*Subhuman Screeching*

*Subhuman Screeching*

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Other urls found in this thread:


pls no bully

Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein


mange tes morts

That's not America

>Parle vous francais?
NO I don't speak your fucking language shut the fuck up and stop blasting shitty french rap though the mic


>Start game
>Your teammates start speaking baguette
Please kill me


Did I misclick on /pol/?

we made the best video games ever made

i.e rayman 2

This would be /bant/ or /int/, not /pol/

Fuck off, you should hate spanish and russian not Frenchies

The french always blast shitty rap through their mics and never shut the fuck up, spanish and russians are too poor for mics

je m'en vais te mettre des bâtons dans les roues, tu vas amèrement regretter tes propos, ça je te le dis bien.

>french with shitty raps
That's the shitskins

How horribly racist.
Just because people aren't white doesn't mean that they aren't people, bigot!

that's shitskins, not french.
you obviously play on console too fag.

That's not the french. That's the mudpeople squatting around Paris and in Marseille.


I don't care who they are, they're in fucking FRANCE faggot.

Nique ton mere


>spanish too por for mics
????? They're the main ones with open mic loud as fuck with 8 family members in the room and a kid crying in the back

OK then that explains how 911 was an inside job since the arabs speak English very often and they were on american soil when they ran into the buildings therefore they're americans.

Replied to the wrong post

Well then fucking stop giving them PS4's

Enculé de ta mère, parle mieux de mon pays dégénéré de yankee.


French people suck American's dick so hard they force this shit 'rap is good I swear and to prove it, we will make you listen rap, rap and rap only for 5+ years on the radio'

Ta gueule, pédé.

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they weren't US citizens where as those people in france are. but if brown people aren't citizens of their respective country does that mean blacks and spics aren't american?

They live in your country, if you don't want them tarnishing your name then kick them out fucking Frenchnigger

>it's a French bashing thread
>illiterate escapees from jvc come out of the woods and act like the monkeys they are
kill yourselves

They are not french, they are arab sub-human.

t. Pablo Iglesias, proud white American citizen

I'm a white Irishman faggot, suck my dick, 99.99% white country

I'm a true Frenchman and I cringe everytime I see Frogs insult in French as soon as they are trolled.
Seriously, Germans or Scandinavians never act this way in their respective troll threads.

>despite making only 13% of the population...
You really want us to play that game mutt ? You know your shitskins are worse than ours so fuck off

lmao, here's your (you), rootless ginger nigger

Jvc is filled with arab and nigger lovers nowadays. also most of the post aren't funny.
I member when you could actually say some racist shit and not get banned. good tiems

Keep crying Pierre, enjoy your niggers and sandniggers

Yeah they do, especially krauts.
Scandinavians might as well not exist though, they are invisible.


Imagine the smell...

show us where the big bad Frenchman touched you

Mudpeople are attracted to ps4. You're just attracted to the same thing they are. Consider getting a computer or something.


Pick one potatoe man

They do but you don't give a shit because you have no idea what the fuck they're saying anyway.

Every frenchoid i've met online is either a nigger or sandmonkey. You faggots are almost as bad as amerimutts.

Half the posts flags that post in /mena/ and /tr/ are from france.

>This triggers the frognigger

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what's jvc

french make the best comics

t. hypocritical nigger with amerimutt mentality

t. 56%er amerimutt

I will never understand this argument, it has to be ironic right

why does the mere presence of the Irish Man gets the angl* to seeth so much?

the fact that American people are so dumb and ignorant they think French people surrendered is what triggers me

The majority of those you've met didn't talk or spoke English. Retard. Obviously sandniggers are too busy learning Arabic to bother with English.

It's essentially french Yea Forums but it's SFW so it's somehow even worse.

Something as retarded as Yea Forums but with even worse mods

>French thread
>no wakfu
>no totally spies
>no thick Rayman fairies
what the fuck happened to this board

Are frenchoids actually smelly or is it just a meme.

nah it's just most white french speak like they are arab or black, everyone speak the same way now

Based monarchist poster

There's two kinds of french threads, there's one where we talk about and enjoy thick french cartoon women and there's one where we make fun of pretty much everything else that came out of this shithole.

>be me, playing EU4
>play French, usually I only play some OPM in HRE or other place
>doing pretty good, blobbing fine here and there, England is literally dead
>suddenly crowned as HRE emperor
>wut, well I guess it's fine
>made into catholic war league leader
>my opponent is 3/4 of HRE, Austria, Ottoman and Russia
>barely win by sacrificing all my manpower
>the war ended, stop being emperor because the elector now suddenly hate me
Thanks Paradox

A meme from the literal middle ages.

