Clock's-a-tickin, Dragonborn

Clock's-a-tickin, Dragonborn.

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fuck liggers

They're literally neither men nor mer. They're scalie freaks with no sympathy. I say kill 'em all!

They can change their gender by inhaling large quantities of hist and performing wicked rituals.

They're scaled trannies.

You have 10 to defend not doing so

arg*nians aren't even sentient beings, they're all husks controlled by a tree

scalies are icky

why I should kill the things I want to fuck?

It's hard to satisfy necrophile fetishes when the lizard of choice is still alive.

If by genocide you mean raping big titty argonian cuties to death, I'm all in for that

No they cant you retard you're thinking of the sload aka fantasy jews

Lizards r gey

fuck dumbass lizards they all deserve it
get out of skyrim

There is no reason to destroy good farming tools

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thats why they are good

Fellow nords, I believe that us- I mean the argonians shouldn't actually be killed! We- they're actually really friendly, guys.

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It's not genocide if they're inhuman

Well, least they aren't khajiit scum.

argonians attract degenerates

Literal fucking tree slaves that can hardly be called anything more than bipedal animals.

Why genocide them when the filthy n'wahs can just be fetchers for us?

*pest control

I held a mudcrab up to a hist tree and made it eat sap. Is it a person now?

Good is mammallian
Evil is insectoid or reptillian

The association is coded into our very instincts, the symbolism hasn't gone away in millennia. Saying that it's lame or played out is like saying a protagonist being male and human is lame and played out.

Then why do I want to breed them?

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Most people don't, and the answer is thus that you are broken.

They can, play TESO.

tfw no argonian bf

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If soul can't enter a black soul gem then they aren't real people

Feel free to try it, warmbloods. Don't expect it to go any better for you than it did for Mehrunes Dagon, though.