Recommend me games that take place on a flat world.
Recommend me games that take place on a flat world
Like 99% of them
the game of life
ur moms dyke bra lol
Have you ever used a 3D engine? Most open world games are likely just a flat plane where they paint hills, textures, foliage etc.
you literally are on a floating island like your pic
planetary annihilation
The discworld adventure games
listen, we don't cotton to freaks round these parts
scram, weirdo
Any game that takes place on earth
My grandfather was the lead cartographer during Operation Highjump. He told me the earth was flat as far as we knew and that Antarctica is the outer rim we haven't explored beyond. Sorry kids, but a lot of the funny math they teach you in school is not applicable to real life geography. Our PLANE-T is non-euclidean . The math falls apart at large scale. Many people know this not stay quiet as not to disturb the sleeping public.
Quoth the phoneposter
Ar tonelico 3
Your grandfather was a dumb nigger, just like you!
Golden Sun
The Discworld Text Adventure Game
Discworld 1
Discworld 2 : Missing Presumed
Discworld Noir
Custom Robo
Anybody ever met a flat earther? I found one while working, and he seemed like a cool dude minus the dumb shit he said about flat earth. Hope I run into him again so my shift goes by faster.
This is euro-Yea Forums. Our flatearthers are brexiters.
>still believe the earth is flat
anons please
>possibly hollow
this is some HxH level bullshit, kek
The Earth is flat! Space isn't real! Fire is cold and water is dry!
>big hollow white ball with holes in it
Tell me you don't believe in Wiffle Ball Earth.
honestly it would be really cool if Minecraft had a giant cube shaped world and the nether was just right in the middle
And here I was thinking all the Yea Forums discworld bros could get together again.
The earth is only flat when observed from the ground because it's procedurally generated, dumbass
that looks like a pretty neat setting tbqh
Golden sun 2 specifically. You can sail to the ends of the Earth and find waterfalls on each end.
so what's the reason this is being kept a secret?
make it a good one...
my fucking sides
How does flat world even works?
How does this work?
It doesn't. That's why flat earth folks quickly jump to the "you can't explain why YOUR theory works" argument as a counter.
No! It's flat, because Jesus!
*fun games
Plebs can't handle it.
They can barely handle the notion of not worshipping a king or master fatherfigure (in the form of religion or government)
Knowing the true nature of our universe would turn plebs into suicidal maniacs. Imagine the OKC bombing on a daily basis
It doesn't. There's an excellent documentary called Behind the Curve where they just follow a couple prolific flat-earthers. Aside from the actual cringe of watching Mark Sargent embarrass himself trying to fuck Patricia Steele, you get to see the first Flat-Earth convention, as well as other flat-earther groups conduct their own experiments. They wind up proving themselves wrong, but refuse to accept it.
It's around 90 minutes or so but worth it IMO.
>Knowing the true nature of our universe would turn plebs into suicidal maniacs. Imagine the OKC bombing on a daily basis
Literally nothing wrong with that.
Whatever happened to the guy who tried to launch himself on his own homemade rocket to prove once and for all that the Earth is flat?
People literally just want to eat and fuck dumbshit nobody except you snotty science illiterates gives a second thought to the shape of the earth
As far as I know, he never went through with it.
Well, hello whyboner.
he did go through with it. It's on youtube.
Reminder that some ancient Greek baller managed to calculate the circumference of a spherical Earth without even leaving his city
>Sorry kids, but a lot of the funny math they teach you in school is not applicable to real life geography.
are you talking about compulsory education geometry classes? because those teach euclidean geometry, which of course doesn't work at large scales on the earth because the earth is not a fucking plane you flaky croissant.
Who gives a shit
He was probably unsuccessful like every single flat Earth preacher in the world
All this time there have been FIVE United States of America's? Do we all have clones too?
(Yes I'm purposefully ignoring all the irrelevant continents, don't reply to me.)
I stand corrected, I'll have to check it out.
Nevermind I found it. Basically made his own rocket out of scrap metal and a mobile home. Launched himself 1875 ft in the air rather than just hop on a plane and fly at 33k ft. Said that he wants to do it again and launch himself higher
>I don’t believe in science.
>I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air, about the certain size of rocket nozzles, and thrust, but that’s not science, that’s just a formula.
