Post what games you have installed, r8, h8
Install Thread
should probably uninstall somee games I completed and won't replay
I might buy Ion Fury this weekend.
Immersive sims, nice
Ion Fury is fine, but you should seriously check Amid Evil, hidden gem of the year
Want to play Doom, but its so fucking hot right now I am dying inside the house.
Tomorrow is gonna be the day
I uninstall stuff I'm not playing unless I'm waiting for updates
I just beat System Shock 2, should I give System Shock 1 a go?
i unironically have no games installed, only some PS2 and GC ISOs
YES. The controls are still a bit fucked in the enhanced edition but once you get past that it is one of the greatest games ever.
Yeah, I think it's better than 2 imo. The level design is more complex and there's less handholding. Additionally, instead of the abstraction of stats typically found in rpgs, SS1's progress is more concrete as it is based on gear/software found in the environment, similar to STALKER.
Also, this
What ISOs are you playing?
PS2: Extermination, Resident Evil: Outbreak File #1 & #2, ChainDive, Tribes: Aerial Assault
GC: Geist, Eternal Darkness
Really need to get through that backlog at some point
Based grid-chads
Cringe detail-virgins
Mysterious details+icon users
Where the FUCK are my list-bros?
Honestly the most disgusting layout imaginable, I couldn't make a worse one if I tried
i only used list mode in baby vomit steam, really wish there was a functional skin of it still
>couldn't make a worse one if I tried
You've obviously never seen a steam skin before, it's very easy