect they have to improve the country they are residing in now

However, Path B can be a bit unsuccessful if the whole country does not seem to work well with each other, which is understandably IMO the reason why people migrate - smart migrants.

When it comes to cases such as families want to migrate and assimilate, their children will have to for sure breed with the native population I.e. Russian family in England with russian daughters breeding with Native english blokes.

It is also required that the non-native should inherit the surname of their native significant other, as not abiding so will only result in masses of kids with non-native surnames, which would change the identity of a country.

Nigger what happened was all the boomers finally were in management and with their cocksucker Reagan and his odious ideology they went around busting unions, lowering taxes on themselves, slashing funding for infrastructure, and so on.

>durrr I blame the people with no money and no power
>not the massive coroporations that hire at starvation wages

>Don't show up.
Wow, that was hard.

no lol

Call centers have the highest suicide rates, possibly second to suicide/first response hotlines, don't let skewed """studies""" decieve you. You'll be suffering form depression in no time if you ever work at a call center.

What was your degree?

Keep trying. Don't give up and settle with something you don't want to do. It's fucking tough and it might take some time but you'll get there eventually. I know people that only found the job they really wanted 8 years after getting their degree but they're happier now than ever before.

>I'll be damned if
Then be damned.

You are successful right Yea Forums?

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Draw porn, with enough skill and strong stomach youll be set for life.

>Oh no, there's a wine stain on the carpet! Better burn down the house!

did you hook up with any qt chinese girls? literally every chink bakery i've been to has the high school/college daughter working with her grandmother.

It's dry boomer humour and your aspergers renders you incapable of understanding a joke.

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>got a wagie job at Target
>they work me part-time but keep me an hour below the legal limit for full-time benefits
>you have to do the jobs of three people now as a "team member" because they're laying everybody off
retail is crashing and burning, shit is ridiculous

>I’m only pretending to be retarded

>went to japan almost a year ago with a couple of buddies
>was listening to the supermegacast about their trip in japan and ryan mentions about an annoying black guy that wouldn't leave him alone and kept trying to drag him in a titty bar
>me and my buddies went to the Shinjuku and our hispanic friend ended up being in the same situation where some random nigeria guy just came and grab him on the arm telling him to come to his bar even when he refused still tried dragging him in
The fuck is up with these people and their bars? One of the Japanese guys from a bar we visit even told us that they're a bit shady

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I wonder if the guy who made this knows how strong this bait is.

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This post is too intelligent for Yea Forums.

I don't know about set for life but it's a great way to built up some play money and develop a skill.

>Graduated with a Bachelor's in law
>Applied for Master's
>1.5 more years of studying
Also since we have conscription here it was either this or serve in the military for 1.5 years
Why the fuck would they take a guy who has a -4 sight in both eyes though

I work part time as a house cleaner at an elementary school. On my way there right now because I just finished morning college classes. I mostly zone out working as hard as I can and time passes by faster. Aside from sore feet at the end of the day and constantly have milk spilled on me in some way, its not so bad.
I play games more now than when I was neet but nothing will replace that feeling of freedom knowing you have no responsibilities or obligations. To wake up when you want and sleep when you want. I miss that aspect.

Y u no work western people?

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>I just made it work, bro
Jeez, I got that speech from my boss when she asked me if I was leaving the country for vacation and I told her something like "Not really, I'm just gonna rest. I don't have that much expendable cash haha." She went on about how she made literally double the amount I earn right now when she was my age when she worked at her uncles shop for like 20 minutes.
What the fuck, boomers.


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>internet $20
>donations as second biggest expense
>>>house cleaner

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How do I get a job?

Landlords unequivocally deserve the rope

Am banking and insolvency lawyer.

Hate my life. Make decent cash.

Still not worth it.

Don't be a lawyer

floodgates should be closed for everyone luigi

bluepilled normalfag

Don't work at Target. They do that shit all the time.
My ex worked there before and they did the same thing to you, and put her in a position that normally has higher pay than what she was working, but marked her under "training" so they didn't have to pay the full wage and kept her on "training" for over a month.

I'm 22 do I still have time to make a career out of IT even if I attend a community college for the courses?

>"We're gonna paint the office, you can be here on a Saturday and Sunday right user?"
>"We're replacing the server, you can be here with the technicians on Saturday and Sunday right user?"
>"It's X client's birthday today, you can take this package and drive 1+1 hour in traffic to get it to his office, right user? Btw we won't pay for gas or parking"
>"Wait your planned summer vacation starts on Monday? I know you told me 2 months ago but my daughter's graduation is next week, I have to fly to London. We'll reschedule your vacation after I come back"
>"We really value your work but there's just no margin to give you a raise at this time. By the way can you please unzip these photos from a new yacht I'm thinking of buying, I'm too much of a braindead boomer to unzip a file"

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>Get a job in my dream industry
>Excited, bright eyed, making decent pay for the area
>Over the course of a year and a half become completely paralyzed and depressed to the point where I still haven't recovered
>Eventually break one day and just quit
Nothing is as soul crushing as reaching your dreams and realize everything about it is absolutely terrible.

