Vidya moments where real men cried.
Vidya moments where real men cried
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that was fucking heavy
Real men don't spend their time playing video games.
To this day I've never heard this moment, or seen any footage of it for myself. I always let Siegmeyer go out in a blaze of glory in Izalith.
>letting this happen
mitch ahn~
That's how it should be.
that bitch of a daughter was crazy. she said sje killed him once before. we have no idea if the guy actually went hollow, or if was even marked by the brand. For all we know, his adventure could of carried him to the ash lake, where she found and killed him
>could of
Most people wont even see this unless by chance or following a guide.
Because Siegmeyer abandoned his family in search of adventure and the Chosen Undead makes him question his purpose, since he is constantly being helped out by the CU at every avenue. Sieglinde is also crying when you find her in Ash Lake.
Yeah the "true" ending of this questline is overrated. You have to assume he hollows because he can't get past the hydra, whereby Sieglinde kills him. I think it would've been better to happen upon Sieglinde and Siegmeyer mid-combat, with Sieglinde pleading with him to stop and Siegmeyer silent to denote his hollowing. I just don't see the guy going hollow once he finds Ash Lake.
ash lake was the best shit ever
A lot of people think it's no biggie, he comes back to life again just like the other undead and/or the player character. HOWEVER, the daughter clearly says that she will be going back to Catarina ALONE.
AC4 was a better "the gang dies" story than RDR2.
AC4 was kino.
Pro-tip: if you stand like 10 steps behind Sieglinde you can clip into her helmet and what would you know, they actually bothered modeling her face. And she's such a qt.
What the fuck is this screenshot? It looks like it was made in Gmod.
>could of
what the fuck. you don't deserve onion knight's service you degenerate.
The soundtrack really helps set the mood:
>Using fan art
>I gotta try
>I know
If you didn't shed a single tear after Mary reading that letter you're a fucking liar.
Why would she return to catarina with a hollow?
>giantdad build
did you miss the part where she says she has to kill him again? cause it sounds like you did. She was crazy, and if siegbro was marked by the brand, which seems to be taboo in everywhere if the lore is anything to go by, then he did not abandon his family. For all we know, which isnt much, he left to go on an adventure to prevent himself from going hollow and killing his loved ones. As those that lose the will to go on seem to do that. examples of this are the pyromancer if you finish his questline, the forlorn knight in the shrine, the saint lady after you buy all her miracles, and knight in the undead asylum
the daugher is right there, she was clearly stalking him with the intent to kill. How do we know he wasnt there trying to avoid a confrontation after she found him in lost Izalith?
Too heavy
>No one posting top tier bro
Y’all a buncha pretenders
By real men do you mean wagecuck drunkards?
Doesnt the fat merchant just fuck off somewhere?
It's obvious that her father was deteriorating and going more and more hollow. It's implied that he's done some crazy shit before and now that he's completely hollow she killed him for the final time. It's an honorable death, FWIW, she put him out of his misery.
Sieglinde Journeyed through Lordran alone even though she isn't undead, that is based as fuck.
How the hell did she even make it to the Duke's Archives?
>devolving into a mindless beast and trying to kill your daughter, who's on an international fucking adventure to put your miserable ass out of your suffering is honorable
It's pretty much the fucking point of his questline that there's nothing honorable or heroic about him.
this is the end of the questline
the only way to avoid it is to either have him die earlier or to just not do the questline
I doubt he attacked her, she just found him in a zombie like state and outright killed him to end this as quickly as possible. From all the times you helped him it's obvious that he's weak as shit now and not a challenge for a capable knight of Catarina like his daughter.
That titanite slab though.
Mitchu-kun, yamete kyaaaa~
Dude, there's nothing that points to him being weak. The only challenge he passes up that's actually indicative of his strength is the three silver knights, and it's not like you can just waltz up to them and beat the three of them in a slugfest, either. He went hollow and, most likely, did try to kill his own daughter.
None of that changes the fact that devolving into a mindless beast, your daughter having to put you out of your misery, is about as far from an honorable end as you can get. It's a damn bad end.
The popular theory is that the Chosen Undead, by repeatedly intervening in the efforts of Siegmeyer, caused the Onion Knight to lose his sense of self and purpose, and eventually resulted in his hollowing.
So... it's all on you.
>should of
This is why letting him die to the Chaos Eaters in Lost Izalith to protect you is the "good" ending.
Tfw I fucked up and his quest ended in Izalith..
Correct, decent people dislike degeneracy.
Not my fault knights of Catarina are shit
what's that? a dutch flag?