It became filled with retarded barely literate teenagers, where were you these last 10 years

Most of the time, I'd say it is

Attached: Irish are not white.jpg (696x378, 149K)

in Paris? eveything smells like ass if you're not in a good neighborhood
in other big cities, it depends how far the niggers went to ruin life for everyone (NEVER EVER go to Nantes)

jeux video.com, French videogame site with what is possibly the worst French community of anything ever. Their retarded mods would make Yea Forums's mods look like competent hardworking professionals.

Suck me le dick, faggot

It's literally 'ye olde' shitposting

Take this for example, it's from the equivalent "MAD magazine" of the time.

Real talk, every somewhat big city where homeless trash isn't forced out by the police smells like shit.

Mange ta race fils de ta grand-mère la pute

Irish used to be third class citizens everywhere

>worst French community
not even close though, in its glory days it was almost as good as Yea Forums was 10 years ago
Ut became trash at the same pace as the rest of the internet, slowly filling itself with retarded normalfags attracted by its somewhat edgy popularity, same thing as here

I like how France is probably the only western country where you can use "race" as an insult openly, even on stream.

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>constantly loud wanabee favela speak and delayed constant PUTAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIN in their shit language
>non stop wanabee banter that ends up being less so banter and just annoying by some dude named Kevin
>8 fucking people on the background, atleast one domestic dispute, crying kid included, loud soap opera aswell
>either silent or blasting ERIKA
>me, an intelectual
>reading erotic mlp fanfic

Yall gotta get on my level.

The people are fine outside of Paris and a few other problematic big cities desu.

>post a flag
>Thread immediately devolves into a sub 20 iq shitfling screech fest

What a surprise. This is why boards with flags are all 100% dog shit. No actual discussion possible

I never got this meme, what do the people ever did to you?
They don't act like the fake hypocritical cunts populating urban US, UK or Canada, but what's unpleasant about that?

lmao no
t. your neighbors

Around frogs, it's worse than with nig nogs.

rayman 3 est mieux sale merde

Any big city definitely, but the comfy small towns in the mountains have nice people, and no immigrants

They're incredibly smug and stuck up

only cringe cute male shit there

guys, is Bordeaux shit or not? I want to go to France and I need Frenchfags opinion

>don't be french
>put france flag in as my profile pic
>put FR in the end of my username
>trow game
>entire team ends the match blaming the frogs
just doing my part

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>anglo asks me to go on mic

Attached: 1565890843655.gif (200x200, 948K)

>Nantes is shit now
wtf happened ? I went there a few years ago and it looked fine.

>implying actual discussion is possible on boards without flags or Yea Forums of all places
i wish i was that innocent again

You're wrong.

>only based cute male shit there



fucking based

>pretend to be american
>doesn't know that argue" and "dispute" are swapped in french.

this became a meme when American soldiers in WWII were literally CHOKED that the local population was too busy surviving and rebulding the country instead of sucking hteir cocks and praising them and giving them privileges. The US army literally had to print a guidebook to explain to their soldiers that French people had other things to do.

Kek ok you win

>tfw french cunny comix

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sure bud
one good thing however is that at least your politics are entertaining compared to ours, so thanks for that

Do Amerimutts really believe that every french people live in Paris or big cities in general?

>defending the fucking french
They are stuck up on a primal level, with a sense of worth more inflated than dobsons art, with a sense of snark to make whatever countrymens invention of a city slicker look like a harmless joke, with enough crass behaviour to look straught out of the ghetto and with a permanent, non hidden contempt for anyone that isnt their own.

Handling the absolute putains de merde that are the French is a nightmare. They are, spanish aside, the worst fucking people to have in your country or to interact with. I wish I could sincerely kick every single one of you fucking morons in the balls, but I know for a fact youd like it, you pack of degenerate, creamy croissant loving fags.

lmao the combat may be better but everything else is worse in 3.

Does that even happen?
French guys are rare as fuck in games in my experience

I don't get that, it's probably one of the least stuck up countries outside of mediterrean Europe, and I don't get the smug meme either, anglos, especially urban ones, are way worse on that regard.
I unironically think the 'french=smug' meme was developped by Americans seeing their own stuck up upper-class smug cunts speaking French.

