Have you finished cuphead, Yea Forums?

have you finished cuphead, Yea Forums?
because you finished it... right?

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yeah. beat it in a week.

Yep. Got 200% completion.

Yes, but early. I heard they nerfed charge shot and whatnot so it's probably harder now

The week it launched, dude.
Though I wish the reaction pics stuck around.

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>Implying people on Yea Forums finish video games

Yup, so much fun

Attached: Cuphead ending.jpg (921x508, 158K)

Roundabout is still criminally underrated

>Pre-Nerf Dr Khal

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Me and friend got to the popeye guy in the third area before I went home. I assume he beat the rest, but I've only gotten that far.

>this shit still hasn't been released

What got nerfed? I got all the cheevos long before the first patch so I guess I wouldn't know what changed.

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Delicious Last Course cancelled. Game forever unfinished. Ayyyyyy

Made it way easier to deal with the final phase cus they made certain diamonds able to be parried.

This is the quintessential ZOOMER game

That's dumb. Final phase seemed like a fitting way to end the fight where you've gone though the phase 1 puzzle and phase 2 bomb dodging and complete it with a straight bullet hell endurance run.

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Yeah I beat it with my sister.
Waiting for the DLC so we can buy it physical on switch and play it together again

Attached: momoko chi.webm (960x720, 406K)

>TFW Microsoft lost their only good console exclusive
>TFW this cartoon game is the most mature game on that Kidtendo portable not portable consoleheld

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no, I got to the third stage of the devil and stopped playing

Nope, I still have to S-Rank the flying enemies, King Dice and the Devil.

>Dramatic Fanatic = Best theme
>Junkyard Jive = Hardest Boss

yes, it was really fun


yup, finished everything except S-ranks on Hard, which I don't think I'm physically able to do.