I know this goes against the grain but i feel like siegward was better. It was a retreading sure but it was done better IMO.
other than the bossfight, excuse me
Fat merchant gets so impressed by Edward he becomes a pirate himself and dies off screen. He's based on an actual person so he had to die either way
Yes because despite being a dirty greedy welshman he was still a good lad at heart.
Dickchopping flag.
The fuck he do?
Vidya and real men don't belong in the same sentence faggot gamer
No, dude, I know the f(l)ag. That's not it.
suicide by 30 years old flag
Worth it for that titanite slab tho those things are hard to come by.
Crystal Golems are for capturing young women as test subjects.
Every NPC in DkS1 is made with same customization method the player makes their character with. So every NPC has a proper face under the armor
>crying at video games like a pussy
Aren't people from Caterina nogs though?
rundown on this?
They both aim for different things. Siegward gets too much shit for being a "rehash", but Siegward is far more valiant a knight than Siegmeyer.
Pic related was kino.
Everything else was cringe.
Selecting "Jubilant Catarina" at the character select screen shows a black person.
>Watched Vaati's take on this of how it was all part of some plot to kill the lords and start the age of humanity.
It was nice for background noise I don't know if it was horseshit or not.
what? how the fuck
that is bullshit
Should have made them stronger enemies. Like a bunch of Tauros Demons or those demon worms or something.
funny how being like you leads to suicide by 30 syndrome
Is DeS 3 worth getting into now to complete the story.
final DLC boss is kino
Bullshit. Vaati only says that Siegmeyer's hollowing is hastened by the player's meddling.
I think you watched his video on Siegmeyer and it autoplayed into a video about Havel, Velka, and the Occult Club you find with Havel's gear.
If you got through DSII, DSIII will be fucking incredible.
Yeah thats probably it.
Nah the game says he was hanged by the British for consorting with pirates.
The rainbow one is for fags, that other flag is for trannies.
The fuck is this. I never saw these two onions before.
>not just kicking him into the hole at sen's
Nah, we play video games lmao
I enjoyed the two of the DLCs for DSII mostly for the aztec dragon and the Ivory King. I didn't care for the fire one though.
you're the reason they needed to show old yeller going rabid in the movie before they let him be killed
>if you don't waste time crying over shitty anime games you're going to kill yourself
>Dark Souls
>if you give the pyromancer the chaos flame he goes nuts and tries to kill you.
>don't give it to him and he gets a little sad but he doesn't die because he trusts your judgement
The only AC worth playing
Infamous 2 I think.
>not wanting a free slab
Always one.
That scene and the music timing was the shit and you know it, hivemind fuck.
I feel quite cheerful today
Have a (You) user. It's on the house. I won't even call you a fag
>That moment when Edward finally clicks and decides to change
Man what a story
BASED. Fuck you, trannies
>want to play this again
>remember all the dogshit assassin quests and irl portions
nigga I just want to be a pirate
The banner of the 45%.
>going the extra mile for something that drops out of a darkwratih's asshole
I can't feel sorry for Sif knowing that Atorias is a fraud who got his ass clapped by Manus.
>"in a world without gold, we might have been heroes"
It's not as if he named himself a hero, fuck. At least he saved his dog from all but you.
same for me
Some of these must be pleb-tier, but I don't care:
>The last battle against your teamates and Rando's army in LISA.
>Emil's "death" in the original Nier.
>Saber's death at the end of the first route of Fate/Stay Night
>Walker's confrontation with Konrad/his own guilt in Spec Ops: The Line.
Ghost Trick's entire last chapter
Persona 3 ending is the hardest hitting moment in video gaming for me by far.
Lost potential the franchise
No...not the silent protagonist...anyone but him...
>what's that? a dutch flag?
This. It's also why Rhea disappears from the Undead Parish if you buy all her miracles and keep Petrus from killing her - there's a Channeler on the second floor that abducts her to the Duke's Archives and she goes insane and hollows from what she witnesses there.
what's that, a suicide rates chart?
Imagine the eulogy Mitsuru had to give the student body that day, after finally remembering everything and reuniting happily with her friends only to find the heart and leader of their team passed away a moment before they could all reunite.
>don't worry ma'am I've got the cure right here, you're going to be fine
It's modern art, user. Only sophisticated individuals capable of understanding it.
goddamn the feels
You need two Havel rings for that
of course he wasnt hollow, otherwise he would have gotten back up after his "daughter" killed him, he was murdered
>playing assassins creed at all
This was so sad for me
>watch this scene in FF7
>he just gets double tapped and dies with no words
Played the game but don't remember this. Did he blow them all up or something?