>There’s no difference between science and science fiction.
>earth is a donut
was an american behind this idea
>he launched himself and lived
damn, that is impressive
>not glaze
Someone is going to see this centuries later and think it's legit.
Funnily enough, games that have that wrap around effect when you go too far down/left so that you end up at the top/right of the map are located on a torus, basically a doughnut shape. Examples would be FFVII, Bosconia, etc.
They are complacent because they believe their kind corporate/government overlords will take care of the future. So they drink their phytoestrogens and eat their unicorn bagels blissfully oblivious to the world collapsing around them.
They've been cowed into the idea that the world doesn't need them in any capacity. Comfort is all that matters to them because they believe the comfy lie that the world is in good hands.
I don't get the point of the Flat Earth movement. So let's say they're right, the Earth is flat and there's an elaborate conspiracy devoted to convincing people it's round,.and all the mountains of evidence of the Earth being round are fabricated. Why? What would be the fucking point of doing so? What does the Ilerminarty or whoever is supposedly behind it have to gain from it?
Never doubt the faustian spirit of trailer trash.
I want to do things to South America
Nobody cares about the world overall other than easily misled idelogues. People only care if they and those close to them are cared for and well off.
You're being used, fool. Ask who has been feeding you this information and to what end to see who your real masters are.
Yeah and it doesn't matter if it's flat or round to anyone except you
oh shut the fuck up retard
It is legit.
>flat earth
Peak retard
>They've been cowed into the idea that the world doesn't need them in any capacity.
Because it does not. Only humans need humans.
>world [is] collapsing around them.
It better be.
>trailer trash are literally unironically smarter than wealthy white liberals
space is fake, fuck NASA & the Jesuit freemasons
It's the highest form of contrarianism. They're desire to feel smarter than other people and stroke their own ego is the single driving force to being in denial over basic facts.
Because a true sphere is too hard to program
Absolutely fucking nothing. It's a bunch of idiots screeching so they can appear awake to people who actually pay attention and cause legitimate things in the world to happen.
It's regressive as a fashion statement and to appear different so as to have an easy answer for being on the outskirts of society.
My Uncle works at Nintendo and they found out that the Earth is a triangle
sorry why would that upset people? why is the world being flat inherently more crazy than it being round?
What doth life?
I remember hearing someone say something along the lines of
>todays popular conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists are distinctly different from the ones we have had in the past because they are all conspiracy and no theory
seems applicable
What doth life?
the whole thing was fabricated
keep reading the news goy
>nobody cares
That's what you think. Take away their Starbucks lattes, "feel good" media distractions and comfort food and what's left but a displaced human in absolute crisis.
My nigga
Apojii islands is peak comfy
That has complete fuck all to do with the shape of the ground they stand on as viewed from space you misaligned neurotic disaster
'onions makes you a girl'
When will this meme die? It's fake science.
No, I mean why would the Illuminati/jews/lizard people/whatever go to all the effort of convincing people the Earth is round? What would they have to gain from it?
Oh my sweet summer child
How many levels of blue pilled can one person be?
here's your earth bro
Can't believe no one mentioned Energy Nede from Star Ocean 2.
The recent flat earth conspiracy movement is in itself a conspiracy made to make other theories that come out of the conspiracy community look silly just from association.
Well thanks, now I'm watching this garbage. Thanks a lot, asshole.
There is clearly (something) outside of earth, and it's called space by the most general definition you dunce. Even if (nothing) is outside of the earth, that nothingness has form and is therefore something which is called space, or ether, or Akash. Fucking asshole.
It doesn't make you a girl it makes you an abnormally spongy male with a jeopardized endocrine system.
I'm not flat earther, but you are basically admitting humanity is 99.9% cattle that deserves to be treated as such by the few enlightened.
he's right unfortunately, the Enlightenment was a failure
I wish Golden Sun got remastered into HD sprites or something, this game was magical.
He's not entirely wrong on that front
i can't hear you over these onions i'm sizzling the shit out of with garlic and chili peppers. if you told me cumin and achiote would make my balls turn inside out i'd accept my fate
I'm afraid that's not true either
>all these theoretical flat earth maps would actually be fucking neato in an RPG or MMO setting
What the fuck bros
Again, nobody cares about the shape of the ground from a macro perspective. If tomorrow your stupid ideas were vindicated, it would be news for a week and then go under because Popeyes released some tweet against KFC.
