Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate Confirmed For PS4, Switch, PC

So even after the official reveal, there is still no word about any of the guest characters returning. It's safe to say none of them are coming back, otherwise they would be marketing the shit out of it.
Are they really that adamant in turning this into a blunder no matter what?
Did nobody tip them off that everybody bought WO3U because of the guest characters?


Attached: WarriorsOrochi4Ultimate[1].jpg (1199x744, 330K)

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I dont even remember who the guest characters in WO4 were. Didnt they cut all the ninja gaiden characters from WO3?

That's because there were no guest characters in WO4. They also forgot to add content.

Now here is an Ultimate version to literally nobody's surprise, however they don't intend to fix any of the issues. They don't want to add guest characters back, and they also aren't seem to be interested in adding in content, the only thing they mentioned is some more side stories and that's it.

Hey OP, looks like you're having some difficulty keeping your thread up. Let me lend you a helping hand.

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Are the Spirit of Sanada & Dynasty Warriors 9 new characters in it now?

Are the All Star Furries gonna be in? they are the only ones I want

Expecting Wirriam from Nioh honestly

After dynasty warriors 9 I'm not hopeful about this.

All of the guest characters played like trash. Give me a new mode with a bunch of replayability, and run speed boosting options, and I'm happy.

WO4 was fun enough on it's own. Though it's so fucking long that this expansion isn't gonna fix that for me.

How is WO4 compared to 3?

Orochi 4 was SHIT. What the fuck is going on with Omega Force they do better spin-offs than their own games. If they fuck up the next Samurai Warriors I'm done with them.

Reminder that the reason given for Orochi never getting Empires was they "didn't want to milk the series."

Good one.

Dynasty Warriors 9 is a good premise to shake things up for the DW formula, but it was poorly executed. What it should've been was a lite-RTS game, where you can command your armies where to attack, capture bases to extend your supply lines, certain forts upgrade your units, etc. Instead everything is really really watered down, including the characters.
I hope if they make DW9E that they improve the base gameplay. I'm thinking they could do something like 8E, but instead of it all being turn based it happens in real time. Upgrading provinces, capturing them, customizing your base, hanging out with generals, etc.

Not him, but he's not joking. That really is the reason they gave. Around Orochi 2 KT was asked about an Empires/XL cycle upfront, and that was the actual reason they gave.

It's generally agreed though that the real reason is they don't want to slap Japan onto China and call it a day. Too much work.

Not bad, most consider WO3U to be better mainly because of the game modes which WO4 does not have. Mainly that gauntlet mode and a few others that added extremely to the replay-ability, the ability to get rare weapons and skills, etc.

>they don't want to slap Japan onto China and call it a day. Too much work.
Samurai Warriors Empires exists though.

They better include all the DLC Fuck

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i want a dynasty warriors games in medieval europe

Yeah but does it have China slapped onto Japan?

She's in!

Attached: Joan_of_Arc_-_Bladestorm.png (2000x2000, 1.4M)

Thread theme! youtube.com/watch?v=N1NLfxxIhN0

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It's shit. The plot has no interest, all the guests are gone, fucked off to warriors old stars (which is even more shit), you're just going from menu to missions linearly with little context and no window dressing, just "here's your fucking 2000 asians to kill now fuck off" over and over again. It feels brown and drab.

I'll say however that the fundamentals are usable, meaning that the Ultimate version -could- improve a lot of things. It just needs better modes, better more diverse characters, and a better plotline. Which sounds like a lot, but I'll take some second story about Achiles coming back to go to town on the gods any day.


Joan of Arc is literally a guest character

How? She's from some shitty spinoff DW game, no? Wouldn't call it guest character.

They say there will be a new story centered around Gaia right in the page you posted

Koei owns the Ninja gaiden IP so they will return for sure

fucking kek, such a shitty reason

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She's from a Real time tactics game called bladestorm that koei made for x360 and ps3

Jeanne is best girl in every game and IRL.

Oh shit, nice. Joan was actually one of my biggest missed characters from WO3.

Bladestorm is not a musou game. It's more like a third person tactics/RTS hybrid.

New Bladestorm fucking WHEN

>"didn't want to milk the series."
>re-release barely updated versions of games as brand new ones
>don't release the version that's actually different

Plot was better than WO3 though, like you could see the writing was much better with different arcs and way better use of the characters they had. WO3 was, "okay, everyone lost so we have to bring them back and beat orochi for the third time. And Susanoo gets in our way for no reason".

The main problem with WO4 was lack of an endgame mode, no guest characters and poor UI in the character/stage select

>guest characters

Then again, this shit uses nu-musou characters and designs so it's not like there would be any point in playing it either way. I'll just replay WO1 if I ever feel like messing around with this series again.

DW is cancer

The only DW i played was on PS1 and it was fightan

you are cancer

The Final Battle
Cyclonized Typhoon
Male Roar
Inherited Fang
Avenging Battle
Capricious Winds
Are the best musou music.

is the combat still "2 combos and one flashy move per character"? I liked WO3U but that's only because of the OP characters like Orochi X and Hundun

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What is the best Musou game out there, and why is it Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes?

Sengoku Basara 4. Too bad its fucking dead. Why do gooks love DW so much despite SB having gameplay made by the fucking DMC crew?

For me, it's Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi...but I miss Nouhime too much, why did literally everybody else return but my favorite character.

DW9E could easily be one of the best honestly but I doubt they'll do it