Man, wish Sony would clean up the first 2 Infamous games (and Festival of Blood) and drop it on PSN (better yet a physical disc) for the PS4. Give me locked 60fps and 1080p please. Will probably have to wait 5 more years to play it in a emulator.
Unironically cried like a bitch. This game has completely crushed me.
Have a (you)
I love Persona 3
Why is it sad he'll just show up at a bonfire again right?
This would have been the tipping point after you got that Man 'o war to defend the island. Pretty sure after this a battle happens where Blackbeard gets shot to shit and his head cut off.
No, he went completely Hollow.
>no fun allowed
They all die throughout the course of the game, not all at once
When FF7 first came out and Aerith was killed, had no clue it was coming. I was 12 years old and cried so fucking hard my dad came into the room. He's asking me what's wrong and i'm trying to tell him i'm crying because Aerith died. Once he figured out what I was crying over he was so fucking disappointed with me. Like more disappointed then if I came out as gay to him.
The worst part is he dies like a bitch in his town house by some ugly looking cunt. The one who could take a whole ship with his bare hands gets dunked on in the end.
>You know, I was thinking... About leaving for another round of thieving. There must be something of use in Lothric Castle. I-I'm aware of the danger. That castle is a death trap. Not a single man has returned from the castle unscathed, even back in the day. But I don't want sit around and die a petty rat. And I consider myself your friend.
>Thank you, for placing your trust in me. Oh, don't you worry. I know Lothric like the back of my hand.
>[Parting Glass intensifies]
Yeah but when the cursed one sits at a bonfire he should lore wise show up again right?
Based dad
Absolutely based.
I see. Coincidentally I'm playing AC:Syndicate now and I'm wearing his outfit and had a mission in his London mansion.
Most likely the game that turned me into the babbling bitch I am now. Since then I've cried at a couple endings, most notably Automata and part ways through Shadowbringers when Seto starts talking about Ardbert
Yuna did everything wrong.
Do you see the mask?
>Huh, I'm gonna miss that voice
Don't need to when the set has already been tainted by memes.
Jackie Ma getting gutted like a fish and hung out to dry desu. Stupid fuck should have stayed home.
>capable knight
You literally meet her by rescuing her from a crystal golem. She got captured by a semi-sentient boulder.
>literally just saved his ass from being buried alive
like seriously what the fuck
Fuck the templar and ass parts,the real story is about a boy becoming a man. Son of a bitch. I also got kind of sad at the end of Revelations
I didn't tear up but I was pretty bummed. Delta's fate is even more sad regardless of the ending you get.
>greedy sheepfucker gets his dues
serves him right
Seraphic Blue
>Sinclair had tons and tons of "oh he's gonna betray you later" red flags
>turns out to be a complete bro at the end
>didn't realize this until his death
FUCK My Ps3 broke and I never got around to fixing it
How did he get there after the demon's ruins?
>actively instructs you on the best way to kill him
>thanks you for it
The whole fucking ride and the sequel like holy fuck I expected a simple kiddy game and I got blindsided.
He walked.
the "true" ending of this game actually made me cry, never happened before. I really think it's worth playing through the game (which is pretty good) for the masterpiece that is ending E.
You are in a coma after a car crash that killed both your parents. The ending of 2 is you waking up in the hospital to your sister while everything fades away around you because none of it was fucking real. Nothing in either game indicated this was the case.
It's been a while but that's the gist, from what I remember.
As what said and also it's a huge biblical allegory.
My favorite vidya ending
I know it's been talked to death and always dredges up arguments but the ending of John Marston's death still gets me. Especially leading up to it at the start of the mission when he says "a machine that can turn men into angels" reflecting on the beginning of the game.
Imagine if this had been a fully fledged pirate simulator/rpg instead of being held back by Assassin and ancient aliens bullshit.
Why aren't there more purely history based games without and scifi/fantasy crap?
Explorers of Sky was the closest I've came to crying in a video game other than mother 3, god damn this game was good
Arguments? I thought it was a fantastic ending, although I really hate playing as Jack (don't we all).
I'm not sure if John's death out of almost nowhere was better or worse than being basically straight up told Arthur was going to die for like a chapter and a half.
They did take a hint from it by announcing that PvP ship based combat game that hasn't been talked about since. If the kangz and greek creed games are anything to go by than a pirates game should follow the same formula.
I murdered her for that.
>the night, and the dream, were long...
Anything related to Dom in all 3 gears games. Though I didn't cry I felt shitty.
Won't he just respawn at a bonfire
It's presumed he's gone hollow. You don't come back from that.
Better. You could almost believe you made it home free, but when you look back it becomes so clear this is how it had to end and John knew that.
All hollows respawn, at least in Dark Souls 1.
