Browsing in video game store

>browsing in video game store
>staff member creeps up to me and asks "you okay there pal, need any help?
>leave the store immediately

Attached: typical vidya store.jpg (2967x2225, 1.68M)

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Nobody will ever care or love you


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>Nobody will ever care or love you

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Not true. I love you.

They just want to make sure you're ok

And not stealing

>And not stealing

But I'm white?

>working in video game store
>faggot creeps in and I ask "you okay there pal, need any help?"
>leaves the store immediately

Attached: jimmy wichard.jpg (624x480, 25K)

Grow some balls

my hate overrides your love

Whites invented stealing then taught blacks how to do it to get them in trouble

I have already come to terms with this long ago.

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white people shoplift more than anyone, especially old white people

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>walk into gamestop
>staff member throws shit at me
>try to leave the store
>the bars over the door go down
>get shot with a taser
>sent to work in the gamestop coal mines
Fuck gamestop.

It’s probably because you’re a nigger OP

you go look up stats bud and prove to me black people shoplift more, I'll go by my 10 years in retail where 100% of shoplifters were white and 90% were over the age of 65

good one lol

Nah, this is bullshit. Most old people who rob from my store are white smackheads. And they steal anything of high value to sell on for drug money. This includes; Meat, shaving razors, baby milk formula and of course alcohol. Literally 99% of thieves in the store I work in are white, on drugs, and under 40. It's sad as fuck man.

Fuck, meant to say most people, not most old people.

>nah this is bullshit
>agrees with the post


I'm willing to bet that they didn't creep up on you but you're so fucking fat that the fat covers your ears so you couldn't hear them walk up to you

i'm 117 lbs


is this your first time posting on Yea Forums

i'm closer to being underweight than overweight but ok lad

Based, they catch me off guard

I shouted at a female employee at a game store and she started crying then the manager threw me out

I fucking hate Funko pops

This only happens in video game stores if you're a granny.

>10 years in retail
I'm so sorry


>"Do you need any help?"
>"Not thanks, I'm just browsing."
Are you from tumblr or something its not hard.

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>go in to browse
>tripping over staff members trying to help me
>go in to preorder a game or anything else that requires staff member assistance
>the store only has 1 staff member on duty and they're either out the back or on the phone

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The last time I was at a Gamestop years ago the cute girl working there talked to me for 40 minutes about Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei then wrote her phone number on my Devil Survivor 2 preorder receipt.
I never picked up that game.

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today on things that never happened

Did you forget the whole spaghetti era or did you just arrive?

He didn't specify it was a cute girl, though.

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>Anecdote overrides statistics

Yep stuck in retail for 10 years sounds about right