Depends of the game.

every month, you can read on newspaper that 'a young guy and his friends' (they never tell you they were arab or black but you end up knowing they were anyway) raped/killed someone or destroyed a shop

what are you even talking about

>Loud accordion on the background and baguette crushing sound
>Kinder propaganda on the background, brasburt slamming sound
>*Bing Bing Wahoo!*
>An eternal dispute in paella matters and some gutural sounds of mothers.
>The sound of a fist battle with some irish flute on the right.

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Macronism is a sad disease.

It's alright, good country around.
Leftists and sand niggers.

why are eurofoids so fucking retarded?

t. never met french people





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lmao at that buttblasted burger. No one owes you respect faggot.

> believing noble French people listen to plebean rap

I think you confused France with Quebec

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it's alright, if you want to see no niggers and shitskins go anywhere in the pays basque
t. parisian that just moved in Pays basque

I worked with french people and this is all true.

>denouncing smugness and alledged stick up while being the worst smug stuck up cunt in the entire thread
lmao, french bashing anglos will never cease to make me laugh and cringe

It's a big city so it's always kind of shit but it also sucks tourist dick so heh. The problem with sucking tourist dick is that there's way too many people in the city all the time, transports are always flooded. The people there are somehow more smug than parisi*ns. Apart from that the surroundings of the city itself are nice (country, beach).

sauce me up because it sounds like bullshit. Nantes never was a problem city.
t. guy who lived in Creil

Tiens un petit suisse ou un belgix qui rage
Sous merde va

he probably plays a shit game filled with mudslim kid like CoD

ta gueule le bougn'

Since you cant read, as expected of the french, ill speak slower, in a way you cavemen with a ego can understand.

Frenchie sucky sucky more than whore in red light district.
Frenchie hon hon more than anyone in world.
Frenchie thinks he hot shit when stinky shit.
Frechie act like cunt cunt when out of cunt country.
Frenchie horrible to be around.
Frenchie smells to be around.
Frenchie not even speak nice language.
Frenchie refuse to speak non fucking frenchie.
Frenchie fucking faggot.
Frenchie double nigger.
France suck.

>ost is better
>humor is better
>the worlds are better
t'est sur?

T. mohamerde

France is full of niggers, so I don't see why that would sound unrealistic.

2 étoiles, et toi ? :)

il faut avoir 18 ans pour poster ici.

Living in Yea Forums's head rent free since 2003

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Degage sale PD. Marine est meme pas de droite elle est juste la pour le cash. Va mettre un balle a macron au lieu de faire la zoulette.

Not every frenchman is from paris

>you will never be this retarded buttblasted about a country
feels pretty good
you should think about leaving your room one day and realize what an utter cunt you are to be around

>Frenchie refuse to speak non fucking french
In fact everything is false in your post, but this in particular is the biggest lie.

There is a ton of them on NMS for the xbone right now. I figured they would stick to shit like CoD or Siege.

lots of French "niggers" are from the islands are pretty cool. Lots of ok Africans too, it's not always the urban murderous apes raised on American rap and Islam

Cabrales > Roquefort

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Which make up a large part of the population. Especially among youngsters.

t. Karim

fucking this

>Ton opinion de merde
>Notre réponse

Attached: counter terrorist win.webm (640x360, 825K)

Depends of the part of Bordeaux. Around the universities and historic district of the city you'll meet somewhat stuck up people.

>Speak slower
>Via text
Dumb fuck

>Frenchie refuse to speak non fucking frenchie.
I love when fucking anglos uses that sort of arguments when they barely qualify as fluent in their own mother tongue.

suicide toi

The arabs are mostly not French citizens either. They're there on study visas or in the process of trying to become citizens.


Je suis français, l'un des rares qui reste. càd pas l'une des putes de jwc qui se fait modérer par des negres de Netino et qui vote blanc ou larem par pression sociale.

Quand je vais voter je vois de vieilles merdes de +60 ans envahir les mairies pour voter le partis en vogue sur BFMTV. Ces vielles chiasses infâmes à la retraite laissent la France se faire envahir, nos droits disparaître, et ont donnés les clefs du pays à un banquier homosexuel.

Dans ma situation, comment puis-je ne pas devenir fou et réclamer le sang des français lâches et couards qui enfoncent ma nation dans les chiottes ? J'ai plus de haine pour les traîtres blancs que pour les noirs et arabes.

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Looks like he struck a nerve

Non mais mec chill je suis pas le gars a qui tu parlais en fait, kek je te corrige juste

I still dont get how we trigger people this much

Wasn't making any quality remark about them, just stating a fact.

Napoleon probably

Bonjour, je hais les arabes et les nègres.