For me, it's
Gameplay and story segregation. Crestfallen won't respawn when kill or kick off the ledge his hollow ass in New Londo. Your pyromancer pal doesn't come back when you kill his hollow ass in Blighttown.
hivemind fag kys
>Gameplay and story segregation.
Dude, Siegmeyer's death happens entirely in the story. He should respawn.
wat. You cited evidence that
>all hollows respawn, at least in Dark Souls 1
I assumed you were talking about common enemies, and so invoked gameplay and story segregation. I then cited Crestfallen and the pyromancer as examples of hollows who don't come back, yet here you are holding fast that Siegmeyer ought to.
you don't get the last slab of titanite if you do that though
I'd feel shitty too looking at the way gears is now. Having a parade for some grub loving thot as your new mascot.
Me too
Why not just farm Darkwraiths for slabs
Because their drop rate is in the single digits.
This isn't wow bruh.
Then just NG+ till you got all slabs you want or need
I don't even remember why he died. I remember saving him in izalith for achievment or someting
What the hell are you talking about? In the story, all undead/hollows respawn at their "home" point, this being represented by bonfires. NPCs do not respawn in gameplay, despite being undead/hollow, for purely gameplay reasons. In story, they should pop up again, slightly madder each time. Meaning Siegmeyer is going to rise again, and his daughter's entire quest is a huge plothole.
>do this until NG6 or so
>by this point armour is only for cosmetic because everything will two-shot you regardless
Its only worth it if you want a choice of +15 weapons to play around with.
He goes Hollow, so his daughter kills him.
Reverse your logic completely and you've got it right. Otherwise you're attempting to upheave 8 years of everyone agreeing on how hollowing works.
>"The flow of time itself is convoluted, with heroes centuries old phasing in and out. The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and obscure. There's no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact."
>goes Hollow
Why is this game is a huge fucking nonsense?
Got through this but when his daughter comes off the ship and he handles her the flowers I was crying whole credits. Fuck
I don't give a shit what the YouTube fanfiction authors think. The game says it clearly: all undead rise again when they're killed, going more and more insane the longer this goes on. Going completely hollow doesn't stop this process. That's why the undead are still looking for a cure for the curse, and why hopeless cases are locked up in the Asylum.
When he hears the Legendary Theme.
>I don't give a shit what the YouTube fanfiction authors think
Neither do I.
>all undead rise again when they're killed
Because then the game would have no enemies.
>Going completely hollow doesn't stop this process
Killing Crestfallen and the pyromancer says otherwise. I don't know how you took killing these two as the gameplay part and not the story segregation part. The Siegmeyer/Siegleinde ending works when you think of it this way. The only way it's a plothole is using your logic. Reverse your logic, and it works, along with everything else in the game.
Because the lore is only there to add atmosphere, rather than a fully coherent world.
>Because then the game would have no enemies.
The enemies respawn BECAUSE they're undead/hollow, you dunderhead. That's the story excuse behind the gameplay mechanic. It doesn't apply to NPCs because From isn't competent enough to program variable NPC reactions to being killed by the player, and also because perma-killable NPCs are more interesting gameplay-wise anyway. In story, they are undead, and thus susceptible to the same quirks of the undead curse as all other undead.
I'll say it again, the NPCs don't respawn for gameplay reasons. In story and lore, the undead are returned to life at their nearest home point. That's why they're called undead and how the curse works.
What? Man,I haven't even paid attention. Story ended at 3.
I cried when i realized what i had just done after killing Sif.
Never Again!
The discussion has reached an end, so I'll just repeat what I said.
>The Siegmeyer/Siegleinde ending works when you think of it this way. The only way it's a plothole is using your logic. Reverse your logic, and it works, along with everything else in the game.
A man gotta be a little stupid
Well, if you're going to completely ignore one of the basic premises of the story in favour of fanfiction, then I guess the discussion has really reached an end. Good show.
Gears 5 is meant to drop in a week or so. Story is about some whiny bitch who is the grand daughter of the Locust cunt that started it all. What a weird turn it took for this series considering how it was all meatheads with chainsaw guns.
>grand daughter of the Locust cunt
What an asspull.
>Not "I've finally won"
It's the ending. They're all dead at that point due to various events. The table is actually empty but before leaving the island, Edward looks over at it and envisions all his dead mates still alive and being themselves. All the while, the one remaining mmember of the crew is singing some song about a parting glass.
Didn't actually cry but left me with the biggest lingering sadness
>When you see all the torture devices around the cannon
Always this one
Say what you will, but this fight makes shed tears every time.
>When Yuna whistles at the dock
>"that cigarettes nice right? savor it."
hit me hard