The Great Debate
The Great Debate
What debate
which one is the best mmorpg of all time
>For me, it's old school runescape
>implying there is a debate when we have chad bringers
Truly based
It wasn't called old school runescape back then you dumb zoomer.
What does that say? I don't read moon runes.
Treasures of Aht Urgan along with Sea access being a skill check are some peak MMO kino moments that'll never leave me
I like faffing about in WPVP, so it's WoW for me. Respect for the XI players though.
WoW offers a lot more freedom of movement. It's a more fun game to play.
Not even a question.
Not even a debate.
direct translation
They are remaking it, as a mobile game.
whops, I really meant to post this
Nah. Nexon's finished. Pretty sure this got canned.
There never was a debate. FF14 is for weeb loser faggots and trannies and WoW is for legendary wizards of yore.
>bringing up games no one mentioned
its XI not XIV you semen cerebrum
rent free
No debate to be had. Those are two entirely different animals and classes of user.
>waiting for years on release
>hyped for months when the beta opened
>have to pay hundreds of dollars to buy all the expansions
>15$ a month subscription fee on top of that
>game vanilla releases
>have to wait in 10hour + queues to just log in, once
>have to requeue if you log out
So are you saying you have to have played WoW first before going to FFXI?
In what sense? What's the context for this
No. XI is older than wow but it was also much, much, much more difficult. When WoW came out, some of population left to play it. Some can back to XI, some didn't. There was a remarkable change in the community, social and overall skill aspect after the WoW Filter* took all the plebs. What was left behind was a huge, competent tightly knit community of intelligent people.
I know it sounds conceited but that's just what happened.
>have to buy all the xpacs
??? i literally only had to pay for a sub you retard, and my account has all the xpacs up to legion. imagine being retarded like this
come on, lets be honest, after wow launched the game pretty much was a wasteland
>my account has all the xpacs up to legion
Oh wow, so they allowed you to not buy one out of 7 expansions before you could play another game? How gracious of Blizzard
That's a feature they added to nu-wow last year. Only faggots still play retail.
What do you mean? ARR is WoW clone. The original version of XIV was a scatterbrained mess and in order to "save" the game, they brought in Frogmonkey Yoshida who did extensive research of the MMORPG market and suggested they just remake the game into WoW since that's where most of the world was spending their money at the time. Only they'd have the advantages of far better graphics and that sweet weeb dedication.
Nope it was pretty steady, even through the WoW launch. The subscription numbers exist to prove it. People were very dedicated to the lives they were living in XI, a bunch still are even to this day.
are you retarded? i didnt have to buy any xpacs or even the main game. all you have to do is create an account and pay for a sub, and you get all the xpacs up to legion. not that it matters because no on plays retail, but i literally only paid 12 bucks to play classic wow you inbred fuck
Yes, so what does it mean to do the reverse and turn WoW into Final Fantasy?
based and photondropped
this shit ruined the game
You're misinterpreting what meant. Said either way, he was saying the same thing.
>ff anything
>random stats after level up
Grind 200 level just to find out your char has shit stats great.
FFXI was fucking great but I felt like it defintiely suffered later in its life due to playonline being the biggest pile of shit and the fact that parties were encouraged but lower levels were a lot harder to find. I really wish I had played it at the peak, if they do a rerelease of that id try it out
and here you dont seem to be saying anything at all
just get lucky?
You get retail WoW, except it doesnt even have the appealing aspects of FFXIV
it's quote from an interview. Go look it up if you somehow still need more context, you blob.
So they took the best elements of wow and made them even better. Then they added an actual story, something that wow does not have. What's wrong with that? It's the best of both worlds, wow and ffxi.
you clearly never played xi making a statement like that. They took WoW and reskinned it. Full stop. On no level is it XI.
>dabs on both of them
I've played both wow and xiv and the latter is a much, much better game. I haven't played xi, so I don't know anything about it.
FFXI is not a theme park shitfest, try XIV since it's a literal clone of WoW
XI has the better music, story and job system but it's an ugly grindy EQ-like that hasn't aged well in the slightest.
FFXI is a themepark
Prontera,,, home...
Based and guildpilled
>He needs to min/max every character to feel accomplished
What are you, gay?
Based and elite skill pilled
No debate. WOW.
>. FF14 is for weeb loser faggots
>is also dead and maintained by 1 guy out of passion
>ask Yea Forums to play they come for one night and then go back to assfaggots
people would play gw1 more in general if they kept some decent servers for pvp, impossible to play when everything has 1 second delay ontop of player collision rubberbanding