>chie sur la france
>je suis patriote les gars
Allez nique ta mère fils de pute

Have sex

You have an immigration problem. Your government and people absolutely insist those people are Frenchmen

I know you're a snoyboi

Wrong flag.

Attached: russ.jpg (600x400, 10K)

>responding to tone
t. schlomo
ouais c'est moi. Et maintenant que tu le dis peut etre que je suis un peu aveuglé par la nostalgie.

>wallah je suis nationaliste comme vous les blancs bismillah

>ouiiiin, mon pays pue la merde, c'est la faute des autres

If you vote for le pen you're basically voting for the chosen candidate of banks (macron last time). You're ensuring they get what they want (their candidate vs le pen to make sure everyone votes for their candidate).
So you should just shut the fuck up, useful idiot.

I see a lot of "French can't speak English because they don't want to speak anything but French"
that's 100% false
our education system sucks with other languages
we have 2, maybe 3 hours per week of English in primary school, middle school, high school and college
we literally have to spend time watching youtube videos or reading books or forums to learn how to speak English because our own system doesn't want to teach us

>voter blanc par pression sociale
stop projecting faggot

Je suis d'accord, sauf pour la dernière partie de ta dernière phrase, je réclame le sang des lâches et des traitres pas de "Paul 35 ans apolitique qui va chercher une baguette le matin" surtout le sang des jean communiste de 15 ans qui se croit intellectuellement supérieur parce qu'ils ont été accepté a Paris 13

Je chie sur les français pas la France elle-même ducon, vous meritez pas votre patrimoine et votre héritage, vous êtes pas à la hauteur. Reste plus que des babtous et des vieux 68ards incontinent qui sucent la bite des juifs comme si ils avaient rampés dans le desert pendant 10 jours. D'où je devrais respecter ça ? Allez nique ta mère.

Rayman 2 est vachement beau, super musique, super ambiance, tout ça, mais le gameplay pue la merde honnêtement
Putain de jeux 3D de cette période.

This. Only the brits and the murrican't think that, nobody else is that retarded. Still they believe they are the beacon of truth and everyone agrees with them on everything, unaware that everyone laughs at them.

N'empêche le forum d'avant la censure me manque, je retourne de temps en temps mais bon c'est rempli de TALC et de twitterfags
Tu passes sur les autres forums ou pas?

Doesn't seem to bother chinks even if they make 10 mistakes per sentence.

>our own system doesn't want to teach us
why, more importantly, why not just higher foreign english teachers like japs do.

>learn about frenchies and what they did in WWI
>move onto WWII, Vietnam etc and see how down hill its gotten from there
Its kinda said really seeing how they compare with bongs, ruskies and germans. feels like they are way past their expiry date.

changez jamais les frouzes


Pourquoi qui que ce soit devrait te respecter quand tout ce que tu fais pour lutter contre tout ce que tu dénonce, c'est râler depuis ta piaule sur un forum anglophone ?

"and people"
Big immigration is a tool for the rich to keep salaries low, create a narrative that healthcare and financial aid to the poor are ruining the country, and strip people of their rights in the name of security. They know exactly what they're doing, it's not a "problem".
The people have no say in this.

I want to rape Kuroko's mouth so hard!

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>not reading Dark Souls 3 firekeeper foot-worship fanfic on mic
Bonus points if it has the phrase "Dark Sole" at some point

Your government has worked intentionally and tirelessly to populate your cities and iconic locations with a horde of foreign squatters under the guise of pending citizenship. Your elites make movies about Somali Joan of Arc because they enjoy the satisfaction. How are you so willing to handwave this blight in your nation's lands and IP addresses?

She has to get in power at least once so the illusion can be broken and we can finally go through and build a true nationalist party. I don't trust the FN at all but I can't see any other opening.

>[fat noises]

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Just looking at this flag makes my headphones saturate

The only real bad thing about french people is the politics (e.g. office politics) and hierarchy. But other than that they're a billion times better than most.

Thats because chinks are more inclined to absorb the native population rather then coexist with it.

It's pointless. The teachers have to follow a guideline that's bad to begin with and there's only a few hours per week of language teaching. Students aren't encouraged to immerse themselves in a language to learn it or anything.

Fuck off Touma

Avenoel parfois mais le niveau est bas. Donc je reste sur 4Chins

No, its fucking true, but only for French-Canadians.

Come visite France anytime anglofriend, you'll always be welcome here. Maybe after interacting with french people you'll even get rid of that terrible attitude you have.