>2775 a month equals 100000$ a year

>Health Insurance
Why would you have a house cleaner if you're renting?

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Is that a lot or little where you live?

migrants raise offer, thus the price stays the same as well, or goes down

this . i've never been happier in my life, never need to wait for money and make 20 quid an hour sometimes, double or more than a guy with a boss.

>google "your area" jobs
>write a cv
repeat until you have one

a female psychopath created this.

Based retard

>Last job was a dating site scam
I'm not proud of it but i needed to make cash.

What happened, user?

Art History

I’m so burnt out by the time I get home from my full time grocery job that I hardly even want to play games, let alone look for jobs. Plus I have a hard time not getting discouraged after getting shot down for literally everything.

to keep your living space clean...

Mike Rowe is basically entirely funded by right-wing people who want cheap expendable labor

he also thinks OSHA standards should be abolished. I know there's some braindamaged pol reject people here but he's basically a total fraud who hasn't worked an actual honest day in his life outside of pantomiming it for TV

Are you swiss?
-4 isn't that bad. I got negative double digits on both eyes, they stamped me double-UT without even evaluating me.

the 2nd worst thing in life is to never meet your dreams
the 1st worst thing is to meet them

Based as fuck.

sauce? looks interesting.

but really chinese shouldnt be saying anything the welfare state when they had the 铁碗饭 for the better part of the 20th century

>manager cant into maths
Not that surprising.

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China will succeed because they aren't afraid of work. World will succumb to china.

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You say no, you fucking push over. Unpaid work events are not mandatory and retaliation for not doing it is illegal.

This is not unique to illegal immigrants, tho they do cause that as well.

That was a Nigerian scam artist. They bring you into the club to get you drunk and rob you when they feel like they can. You guys dodged a bullet getting out of there.

Nah, Ukraine.
At least those who have Master's degree here serve 1 year instead of 1.5.

>Excellent with money
What the fuck?

It's Greek minimum wage.
I live with my mum so I can make ends meet.
Basically my mum is subsidizing my shitty job so my bosses can make more profits.

I've calculated that I need 800€ a month just to survive if I live on my own. I'd need about 1000€ a month to live more comfortably with some amount to spare.

I'm afraid that if I quit I'll be unemployed for a long time because it's grease.

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Probably will look into a roommate, that'll help a lot
Met a qt Taiwanese girl there and hooked up with her after I quit for a few months. It didn't really last too long, but was nice while it lasted. Her broken english confessions/apologies and cuddling were so adorable. Sex left more to be desired, she was loud like those cunts in a JAV and I find that kind of unsexy.

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It kills me that he talks the talk but every dirty job is underpaid or run by college interns which is also underpaid. It's not that people don't want to work hard, it's that everything is underpaid.

He is not wrong tho.

So how much you think they're getting paid? I'm assuming jack shit

yeah, I know what you mean

Working retail is just so fucking exhausting I don't even want to play vidya when I finish my sleep
I just go home and watch youtube or browse Yea Forums until I go to sleep

Where is the joke? That the employer is bad at math, but in a nom-punchline way?

Tax Deductions.

It's my dream to make this graph a realty. Imagine becoming super rich and then using your wealth to leverage deals to make this happen. Like, talk to the ISP, give them $2000 upfront and have them change the Internet bill to $20 a month so long as your upfront balance holds up. All the while just smirking and saying "I'm living no differently than a typical 25-year-old who is excellent with money"

game dev?

>automation isn't going to happen in 50 years
You don't need automation for self checkout tills. That's already countless jobs lost.
The future will not be automated, it will be operated by the consumer.

Didn't think lawyers shitpost here on Yea Forums, this place is more diverse than i initially thought

fucking cunts

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Splitting rent and utilities in half helps a fuck ton, but be prepared for living with someone. Hard-screen people and whatever you do, don't let a friend or family member move in.

>finish my sleep
shit, finish my shift*

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>even when that happens, they still will blame the millennials for 'abandoning' them there rather than understanding it was a bed of their own making.
Yeah but no one is gonna listen to them at that point

(((small))) ((((white))) (((penis)))

I'd like to see Mike work completely randomly-assigned shifts at Popeyes right now for a month and see if he liked that or shoveling shit for like 2 days on set more

but he won't, because Mike doesn't do real work- he just collects a check from the Kochs among others to tell people to do the same (but be a good goy and go to a trade school instead of doing a union apprenticeship)

>Not letting your sister live with you
user, how else am I supposed to get sex?