Because flat-earthers are incredibly annoying in that they take anything using slightly flat-earth shit as "one of them." It really is a cool concept but if you actually went through with it they'd proclaim you as some fucking freedom fighter, spread you everywhere, and as a result your reputation would be in shambles because you'd be irreversibly lumped in with them.
Literal onions are great for you
Wordfiltered "onions" are cheap crap that's bad for males.
The mod responsible for the wordfilter is especially shitty for replacing S O I with its polar opposite
Most RPG worlds are donut shaped.
I'm just pointing out the human condition and that nobody gives a shit about the shape under their feet, as long as their feet are stable
Ok Adam Conover. I'm sure it's totally fine if you don't prioritize your testicles not being absorbed into your body.
>Wordfiltered "onions" are cheap crap that's bad for males.
It's amazing that people have been meme'd in to believing retarded shit like this
You can just admit that you're too much of a window licker to understand science very well, user, we'll still accept you
You sound like someone on the verge of suicide and I suggest you read some Aristotle or something because your mental state is way off base.
What does any of this have to do with the shape of the Earth?
I have a biochemistry bachelors in science and I've been published several times.
Nice try trying to out science me, armchair Dr. Netflix.
>the earth is non-euclidean
So, it's not a flat plane, then. Heres your (you).
You may like Astroneer. Multiple planets with fully generated planet cores and layers.
Would you care to provide evidence for your claims then, 100% not fake scientist?
Soibeans are one of the most prolific foods on the planet. Half or more of the shit you eat has soi or soi derivatives in it. And millennials don’t eat significantly more of it than past generations did.
ion fury has some good gag posters about this
It's important we keep an open model and don't just unquestioningly swallow everything you're told to.
You know it's true.
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'
No you're acting like a weird numale who likes to dox people. Why not go ahead and try to prove me wrong?
>it's in everything so its healthy!
Tell that to your calcified pineal gland
Disc world MUD
I'm asking for your publications or your name, I'm asking for evidence that soi causes testicle absorption or jeopardizes the endocrine system
sucks getting epic trolled by a wordfilter that i already knew existed
Non-Meme answer:
Golden Sun
dude spoilers
Nope. You'll just have to not be intellectually dishonest and figure it out for yourself why taboos in academia exist
So you have no evidence at all and you're not really a bachelor of anything, other than your love life.
researching onions isnt taboo
That's not very good evidence, user. You could just provide a link to a good quality study, it's not that hard
Low iq post
>not wanting a cool blue pineal gland that's incapable of neurogenesis
Get a load of this square with his meat gland
One milisecond on google
Gravity and atmospheric pressure.
Atmospheric dissipation, human sight limitations, and the distance to the stars being so immense.
>muh cannonball fired upward
Kinetic energy is additive. You can toss a ball upward in a moving car and it will come back down directly down as well.
I'm not even a scientist. How can people be so stupid?
Reading isn't your strong suit, is it?
>Another example of potential misunderstanding: it was stressed that findings from a recent metaanalysis and subsequently published studies show that neither isoflavone supplements nor isoflavone-rich onions products affect serum testosterone or estrogen levels in men, which according to the context was meant as a proof for the absence of feminizing effects [36], [39]. In a case report on gynecomastia associated with onions consumption by a man it was noted that after the patient stopped consuming onions products, ‘his breast tenderness resolved and his estradiol concentration slowly returned to normal’ [33]. It should be commented that, being estrogen analogues, phytoestrogens may exert estrogenic effects on their own independently of the levels of endogenous hormones.
They are really trying their hardest to be as stupid as possible
Trying to quote a paper like this is how you can tell 100% that a person isn't familiar with science. The point of this paper is to suggest potential routes of future research in the topic, as there isn't enough evidence to come down either way - the conclusion even specifically says that more independent research is needed.
Murio Galasy.
Are you expecting a direct causal effect?
met a few on the speakers corner, they looked and acted like they are homeless
Was such a cool fucking twist, anyone know if the japanese sequels continue this storyline? Or if its just alternate reboot shit?
People who cite scientific papers to back up their retarded bullshit dont usually expect you to actually read them