Still better than USAs in most of competitive games

It can't happen because the second turn will always be candidate painted as savior vs le pen. Continuing to vote for her is just voting for said candidate.

I lived in a big city and we didn't have any English lessons for a whole year because they didn't have enough teachers in college
I don't know exactly what's wrong with our education system but it's shit and needs to be reworked soon (not going to happen with Macron, though)

>si tu fais la promotion de la droite t'es tué socialement
>si tu fermes ta gueule tu perds ton droit de plainte

Wallah la cefran c'est lerega

Hitler literally walked around your wall and bulldozed towards Paris and the instant you thought he might damage some of your shit, you surrendered.

You guys were ok when it was just you and the English but after that you became pussies which is why there are a thousand jokes about French being cowards.

Which big city? And how long ago was it?

not the guy you're replying to but it's bound to happen
afterwards I bet the party will just fizzle out of existense

I will not forget Underfoule and Cable6

Quebecois are not French, they're Canadian (but they WILL get mad if you tell them they're Canadian)

Ouais mais c'est pas pareil Yea Forums, ça remplace pas
Les nuits sur jvc c'était magique putain, les topics hilarants, les débats intéressants jusqu'au matin, les raids, les spammeurs de gore, scato etc
ça me manque

Here is the plottwist of the fucking century PUTAAAAAAIIIIN.
I aint no englishmen. No, not spanish neither. This aint anglo hate, this is concentrated life experience, alongside the absolute dreadful experience of the worst shit you fuckers ever failed to abort.

The goddamn fucking Avecs.

Pas lui, mais même dans les dernières années y'avait toujours quelques bons topics la nuit, depuis que Netino nettoie tout à partir de mot-clés tous ceux qui avaient quoi que ce soit de vaguement intéressant à raconter se sont tirés, à quoi bon passer ne serait-ce que 10 minutes sur un post pour qu'il soit supprimé direct et que tu doive te refaire un 40e compte dans la foulée.
Ya pas d'autres forums, Avenoel a été fun dans les premières semaines après la grande purge, mais au final c'est juste une bande d'AW qui s'entresucent comme sur un discord, 2sucres ou je ne sais plus quoi, pareil, y'a pas assez de monde pour retrouver un certain anonymat propice au fun et aux bonnes discussions franches

If people are stupid enough to fall for the same trick every time, maybe they do deserve to be fucked raw in the ass by Macron?

Imagine being the fat American and trying to turn to ridiculous the nice looking French

>the instant
lmao more french soldier died fighting nazis than american soldiers during nam

voting marine is just a loose-loose situation.
>patrimoine heritage
>vous êtes pas à la hauteur
Oh je suis sur que t'en a fait des choses pour mériter d'être appelé français. T'est qu'un putain de gamin qui LARP en tant que français pur souche. Dans la politique je ai vu des millers comme toi et c'est toujours des putain de loser autistes qui n'ont jamais rien fait de leur vie et qui ne comprennent même pas ce que leur heritage qu'ils aiment tant est vraiment. Retourne crever dans le trou a rat dont tu sort.


These cunts need to learn the concept of chilling the fuck out desu.

>J'en ai quoi que ce soit à foutre de ce que les normalfags pensent de moi et de mes opinions parce que je sais que je vais me mettre à bégayer si on me passe au grill.
Sans couilles.

j'ai jamais vraiment été dessus mais à ça a baissé en qualité?

people didn't surrender, stupid mutt
the government did
we had the French Resistance fighting nazis the best they could without putting people in danger
literally every soldiers were ready to fight but they were blocked by the higher-ups who didn't want to lose as much population as they did during WWI

Almost the entirety of pee-yew countries are subhuman and you can't prove me wrong.
The jealousy felt when thinking about the US is so powerful that if you don't even remotely agree with them on any passing topic they fly into an autistic rage, always bringing up the "MUH FATTIES, MUH GUNS" dead meme. It's even funnier if they're the UK breed of subhuman because their obesity rate is pretty high too, and let's not forget the rampant rapes, stabbings, etc. throughout the entire region.
Sad little area of the world where there's much more bark than bite, and for centuries they've really gotten off on trying to tell the rest of the world how to function when they're sitting in their own shit and piss. Sad.

C'est de votre faute aussi a être des turbos autistes en dehors du forum. Vaut avez attiré l'attention sur le forum et les modos sont en full damage control.

Vous jouez à quoi en ce moment bande de pédés ?

