aand dropped
Aand dropped
In an actual cyberpunk world where tech has evolved to properly switch genders instead of mutilating yourself, it at least makes a bit of sense, right?
Why is this a bad thing? Playing a fat cock dickgirl is the best
I think it's a misleading headline.
They are just removing the word gender entirely from the creator so you can play as the most masculine dude with a full beard and give xim the female voice.
>t.tranny lovers
Fuck off and kill yourself you autistic subhuman.
>playing any new game past 2014
Can't wait to make my character a sissy with massive tits and a tiny little clitty
I think I'll just pirate it.
Yeah, and it's just a marketing spin. Hasn't this been a thing since Baldur's gate or even earlier?
It's even less work while programming too, since you don't have to sort voicepacks to gender.
>playing anything after 2007
already deconfirmed, which is why you're here false flagging, tranny
stay mad
>cyberpunk game will featute cyberpunk elements
GTA V mod with trannies and transhumanism in first person perspective only.
Sorry, CD Cuckjekt, I'm a bad and angry goy.
why do you believe tranny journos again ?
Since when is gender and queer theory part of the Cyberpunk imagery, symbolism and narrative? Do you even read books, monkey?
do you?
/pol/tards don't play video games in the first place.
It is? Thats a part of why its an..I dont know? A FUCKING DYSTOPIA?
Good. I want a huge bulge on slutty Fem V.
They announced in the first trailer that you'd be able to switch genders mid-game.
Why are journalists trying to spin this like they're adding xe xer pronouns and shit?
>a futureistic near future dystopia that takes current trends to their dark, logical limits
>has trannies everywhere
Makes sense desu senpai
>game set in the future
>not passing the gender barriers
>not wanting to be more than human
>people want Pokemon characther creator
Who cares.
Ah yes, polcucks. Getting mad at a game is so "right".
Probably the next year a bunch of polcucks,christcucks and trannies are gonna stay outside camping a Gamestop or Wallmart like shop, triying to stop young gamers from being corrupt like them. Gladly i preordered with 0 fucks digitally and not gonna deal with the shitstorm outside.
Have fun farming yous in this threads saying the same things over and over again to think you're talking to someone.
Dont kill yourself.
Gives them clicks.
>Have fun farming yous in this threads saying the same things over and over again to think you're talking to someone.
Isn't that exactly what you're doing?
futa cock/boypussy socket attachment =/= transgender
Oh fuck. It's almost like all these paragons of leftist virtue are simply milking social outrage over progressive ideals for money! How virtuous and brave.
What an ally.
I hate these people.
why is everyone in Yea Forums obsessed with trannies!? it's really creeping me out
holy fuck who fucking cares??? all i care about is whether or not the game is fun
Game Journos are obviously sabotaging the game. I wont believe a shit they're saying if I were you.
I was talking to "him".
Thanks for the you.
its escapism
the idea of women is really fucking hot, but in reality you get these disgustingly flawed, uninteresting and aging humans
so then you get attached to the idea of trannies, which is really fucking hot, but in reality you get these disgusting sjws
the next step, of course, is either acceptance or despair
luca is cute
>not wanting to kill trannies in cyberpunk
top kek dabbing on you
>playing anything
Oh my god it's like they want this game to flop.
>what are console commands
seppuku yourself
The true problem of transgenderism Is the half-assed technology that instead of making your body actually transition makes you look like an half-gendered horror. As technology Will Advance and as body modification technology Will become better probably therapies Will become more ethically accepted and tolerated as post-op bodies Will be as close ad possible to the real thing
It can be like Saints Row character customization. I always wanted to play as the bearded lady!
Not the case here, as mods are super expensive and you get left behind if you don't have the right mods in the world of cyberpunk. Even less likely than usual that you would therefore waste it on gender mods.
>I bet Cyberpunk will have flying cars and multiple classes
>based on a cinematic trailer of a bitch getting arrested
It isn't the devs fault that you're so fucking dumb.
So only the ruling class gets to be tranny because of money? So being a tranny is a sign of power?
That would be the idea. Unfortunately this has been shown not to be the case in CDPR's version of cyberpunk, where even the MC gets to be a tranny right out the gate.
>instead of making your body actually transition makes you look like an half-gendered horror
It does work well, it just takes time and doesn't work if you're 30+. You also need good genetics and/or to start young because it does nothing for your bone structure or masculine expanded facial planes.