Not how it works. You'll never save more taxes than you spend in donations, at least in a properly working tax system.

I feel you bro. Spaniard here, northern EU faggots have no idea how fucking easy they have it. We're basically a third-world nation mascarading as a functioning first world one.

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90% of lawyers are pretty miserable so that's why we're here

>Yea Forums makes fun of west for having work mentality.

>Literally ignores China with their slave NPC culture of working 12 hour days, 6 days a week and only seeing family once a year

Really makes you think doesnt it //

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It's 10 in the morning, man. You really gonna make me jack off already?

A good job on IT wont require you to have any real degree. If you are actually capable of doing technical tests and present self made projects you can land a good job.
But having a good degree can surely help you start the ball rolling.

Also try to learn from others as much as you can.

Americans work so much and pay taxes for this

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(((non))) (((sequitur)))

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>Rent only $825
>In an environment where you can feasibly make $100,000 per year
>At 20 fucking 5
His job is collecting trust fund money then, right?

>start working
>you can buy every console and game that you want
>don't because working fucking sucks and save as much as possible for future NEET times

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I have read the article.
He writes papers for rich college kids, splits everything with roommates, and still receives a lot of things he needs from his parents.


Civil engineer here in the same boat
I've worked so long to pay off my debts and lived so far below my means that I've no idea how to use my cash I've saved in the meanwhile, let alone go on a trip, since I've been building those while only spending my vacation days for family events

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I dunno user, things are looking dim for Taiwan and Hong Kong, the only Chinese left.

Thanks for the reply, I'm going to try to pursue this and hopefully make it

>not may be


What Yea Forums have you been on that's not constantly shitting on the bugmen?

That is why old societies came up with monogamy, now farmer Brown has a reason to work beyond the bare minimum since he has a family. Now 30% of 2X year old men are virgins, wonder why they don’t want to work...?

what jav code is that?

Socialist NEETs don’t understand that the authoritarian state they want for endless NEETbux can and probably will backfire on them

Ancient Egyptian history predates chinese history by over a millennia.

Internships are fucking boring. I get payed a lot for little work, though.

Well atleast our minimum wage is a little bit higher.

Rent is crazy high in big cities though

NEETs and dissconnected oligarchs are the natural consequences of the free-for-all capitalist ideology that's been hammered into our culture. That includes the corporate capture of ostensibly democratic institutions, since concentration of political power follows inmediately from concentration of wealth.

"Greed is good," and so the NEETs abandon society just as society has abandoned everyone else

Yes, the joke is that the math is wrong. Has being a neet for so long and only laughing at pepe and wojak rotted your brain that much? It's not a funny joke, but you have to be king of the autists to not realise it's a joke.

Cost of living is astronomical mate, Catalonia pretends to be Germany or Sweden or someshit when we average a third of their income.

I'm part of a third generation space family. My grandfather got us to the moon so it's kind of a big deal to me. I broke into the space industry through contract safety software work directly under the Federal government. What I saw and dealt with utterly disgusted me. If you wanna know why we're gonna die on this fucking rock it's gonna be the apathetic shit guzzlers that work for NASA. I have never seen such sheer incompetence and negligence from a group of assholes. I can count the amount of competent government employees I've met on one hand. Yet alone the fucking terrible working conditions I was placed in during the whole year. I have so much I want to scream about, but, I don't even know where to begin. As melodramatic as it sounds I just feel broken after all of it.
Ain't that the truth. After the disillusionment set in I wish I'd never done it in the first place. I rather have faith than hopelessness.
Space Industry.

Because it used to be you could afford a house with a part time job and live/save comfortably with full time/salaried work. Boomers don't understand or care that the economy has changed so much because of the oh-so American "fuck you, I got mine" mentality. They honestly think you can still start in the mail room and work up from there, or that you can stand outside your prospective employer's house everyday until you get a job. Not to mention job openings cater exclusively to them, as most non-minimum wage work requires years of experience or a Ph.D in Tibetian basket weaving that will leave you more broke than you'd normally be.

The only way out is to invent something. Service, tool, toy, game, recipe, story, whatever, you only escape once people start consuming whatever you're producing.


based and syndicatepilled

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>That was a Nigerian scam artist. They bring you into the club to get you drunk and rob you when they feel like they can.

I thought they send emails saying they're government officials who need help transferring undisclosed funds.