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Because French is the legal language there and it's the mandatory language to teach people.
People who blame the teachers are wrong though, English is easy to learn on your own to begin with they are just bitter they had bad grades.

>The goddamn fucking Avecs.

Attached: 1453307047904.png (340x340, 80K)

Un putain de gâchis
Tellement marrant que ça soit un raid sur la communauté étoilée qui a déclanché le 410 n'empêche
Le forum avait littéralement hack des mairies et des polices mais rien à part un micro article local
On s'en prend à une journaliste à grand nez et là scandale national :)

Je comprends pas comment on peut être soumis au point de continuer à utiliser jwc en 2019, ça me dégoûte de mon pays.

C'est pire que twitter, Reddit et tumblr réunis niveau modération, personne sur Yea Forums imagine le niveau de soumission extrême qui existe là bas, et pourtant y'a des milliers d'utilisateurs connecté en ce moment sur cette daube.

Je commence vraiment à croire qu'on est un peuple collabo qui donne son cul au premier venu

Bordeaux, last year, at the Bordeaux University, in Talence, second year in Computer Science Licence

>(surrenders in arabic)

why wouldn't you vote for the party you want in power?

I'm gonna cum down her belly!

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because the french can already barely write french. Seriously our education system is horrendous. Still better than burgerland though

t. absolute history pseud who missed the entire point of what he pretends to study
I also bet my life that the only things you 'read' were a few wikipedia articles and /pol/ memes

Thats arabic moron

El famoso de notre faute, le forum était déjà sous surveillance depuis des années et des années, et (((ils))) attendaient la moindre occasion pour soit fermer, soit censurer le forum

>france is less than 70% white
Oh NO NO NO NO. We should just uplift your country and send it to america or north africa where it belongs, faggots

>trying to turn to ridiculous the nice looking French
what? i can't understand your accent.

Your first point is correct but nobody is denying it or saying it's good. Your second point is wrong. You're mistaking our media industry with France-based international media industries. The latter is completely ignored locally and is explicitly designed for an american audience, the former never really gets exported.

Tout le monde n'est pas sans emploi au rsa, certains doivent entretenir image et réputation fdp.

>France didnt surrender, only the State did.
Dude we had to drive in and take back your capital because they were allied with the Nazis

International shit flinging never gets old.

Precisely this.

Parce que la communauté c'est fait remplacer tout simplement
C'est en majorité plus les mêmes qui sont sur le forum, il reste que les twitterfags et autres conneries de normies
Et ceux qui restent, c'est par nostalgie, par habitude, ou par manque d'endroit pour socialiser j'imagine

Brutal doom sur delta touch parce que je suis un poorfag

The thing is those people are less than half the voters combined (around 20% each). The others don't deserve this but we're stuck with this because of how the system works.

the flaw of the system is the whole "nobody left behind" attitude leftists have pushed over the years where kids in difficulty will still pass all years and even get their BAC to artificially increase the "success rate" of the exams every year. The worst part is that it's not even the taechers fault, they do give accurate scores most of the time, but then you have the end of the year council and post exam supervisors leveling it up to "everybody is a 10" every year.

Anglos can't speak English either though
Education is falling apart, but the main thing is that the internet allows every mongoloid to publicly broadcast his retarded opiniosn and his poor grasp of grammar and shit.
I've read more than a handful of dm soldiers letters from WW1 and the average dude at the time couldn't write a full sentence without mistakes either
They did have a somewhat wider vocabulary though.

Back off she's mine

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if you're not going to read my post, I'm not going to reply to yours

ya take a poo and throw it light speed across another continent.

>brutal doom
oh no no

>a la haine contre les 12% de français qui ont voté macron
>dit que c'est la faute de tous les français

>frenchabo and weabo

second turn needs to become a 3 person choice to avoid hate dump. But nobody will ever bring that up at the parliement, they are HAPPY to be able to abuse the current system. Same with the loop hole that allowed macron to pass about 90% of his reform without a vote or even a public reading.

It'd be degree in english. I lived there for a few years. You guys still see kids going to the nearby business school in suit, tie and briefcase?

baseado e vermelho pilado

t. frog

Marvel Ultimate alliance 3 et Hitman 2, j'attends Deamon X machina sinon

Lemme make this as clear as I can, with this being the local name for these wastes of air.

Due to politics, shenanigans, economics or plain bad taste, lots of people went away from our country and into several others, very often adapting quite fine unlike certain other people we all know. These periods of work outside of the homeland naturaly fuck a little with people, as many wish to go home again, to return to their country, to feel in comfort once again in the place they belong.

