>ports the game to console
>dumbs down the physics so it's more noob friendly
>ports the game to console
>dumbs down the physics so it's more noob friendly
holy fuck what were they thinking
no wait i know, fucking jew loving shekels
One day you're gonna have to pay the bills and you'll see why developers have to make certain choices.
>Play the game after it updated
>Driving physics is the exact same
Nice try.
>Play the game after it updated
>Driving physics is the exact same
>Nice try.
Kys basedcuck
>No proof
I wonder why?
t. devs
Redpill me on this game. I've heard it's decent and that the pc version ia different but they want to patch it. Should I pirate the old pc version or wait for the new one to come out?
Pc has been patched to match console version yesterday
It's just a slightly upgraded version of Flatout.
Some shitty dev spent 8 years making a simple racing game out of a physics engine with extreme damage modelling
Nigger, it's hard as fuck. I keep getting ass-blasted into a wall and it's an instant race loss. The game is astoundingly against you having fun, either smash about and enjoy yourself but lose and earn nothing, or avoid everything and don't do challenges just to win.
They cleary didn't playtest the career mode as the supervan vs big rigs is really, really challenging.
As for the physics I think they shifted the differential settings around as the open setting handles a LOT liek the old locked.
Better damage sim comin thru
Yeah but thats not a game.
At least it's honest about it
Wreckfest is a game - people are upset the pyhsics have changed slightly after a year of practice with the old style.
Pretty much. It's not a game but it's not more content. It's never gonna be released, but it won't have a disappointing release.
Pick your poison
*got more content
>make sophisticated physics engine
>dumb it down for console release
i (((wonder))) why
They didn't dumb it down - the physics were changed and players are finding that cars (basically) powerslide less but are grippier until traction is lost. You could some some high speed powerslides on the non-tarmac courses that let you go through some tight corners very fast and now its doable but requires a slightly different angle of attack.
The career mode is balls hard and always has been because Bugbear insist on "finish 1st place" style races where the starting grid will have you in 20th and only 3 laps to do it. The issue is the A.I in first place takes off like a rocket because it can pull away from the 23 other vehicles so it will easily get a good 3+ second lead in the first lap that is very, very hard to catch.