>American tax system
>properly working
If you're a millionaire, maybe

He's a manager not a mathager.

>space family
thats so gay

very smart user

I wish I was good at math so I could be an accountant or some other high up job. I fucking hate math

>this fucking thread

murica is a special kind of retarded shithole.

and the funny thing is that the common retarded fat murican thinks that's ok because any kind of right is seen as "communism"

kek, what a joke of a country and people.

Republishits and bidencrats believe this shit.

It's never too late to learn, right?

post a picture of your wrist

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Shit, didn't even know that was the main reason they want people in, i thought they were just desperate for customers or something. Guess i know not to trust them when we go back this winter. Thanks for the warning user

What a cute Akari

I know I know.

Honestly the only solution seems to be emigration.

>I'm part of a third generation space family

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>>heard bad shit about the work there
>>one company i looked up has 7.5h work days (less than what i'm currently doing) with paid overtime, free facilities like gym and takes foreigners
yeah japan's bad work ethics are grossly overhyped, it does get bad but it's just boomer shit like everyone else
there are always good companies you can find

But user, millionaires/billionaires deserve to not pay any taxes because they employ lots of people and they keep the economy afloat.
You wouldn't want them to leave, now would you?
Now get back to the cubicle mines and don't forget to pay your taxes, leech.

Get off Yea Forums Muhammad

post ethnicity and chin

>They employ lots of people
*Laughs in Indian*

>has no answer so results to name calling /pol/tard

Link one of your videos; you're already as public as it gets.

lol. who told you the lie of accountants being rich?
most are on the low end middle class scale. our accounts earn less than I do and all I do is push around mails and other peoples money.
i'm not a banker.

our pol-tier dipshits that roll over for this kind of shit are the most cucked people in existence

>rant about jews running the world and controlling all the money/corporations
>fight against any actual power going to workers (the people you would presume you'd want to fight against them) because "muh communism" or because they think it might benefit some bluehaired tranny that makes them mad about videogames

From what I understand you are basically expected to work overtime beyond what’s reasonable and elevens lack the ability to do things against the social order for their own benefit.

even lego land does a better job at being a country than you fat dumb fucks

The petit bourgeois have always been caught in a Sisyphean game of desperately trying to claw their way above the working class as the bourgeois continue to push them back down.

>each according to his ability and each according to his means

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Is it true that in the usa you can be fired without reason for the next day after 10 years at the job?

Don't forget that the west is rotten and china is based and has strong values.

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it's true but it's not as rampant as people claim and there are similar problems in many first world countries

>If you want job, you must give away personal rights
>If you want a job, you need to play politics in the with office
Dead sounds better.

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again, you've clearly never worked a day in your life with managers, or around boomers, they all unironically think like this, fuck them all

post a picture of your wrist.

Here's your answers retard:
Literal hordes of spics invading the southern border
Allies getting threatened
Countries to invade for resources
Upholding military bases abroad
Nuclear weapons

Now get out of my sight you stupid fucking NIGGER

Yeah. In America you also have to lick your boss' feet every single day.
And also in America, you have to legally let your boss come into your home for dinner every sunday.

Bring up the concept of a maximum wage and watch the REAL societal leeches squirm in their expensive chairs.

Nobody said where the people they employ live, user, but they're here and have lots of money. If we make them pay taxes they'll get frightened and leave, and then there will be no wealth to trickle down at all.

I went with gf, so that keeps fair amount of weirdos and scammers away. Whenever I was alone just some guys from a titty bar wanted to give me a leaflet

if youre just blindly investing you will lose all of your money. you need actual education on the subject. do research before putting a dime into anything. diversify your portfolio to protect yourself.

I wish I could just fight bad guys and monsters instead of slaving away just to make ends meet everyday.

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This. Right-wing millennials like their dumbass parents have been successfully gaslit into directing their frustration at the system towards people even worse off than they are.

You know, for people that call others Snowflakes a lot, boomers sure do victimize themselves a whole bunch.

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>Volkswagen's factory workers in the US reject union
>A member of the German autoworkers union sits on VW's board of directors. More than 100 VW plants worldwide employ union-represented workers — everywhere but in China and at the Chattanooga plant. But union opponents at the plant and the the city campaigned hard against union representation, arguing union representation was bad for Volkswagen and the plant's workers.

beat them fuckign commies lol

Yes, people work jobs for decades expecting to get their retirement shit, then the "job creators" fire them before they can get benefits.
Scum of the highest level.

Rich people wouldn't care as most of their money isn't subject to taxation or regulation. At most you'd be fucking over a few people who managed to cheat the rotten system and a few arguably overpayed middle-class chumps.