Not the Avecs. The avec is a portuguese person who goes to france and mutates. He looks like your countryman. He stands like yur countryman. He can speak like you, fuck, he may even look like you, but he will refuse, actively, to speak your language and speak only french and ask you "Vous parlez Francais?" while openly shittalking everyone they see that isnt a frenchman themselves.

They are the epitome of french behaviour. A isular group of once comrades turn into faggot wanabee snobs who come back into your country, in vacations or otherwise (often packing luxury rented cars to appear better than they are) and that then act like utter wastes of air. They are universaly hated. They are unironicaly as if one of your countrymen went into china for like 3 years and nonstop went china numba wan while calling you a guailo.

>not liking blood, edginess and violence in doom

You think this is some kind of puzzle game or something?

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I think they're just jealous

origin,language,country,flag all those things mean nothing for me, i was raised by the internet where those concepts don't exist.

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>Les français se laissent dominer, maîtriser et enculer par 12% de pédales collabos au corp de faible.

Si on avait des couilles comme les gitans on monterait tous sur Paris pour leur faire manger la cervelle de leurs morts à ces bâtards de trimards

Relis mon post, c'est exactement ce que je te dis.
Si t'es pas foutu d'assumer tes opinions en public, c'est parce que tu sais que tu vas te mettre à bégayer dès que Magalie bac-3 et semi-illetrée à la compta va te traiter de raciste ou je ne sais quoi parce que tu ne sais ni t'exprimer ni justifier tes soit-disantes convictions.
Si t'es sûr de toi et de tes opinions, non seulement tu t'en branles de ce qu'ils peuvent raconter (parce que t'es pas un mongolien qui joue au subversif), mais en plus de ça c'est eux que tu fais passer pour des cons. T'es juste un lâche ou un débile, je vois pas quoi te dire d'autre.

Calme toi Abdoul

>It'd be degree in english.
thanks, I couldn't remember it
>You guys still see kids going to the nearby business school in suit, tie and briefcase?
yeah, I heard it's mandatory in business schools (some students in economics in my high schools had to dress like that every friday)

>sous surveillance
toplol. ça veut rien dire du tout. nhentai est sous surveillance depuis 4 ans. La police francaise ne sert a rien sur internet ils n'ont jamais fait d'operation importante et encore moins une qui marche. Leur operation qui marche le mieux c'est de choper les gens qui down sur e-mule lmao. jvc etais sans importance jusqu'a tres récemment.

Ça m'empêche pas de voter extrême droite par derrière tho

quoi tu veux attaqué l'assemblé?

Recettear, c'est vraiment sympa et je pourrais continuer à y jouer en parallèle avec d'autres jeux jusqu'à avoir terminé toute l'encyclopédie. Je vais peut-être tenter Fortune Summoners après ça.

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>les gitans ont des couilles
La bonne blague. C'est comme les goules, quand ils ont leur 12 cousins autour ça a une grande gueule, dès que c'est tout seul ça ferme sa gueule.
Si les gitans et les goules avaient des couilles, ils vivraient pas comme des foutus clochards.

if Bordeaux is fucked what isnt kek

I'm pretty sure you can use that same observation to describe weebs too.

die you degenerate

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I grew up among lots of portuguese (hell, I even learned a few words and went to Lisboa and Coimbra in school trip) and they all speak Portuguese with their grandparents. I think I recall one that might fit your description, since he made some money and keeps acting like he's hot shit, married a golddigger, bought over-expensive cars and all. We just call him a moron.

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>French will never be a world language
Stay obsessed and keep speaking my language, froggy.

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Tu vis dans quelle dimension où tu peux assumer être encarté FN avec la chemise déboutonné, les cheveux au vent et les doigts de pied en éventail ?

Why contradict yourself with a reply? Anyways yes we are aware of the resistance but the fact is the state did surrender its land and offices pending a counterattack

Je suis en train de jouer au contenu téléchargeable Sang et Vin de Le Sorceleur 3

Yes, and?

La République tombera sous les jets de canettes de 8-6 des punks à chien

Honestly, fuck the french. As a Canadian, I dream of the day the quebecniggers attempt to separate again just so we can massacre them and turn their shitty "province" into one massive native reserve to say "fuck you" on a scale never seen before in my country.

>language of the EU
yeah, sure.

And Napoleon was a manlet.

>Implying we would have survived an open war
Hell no. We were completely fucked. The germans hated our guts and if we went in open war civilian blood would have flowed down the streets. The resistance was only useful because it facilitated the burgers.

J'ai honte de parler la même langue que ce type...
Tu nous déshonore, arrête ça.
Sois l'ambassadeur de la francophonie si tu veux que les hamburgers te respectent!

Tu peux pas imaginer à quel point
Pas besoin de faire d'opération quand t'as un putain de honeypot géant
Tu oublies les innombrables topics de gars qui ont eu les filcs à la porte
Et je voulais surtout dire que les nez étaient pointés sur nous depuis un moment, c'était probablement juste la goutte, ou bien le moment parfait
Le combo menace sur publicitaires + attaque de journaliste étoilée + réplique de la ministre des droits des femmes
Tout les médias sur nous brusquement... :)

Yes, and?

british propaganda

>implying nutella president didnt pull the same shit

>soldiers and people ready to fight to defend their country
>higher-ups lost their balls and surrendered
>everyone was forced to obey the nazis
>they still made the Resistance to fight instead of accepting it
>lmao French people are cowards who surrender at the first opportunity
you have to be American to be that stupid

Why do anglos bow down so easily to jews?

And they eat slimy garden pests.

Napoleon is gay pass it on.

French and british people are easily the most obnoxious people in online vidya. I much prefer playing with even slavs, 10x.

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Même si on envoie des vannes racistes au taff et des réf à Tonton, le boss nous rappelle qu'il vaut mieux que les autres services nous entendent pas parce qu'on peut vite se faire virer par une touze qui va chialer de nos jours.

Language of the EU, ONU, Olympics, MSF
C'est marrant que les anglos soit autant butthurt.

Powerful leader manlets are a thing to behold. as a manlet myself i don't feel so bad about being a manlet.

Avec notre niveau de scène politique, y'a pas beaucoup de monde qui peut assumer son parti. De gauche à droite c'est une blague totale.

>Oui effectivement je souhaite réémigrer les noirs et arabes, qu'est-ce qui t'a mis la puce à l'oreille ?

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>says the frenchmen

Dans celle où t'es capable d'expliquer à tes crétins de collègues tes opinions, ne pas les faire chier avec pour autant et leur rappeler calmement mais fermement que s'ils ne sont vraiment pas d'accord avec toi, non seulement t'es opinions ne regardent que toi mais qu'en plus si ils ont un problème avec, soit ils l'expliquent à la RH, soit ils la bouclent. Évidemment, ça va pas marcher si t'es l'autiste du bureau et fiché comme tel parce que t'ose même pas les regarder dans les yeux.

I lived with a French guy for a year who was in the states to do chemistry at a university, he was astounded we were all mentally I'll aggressive people who fought on prinicple

Voter fn n'est pas vu avec dédain pour rien....

Japan Victor Company

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>totally spies
teenagers todays now about this so stop being a retard

We didn't go to Iraq lmao

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Actually rap is one of the few music genre that isn't dominated by american music in France.

Quebecniggers aren't French in any capacity whatsoever. They are identical to your subhuman ilk, except they hate you and speak a bastard language less developed than creole that they are so self-centered and retarded they truly believe it represents the epitome of the French language, when in fact it's barely powerful enough to express concepts the africans are clear about.
Quebecnigger IQ is so low, they make american hillbillies look like PhD students.

(ur gonna need script blockers to beat paywall)
>French as It’s Now Really Spoken
>An American in Paris discovers a language that’s part English, part African, part Arabic—and fully French


rayman's fucking dead mate

>We didn't surrender. Our country did.

Ok buddy. Not sure where you think the logic there is. Your country surrendered and the fact that 5 people were the exception and wanted to keep fighting doesn't make up for it.

>But the higher ups!

You voted them in and they represented the people and thus their decision reflects on the country as a whole.


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J'ai envie de dire : c'est mondial ça. Même les américains qui nous lisent maintenant sont dans ce cas là!

Ça ne change rien au fond du problème, perso je suis pas encarté mais j'ai voté Marine et je ne l'ai jamais caché. Si t'es pas complètement abruti et que t'es foutu d'expliquer pourquoi clairement sans passer pour un excité du caisson, ça passe tout seul et à part les extrême-gauchos qui ont arrêté de t'écouter dès que t'as dit 'FN', les gens comprennent.

>yeah, I heard it's mandatory in business schools (some students in economics in my high schools had to dress like that every friday)
God, that's funny. Everytime I saw them, especially if they were taking the bus during rush hour, I had a good laugh. Back when I still lived in Bordeaux there was only one shitty old bus that even went to that business school.